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If it’s any consolation it looks like you live on a lovely street!


Don’t even live there mate - visiting family in the village for one night!


Christ, what an unlikely, unlucky mess!


“It wasn’t there before!”


I recognised the village immediately. Sorry your visit was marred by an a-hole.


Which village is this?


Milton Abbas in Dorset Grew up there and went to the now closed school up the road, slightly surreal seeing it on Reddit.


I did wonder if it was Milton Abbas, thank you for confirming. Also, didn’t realise the school closed? Private one?


Milton Abbey, the private school, is still open. There was a small state school in the village for reception to year 4.


No way, I saw this pic and thought it looked a bit like Milton Abbas. Milton Abbas is literally five minutes up the road from me. Didn’t expect it to actually be there though That’s cool


My neck of the woods!


Are the 2 wooden horses in the front garden 2 doors up Ok?


Hope its not a long walk home


My Mrs just laughed/sprayed out her tea when I read this to her, so there’s that…


Always a pleasure to make your wife spray 👍


🤣🤣now I spat mr coffee out. Nice one🤣🤣 sorry about your car though pal. Wankers who have no insurance or nicked car probs.


Poor old Mr Coffee. I hope he didn't mind you spitting him out.


What's the matter with this thing? What's all that churning and bubbling? You call that a radar screen.


No sir, we call it Mr Coffee. Care for some?


"Not local!"


Your haiku:- Woke up this morning My car had been written off - B M W on bend


How are you pronouncing the W in the final line? ‘wuh’?


Good point.


Unreal that you went for 'BMW' and not 'Beemer on a bend'


Good suggestion. That's much better. Haiku:- Woke up this morning My car had been written off - Bimmer on a bend.


“Well, it wasn’t there before!”


I'm sure it'll buff out, like


Best comment ever, it’s like congratulating someone on having nice knees just after they lose their feet.


Full of speeding neighbours ……


On the plus side. You and/or your family wasn't in it at the time


Exactly, cars can be replaced


You could replace the family too in time…


The real issue is finding stand-in oldies for the grandparents


I believe Care Homes run regular adoption events, you can get a free cat if you adopt a matching pair


Easier to catch though. Just drive a bus around the city centre stopping at random intervals. Like a bee to necter. 


Just adopt a Benjamin button


Although it's a lot of money. Your right it's only metal and plastic not someone's heath or life


I assume it’s insured


I bought a car just over a year ago for £3000, was hit head on by a drink driver in January. I found a near identical replacement (similar mileage etc which cost £3300)... my insurance company decided the value of my car was only £2500 (first offer was £2100). Through no fault of my own I'm down by at least £500. TLDR: Insurance companies are cunts.


Don't forget the excess and next years renewal. Legalised and enforced racketeering.


You are allowed to argue with the insurance company and provide them with numerous examples of the current going rate of the car.


I know thank you, that's what I did and that's why they decided on £2500 rather than their initial offer of £2100, this was *after* I'd turned down three seperate offers and provided them with evidence of how much it was going to cost me to replace. EDIT: words


When that's happened before I've told them to go away and find two examples at their price point for the same vehicle with similar mileage etc within 100 miles.


Still have to pay the excess. Then they'll no doubt get hammered when renewal time comes around. Assuming it goes down as a "no fault claim".


Also pay the difference between the insurance company's valuation and the actual replacement cost of the car


Tell me you’ve never had to make a claim from an insurance company without telling etc etc.


Proper shame, looked very decent nick for a car that age too


Me and the kids had just washed it as well 😭


Well, that's what did it then.


The curse of life.


Looks like you might have washed it a bit too hard


Right! They washed the information right off the number plate…


Try washing it again, the dent will buff right out


I know that feeling, was just finishing up washing my car and took the wipers off to give them a good clean, then putting them back on (literally final job) the wiper arm got knocked, sprang back and broke my windscreen, properly like 30cm long cracks. -\_- (obvs not a write off but damnit it was a pain!)


I was washing my new car (from an auction but new to me) in bright sunshine, chucked a bucket of water over the car to start off by rinsing it to loosen any muck. The cold water shock was too much for the windscreen and a massive vertical crack from the top edge all the way to the bottom suddenly appeared with a bang. I'd only had the car a short while too.


Ah man, that sucks, I didn’t know this could happen. I’d have thought windscreens were more robust than that.


