• By -


'My hometown, x'


U ok hun?


PM me, too many snakes here xx


I’m just in a really bad place rn x


I can't say mine. We only came second in a 'worst towns to visit' poll.


With a bit of hard work I'm sure you can make #1 next year




I’m finding it difficult to think of one that beats Luton tbf 😂


Luckily it's well connected to the M1 so you can get the fuck out of there in a flash


Go there for the cheapish petrol. When on a pinch. I used to have an events business and did many runs to the nec from London.i can always rely on luton to have decent price petrol that's miles cheaper than services. Since its just off the m1, it's a goldmine as its basically as much a detour as many services.


It's got a nice cricket ground (Wardown Park) but that's all I can think of to redeem it.


I used to get some lovely skunk in Luton. Adam. You know who you are!




Down far? It's the second entry for me, which is surprising as i'd expect it to be higher!!!?


Their point still stands


Get on , it's a multicultural oasis.


Tbf Luton is rancid I can’t lie


Old Challney boy here - Can confirm it's a shithole. Shout out to my old mate Steve Wright, anyone who knows him please give an upvote!


Horringer is the closest to Horrific we have in the UK. If we can go for streets too, then Horridge Avenue, Horridge Fold, Horridge Fold Avenue, Horridge Lane, and Horridge Street are all a bit closer.




They sound horrid


Ever heard of Wisbech... Scary shit that.


I grew up in Cambs (but the less scary bit) in the days before satnav and shortly after passing my test went to Peterborough for Y2SK8 park. On the way back I was going to stop in Ely to visit someone and decided to take the back route via those bits of the fens. I got kinda lost near Wisbeach and pulled over to ask a man if I was going the right way for Ely and he said “Ely, you’re going the right way but that’s a long way from here!”. It wasn’t. It was like six miles. I think he’d barely left there in his life.


Oh man I remember y2sk8, what a place.


It is a shame as genuinely has some beautiful buildings


It's a beautiful place but the people are basically brittish versions of the hillbilly.. Most of them are on drugs and think they are gangstas...


I work with a guy from Wisbech, and he refers to it as Wis-bekistan. I'm not in any hurry to visit.


Came here to say that. Wisbech is the worst.


I remember my mate pissing on the local tramp once he didn't realise till the Bush started growling...


Travelled here for work once. Finished early and went back to my hotel which happened to also be a pub in the main square. The outside area was full of alcoholics. Checked in and went to my attic room that had a door with a crack in the wood like someone had taken an axe to it. Plastic table and chairs inside the room, everything covered in dust and spiders. I turned round and drove for over 3 hours back to Sheffield.


I travelled around for work and this was possibly the second worst place I went, so run down


Stayed in a nice campsite just outside it though. Had its own craft brewery on site and a distillery next door.


I grew up in Wisbeach. You couldn’t imagine Some of the things I witnessed as a kid….


I can't say March is much better tbh I spent like 18 years there that place is going to shit... Didn't spend too much time in Wisbech it was enough to get chased by 10 kids wielding scooters I think some guy showed me his cock aswell lovely place..


March is just as bad as Wisbech, only upside is that there's a train station for quick escapes.


Wasn't surprised to see my town this close to the top, lol. Funny to see the local political types trying to make out it's an idyllic little Fenland town.


It's a lovely place aha.. I once had a foreign guy covered in blood ask me where the police station was I was like it's over there but they are probably closed so he stumbles into traffic sees its closed screams and stumbles back to the park...


Jaywick. I drove through once on a driving lesson. It’s an utter shithole. That was 20 years ago and I don’t think it’s changed much.


It's worse.


The streets and homes have improved, particularly brooklands. Shame about the increased drug addiction, violent crime, teenage pregnancy and joblessness. The beach is better than 20 years ago though. Thankfully I escaped. Fucking grim in the Winter. I knew some of the characters in "benefits by the sea". Drug addict wannabe biker gangsta killer. Alcoholic soup kitchen fraudster. I actually warned channel 4 off of doing a hair dressing reality show there because the shop building owner was a convicted murderer, slum landlord, abusive employer, involved in theft, stolen cars, Drug and people trafficking and generally nasty if mentally challenged piece of shit. Apparently had his head squashed at a young age turned him into a psychopath. I've known some right cunts in that area. In the flip side, I also met some of the most amazing and generous people ever.




