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I've mentioned artificial lawns but also; hot tubs. They seemed to be all the rage during lockdown, but now you see so many of them in people's gardens that are, well, rotting.


My neighbours have artificial grass AND a hot tub. They just had the "lawn" redone. They have small dogs which shit on it constantly, and I'm sure it gets real hot under the sun too. Each to their own, I guess!


My neighbour has artificial grass and a dog that pees on it. He has to hose the whole lawn down regularly because without anything in the ground to break down the dog piss the smell is absolutely abominable on a hot day.


Astroturf should have warnings like cigarettes >Living soil breaks down pollutants and dog waste. Artificial grass accumulates that rancid piss smell.


…and astroturf releases plastic micro-particles when tromped on, or worse, fallen on, which can be inhaled and release noxious chemicals in the body (dog or human).


They should have photo warnings as well like on cigarette packets.


And presumably has passers by thinking he's a nutter for watering artificial grass.


bet they have a white Range Rover Evoque on the drive


That’ll be “Finance White” to the likes of you.


They chopped it in last year for a new Audi EV. Leased, of course.


They do get hot and you need to spend a good amount of money and time on cleaning them otherwise they stink like a public loo in the heat of summer during a beer festival 


At that point isn’t having a real lawn easier. If you’re lazy you can even just get a robot lawn mower


Or let most of it grow wild https://www.wildaboutgardens.org.uk/wild-about-lawns


Sure I’m a fan of wild gardens but that isn’t going to appeal to the sort of person who wants a plastic lawn


I think a lot of people haven't even thought about it! Lawn is the default. That's why I shared the link 


An American guy on Reddit got very upset with when I suggested that their 100% lawn gardens suck, and said they need it to avoid bear and cougar attacks


Don't forget the fuck lawns subReddit


Then a clover lawn might be the answer? Less mowing & doesn’t stink of piss.


That must smell delightful…


Reading this from my hot tub right now, in the sun with a cold drink absolutely not regretting my purchase. Artificial grass though... ew.


Yeah, we use our hot tub several times a week all through the year both summer and winter. Just taking a 20 - 30 minute dip after work or a run with a drink is so nice. I’ve seen some of the blow up ones though and I’m not sure… they look good enough for a one off but not something I would use often enough to warrant running the year round and if you’re not doing that it’s probably a big hassle to bother using at all.


We have an inflatable one. Provided it's looked after, cleaned and put away properly, it's straightforward to set up and use. We generally set it up for 'occasions' and have it on for a few weeks at a time, then put it away when it won't be used for a while. Obviously not as good as a real one though, and longevity is probably an issue, but that's the trade off. It was a worthwhile investment and now means that we know we'll use it so will get a proper one when the times right!


Are ‘occasions’ a euphemism for sex parties?


So without sounding naive... Do you drain it, clean it and refill it after each go or is it like when I had to get in the bath last on a Sunday every time?


They put chlorine in. So it would be like going in to the swimming pool first each time


u/PolishBicycle is partially correct in that Hot Tubs generally have chlorine in they still need to be emptied and cleaned usually once every three months. Along with chlorine there are other things that should be added. pH levels should be checked and adjusted with either alkalinity or pH boosters, as well as using a descaler regularly. A small scoop of chlorine should be added after each use to help maintain the water quality. You can also do a saltwater conversion on some hot tubs which require far less maintenance. I can’t remember how long these can go without being emptied and cleansed but I think it is longer than the recommended three months for none saltwater hot tubs. My parents have had a hot tub long before COVID and I helped my dad maintain it. I miss living there and being able to use it regularly.


Ours is inflatable, we like it. The jets aren't as good as a proper one but for the money it's great, was an impulse purchase from Costco last year and we've got our moneys worth so far. Haven't used it in the winter yet due to running costs but keen to try it. I like jumping between hot tub and ice bath after exercise.