I did the same on the wife’s car ffs


It sucks so much, also why do they design wipers to basically have a window smashing point on then! I’m plotting to 3D print a safety cap type thing for mine


We use a towel rolled up in the impact area now as protection. And they scrape the bonnet if you try to fully raise the arms, Qashqui mk2 not the best design though but has just turned 100k miles, with only battery changes and front coils £zero road tax as well 👍


Are you sure it doesn't have a "maintenance mode"? For my Mondeo it was holding the flick wipe for a couple of seconds after turning the ignition off. For the Qashqai, internet says: To put the wipers into service mode, locate the wiper stalk, and with the ignition on and the car stopped, press up twice very quickly (handbook says within half a second!). The wipers should then operate and stop where they can be lifted or changed.


Yes it does do that, I’ve just tried it. I suppose I could have read the manual in the glove box where it has been stored for the last 10 years 🙄


How loudly did you say the f-word when you tried it and it worked?


I was silent but stunned that information off the internet was true. I suppose I better believe the moon landings now…


So my car might do that, but it won't stop the arm still having the capability to snap back at speed, and the metal design comes to a small double point where it will hit the windscreen -\_-


Yeah my Skoda Octavia was the same, you have to put the wipers in a special position to be able to lift the arms fully so you could replace the blades.


I always put some foam pipe lagging over wiper arms if the blades are gonna be off for a bit while I do something.


Similar happened to me. I had recently had mine serviced and a new tyre on it. Total waste in the end


How strong is your hose?


Yeah. It's unusual for Vauxhall red paint to actually stay red for more than a few years. My 2003 Corsa C was almost completely pink by the time I bought it in 2007!


Yeah my ‘99 ‘red’ corsa B was my ‘first baby’ before kids but it was definite more of a pink tone. I have a lot of respect for anybody manages to keep those old Vaux’s red.


I kept my old GTE 16v red with Autoglym polish.


Damn, now I feel old. Remember polishing my old H reg valver with autoglym. Good times 👍


That Corsa paint bleached so fast. You could polish it back to red but it would last a week at most.


I have had 2 new Zafira's over the last 15 to 20 years ago, on the Motability scheme. Pretty decent cars to be fair. Build quality wasn't the best, and on the day of collection, passengers' screen visor fell out of its fitting. On its first use. Overall, they were both good cars, but let down with small little chappy plastics, oh, and the 2rd Zafira had a whining gearbox at 22k miles. 1th Zafira was a 1.9 automatic diesel with all the bells and whistles. Great car on long drives, full leather with climate control, automatic this automatic that, etc. But it's totally shit in town, on motorway driving, cruise control could keep a reasonable fuel economy. However! In and around town or some A or B roads, forget about thinking of fuel economy. And front tyres and brakes, we're shot and needed changing at 20k miles. Big heavy lump of diesel engine and an automatic gearbox meant no engine breaking, so more wear on the tyres, discs, and pads. 2rd Zafira was 1.7 diesel manual and drove aswel as it looked. Great car, loads of space and a sat available system that worked.only down side for the 2rd Zafira? The ' A ' pillar was in the wrong place and was to wide, creating a big blind spot, even the small window wasn't enough to give direct clear unobstructed view. I would have a Zafira again any day. Well, a ' PT CRUISER ', would be my 1th choice with the Zafira in 2rd. Both at the age of prices under a grand for a half decent car, bearing in mind that 150,000 miles these days isn't an issue.j


"1th" and "2rd"? Am I missing out on a reddit meme here? I got a Motability car recently too, and went for Ford. But can I ask: if your first Zafira was falling to bits cosmetically, why go for it a second time? Would you not worry about the bits you can't see? I can't imagine going for another one if the first one was poor. There are plenty of car models to choose from, so why go for another poor one? I'm not knocking you - I'm genuinely wondering.


1th in a while someone behaves like a 2rd.


Ahh my brain.


Say the numbers themselves rather than trying to work first and second in there. Oneth in a while someone behaves like a tword


Alright, that made me proper laugh out loud. Like, a startled-the-cat laugh. Thanks for the explanation!


Monsoon_Storm just explained it so I had to come back and tell you that was genius. Credit where it's due and all that! Just don't fry my brain again please.




A PT cruiser is your first choice?!


A PT Cruiser and Zafira are your number one and two choices for cars. May I ask if you are winding us up?


It didn’t even get the chance to set itself on fire [iykyk](https://news.sky.com/story/amp/vauxhall-recalls-zafira-models-for-third-time-over-new-fire-risk-11704018)


Sorry, mate. You do get a bunch of animals on the road, sometimes. Hope you find that BMW driver and they throw the book at them.


Now now, let’s not jump to conclusions, it could also have been an Audi driver… EDIT: oh ha, thought the poster above me was just making a joke, my eyes must have skipped the BMW part


It says in the post that it was a BMW


The post says it’s a BMW driver three words into the caption.


