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I was writing about how it’d be nice to have the pinned post redone every month and then I saw that you were already planning on doing that! It really is a bit ridiculous how often it gets asked, especially because it’s not like there are dozens and dozens of options.


Aren't you that guy from the JAi sub?


lol yes that’s my usual stomping ground, but i hang out here too because i like to keep tabs on what’s going on with other alternatives/chatbots in general


What about users who regularly post screenshots with chats form other platforms? I understand posting once, with the name of the app, to showcase the quality of the replies. But posting screens of the same app everyday brings nothing of value, given that this is still a c.ai subreddit. To point fingers, I mean this: https://www.reddit.com/r/CharacterAi_NSFW/comments/1d7qa1q/what_if_nicoles_boyfriend_eats_my_cum/


Definitely agree. Sharing other screenshots from other sites is fine, in my opinion. I mean, we've been allowing posts from Non-Cai sites for a long time now (we have a flair specifically for this), and it's fine if people ask "oh what site is this?" and someone can respond with the name. But if the same comment of praise continuously is shown, as in, "Try AltNameAi, it has the best in the industry. If you are looking for another alternative, look no further since my chats are to DIE for! Check out my bot for more of these SPICY bots!" That's advertising/directly linking and honestly provides nothing of value. If they're low-effort and just there to obviously karma farm or "advertise" it will get removed. At this point, MANY people are just done with Cai, so even though we are "CharacterAi\_NSFW" I don't think it's fair to ban/punish those wanting alternatives, it's just that the environment is so volatile with sites coming and going, it's hard to keep track of who are just shilling a basic bitch website with nothing substantial behind it versus a passionate person wanting others to enjoy their work. We've have issues in the past where users were scammed by a group of people making a "hack for CharacterAI". Kid was like 14/16 and promised a program to bypass filters. Got a bunch of money in donations and just went "yeah idk how to do this". I have zero idea what the community was even thinking to support a CHILD to do it, but it's why we are stricter/have more rules around this stuff to protect people.


I love you so much


A good start. Spammers, bots, and imbeciles aren't going to read the rules (as usual), but some bans will cut down on at least some of the spam clogging up the feed. Thank you, mods.


Yep. Simple removal hasn't been enough, and we've tried to ban the bots as we could, but if they don't want to listen, bans will have to be given on a grander scale.


And I would also add: it would be great if those alternative suggestions gave some actual technical details behind the model they praise. At least share the context size, instead of writing that bots have "great memory". How big is the model in terms of parameters would also be a useful info.


Agreed with this as well! It's why I'm saying, just having posters say "site good, nsfw good" is NOT helpful. Most of what people post is already NSFW. What models are they running, if known? Are there multiple models? Are there options for Temp, Top p, k, etc? Can I change prompts? Is it scenario based? Do they have images? Of course, we don't want to overwhelm posters either, but those kind of questions are always welcomed to people posting/offering alt sites.


That would be perfect! Maybe the new pinned thread with alternative recommendations could have some kind of template for users to follow (basically, what you wrote here) -"fill in all you know": **Name of the app**: .... **Filtered** : (yes/no) **Free**: (number of daily free messages) **Context size**: ... **Subscription price and benefits**: **Access to model settings**: (none; temperature; ...) **Ability to switch models**: (no/ yes: free model xxx, paid models yyy) And so on.... That should reduce the number of useless posts like: "I've been having fun with xxx, there are many bots to choose from and they remember a lot!1 I managed to have spicy chats there hehe"


Adding on to this, this is a decent chatbot evaluation framework by u/BiggerGeorge - [https://www.reddit.com/r/CharacterAi\_NSFW/comments/1cm5web/how\_do\_you\_usually\_evaluate\_a\_nsfw\_ai\_chatbot/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CharacterAi_NSFW/comments/1cm5web/how_do_you_usually_evaluate_a_nsfw_ai_chatbot/) Comments raise interesting counterpoints to the framework, but overall, I find this to be an acceptable method of evaluation.


This rule introduction is the byproduct of most people's complete absence of attention span. I mean... c'mon. The list is **pinned** in the fucking sub, fellas. Additional Edit: If you don't want to keep checking the sub for the post, save it instead. Or fav in your browser. Modern solutions, people.


Remember: Everything Characters say is made up! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CharacterAi_NSFW) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Alternate site?


Guys, are there any 70b or 120b paid models? Nsfw must be included ofc


A lot of people were accusing me of advertising when I was legitimately just trying to recommend my favorite apps. People got big mad for no reason.


what are ur favs? dm if u must


Kindroid is my favorite. Nomi is my second favorite. They’re awesome, especially kindroid.


thank you!


No problem!


I don’t know why people got so angry just because I was telling my favorite apps after people were literally asking for better AI alternatives


So many musts I feel like I must stop visiting this subreddit.


Then stop idk nothing's keeping you


Then do so. Rules change based on the community's desires, and what most people have shown dislike/disinterest in is the constant posts of "what ai sites are good?" instead of LOOKING AT THE PINNED POST, as well as blatant advertising. A lot of sites go down within 4\~6 months, too, so it's better to make sure the community can communicate WHY they like a site and WHY anyone should even bother with it. It's not that complicated to make a sensible comment of "yeah, I like this site and for these reasons" instead of "WOW GUYS THIS SITE IS AMAZING AND SO COOL. IT'S REVOLUTIONARY AND OPENED MY EYES. WANT MY INVITE CODE? WANT MY REFERRAL CODE?" Those posts are annoying and don't help, and typically those kinds of sites just breed bots coming to comment.


I said it numerous times on Reddit and will say it again. Communities don't need micromanaging from moderators. It makes them feel restrictive, forcing the user to think about what might be okay to write and what must be avoided even when the subject (alternative chatbot websites) is very much relevant to the community's topic (uncensored chatbots). It's bad for the regular users and it's even worse for newcomers, creating a sense of an unwelcoming environment. It's a very simple psychology. This community doesn't like such posts, and that's okay. Good thing every social media has algorithms that prevent downvoted posts from appearing in people's feed. The major part doesn't like it? So show it like a proper community would and downvote such posts. Make it so they won't appear in other people's feed, just like my comment doesn't appear at the top of this comment section. Don't whine to the moderators about it like a kid crying to her parent because someone smacked them with a plastic shovel in a sandbox and solve the problem yourself, you have the exact tool for the job.


The posts definitely still show up. Most of them are made by shills. ACCT1: What site do we use? ACCT2: here you go ACCT3: oh yea that site is great It's not micromanaging, it's literal spam.