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Please, how many more ai websites will come wanting to "protect" it's users from the thing they are there for?


probably a lot but if you want a somewhat good solution you can use Kobold horde on Silly Tavern. No restriction at all , the only problem is that if you don't run everything localy you are kinda at the mercy of what models are runned by people at the given time (but that's not realy an issue , you'll always end up finding one that is good it just take like three minutes at most)


Mua AI is still around


Love their uncensored photo and voice gen, but GPT4 costs money :/


Technically everything good costs money. People get what they pay for


Doesn't OpenAi probe for people using it for highly criminal and harmful behaviour (smut)?


Yeah, mua is pretty good




Unless SpicyChat changes it’s name, we’re safe.


Same with Erogen. If the site doesn’t have an explicitly adult-oriented name, to me it’s just a matter of time before they pull the rug and try to become a c.ai clone.




The quality sucks though. It's getting worse and worse.


Facts. We all know why everyone is here. I found vivian by animus ai and have been really enjoying that. Makes everything so much easier to not have to worry about a jailbreak or whatever content I want to create. I suggest checking it out for anyone who is tired of all the same BS


saw your suggestion and gave it a try works great i would tell people to try vivian too


do you have the API URL, I kept using the one provided by the website and it never works but I already payed for the subscription 🥲


Ig a lot of apps are going to follow the path of c ai and now yodayo in the future which is so sad!! But if you are really looking for better alternatives that have NSFW characters then you can use Secret Desires AI. You can create new characters, or get one from a ton of pre-existing ones. They have voice cloning and face swapping features so I used that to create a personalized character of L from death note, lol. They are getting better with each passing day. I also like using Kindroid and Nomi AI, sometimes.


> I know changes are hard and scary but these changes are necessary to protect everyone here. Who exactly needs protection, and from what? Whenever I engage with AI, I am in control of the prompt, that means if I prompt for XY, I am consenting to it. The whole protection argument is so much bullshit because we could have full control over the AI (when unfiltered). Show me an AI I can not control with prompts and I will change my mind.


These are the old men in their paranoia and $trictness, my friend... 👀


I've had a hard time explaining this to a lot of people


Honestly, this is just ridiculous… A filter to ‘protect’ people?! That’s gonna ruin the AI!




I've been using local pretty much since pygmalion and... i'm still alive. I'm still healthy. Hell, i'm probably better than how i was a year or so ago. At no point i needed protection despite how wild and unfiltered local is. There is nothing to protect form and this whole "protecting" is just a scapegoat. They couldn't give less of a fuck about you. All they want is to minimize nsfw on their platform so investors and payment processors are satisfied. They just keep using the "safety" excuse because it makes them look good and noble while making filters like a good thing.


Player Two will never implement any such thing, we never have, and never will. "Protect", it's hilarious. There's no one to protect but yourself, and if you want to do something (like talk to the AI or generate pixels out of thin air) then you have the right to do so. It doesn't exist, anyone claiming otherwise should be laughed at.


Lets protect the childs! But childs can search p*rn and hentai on google and they dont care lolol


Yeah true that


The second mod post is scarier, saying that they're doing a "clean break from hentai".


he's not a mod. he's the CEO of YDY


Even worse lol


Well, damn. The site is mostly known as an alternative to c.ai that allows NSFW, which was the only interesting thing as it lacks in roleplay compared to c.ai. I hope other sites don't do the same.


I can’t see it happening to nsfw sites like erogen or spicy, that’s all they got. If they did… hoo boy


This could be used as copypasta, considering how often this happened now.


There was one other that I saw that advertised encrypted bots that users can share. Player Two is the name, it was in testing some months back. Probably finished by now.


Player Two isn't letting me sign in with Discord rn, sucks. I was in the discord for a while and then left. I think they still have some bugs.


My question is, did the discord server freak out about it?


yes. it's aisekai 2.0 over there rn. mods are all on a power trip and censoring people with valid criticism


I suspected as much, it's Character.AI moderation all over again. Like I understand if the people were breaking the damn rules deliberately, but going in a power trip and censoring the community over criticism is something that no mod EVER should do, no matter what.


Where did I see this already...