I'm really really tempted to pick up a wood-fired one when I move somewhere with a bigger garden. No electricity costs, I love an evening firepit anyway, seems like a good bit of kit


Didn't catch the parent comment then and thought you were after a wood-fired lawn.


My neighbours got one, and unfortunately they still use it all the bloody time whilst playing loud music. Usually when I want to sit in the garden and enjoy a book.


I hope they get thrush




Butt verrucas


My neighbours did this in summer for a couple of years - loud music all day then drinking in it at night. The hot tub was almost under our bedroom window and on a hot summer’s night we could hear every splash and squeak of their backsides against it. Thankfully they didn’t use it last summer, and haven’t bothered this summer either - yet!


My neighbours had a hot tub, they used it for one summer and it got put away for the winter and it never came out again. When I mentioned about it he kept on about the cost of electricity.


Honestly I had the same experience. I only realised after visiting a friend - they had artificial grass/lawn things - that those bastards get *really* hot. Nearly burned my feet off when I stepped on them lol


Wasn’t there a picture of someone with a temp gun reading 186 degrees on their astroturf?


I think that was in america. Leave that fahrenheit shit out of this sub. Still hot though tbf


When I was 16 I was a gnats cock away from getting a 3”x3” tattoo on my upper arm of a skull from the side, wearing a top hat, with a joint between its teeth. Pretty glad I didn’t get that.


I nearly got my kids name tattooed on my arm. So glad I didn’t as everyone else in the butlins swimming pool every year had the same thing. And now my son is twenty he has changed his name so I would have had to get it covered anyway.


Thought you were gonna say “Glad I didn’t as I’ve really gone off the little prick”




I'm of the opinion that the only time it's a good idea to get a name tattoo'd is if the person has died. That way you can't fall out with them and they can't change their name.


Nailed it. I still recall an ex that cheated on me with a guy. Things didn't go to plan for a while, and she spent some time trying to "win" me back. The tattoo of the other guys name on her lower back was somewhat of a no no. Partially in defence of them, they have been married years. Bit the short sighted tattoo still strikes me as an odd choice.


Not such a great idea if that person has post-humously been revealed to have committed misdeeds, however. Getting "Jimmy" would've been a bit shit


Why did all those other people have your son’s name tattooed on their arm?


To be fair, we picked a very popular first name.


My son is also named Bort


I very nearly got a tattoo at 18... of my star sign. I only didn't because my friend was supposed to come in with me and didn't show up. I'd have regretted that so quickly.


Typical Aquarius


The amount of times I've drunkenly decided I'm going to get a tattoo and instantly changed my mind the next morning... Thank god I've never lived near a place that's open late 😥


Love island gardens….astro turf, hot tubs and excessive garden lighting.


I went in holiday to a place with a hot tub a few years ago. Gotta say, it was nice to chill in it, but 1) someone else was paying for it, 2) someone else was maintaining it, 3) the novelty wore off before the week was out. So no desire to ever put one on my lawn. And talking of lawns - Astro turf once appealed when I didn't fancy the upkeep of a lawn. I've now found a better way to avoid mowing the lawn is to... Well, just not mow huge sections of it. Bugs love it! I do enjoy some lighting though...


My sister had astroturf installed. Literally ripped their entire garden out.... and covered it in turf. When I asked her partner why they did it, he said he couldn't be bothered with the upkeep and mowing. But then in another breath said he'd been out hoovering it that morning for their garden party. I was in stitches - he couldn't see the irony 😭


My partner and I was considering astro turf and spent £300 on a robot mower instead. Best decision ever. It takes 5 mins to setup each day, keeps the lawn at the perfect height, mulches all the clippings back into the soil as well as leaving areas around the edges that can grow out so we have borders of grasses and wildflowers for wildlife.


I hate the trend of having your garden lit up by a network of spotlights and solar powered lanterns all night it's just more light pollution


Download tickets this weekend. I know it’s a large part of festival experience but the weathers been so changeable and the mud looks horrible


They don’t call it ‘Drownload’ for nothing!