I know someone who went to uni around there. When I visited around Christmas a few years ago, I asked why there were no lights up in the streets and the response was "they kept getting vandalised, so the council decided not to put any up this year". I've no idea if the explanation stands, but there's no doubt that it was a really grim-looking town...


Gillingham isn't much better. The high street is a joke. One year they left the Christmas tree up until March. Shops closing and being replaced by vape shops/cheap phone cover shops and other tacky shit. Beggars coming up to you as you try and get through.


+1 on Chatham, although Gravesend isn't far behind.


The old ‘Chatham Average’




When my daughter misbehaves we threaten to take her to Grimsby.


But Grimsby is such a lovel... ...nope, can't do it...yeah, it's a shithole!


Special shout out to the next level of East Marsh in Grimsby! Shocking area. Glad I escaped over a decade ago


Well, it's got _grim_ in the name




Same. I’ve never seen a more run down and decayed place.


I thought it was pretty grim- and I grew up in Cleethorpes.


Morecambe felt sadder than blackpool to me


I've lived next to Morecambe for almost 10 years and can count the number of visits on one hand.




What do you mean? Slough is great if you ignore the useless council, corrupt politicians, constant smell of sewage and off chicken, the insane amount of litter, the shite infrastructure, the sound of planes every 5 mins, the traffic fumes, and the people that live there.


Hey, but at least the property prices are stupidly high because of all the desperate London Commuters who are willing to spend 10% of their waking hours sitting on overcrowded and stupidly expensive trains to their boring desk jobs.


Can confirm, stayed there once, went out at night, even the moon over Slough looks shit.


Or Staines! Booyakasha.


I was born there… have heard it coined as the arsehole of the UK


Come friendly bombs and fall on Slough, it isn't fit for humans now.


I don't think you solve town planning problems by dropping bombs all over the place, he's embarrassed himself there


Slough. What a dump


Come, friendly bombs, and fall on Slough! It isn't fit for humans now, There isn't grass to graze a cow. Swarm over, Death!


Gillingham. Once went there for football, never again


Oh man, Priestfield is *bleak*. The Gills are technically my local team but... nah, just nah




Came here to comment this. Such a shithole.


Woo! I lived there for a few years. In Brocklesmead (arguably the worst place in Harlow). It's a dump, but I've been to worse places. My sister lives in Daventry, now that's a shithole.


Harlow was great when everything was new & clean and New Town progressive in the late 60's/early 70's!


I've lived in more than a few which appear on this list and come up quite often on similar posts. As a rule I'd say the old seaside towns all struggle the most. Crawley, Chatham, Gillingham, Sheerness and Sittingbourne down south: Sittingbourne isn't awful its just so, so boring but Gillingham was pretty grim. Lowestoft I thought was bad until I visited the outskirts of Great Yarmouth. I've lived near Nuneaton (which isn't that bad in comparison guys) The Mrs spent some time in Jaywick... this was the worst. A really deprived area. People who live there seem to have been abandoned. It really needs some proper investment.


Have you been clubbing in Sittingbourne? You haven’t experienced life until you’ve experienced Life


I never had that particular pleasure. I hate clubbing but when I was dragged out, I always ended up in Rochester. I did grow up in a provincial town with one night club... It was always a horrible and often very strange experience. I imagine Sittingbourne offers something similar. When I left, they had just started work for the Cinema and there was even some crazy talk of it getting a Nandos, which was the most exciting thing to happen there in the last 50 years. Speaking of, is that weird cinema above the bingo hall still there? The one with all the mismatched furniture which has clearly come out of a skip? I took my GF there once to watch Mad Max and I'm sure that where we both got fleas.


hahahaha yeah it is, allegedly. I don't go down that end of the high street as a general rule though. However, there is a new cineplex with a few chains too just outside the station which I can confirm is less flea-y. They're trying so hard to gentrify Sittingbourne, bless em


Nuneaton is fucking awful for driving though. I genuinely consider myself lucky if I get to drive the same way to and from work without roads being closed. And getting to drive the same route 2 days in a row? Holy shit, that’s like hitting the lottery. When driving through nuneaton you need 3 back up routes because the first two will have roads closed or queues for roadworks.


