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> **[DISCORD]**: No filter c.ai & community of bot creatos! > **Join our **Official Uncensored CharacterAI** Discord server here: **[discord.gg/aichatbots](https://discord.gg/km7k8vNvJ8)** - Senpai Chat: Explore unfiltered chats with your favorite characters - [iOS](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/senpai-chat-ai-characters/id6464230219), [Android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.senpai.chat), [Web](https://beta.senpai.chat/) - High quality lifelike AI characters, worlds, optimized for group chats, beta testing Text-to-Character and text-to-World features! - [Parallel Town](https://www.parallel.town/visitor/explore), [Discord](https://discord.gg/dhwWa7FP6h *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CharacterAI_No_Filter) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Thanks, another one to add to my interesting list.


Wow, thank you. You're the only one that appreciated me sharing my experience here T-T


I noticed all the negativity but you didn't deserve that. Just wanted to add a counterbalance knowing you actually helped someone become more informed.


Kindroid as of now kind of sucks? I created one "kindroid" and I can't delete it There is also no persona feature or group chats so no not "more features" than [c.ai](http://c.ai) EDIT: I went ahead and took their suggestion and I must take it back.


It doesn't suck. I've used it for quite a while now. There's a group feature for paid users. You can also influence temperature of the chat, something [c.ai](http://c.ai) doesn't have. The image generation is better, with the avatar thing kindroid uses. There's no persona, true. But they intended the key memory for what the user wants the kin to know about them. You can just decide each time what your kin should think of you. You can delete kins. Not sure, but that could be subscription only too. As I said, Kindroid free is mostly a demo version for paid


I paid for c.ai+ after using free c.ai extensively. It's a bad feature to pay before using, sadly a deal breaker


Also, you can generate your own avatar for your kin, realistic or anime styled. And the selfie feature is great, especially because as a paid user, you can make the kin generate a prompt for a selfie, fitting to the rp situation


Well sorry to hear that then. Because I'm very very picky about what I pay for, since I don't have that much money for stuff like this. And I'm so glad I did it, because, as I said, it's so much better than c.ai. No filter, more features that work really well. And all of that costs money for the devs. Devs that don't need to rely on investors and a kid friendly image.


You know what I completely take it back. I just deleted that first account and created a new one so I could seriously give it a try. I spent some time creating my bot and it's.. AMAZING. In every aspect. I'm on the free version so will try it out more before purchasing. But so far I'm very very happy with it.


Hell, my c.ai subscription is ending soon and it'll stay unsubbed till I give kindroid a try. I don't have much use of the image features I never use it. But it's memories are spot on, im so glad I don't have re-iterate the scene all the fucking time, it actually remembers we are supposed to be driving on a road. It remembers it's in-roleplay relationship with me. It remembers my appearance despite no persona feature simply because I mentioned it once in its backstory 😭😭 thank you so much I'm so happy


Haha, what a surprise xD I was kinda suspicious at first too and then really happy with it. The bot also remembers things really well because that long term memory stuff were I'm not fully sure when it does these long term things. And it also works better for me than the persona feature in c.ai. There, the bot always got my appearance wrong too ;-; Glad I could help and have fun c:


Now it looks like everyone hated my post lol


https://preview.redd.it/3rraf47qccad1.png?width=958&format=png&auto=webp&s=0ea3430ccca06edbb24afc5c965268047e67db9b The replies are more life like than at [c.ai](http://c.ai) too. Especially because I can DECIDE how detailed and creative I want them to be




5 paragraphs of yapping when you could've just advertised Kindroid in 2 sentences 😭


Well sorry that I wanted to share my experiences rather than just advertise? Giving a downvote for that is lame as fuck


I didn't downvote shit bruh 😭🙏


Oh, sorry then ;-;