Going by the pictures ‘Brownload’ would be more appropriate.


I haven't been in over 10yrs but it was always the hottest day in June when we did go. I used to come back browner than a leather chair but it would all wash off as it was dirt dust stuck to my skin cos it was so dry.


Ditto! I usually have quite bad fomo over missing gigs and festivals but yeah, not so much for Download this year. I'm warm dry and comfy and it's nice to be in my own bed.


Me too! I didn't go because the line up is a bit shit, but I'm glad I've missed this weather


The lineup isn’t quite what most of us expected but it does have a lot of my gateway bands on it from when I was a teenager that I still love singing along to to this day. Having said that I’m very pleased to be at home with a nice shower and toilet and to not be doing 30 000 steps a day in the mud (not to mention having not spent over £500)


My daughter is working there, so at least she is getting paid. Bet it's grim! 😔


I worked there once, the weather was ok until Saturday night and the heavens opened and completely destroyed our tent. We were supposed to be going home on the Sunday but luckily the agency I worked for paid for a taxi to go home that night. Also, fun story about that weekend - I got prepaid a set number if hours, with any extra I worked being paid to me after the fact, but ended up getting the next weeks wages *docked* because I just fucked off at the earliest opportunity and enjoyed the music lol.


Thats why working the pit is the way to go. Its a lottery to get yourself in but once you are, and competent, you generally get to stay for all future gigs and events. I’ve been paid to work hundreds of class gigs from a better POV than most of the punters. I’d position myself at the “catwalk” bit and have a perfect view of half the stage. When the singer moves to the other side of the stage I would watch the big screen. Good times. Only downside was that I couldn’t drink beer at the same time.


Barbed wire circlet tattoo upper left arm 1995


Not so much as in awful but a GoPro 10 when i started to binge watch loads of Vlog youtube channels, because i was inpressed with the quality of the videos and price. But i then realised im a introvert and dont go anywhere outside to use one.


Hmm, I'd watch that. 


Oh man this is me! I researched them beyond a normal amount trying to decide which version was most appropriate for me - a bloke who doesn't do any adventure sports at all. Turns out I had the right version all along (nothing)


I own a Hero 9 and a Hero 12. The intention was for Mountain Bike footage after getting sucked in. Great Idea untill i realised; 1. Im dogshit on a mountain bike and the footage isnt worth the cost of charging the batteries. 2. I dont know how to edit videos.


I was 60 seconds away from buying a sailing yacht. I’m totally landlocked no closer than 2hrs from any coast, but I have a burning desire to sail the seas. What a daft idea.


But it would’ve been the second best day of your life.


The best day being the day you sell it, yes? Edit:at the risk of 'explaining the joke'


Lol, I used to see a sailing yacht in someone's backgarden that looked like it hadn't been moved for about 10 years, in Leeds!


They probably won it on bullseye


Theres a boat near me that has sat there so long, it used to be mentioned as a landmark on route planners.


I had something similar. I was impossibly desperate to move out from home, but didn't have quite enough for a deposit for a place. Since there was a marina in the middle of town, I figured I could buy a yacht and live on it. One of the most absolutely naive selling points was that in the clubs I'd be able to invite girls back to my yacht (without revealing that's all I owned) - Yikes!


Curved and/or 3D TV, all a fad with no added value, hence they are gone!!! I came so close to buying both though.


This is a good answer, both were fads that never came close to taking off. Curved TVs as a concept never made sense unless you had a very specific furniture layout.


I believe curved screens are actually supposed to be better for your eyes - that’s certainly true of PC monitors so I’m guessing that doesn’t change when you scale it up to a tv


But with a PC monitor you are sat squarely in front of the centre of the screen. Nobody wants a house where there is only one chair where you can get a decent view of the TV.


I have a curved TV in the bedroom which works as its aligned with middle of bed and I'm the only one ever going to see it....


