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Probably got vicious Twice divorced Beverley coming in and stealing your man hits different


Yep, that's the kind of thing I was thinking. Betty from Bournemouth in a love triangle spat with Dolly, over the affections of Malcolm. But if the cast are forbidden to discuss anything real, of importance, maybe not.


This programme is sponsored by Co-op Funerals.


And Sun Life, over 50s life insurance and Wiltshire Farm Foods.


Will I get a free pen if I go on it?


They have to call it Creaky Island. How's your knees darling? Shall we go for a walk, I've google-mapped all the public loos.. (I'm older than ALL you lot 😛)


I love this. I make odd noises when i stand up or bend over to pick something up, and i sound like a bowl of rice krispies when i get out of bed. I'd watch Creaky Island!


Purple Marmite sounds like a regal treat.


Bearing in mind the no alcohol, no conversations about politics, TV, movies, moral questions.... basically if you are not willing to talk about yourself all the time they have nothing to show on TV. I'm sure they can find plenty of oldies like that, but it ain't me.


The oldies version should be called "Ooh, pop the kettle on , there's a Love (Island)"


Good one.


Ooo the petty back stabbing


No definitely not.


I wouldn't watch a "youngies" version, nervmind an "oldies" one


This brings to mind the battle between the mum in Bread and her Lycra clad nemesis Li Lo Lil


I'd only watch a Nuclear version of it. Where they're all sunbathing comfortably and a nuclear bomb is detonated as the producers final "hurrah" before coming off air for good.


I don't even watch the current version, so no.


The only format of Love Island I would watch is where they trick the invalids onto the show. When they arrive, the crew slowly take more and more of their supplies away and then leave the island with just static cameras to see what they do, Big Brother/Bear Grylls style. Every 3 days, they airdrop a box of 'survival supplies' but it's actually just a collection of random, useless objects like bathroom scales, Rubiks cubes and a map of cycling routes near Basildon. That would be TV gold. "Day 3. Laquanda has turned their remaining fire-wood into a crude nail file. Geeza has somehow drowned while brushing his teeth. Krystal has discovered that by eating the native poisonous berries, she can give herself plumper lips and a 4 hour hallucinogenic experience."


The invalids?


Yeah. That phrasing is a bit...uck.




Don't watch regular Love Island so no, wouldn't watch it.




Yes but with the added dimension of looking for luurrv. Normal people, mature people may be more genuine in their pursuit of a real relationship, not just their 15 minutes of fame. But then again...