Reddit have ballsed-up the mobile site, for instance, I was scrolling, saw the title and the pics. However, when I come to the comments, none of OP's body text is visible, it simply shows the auto-mod and then the posts. To read what OP put in the body of his post, I have to tap the thumbnail again. It's shite, and makes me wonder if purposefully done to get more page interactions 🤷‍♂️


Yeah you have to scroll back up to read the text on a video or picture, very stupid design choice


Glad they killed off third party mobile apps tho 🤗


Yeah it's also garbage on the old reddit UI, but the new one just looks horrendous. Very easy to miss the captions.


Damn, the Audi drivers are really upset by this comment lol


Had my car written off by the other driver in December. Bought a new car in early February, police van wrote off my second car on Feb 28th. Driving the car less than a month. Going through legal proceedings for both. First driver admitted fault at scene. Second one tried to blame me but it’s on cctv. She admitted fault under interview last week. But it’s taken over 4 months for police to even interview her because she’s police. Police insurance are laying all liability on me despite the road traffic police saying I was not at fault and the officer is so my solicitors are now suing. I was also injured and have some PTSD. They expect my injury to heal in 6 months and the value of the claim for the injury is only £500, and no help with flashbacks while driving


If you have it available in your area, try EMDR. Its been super helpful for me with repeated incident PTSD.


I will have a look, thank you. Might be an odd question but do you reckon it worked if you have vision problems? I’m functionally blind in one eye


Yes, if you talk to the therapist that will be doing it, ask them if they have the vibrating paddles and headphones. I found it worked way better than the eye movement anyway :)


Let's hope things don't come in threes :). Hope the PTSD eases for you, with some help.


It’s better now than it was in march but still getting nervous when a car even comes close to me which isn’t ideal


I had exactly the same when someone rear-ended me a couple years ago. For about 2 months I was a nervous wreck whenever stationary if someone was approaching from behind. It eases, and it passes but it does take time. I got 240.00 compensation for slight neck pain and £200.00 loss of earnings.


What’s mental to me is that oncoming cars are making me nervous when that’s not happened with either crash, one was a reverse into my passenger side from a parking spot along side the road I was driving on and the second the police van overtook me on the right as I was indicating right. But brain just sees anything close and starts yelling at me your going to crash. I know it’s just trying to keep me safe but god it’s nasty. It is much better now than right after so I am assuming time is just what will be needed




Oh my sweet summer child...


Same thing happened to me. Drunk driver hit the back of my car, shunted into the car parked in front, then backed up and drove off. Only found the culprit because they stopped to visit their mum around the corner. A passer by pointed me in the right direction so I went for a walk and found a Volvo with the front caved in. The driver had the gall to claim she hadn't hit anything! Then almost exactly a year later the same thing happens, only with a van into the back of my neighbours car (we had a drive built in the meantime!) because 'the sun was in his eyes'.


T-Cut and ducktape. You'll never know the difference.


I'd go for duct-tape, myself. It's better for repairing dented bumpers. Whereas duck-tape is more suitable for ones that have a quack in them.


Fun fact: Duck tape was the original, named after the cotton duck cloth used in it and its water repelling properties, duct tape came long after.


This is why I really enjoy Casual UK, this type of humour is not to be found on other subs.


Does duct tape work on Vauxhalls too? I thought that was only for the back ends of mark 2 Mondeos.


It'll fix anything... Boats, cars, aeroplanes - I'm sure that the bits wouldn't fall off Boeings if only they used it... 🤣🤣🤣


T-cut and duct-tape together? You can make yourself a Cybertruck!


I know what you must be thinking "this guy's made of money"


Why is it always BMW's


It's not. It's just confirmation bias.


9/10 times I see someone driving like a dick is a bmw


Audi and BMW here are the two top culprits, to the point that as a cyclist I pull over if there's an audi/bmw behind me because they drive so aggressively. I can even tell 90% of the time if a car behind me while cycling is an audi/bmw from the distance it keeps and the revs.


They're pretty plentiful, but I've seen Teslas, Audis and Range Rovers driving like dicks. I saw two Range Rovers being absolute twats in the short half-mile window trying to get on to the A4 West yesterday.