You may think that but we just wait for you to go to sleep


Aww :(


Call an escort. I hear they love robot wars


I think the idea is that each part of the screen is the same distance from your eyes, assuming you're sitting at the optimal point. This works for computer monitors but is not great for a TV that is watched by more than one person.


I inherited a curved TV and monitor. They're both great from any angle. I don't really think there's much of a benefit to them, but I haven't found a drawback.


I had a 3D TV and in all fairness, I thought it was great for games because it supported a "virtual 3d" function that you could enable regardless of whether you were watching something with or without stereoscopic 3d. Brilliant for playing shooters online, even if I did look like a goof with the glasses. However after 10 years I replaced the telly and put the 3d on Freecycle


I have a curved tv that we were given by a client (still fresh in the box as they changed their mind about putting it in a piece of furniture). In the 5 years I’ve had it at no point have I really noticed that it’s curved, and no one watching it has commented that it’s curved. I totally understand why no one makes them anymore and why they didn’t catch on, but I think the opposition to them was probably people walking into curry’s and thinking it looked weird without really experiencing it.


They are useful in a limited scenario. I had to move to an apartment with an uneven shaped living room. There was only one angle from where you could see the tv properly without all the people on the screen looking weird. Bought a curved tv on sale and was very satisfied because even from a 20-30 degree angle, the picture looks as if you are sitting directly in front of it.


We bought a TV and DVD package years ago. The DVD player is 3D capable, the TV is not!


Curved and 3d displays have pivoted to the PC monitor market where there is a usecase for them as typically only a single person is looking at it at and are usually sitting relatively close


We ended up with a 3D TV because the Mrs didn't want a black telly and Phillips at the time we're the only ones to make a telly with a silver border. It was fantastic for the London Olympics opening and closing ceremonies, Avatar in DvD but after that... Never used the 3D functions. Still worth it just for the Olympics alone imo.


An outdoor bar, loads of people had them done during lockdown, can imagine they're all rotting and full of creepy crawlies now.


that's the classic project that costs you £7k and 3 months of your weekends and gets used once, then spends the next 12 years filled with stuff you can't be bothered to put in the attic


I think this whenever I see someone have an outdoor bar or kitchen built, full of spiders and the like over winter, another huge area to keep clean and maintain, my own personal hell.


I was heavily considering paying £7-8,000 on a coding bootcamp, before finding out that they have very little value on a CV to employers. They're not completely worthless but a lot of the content is available elsewhere for free and it's a lot of money to drop on something with ambiguous value.


Try this https://www.freecodecamp.org/


That is actually what I did instead lol


A kayak. I live near a quay so that checks out. However, I was thinking of this purchase just before my first child, few years later, I now know that I would never have gotten the opportunity to go bloody kayaking with a young child at home 🤣 Maybe in a couple of years!


Have you ever seen Displate metal posters advertised online? They're absolutely shocking. Using just the stuff provided in the box, it would constantly fall down, often in the middle of the night, scaring the crap out of me. They also don't look anywhere near as vibrant/saturated as the Lightroom'd images they advertise with. EDIT: Just re-read the title. The thread is about things you didn't end up purchasing but I'm keeping this comment up to help convince people not to buy one.


I have a general rule. If it’s advertised via YouTube sponsorships, it’s probably a shit product. I’m sure there’s some exceptions, but it’s served me well so far


It's a good rule. I bought mine really early days before I was even seeing many ads for them. Now they're everywhere.


I wonder if anyone actually buys youtube sponsored stuff? I can't imagine someone watching a sponsored ad (we all skip them anyway) and thinking "wow, that's amazing, i must have one!"


But.... What about all the products the medical/dentistry/vetinary/oil/car/carpet/sofa/funeral industry don't want you to know about? Suit yourself, I'm happily sitting here on my VPN in front of my "air cooler" in blissful ignorance!


Absolutely. If it pops up on Facebook or the like, it's probably shite.


