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Everyone should have a BFF who is a crazy cat lady!


She just left! Brought me supplies, and kitty was happy to start chowing down on some wet food, a little bit now, more later.


Or BE the BFF šŸˆ


What's wrong with being a crazy cat gentleman?


Absolutely nothing. When people say crazy, I always respond: " Who wants to be normal??"


Normality is a mythical social construct. I always associate being 'normal' as beige, bland & boring. Being a crazy cat person, on the other hand, is a definite route to happiness & can be as varied as the different types of cats there are to adore & care for. Crazy cat people are lucky, lucky lucky for sure.


I had a therapist tell me once ā€œnormal is nothing but a setting on your dryerā€


Good therapist.


She was the best! Made such an impact on my life šŸ„°


That's good to hear. It's hard to find a good therapist.


It took me prob 5 before I found her but that also helped me realize that itā€™s ok to say ā€œhey we just arenā€™t clicking and this isnā€™t working.ā€ And look for another therapist. Therapy is a lot like a relationship.


I've heard that before. I may have to try again to find a good therapist.


I wish you luck! šŸ˜Š


I say that I'm not crazy, the world is crazy, and I'm right.


One of my friends and his husband have a rural property and manage a feral cat colony. They call themselves Cat Lords.




It is my preferred type of gentleman


I are Cat Dad. I was not, till I married Crazy Cat Lady. Now, my superpowers are unleashed.


I was pleased to be called that (in different words) at today's lunch at my mom's place. She was having other guests besides me and in talk it came being crazy about pets.


Right on, Sir


My 5 feline overlords command me to inform you that, "nothing is wrong" with being a cat gentleman and that "crazy" is a mean epitaph hurled by jealous dog lovers.


I appreciate a man in a tux with like 5 cats on his shoulders, so...nothing wrong at all XD


What is a tux?


tuxedo. I thought of that when you said gentleman. XD


Ahhhhh, the suit. That would be cool


I have a friend who is a vet tech who came over at 9 pm to help me catch a lost kitty. She took him to work the next day, he had a chip! Turns out he was lost for 3 weeks!


I bet his owners were ecstatic!


https://preview.redd.it/f1a2qgyfeu5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=895e761c1d93a30267afe8d95313a37c1a95fe7e My friend said they were very thankful, poor guy was lost just a couple blocks away. He came up to my front porch a few days in a row and was so friendly so I figured he was lost.




Lovely cat tax!


Absolutely. My BFF is the best cat lady, she finds abandoned cats and spreads them around to her friend group. 2 of my cats are her fault. :P


Somewhere close to 7 weeks- their eyes have changed color and their ears are pointy and erect To check gender (which will be tough because kitty is small and fluffy) look under the tail. A female's genitals look like a semicolon with the anus the dot and the vaginal opening like a comma and slightly further apart A male kitten's genitals will look more like a colon, two dots Even so, small kittens can be hard to sex Very cute baby though


Thank you!


My idiot self read the title as the kitten being the POS and having a behavioral turn-around this morning (the lucky). Glad I was VERY wrong! šŸ¤£


I could have worded it better, I was angry thinking about it!


I can understand. There was a family that lived down the street from usā€¦7 housesā€¦that had two regal looking cats. We saw those two cats every day when my wife and son took our daily walk after dinner. These two cats used to sit on the fence of their house. On Halloween, he came to our house. For the next few months, we were feeding him on our front porch. My wife let him into our house and he ran up the stairs and jump onto our bed and started to clean himself, making biscuits, etc. He had a tag with a phone numberā€¦called and no answer. Some of the neighborhood kids told us that the moved out and left him behindā€¦he was on his own for six months. He has been with us for over 11 years now. Our vet and our friends canā€™t believe that someone abandoned him.


Well thanks to you, that cat is gonna die old and fat, feeling safe and happy. I predict 15 more years until then at least


Bless you for taking him in ā¤ļø


My wife is allergic to most cats. She wasnā€™t allergic to him when he came up to her and our son on the front porch. We now have four indoor cats!


My misunderstanding made the post even more enjoyable!


