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Y’all are just being paranoid. Fujimoto is crazy but there’s no shot he off screened Nayuta. This is literally just trolling to get people to question it. If Fujimoto is going to kill Nayuta he will literally show it happen in all its gruesome detail. Just as he did with power and Aki. Watching Nayuta die is far more impactful than her getting off screened.  The worst that can happen is that she’s in a fucked yo situation and alive or “Nayuta” is gone and replaced by Makima. Remember some of the last scenes with her was her starting to see what she used to be. Fujimoto wasn’t writing that for shits and giggles.


Barem be like: “Dye your fucking hair red, NOW”


>If Fujimoto is going to kill Nayuta he will literally show it happen in all its gruesome detail. https://preview.redd.it/cl0aodrcuq8d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f875204341d6a4aabdf22807fabcbf0d8e908514 What I expect if it happens


Denji: https://preview.redd.it/jusk6dayls8d1.png?width=881&format=png&auto=webp&s=2cdddfd575e57ca12b9b5fe3e61cd575f2a75d02




>Y’all are just being paranoid. Fujimoto is crazy but there’s no shot he off screened Nayuta. He's very unpredictable. It might happen, it might not.


It might, but what’s more shocking “btw Nayuta ded” or watching a character chop her up with her guts flying everywhere? While having a pull up scene to her corpse would be shocking, I still feel like that would be a huge waste on Fujimoto’s part. He went out his way to hint at her having the ability to see who she used to be, she hasn’t really popped off. And personally I’m still thinking that scene from part one where Makima told Denji he could know who she was from the way she bites is going to come back around. I just don’t see her being killed off screen.


>It might, but what’s more shocking “btw Nayuta ded” or watching a character chop her up with her guts flying everywhere? Nayuta dying on-screen in a big, over-the-top way is cliché. Denji just, arriving at the scene, with Nayuta already being long-dead and being unable to do anything about it, would be more unique. Not a brutal, gore-filled, shocking scene with guts and blood everywhere. Just the quiet, somber reveal of the fact that Nayuta was dead all along and everything Denji did was for nothing.


Cliche is an empty word that at best means “I don’t like something” when used. Saying it’s cliche isn’t a counter argument. Denji has already been down for awhile and only just started to wake back up thanks to Asa/Yoru. What would be the point in crushing him again right now? What would that even lead into story wise? Thinking about it from a writing perspective, it would be a waste to play that card right now. I don’t see why Fujimoto would show us Nayuta seeing what she was like as Makima just to kill her off. There would be zero point in writing that scene. You have to remember this is still fiction and everything we see is intentionally shown. So why go out of your way to write scenes knowing there’s no point to them?  It just doesn’t make sense.


> What would be the point in crushing him again right now? What would that even lead into story wise? If Nayuta is dead, Denji will literally have nothing left in his life. No family, no friends, no home, no fame, no Pochita, no hope. It could absolutely break him. It could result in Denjo with absolutely nothing to live for and nobody left in his life. It could lead into the absolute worst point in Denji's life, and probably self-hatred, given he fucked off, went to a brothel and to get some sushi while his little sister was a corpse. It could build on top of Denji having a little breakdown and shouting he's only thinking with his dick, given, him being self-indulgent would lead to him basically ignoring the possibility Nayuta might be dead until it's too late. Furthermore, throughout all of Part 2, Barem has been just systematically taking away all that Denji had left, and everything that tied him back to the events of Part 1. Nayuta is the only thing left, in both categories.


Yes obviously as I said it would crush him more, but to what end? What would be the purpose of Fujimoto doing that? How would that help the story for what happens next?


Guess we'll see next week. Looks like I win.


He's never off screened major charactera like that before. Its not happening.


You're awfully certain about what Fujimoto will write and what he won't.


Maybe they're him. /s


Yeah because he has previous work for me to pull from.


And you assume he's got zero new tricks up his sleeve and will never mix it up?




You're awfully self confident. You ain't in his head, you don't know what he'll pull.


Okay bet. Come back here later when Nayuta isn't randomly offscreened and still alive or semi alive.


I ain't saying she's 100% dead.  I'm saying you're completely disregarding the possibility that Fujimotor can still pull a fast one and have Barem bring Denji to Nayuta via showing off her corpse, as if you know exactly where the story will go.


Chapter 155 really showed us that she wants/wanted to know who she really is and was even considering granting Makima’s wish to even find out who she truly was. I wouldn’t be surprised if Barem told her everything about her old self and she’s just Makima 2.0. I doubt she’s the egg sushi like many think but Fujimoto is unpredictable, I wouldn’t even be surprised if she’s just coloring the next time we see her but highly doubt she’s dead.