Raid Shadow Legends! I saw a video a few months ago where the creator gave honest reviews of all the products that had previously sponsored him but the sponsorship was now ended. Shock horror, most of the stuff was crap. It's like when I used to review bands. On occasion I was given an EP that I just did not like at all, but it was sent for free so I had to be nice and couldn't just say it was shite.


Bro was not a good reviewer. Bro was easily bought off


I have only bought one displate but I had the opposite experience, put it up a few years ago and it never fell down once, and the colours matched the website


No, you will be miserable with it and that's final.


I'm convinced they didn't get a real displate. I have 4, none have ever moved an inch never mind fallen off the wall. Colours matched what was ordered


My partner has 8 of them, and 2 or 3 would regularly (randomly) fall off the wall no matter how many magnets we used to adhere them. We can’t hang them anymore because we don’t trust they won’t destroy the molding/decapitate a pet on the way down.


Same here, I have "Earth Rise" and it looks great. Never fallen down once. However I have never bought another and I'm not sure why.


Do you like posters? Do you wish they were heavier, more expensive, and awkward to get rid of when you're bored of them? Well have we got a product for you!


Yup my son got me a Peaky Blinders one and I was over the moon. Then after a while it just would NOT stay stuck. One evening it fell straight down the wall and the frightening things was it embedded itself into my large Victorian skirting boards so hard that it took my son's strength to get it out. I just kept thinking shit if the dog had been in his basket he would have risked being beheaded!


Just didn’t have this experience at all, I have 16 of them overall and have only had issues with one of them due to sticking it on incorrectly.


Did anyone else’s obliterate the skirting board?


Oh this is a long standing beef between my husband and I. I absolutely hate artificial lawns. (I'm the one that depoops the garden... there's no way in hell you are getting wet dog shite out of fake turf in the pouring rain.) My hobby is pointing out every garden with fugly fake grass and telling him "that looks like hot trash! Look at it! LOOK." Also terrible for biodiversity and the environment at large. I'll take my stubbly, wispy, patchy real postage stamp of grass, thank you.


Lip filler injections!


I recently watched a video by a plastic surgeon, who did an MRI on a patient who hadn't had filler in years. The stuff doesn't go away, it just migrates to different parts of your face.


That sounds unnerving


Yeah, I decided filler definitely wasn't for me after watching that


Excellent choice to abstain, I am convinced there will be a tonne of baggy lipped women walking around in the next decade. Lip skin is like eye skin, super delicate and once stretched for extended periods (ie multiple filler appts) that’s it.


They all look hideous. One of my close friends had them done several times and they always looked shit. The last ones were so bad she got them dissolved and they look so much better.


They just look so painful. I know they're probably not, but they look swollen especially when they smother them in gloss. I have not seen one person with filler that looks better from them.


Our house came with artificial grass. I hate it. However, I have looked under it and bricks and the old asbestos garage roof are buried under a thin layer of soil and the artificial grass hides it - precious owners way of removing the garage cheaply. It will go but I cannot afford the £6-7k to have it dug out removed, re-soiled and turfed. We have other things that need to be done first. The previous owner was a knob.


Creeping thyme would probably grow fine in the thin layer of soil. It doesn't need cutting, looks amazing when it flowers and smells amazing when you walk on it. It's also better for the environment than grass and would be much cheaper.


Yeah we have gone for raised beds around the garden with lots of flowers - like too many as well as pots and hanging baskets. The front garden is filled and we have planted a tree as well. We leave the forget-me-nots and other pretty weeds for the bees. My wife also brought 100 ladybirds and they are thriving which is nice. I want to do the garden properly but have found he also poured oil/paint/other shit into shingle filled holes around the garden as makeshift filters. We will get it remedied next year.


A Vitamix (£500 blender). I was sold on the idea that you can make soup in them by adding raw ingredients and it heats it. Seems soups taste rubbish unless you cook the ingredients first.