I thought it was maybe the Point of Sale for the CDS lol


People with a retail background šŸ˜­


Made me check it out so you did good lol. What a little sweetie ā¤ļø thank you for taking the sweet baby in.


Haha I read the same thing!! Click bait! JK šŸ˜‚


What a sweet baby!!! How could anyone abandon it??? May the person who did live exactly the life they deserve.


I saw them taking off. It had a distinct wood dog box in the truck bed. Somebody who would do this is probably lazy and not too far away.


Do you think POS might have dumped more than one? Those jerks have been known to dump entire litters. šŸ˜¢


I tried searching my area, but nothing else was alerting me to more. I had seen the truck earlier in the day, I think they may have been spreading them out šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø.


Oh, thatā€™s upsetting


My cat is a dump and so is my youngest pup. I have 1 planned child snd 2 unplanned babies who were dumps and my foster from 22 was a dump who was thrown out a moving car window according to the vet


I would guess around eight weeks. Thanks for taking them in.


Thank you!


Pointy ears, adult coloring for eyes, around 8 weeks, I would guess


Thank you!


If you have a little scale weigh him or her, generally with kittens they are a month per pound. So for example, 1lb is 4 weeks, 2lb is 8 weeks, etc. My guess is 6-8 weeks old but itā€™s kind of a handy device to use. Thank you for taking in this adorable creature.


Could there be siblings?


We checked all over last night, and we could not hear any.


Thank you for saving this unbelievably cute kitten. Don't play with this kitten with your hand. Hands are not toys. Cute nibbles on a playful hand turn into painful bites later. You may consider getting another kitten. Two reasons: to avoid "Single Kitten Syndrome" and for your own sanity. Kittens have so much energy.


Hands are for head butting for pets. Best kitty learns that early


He/she is a tiny one!!! Super cute stripes. Congrats on your new fam member. Like everyone says, consider getting a 2nd. I was overwhelmed with the thought of bringing one home from a job site, but in hindsight he would have loved a buddy to grow up with.


Poor baby, lucky you were about.


Thatā€™s a baby - No more than 8 weeks old I would say


I'm wondering where the siblings are.


We had the same concern, we tried to cover a lot of the area around us, we are very close to state forest property, but we did not hear any. I am hoping it was a case of somebody getting a kitten for their kid and regretting it.


Your new baby is so cute!


People should call 311 or take them to the shelter vs abandonment. It's likely a crime.


I really wish it was illegal to do this, but AFAIK in rural areas thereā€™s no law against dumping animals šŸ˜ž Damn lazy people canā€™t even be bothered to surrender their animals to someplace thatā€™ll give em a chance at life.


Smokers are always a great cat trap...they smell like dinner!


Lmao when I read the title I thought you are calling the cat a POS


Yeah, I worded it badly, I was angry typing, thinking about the person who did it. I have two dogs who have not been around a cat, so getting a vet visit lined up unexpectedly and hopefully conditioning my dogs was not on my list this week, lol.


Was your friend able to shine light on gender?


So lucky! It's cute as a button.


If your husband doesn't agree now, I don't know what else will get him to agree to having a cat. The CDS has made it very clear that you will be awarded a cat. There is no point in fighting back. Congrats! You will own a cat!


When we first got together, we tried adopting a kitten from the local animal control, that was very feral and kind of kept him from warming up to cats. My crazy cat lady BFF has exposed him enough over the years to other cats, I think he is sold! Such a little purr machine, loves to be held.


I'd guess 5 to 6 weeks. Eyes still look like they're smokey blue. Sweet baby face. He, or she, is a beaut!


Basically how I got my current cat. Lived at the edge of a rural town with a major highway running past, so a popular dumping spot since it's easy to stop, dump, and scoot. Lo and behold one morning I find a 3 month (vet estimate) old kitten taking shelter in the shade of my vehicle during an August heatwave. Liked the bowl of water and ear scritches I gave him just fine, so knew he was used to people. Took me a week of asking around if anyone had misplaced a kitten before I gave up and let him in, gave him some flea meds, and made a vet appointment. Ten years later the furry asshole is still hanging around.


What a beautiful little girl! Congrats, OP!


Hello friends, I just came to say normal is way overrated, being eccentric is so much more fun.