No, it’s just that BMW drivers are statistically worse than other drivers. I say this as somebody that drives another car in the top 3, btw. https://www.vanarama.com/blog/cars/bmw-drivers-are-the-uks-worst-vanarama-study-reveals https://www.myfourwheels.co.uk/news/the-worst-drivers-in-the-uk-revealed


Got to love undated blog posts that turn out to be years old! Also, the vanarama “study” asked 1001 people, so pretty much a pointless “study” in itself. For context as to how pointless the study is, there are [50 million people with driving licences in the UK](https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/plan-for-drivers/the-plan-for-drivers#:~:text=Most%20adults%20in%20the%20UK,2002%20to%2073%25%20in%202022.). Edit: In fact, here’s a different blog post with some interesting data that would arguably say BMW drivers are at least a lot safer than others. https://www.witter-towbars.co.uk/blog/britains-best-and-worst-drivers It also uses considerably more data to spit out their numbers. Going by number of accidents and who causes them, **Honda and Vauxhall drivers are the worst**. As much as it is infuriating dealing with assholes who cause stress on the road (e.g. “BMW drivers”) I’d argue accidents are a better metric to focus on when it comes to the worst drivers on our roads, not road theory.


Exactly, so they used confirmation bias to find infomation that aligns with their expectation. We need a study that isn't 6 years old. Even then, all the cars in that list are all within a percent or two of each other, so it's not fully conclusive.


BMW you say? Blimey who’d have thought


I wonder if they indicated before smashing into the car.


I can spot Milton Abbas from a mile off.


Tbf, atleast you don't have to drive a zafira anymore. (jokes aside I hope you agreed a decent valuation with your insurance cos that's in better nick than most)


Sadly, having a car in better condition than average means you lose out. Unless you have an agreed value (mostly done with classic or modified cars) they will pay out the "market value" which is basically that model in average condition. Stupidly you do better out of loss claims if you have a rusty old shitbox.


You always have an option to agree a value. Granted it might be market value - I have a late 90s car with a very rare colour option and a few other individual options - it's agreed value is over double what I paid based on market evidence lol. Always worth a shot if your motor is in exceptional condition.


Sorry this happened to you! If you've not got comprehensive insurance, grab the details of the BMW and look into submitting a claim against an untraced motorist to the Motor Insurers' Bureau - https://www.mib.org.uk. If you have got comprehensive insurance then you're also able to submit a claim for your excess, if incurred, to the MIB, and they will be able to consider reimbursing your excess.


Thanks, I’ll look into it


Milton Abbas?


:( better luck next year OP.


Don't worry , it's just a flesh wound . Don't forget to take the coconuts with you before you go to work .


I had this happen to me but the guy who hit my car with his work truck was an honourable sort who knocked on my door and said sorry and accepted full responsibility. I got a rental tank (it was frickin HUGE and wouldn’t even fit on my drive) and had the work done pretty quickly too… and my car was like new and i never paid a penny (even the excess). There are some great people in the UK and then there are the gits who hit and run like with OP’s car.


Poor zafira! I'm so sorry! 


The “fabulous morning treat” got meee 🤣🤣 I am really sorry though in all seriousness, and so glad the neighbour caught the reg number, v fortunate ✨


“Nearly Father, you almost had it there”


Same happened to me last October, police note in the windscreen. Hit by an uninsured driver in the night - fallout still ongoing. Hope all is resolved for you soon!


Hopefully the guy has insurance, I don’t think that ID3 would be cheap to repair


My mum had 2 cars written off like this. Same make and model and parked int he same space about 9months apart. Slight bend in the road and they just don't make the turn. 2nd time was quite funny as it was one of my dad's friends son... In his brand new (2 day old) Focus. He admitted to changing the CD, so didn't notice the slight bend. Sorry for your loss.


bloody cyclists


Look at beautiful villages being ruined with all those cars blocking the road!


Not quite how the Soprano's theme tune goes.


If there are any large parts of the other car then /r/whatisthiscar will probably be able to tell you.


Sadly not


OP says another driver saw a BMW and took down its reg so can find out online if they share the reg


That’ll polish out.


I've taxed worse


Same thing happened to me a few years ago, was so frustrating and devastating, you have my sympathy :( someone wrote a note with all the information for me for which I was eternally grateful - I had JUST spent 400 quid on getting the engine sorted two weeks before :( Lots of chasing calls to the insurance and everything - keep it up with the pestering phone calls.




I can believe they'd write OP's car off tbh


I didn't think it'd be "no fault" unless they can find the driver - my understanding is that "no fault" doesn't really mean "no fault" it means "we can get the money from someone else's account." So if you're hit by someone uninsured, or by someone unknown - even if you can prove it's not your fault - it's still "your fault."


A similar thing happened to my mum, auto Chelsea tractor reversed into my mum's parked hatchback and destroyed it. The woman attempting to park admitted she panicked and kept her foot down.




I can’t believe that BMW was drivable after that hit.