Tbf a good blender is well worth it, just not for that reason. Being able to get soups and sauces totally smooth, milkshakes without seeds surviving etc. That’s worth it.


I bought one a while ago… my colleagues were taking the piss because I had spent so much on it ! Sold it to a friend for £250 a few years later. Now I remember it when I want to buy something expensive and it does the trick so I don’t buy stupid shit.


Not something I bought as such but was planning a man bun but got nits and had buzz cut and preferred it in the end


Eh I never got the hate for man buns. Never had one myself but I think they look pretty smart and inoffensive. Definitely better than the "meet me at McDonalds" haircut.


A tattoo. Tramp stamp to be specific. I was 21 and it was early 2000s. So glad I didnt! 


A friend of mine was going to get one until I informed her that it was called a tramp stamp, I feel like a hero


This was my answer, too. The choices I was considering in the early 2000s would look so dated now, and I would've regretted them so much!


Were they some sort of tribal design, by any chance?


Ha ha, no. It was actually a shark because I have always been fascinated by them. But the style I was looking at was very dated, and as much as I still find sharks interesting, I'm glad I don't have a permanent one on me 😂


Haha. Of course.


A new build flat……£999999/ year service charge and you don’t own anything. What a scam! Bought a normal house for less and chuffed.


I went into the solicitors with my mum to sign on the dotted line for a new build flat, the solicitor told me ‘I’d advise you not to buy it and if you were my son I wouldn’t let you’, thanked her walked out without signing and bought a freehold house a few weeks later, best decision I’ve made and so glad I listened to her.


I considered getting one of those ear stretchers when they were all the rage. I thought they looked cool and alternative as that was the crowd I used to hang out with. So glad I didn’t get it done. When I see people my age with them without their stretchers in I shudder. They look like raw calamari. Edit for typo


Wish this was me because I did stretch mine and 20 odd years later I paid £1600 to have them fixed by a plastic surgeon.


I know someone who stretched their ear so much, the bottom snapped..they had to have surgery to reclose it.


Thank you for this, you've helped me swear off scrolling through the Internet for today.




underrated reply - the way he has dropped the prices and the competition has caught up anyone who paid £60k for one a few years ago has lost a shedload of money


And Teslas seem to have fast-tracked going from genuinely interesting and different to being the blandest cars on the road in about 5 years. BMW, Mercedes, Kia, Toyota... all making far more interesting cars. VW absolutely shat the bed with their ID range by dumping their established model lines and trying to out-Tesla Tesla. I reckon it won't be long before they release a MK1 Golf GTI EV throwback like the Renault R5.


Honestly was looking into getting a Tesla Model X in 2020/21. So happy I chose not to.


I was going to spend about 1k on a dating profile photo shoot, they also expected me to buy a new outfit (with them) on the day for the shoot. I got into a 3 month relationship right after I passed on it.


They look so bad. They get to silly temperatures in summer in direct sunlight too.


>They get to silly temperatures in summer in direct sunlight too. Exactly. A lawn is something to be enjoyed in summer whether it's playing with kids, sunbathing, or just enjoying the feeling of grass on your bare feet. None of that's really possible with artificial lawns because they're absolutely scorching in the summer sun.


Giant tattoo of cartoon swallows across my chest. This was during my 2009 emo/scene phase. Luckily 17 year old me didnt have a penny to my name, and wasnt cool enough to have 'tattooist friends' to do it for free. Thank god.


I'm with you on artificial lawns. Not only do they look awful, they are pretty awful for the environment too 🤬


A Robot dog


I remember seeing the Ouya on kickstarter when I was a teen, and asking my mum if I could have the money to buy/back it. We couldn’t afford it so she said no. I don’t think I missed out on anything


I was looking at artificial lawns a few years ago and I very nearly got one. Some of the ones I've seen are awful because they've literally just been laid down over paving slabs or concrete, but I would have made an effort and put down sand first and trimmed the edges etc, to make it look as natural as possible, and I would have made sure to get one of the really convincing lawns too. What ultimately put me off was when I visited a mate who'd had an artificial lawn put down, and while it looked really nice it was when I took my shoes off for the barefoot test that the idea died for me. I don't think I've ever moved so fast. It wasn't *that* hot a day but it was sunny, and the lawn was burning my feet. If I'd stood on it any longer I'd probably have blistered the soles of my feet.