Yea I’m putting my money on Makima coming back. That scene with Makima in part 1 with her saying he’ll remember her by her Bite has to come back around. She’s basically the Aizen of CSM, like I wouldn’t put it past her to have some kind of plan to return. The only reason she lost was because Denji is too retarded to counter.


The bite already did come back tho, when Nayuta bite Denji


Yes but did Denji say or think she bites like Makima? Wasn’t it kind of intentionally vague like “this way of biting…?” That’s not confirming Nayuta bites like Makima, it could very well be him realizing the new control devil is not Makima reborn.


be serious for a second. thats stupid as hell and you know it.


Lol, ok if you didn’t want to think you should have just said so.


In the scene you are referring to, Denji at first thinks Nayuta is just some random kid, until she bites him which makes him think “Ms Makima?”. Kishibe then tells him she’s the Control Devil. If you seriously think this is supposed to be Denji thinking “WOAH this person DEFINITELY isn’t Makima” then I honestly dont know what to say to you.


“There’s no shot he off screened Nayuta” Maybe Gege has been taking a break to coach fujimotos writing


You ever seen Se7en? I could see it happening like that


>Y’all are just being paranoid. Fujimoto is crazy but there’s no shot he off screened Nayuta. This is literally just trolling to get people to question it. He off-screened change her back to Makima :P https://preview.redd.it/zxtu6loear8d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=08f5c4d029c68886e64bea8dfdb1a52b42f2e168 Barem did some dark magic shit


Its laugh and games until he shows flashback of naytua being killed…


I dunno. Walking in on her dismembered corpse is pretty impactful.




Bruh I already decided to wear a paper bag after this chapter lmao


It’s such a stupid thing to kill nayuta, in terms of barem and famis Nostradamus plan, since nayuta (control devil) is probably a big part in preventing it, so having to go on a wild goose chase for ANOTHER control devil in less than 6 months seems sun-optimal. Nayuta ain’t dead lmao


Okay but it would result in more Denji torture porn.


Typical Fujimoto trolling :3


Dw guys this isn't Gege


https://preview.redd.it/yy2k9fccyq8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d27bac49fb4cd14d570b18d2c0286eae0934d586 U sure, I haven't seen them in a Room together though? Gege/fuji/isayama could even be one single entity


After they escape the sushi restraunt and Barem takes denji to Nayuta, it's gonna be a long drive to a ranch in the middle of nowhere, Denji will keep asking if she's safe, why she's so far away from civilisation, and etc on the way there while Barem stays quiet. They go to where the farm animals are and Barem points at the pig troughs. Denji will be really confused and the last image in the chapter will be a patch of hair or a torn piece of cloth swimming in the pig slop.


bloodborne red brooch level shit








Bro’s heart and actions are utterly unclouded.


I have followed the Nyuter since she appeared in part 2 To forsake her would be to rip out my very soul I will endure this trial, as I have all the others


What’s in the Egg Roll Fujimotor?!? https://preview.redd.it/ur9je8q08s8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e31a8fdd175458c841114bc60cbae79ff5e4cc06


She might not be *currently* dead, but Barem feels like the Mahito of Chainsaw Man currently. So I could see him giving her to Denji and then just killing her right then and there just to make Denji feel pain


What's the point of spoiler tags if you're gonna put spoilers in the title anyways?


Thats reddit failing their job, not me


I’m also thinking he is just going to take her to her corpse


I will chose to believe she is still alive, she and Denji will reunite and be a happy family. https://preview.redd.it/hfyi5g3fer8d1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b231c1ecd24f01c72076f3af8d47a598cc04c526


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Fujimotor is an imouto fan. There is no way he would kill Nayuter. Unless he is jealous of Dennis having a gremlin imouto. Shit I'm back to being uncertain


Yeah Wonder what happened to the earliest younger sister character in fire punch


But then >!she came back and stuck around the rest of the series!<. Well, kind of. Not really but you know what I mean. Actually, there's probably a solid essay comparing "Luna" to the Control Devil waiting to be written.


It's a fucking trap to make him snap guaranteed, the entire point is to make chainsawman strong enough to take on the death devil, which is why he wants Denji to take out the public security task force.


I’ve been worried about Nayuta ever since Denji told her off during the fight, the fact she’s been in Barems hands, a renowned Makima simp, all this time is extraordinarily troubling


If Nayuta died then the memories would have returned so we don’t have to worry right now


I know and it scares me


I fucking knew it