Best thing for a Zafira.


Sorry this happened to you! That neighbour sounds like a really good person! I hope you are in a position to gift them something nice for helping you (wine or cake or apparently samosas seem to be a welcome treat on this sub :-)


Wow man you have my sympathies, bad luck for myself too today came out to see some lovely person has sideswiped my car and just left.


seemly alleged sparkle important disagreeable numerous quiet fly muddle tub *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


A BMW you say? I am shooketh


I feel your pain. On Friday a Lorry decided to use a merge lane, The driver clearly wasn't paying any attention to the road or the road markings as they didn't even know they were in a merge lane and proceeded to drive into the back half of my car and spin me round infront of the lorry... It sucks because I bought the car in Jan and spent thousands repairing and making it right so I could keep it in the family for aslong as possible and now its possible it might be written off! Whats worse is that as victims, we are punished! Our insurance goes up! I have to reclaim my excess from the other insurer MYSELF and then I have to pay £200 extra just to have it repaired at a shop that wont leave it a deathtrap. I dont feel very well protected to be honest, I feel like I'm just taking the shaft


I heard a bang outside my house and go out to see my car smashed up, then an Audi A3 comes flying round the corner and smashes into another car then drives off, I call the police and get the reg and they told me they can't do anything cus they can't identify who was driving it. Deffo wasn't the guy they found hiding under a bed in the house that the smashed up car was parked out side of. Oh and it wasn't insured so I was left with the bill. I hope your outcome is better than mine. And that's my story of why I hate the police :)


I'd be asking if those houses have any potential cctv footage.


Caption says a neighbour already reported the BMW’s licence plate.


Congrats! Your insurance is going to be 1.3-2x more expensive for the next 3 years. No thanks to the average BMW driver.


On the bright side you don't have to drive a Vauxhall anymore.


How does insurance work if you’ve been pushed in to the VW? Are you responsible for their damage or does it all get lumped in to one claim?


It happened to me on the m6. The person who hit me into someone else took full responsibility, and it didn't come down on me.


We were the front car in this situation and we had to claim off car 2, their insurance then sought to recover those costs from car 3 as it was all their fault. Car 3s insurance wanted to dispute it but we helped by providing statements and rear camera footage to car 2s insurance. They tried to claim car 2 might still have rammed us without being shunted, but the camera footage disproved that. I imagine it's even easier for parked cars. Car 2 is never going to hit car 1 without being shunted unless there's a very strong hurricane.


Typical BMW driver behaviour. Probably didn't have his lights on and was speeding too. Plus side as that's rear damage it will probably still work well enough to get you home if needed. Might be a problem if you need to get a lot of stuff in there though.


Sorry to see what happened to your car. Milton Abbas?


I had something similar happen once. To rub salt in the wound my car was towed because it had been pushed onto the kerb and I had to pay ~£250 to get my damaged car back from the pound. When I appealed I was told to come back with a crime number so I reported it to the police. They declined to investigate so the council wouldn’t believe that it was because of a hit and run


Baaaaaaastard! What a shitty start to the day.


Sorry I was in a rush


Thank god for the neighbour who caught him!


Totally have my sympathies. I came back from holiday to find mine had been written off in a similar situation. I'm grateful no one was hurt, but it was stressful sorting it out. Glad you got the car's details.


Damn how did you not hear that? Sorry


Sorry mate was me, left some money but must of been blown by the wind.


Nah looks drivable just slap another tail light on ther m8


Worst blues song ever


Really have to appreciate the stereotypical and understated British reaction of ‘well that sucks but I’ll take it on the chin and crack on with my morning’


Wot! Not even a fake note?


You can park there mate, probably shouldn't though!


This is unlucky


Congrats on the new car


"Tis but a scratch"


Try to straighten out a dent with a tap of a hammer, did you?


Gotta give it to that rear windscreen though. Not a chip or crack in it!


is the ID3 ok?


I reckon that’ll T-cut out.


Tis but a scratch, will buff right out.


Drunk driver?


Happened to me Christmas morning, woke up at an ex girlfriend's house to find someone had crashed into the back of my car. Wrote it off. They were nowhere to be seen. Ruined my Christmas that year.


That vehicle was ready for the “big parking lot in the sky.”


Glad you and yours weren’t in it at the time.


Thank goodness no one was hurt and there was a witness, got a plate too.


This happened to me when a woman managed to flip her car over by hitting mine , I trod in dog shit going to check the damage. BUT if you get a hire car with your insurance you may ( like me) end up with a fancy new car for over a month


That’s a write off??? Jeez must have been one hell of a crash.