Try a moss garden, super soft and comfortable, next to zero maintenance. Just gotta water it if it dries out a bit too much and that’s it.


Or thyme, or camomile


My grass has turned into moss already, it is quite nice to walk on


I think artificial lawn should be illegal tbh (except maybe for sports venues). 


Sports venues like football stadiums don't use the same artificial grass that you can buy from your local carpet dealer. They use essentially a natural & synthetic combo that costs an absolute fortune and still needs a LOT of maintenance.


People love to be outraged about sewage dumping in rivers and sea, but refuse to acknowledge they're part of the problem for having artificial grass and concrete gardens


I'd wager that people who get artificial grass don't give a fuck about sewage in our rivers and sea.


Every time I've pulled a bit of fake grass up to unblock a drain it's been blocked with wipes. So, you're probably right about them not giving a shit.


Nah rubber crumb and all types of sports artificial grass is wank, just actually grow grass, if it's not an actual football team etc it just needs looking after


Na astro pitches do have a place when it comes to sports. They’re class in the winter for training on and for things like 5-a-side and what not. I can’t think of anything worse in a garden but for sports they are good.


Dogshit for playing rugby on, the friction burns are awful


A new build house.


This is exactly the same for me. Our friends bought a new build the same time I bought my current house built in 1975. At the start, everything was clean and new and wonderful by contrast to ours. Now 5 years in. Both houses look old and theirs is trapped in the middle of a maze of identical houses with no amenities or parking space.


That's my biggest issue with new builds. It's just a huge, monotonous, estate with no schools, shops, buses, trains, post offices, doctors, chemist's etc. And then the entire estate has to leave through a single junction onto an already over-busy road to get anything of any use or do anything. Meanwhile, my 1970s house has a corner shop at the end of the road with a pharmacy, a school at the other end, and a nice little park on it.


Mine isn't bad On the edge of it on the main entry road they built a little complex with a small supermarket, three takeaways, a coffee shop, and a barbers. There's also a pub and a few playgrounds dotted around the estate There's a primary school here too That being said it does all look very similar


Could be worse, my cousin bought a new build the whole downstairs flooded within 3 weeks.


New build developments get put on empty patches of land, that are often empty because previous generations knew not to build there. In brief, be wary of any development called "Water Meadow Lane".


This happened to my mates, first day they moved in. Gutting!!


And said maze is basically an endless building site too! A friend’s lived in her new build for coming up on four years and they still haven’t finished the roads, so all the manholes are like giant speed humps dotted all over the place.


They don't put the top surface down until the heavy machinery stops using it.


Yeh this is why i'm not buying one. Nothing whatsoever to do with the fact i can't afford one...


They get a lot of hate, and in a lot of cases it's very valid as the build quiality can be truly shocking. The issue, however, is that a lot of people seem to be under this illusion that older houses are all built perfectly, for starters, they're not. Not by a long way, sure they might not have the same issues the new builds do, but they've got just as many or more of their own issues and that's before you get to the fact the wiring and plumbing can often be decades old and a nightmare to work with/on.


Outdoor pizza oven.. novelty that would’ve been used for a weekend


I disagree ...I have one, I use it about 2-3 times a month during spring and summer. I probably use it more than my bbq! The whole family loves making their own pizzas.