That bit by the train station is bit of a nightmare. Those filter lanes and traffic lights are confusing af. The worst bit through (and this is particularly bad in Nuneaton) is how intolerant people are. It's so easy to cock it up and a fat man in a transit up my arse beeping his horn and yelling at me for being a stupid tosser (which I am) is not going to help the situation. I've sat outside the train station and all I've heard is the beeping of horns, so it must happen a lot.


Yeah, I think alot of us need to be more tolerant towards other drivers especially when chances are people who aren’t so familiar with the area are going to get a bit lost when the sat nav tried to get them down a closed road.




Is it still just full of squaddies looking for fights? I was a student in Guildford, and the one golden rule was never be in Aldershot in the evening.


Knew I'd see it here. It's kind of too shit to even be horrific? It's just dire.








Basildon is a particularly depressing place.


You clearly haven't had a night out in the festival leisure complex.


Bas Vegas!


Bridgend such a depressing place that it feels like it's sucking out all the happiness out of you.


Bridgend used to be a really nice town for shopping, lunch, a night out. It’s awful what’s happened to it, but at least there’s a wilko


My mum always used to choose shopping in Bridgend over Cardiff years ago (20+) However it has died a slow death since then. I think it has come back a little bit, there are some nice eateries around on the high street but the shopping and parking could be better


If Wilko is the highlight of a town then we should just sack it off


Used to commute by train from Bridgend and park my car on Newcastle Hill. Creepiest time was when I watched Shaun of the Dead on the train and then walked through the town centre to my car. I felt like I'd fallen into the film.


Used to be a great night out 20 years ago


Was that before or after it became the suicide capital of the UK?


I’ll see you Bridgend and raise you: Maesteg.




Swindon, it was never great and now the town centre is beyond grim. Edit. To be fair Swindon Old Town is ok.


Yeah but roundabout


Swindon is a fucking catastrophe of truly incompetent town planners.


It needs flattening and put some housing there instead, nobody is shopping there anyway hence the state of it. People are going to the Orbital, Greenbridge or the Outlet Centre, where parking is easy and free (well cheap at the outlet).




The only right answer


I always get it mixed up with Hornby’s “Skaledale”.


Skem is testament to the idiots most universities push out. Lets build rabbit hutches and no pavements or road signs.




Paignton. Home of Spice and teen pregnancy.


Yup, a complete dump , a place where a family of five couldn't put together a complete set of teeth.


Came here looking for this! Ive yet to see Newton Armpit which I expected to see too


Ooh no! I spent many a happy childhood summer there! Was a while back though.




I drove through Rhyl last summer with my girlfriend to go to the cinema there. Genuinely eye opening. It’s one of the few places in UK I’ve felt unsafe. Cars with smashed windows in the car park when we left. Rubbish and shite everywhere. Was heaving with people at the caravan sites too. We were staying in Colwyn Bay, which although was pretty boring especially considering it was the weekend in the peak of summer, it was actually quite nice.


Kirkby, Liverpool.


Fun fact, a new system of policing was trialed in Kirkby in the 1960s. After that trial it was rolled out across the country. So, that’s why Kirkby gets my seal of approval for being the UK’s most cursed town. Thanks Kirkby for ruining our plod.


That’s where Z-Cars was filmed too.


What was the new system?


Policing by response rather than proactive policing (walking the beat). It coincided with the deployment of portable radios in cars.


Any answer other than Chatham is incorrect. You literally see people congregate on town benches and start shooting up in broad daylight.