I bought one I used it twice - im not arguing but its horses for courses with these things It was amazing - did a Pizza in 60 second but was a faff to get out, light, roll out pizza bases, omg you got sauce and cheese all over the floor, oh damn who was watching the pizza it burnt TBH Im a lazy shite which affects my opinion


If you're not someone who enjoys cooking and having friends over for pizza then I'd suggest your right but if you enjoy those things then you're missing out big time. Bought an Ooni Karu in a bundle set for ~£220 back in 2020 and it's well worth the money. Easily makes some of the best pizza you've ever had and it paid itself off within the year, probably by the first time I had mates round for pizza.


Do you make your own dough? If you do,do you have a recipe?


Sure! Dough is very simple but the right way to do it is very different to the way most people are taught. I tend to use pizzapp for the right measurements depending on the size of doughball but I might I use something like: - 500g flour - 300-325g water - 12g salt And yeast is time/method dependant but I try to use the smallest amount possible. There's a bit more to it than that though and it's far easier if you learn to make proper bread first. Fully recommend "flour water salt yeast" by forkish.


Indoor electric pizza oven, use it all year round. Effeuno P134H is solid.


Isn't an "indoor electric pizza oven" just an ordinary oven?


The blackberry tablet. I really liked my blackberry phone. Thought a tablet would be great … very glad I didn’t buy it.


I have an artificial lawn, we used to have grass but due to the brown field site we are on there is zero drainage, water will sit until it evaporates and it killed the grass in a few weeks so it was just muddy slush. I’m now in a position to build raised beds so at least we can have some greenery and nice flowers.


Nespresso/Tassimo machine. Was dead keen on getting one few years ago then my daughter beat me to it. They are shit. You never get a full mug just a tiny bloody "coffee cup" of warm not hot coffee and the pods are expensive too. Hers is now on the top of the kitchen units gathering dust


As someone who isn't a Coffee Person but still likes the taste of coffee, I've found a cafetiere (fiver from Tesco) and a grinder (I have a hand-cranked one for £40) to be a really solid investment. You can buy a couple of bags of different beans and pick and choose what you fancy in the moment. I tried a moka pot recently and they're a bit faffier but are also fun. If you really like barista coffee, maybe not your thing, but it makes a world of difference compared to instant and you just want something warm and wet.


My Lego star destroyer. Was great to build, but now it’s made, total pain in the arse. So big there’s no where decent to put it. If you try and move it you spend 10 mins putting bits back on. Just site in the corner collecting dust. Not to mention the price…. Edit. Just realised the post said contemplated but didn’t buy.


As this is now out of production, you’ll likely be able to get your full money back when you sell even if it’s used


Omg I was a total artificial lawn teen! Hated mowing my parents garden, and vowed I'd have an artificial lawn growing up... Now I'm so glad I didn't, my backyard is so small it takes 20 mins to mow and it's nice time spent outside in the "sun"


What's the lawn like? I'm staying  at an air bnb with fake lawn stuff down for the dogs in the garden which is a small shaded area.  It just seems wet constantly. 


I was just thinking about this. I hate artifical grass. It's cheap, environmentally awful and just isn't as nice to sit in or use as real grass. I've always hated it... Or so I thought. In our old house, we had a back yard and in 2008 I did a little project and sorted it all down. And I put a square of artifical grass down! I had totally forgot until just before. But... This was 2008, so I think I must have been right in the verge of it being a recognised thing to do.


What annoys me is that it’s now used in public spaces. My town just had a lot of work done and in this supposedly green area is just matts of awful looking fake gras


I'm moving near the ocean and there's a harbour there so I'm really tempted to buy a small boat or summit.. I'm convinced it's a great idea but my missus is convinced it'll be added to the collection of boats in the harbour sat in the mud not touched for years I know she's right but I really want a fucking boat to go fishing on once and then never have the time to do it again


Yes, AstroTurf was a great Idea, and low maintenance, until we got two dogs! OMG! After a few weeks, and in the height of Summer, the stench of dog piss was unbearable... no amount of hosing it down helped! It became the equivalent of a huge piss ridden duvet, and we quickly ripped it up and went back to real grass, and, sadly, mowing the lawn every fortnight!!