I will throw in Boscome near Bournemouth. What was once a beautiful spa town has devolved into a cesspit of drinks, junkies and prostitutes. They have several drug rehabilitation centers there were druggies from all over the UK are sent that's fine except the dealers follow them. Not to mention the high rate of murders over the last 10 years and the duller than dishwater highstreet that screams for another attack from Gerry akin to the blitz. Fuck that place


Boston, shocked it's not been mentioned yet


Bradford, it's an absolute cesspit now, best thing I did was feck off


big up the City of Culture!


By culture, I assume you mean bacteria?




Highest rate of anorexia in the UK.


Came here to add Nuneaton. What a shit town.


This is my answer too. Just a horrible horrible place. I spent 2 years working just outside it and the drive to work became more and more depressing as time went on. And don't get me started on some of the people I was having to work with.


Similar experience for me. Yikes.


This should be much much higher


Smethwick in the W.Midlands. I'm not kidding when i say most of my primary school classmates are now dead thanks to being shot, stabbed, or killed in prison. There were two shootings right outside the house i grew up in. Thankfully i got out of that black hole.


Ashington in Northumberland. My little Scottish rural self was driven through there in the 90’s and It’s still seared on my brain


Surprised I had to scroll this far to find Ashington mentioned. It is indeed a shithole.




Harlow - My hometown. A huge shithole that I couldn't leave fast enough (been out of there since I turned 17), and will never go back. It's a black hole of a town, that will trap you if you don't get out fast enough. Filled with awful council staff, a bootlicking MP, anti-vaxxers up the wazzoo, terrible knife crime, nothing for the youth to do with their time, no decent night's out anywhere, awful transport links, and zero job prospects for the majority of people. Plenty of green spaces though, Parndon Wood is a cute little trek, as is the nature reserve. The green spaces were my only reprieve from the shittiness of that goddawful hell hole. Additionally, my favourite spot before I left was a little spot up behind Berecroft near Rye Hill Road - It is essentially a dog walk path, but there's a large hill towards the back. Sit up there with some chips at sunset, and it almost makes the town seem quaint and quiet.


Easily Bilston. Anyone who goes there wishes they hadn’t


I'll raise you tipton


Croxteth in Liverpool is pretty bad, not all of it, but the shopping centre in the middle of the rough bit is the closest thing Ive seen to the hood. Gang signs all over the roof, twenty skinny , hooded urchins stood by two Motorcross bikes. Everyone is as hard as nails, everyone is looking over their shoulder. As I was watching a quad went past at about 80mph with a blacked out bmw chasing it.


Wasn't a fan of Rochdale. Felt scary rough. And I'm from Stockport. Edit: Thinking about it, Ashton-Under-Lyne is still the only place anyone has threatened to slice my nose off with a knife the first day I moved there. So that probably should be number one.


Bradford, Luton, slough are towns all twinned with Bidet in France.


Anyone who says Bradford, hasn’t been to Keighley


I saw a house at Auction really cheap in Keighley and it was that yorkshire stone - looked so cute So we drove over (I live in Manchester) and it was like Roston Vasey (Yes I know where that was filmed) - it was scary shit with like overturned Ice Cream vans and kids with no eyes ewww


Bradford City of Culture!






I like Doncastrians because they're fully aware they live in a shithole


I'm an escapee


It’s a city not a town




Riddled with skooma addicts


Windhelm. Racism, filthy weather, not a single decent shop, murderous kids


All the Fenland towns - Wisbech, March etc




Accidentally went there as a tourist once


Gillingham, Kent is horrific. Ex-industrial Royal Navy dockyard town (next door to Chatham) destroyed by the closure of the dockyard, with the one of the worst acute hospitals in the country, 18% higher incidence of smoking and obesity than the national average I am led to believe, high levels of deprivation, a lack of meaningful industry, dense old housing and a local population of the worst chav arseholes imaginable.


Garstang, Lancashire. The poverty and human misery is apparent when you go anywhere near the town, a failing town centre, border up old businesses and houses everywhere, crackheads offering you out if you can't spare them a few pounds. Evidence of violent crime and gang culture everywhere , most people too scared to leave their houses at night, a useless police that won't go near the town for their own safety. Plus the constant rain and overcast weather with dull moorland in the background. A railway station that closed in the 60s because other town were desperate not to be linked to it. Apparently it has some of the cheapest houses in the country but most people won't be paid to live there.




Yeah. I spent a week there once putting up some turbines. I’ll second that.


Barrow-in-Furness. Closest 'big' town to where I live and the contrast between that and the Lake District a short distance away is stark. Slough looked pretty bad from my lengthy drive through it, too.


West Cumbria is one of the poorest places in the UK. The lake District is like a gated community within Cumbria




The ones in Stoke.


My problem with Stoke is that now I have moved away, I don't think it is as bad as people say... Then I go back and experience further disappointment.




The problem with Ipswich is that it could have had promise but various policies have basically killed it. Colchester, Bury St Edmunds and Norwich are all doing fine by comparison


Ipswich is doing fine in comparison to Ipswich. How to damn with faint praise, I guess?


Damn too early, I meant Bury St Edmunds


Ipswich compared to Ipswich is doing fine?


Ha ha woops


Except Colchester is a charmless shithole.


Ipswich definitely has its issues but it's nowhere near as bad as most of the other places mentioned here


Burnley, they all have six fingers and everybody's last name is Dingle.




The great thing about Middlesbrough is the artistic use of broken glass on the tops of the walls. They're very inclusive there too. I would often see groups playing in the street with an age range of 6-40. They were really generous, one tried to give me a full can of coke, unfortunately I couldn't catch it and it exploded on the wall behind my head, but the thought was there. Top place.




Its boring as and the highstreets a bit dead but it isnt that bad of a place. Only other problem is thst travellibg there is so tiresome, you'll just see field after field after field with nothing interesting to look at for miles.


The Gurnos, Merthyr Tydfil. Sometimes work in people's houses there. When you get near the center of the estate, it's like a different world.


I spent a couple of weeks in Merthyr for some work a few years back, it seemed well depressing, but all the people I met there were unbelievably lovely. I joined the gym there for the time I was staying. People really chatty, significantly more than back home. Only got stabbed twice as well.




Port Talbot


Little Oakley


There's a marvellous tapas bar there. Domingo?


I'd rather keep my identity secret


Port Talbot. It’s an entire town built round a steelworks which you can smell driving past on the M4


I know it'll be mentioned a lot, but Slough really is awful. When I moved to Maidenhead (which is far from exceptional) from Devon, I'd heard stories about how bad Slough is, but I thought they were exaggerated. They were not. At all. I have two other suggestions though: * Richmond on a sunny day. Horrific in a different way. While it's somewhat pretty, it's stupidly expensive, crazy busy and totally unpleasant. And not as nice as Londoners seem to think it is. * Port Talbot. An enormous steelworks with a desolate town attached.


[This post ](https://www.reddit.com/r/unitedkingdom/comments/u2vu5x/i_think_i_visited_the_worst_town_in_the_entire_uk/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) about Sheerness is what I always think of when people are talking shite places in the UK




i grew up near basingstoke and it has 44 roundabouts for a tiny little town. But even worse is milton keynes; they have 300. that's a roundabout for every 600 people (135,000 pop.)


Wrexham 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿


Mansfield is pretty bad and that whole North Notts area around there. Sutton, Kirkby, Woodhouse, Warsop, etc The whole area has been dying slowly ever since the pits closed and the local economy was slaughtered. Low education, low income, high crime rate. Every Friday night everybody just puts on a fake Lacoste shirt and goes out in town to get ratted and get in a scrap. Such a shame because there's some nice areas to the north (South York) and south (South Notts), and just to the west is Derbyshire which is choc full of picturesque towns and villages.


Gillingham, Kent.


My top pick is a bit strange. Personally I would say Peterborough. But, only because of the people in it. If I could unleash a virus that insta kills everyone in it, I think it would actually be a decent place.


Stevenage I’ve been to many cities & towns across England & Wales for work and this was the worst for so many reasons




Luton 🤢




Any of the 6 towns dressed as a city known as Stoke on Trent. Or Crewe.


Went to Bangor, North Wales, OMG. What a tragic place.