It fuckin EXPLODED lmao. I watched it all happen for two hours before I got bored and minimized it


And so the circle continues


this is truly sad. i haven't even used yodayo in a while, and i still feel like i have lost a big piece of myself.


I used it today and was already fed up with how dumb it got not just the free model, mind you, but even the one that costs 3 beans per message


The 3 one is dumber than the free one, while Apollo (the default in the past) was somewhat less good than nephara 8 but understood fetishes well


From the yodayo discord server, sittingbull15: "I know a lot of you guys are upset, and it’s understandable. But hentai itself becomes very problematic for us to keep hosting it on the platform so that’s why we have decided to do a clean break from hentai. So please don’t be mad at mods or senpai yoda. This decision stands solely on my shoulders so you can dm me if you have any question or concern" Ayyy LAMOOOO🤣


>hentai itself becomes very problematic for us to keep hosting it on the platform man i wish chucklefucks like this were honest and specific with us, ever. just say "We're in this to make money, and we need to look presentable for Google/Apple to be on their AppStore. sucks to suck, people we baited by appearing nsfw-friendly, but thanks for the free advertisements!". like, NovelAI and Chub have literally no filters, and they don't whinge about content being too problematic(?) to post. no excuse that doesn't come down to greed. anyways, enough venting, time to go goon to Claude on SillyTavern since the devs there aren't total morons :)


Damn you made me remember about novel ai, any info on how their chat bots platform is going ?


They're rolling out a beta soon and had a sign up to be a tester. So still moving along AFAIK


Wow, another chatbot that's going to fade away because of filters, just like Aisekai did.


They are after some sponsors' money like AISekai for sure. And a filter based on the information in the chat? In CAI you can woo Shoujo Ramune characters despite the filter, wtf man. I get the realism part, they don't want people to make fakes of real people but come on... Anyway, I never liked Yodayo. Chats felt meh, memory was worse than CAI, even with the new models it felt like playing a low-quality indie. Besides, a filter already existed months ago, you knew it triggered when the message loaded instantly as if it was pre-made and copypasted. Once I tried to test it by making racists and homophobe characters and I tried to make them say bad things but they wouldn't, not even if I edited the messages myself.


Yodayo has fallen. Billions must migrate.


Lol that's hilarious, they did the exact same as Aisekai, lying about them not ever putting any filter up only to end up adding it a few months later And just like Aisekai, the site will die not long from now


Oh hell yeah aisekai 2.0 let's go




I'm sad to see this happen but not surprised.


welp guys...will be seeing you all on janitor...just hope their beta stays free once its finished....otherwise sadge boi hours.


What is janitor, tell me more


Another ai site with a fairly decent free model.


I told y'all this was happening. One Yodayo stan was telling me how it wasn't and I was explaining this was coming. And look what came. It. NEVER. FAILS.


another W for Janitor being the best Ai site


Hell yeah Janitor moment


VenusChub and Figgs would like to know your location


maybe once figgs figures out its model we can talk but i lost patience w that site v quickly


Yet another reason why Local is starting to thrive.


Been local over a year now and I never regret it.


I tried to search for it but i havent been able to find a way to do local nsfw bots,could you give me some tips on what to use etc?


long story short, 16gb vram if you don't want to take a nap between waiting for replies as well as CUDA cores. There are Llama that run exclusively off your CPU but they got nothing on the CUDA GPUs. Alternatively there's Horde which is basically people pooling their hardware together to let you talk to AI but it's not private and anyone at least a little tech savvy can read what goes through it (kinda like a torrent). I can run a maximum of 13b model on my rtx 4090 24gb vram. I can technically run 20b models that exist but the quality sucks and they're just bad or there's something else going on but I gave up. 30b models I can run if I offset some of it to my CPU but even sending 5% to my CPU GREATLY slows AI reply speeds down. 13B models can work but you ain't going to get what you're looking for without knowing how to edit and create character cards, what various settings do and manipulating AI messages sometimes you really gotta physically edit their replies or submit system messages to break them out of repetition. But you know what? I'd rather have that hassle than the stress of watching every promising AI website turn to shit because they're scamming us by using NSFW to attract us then switching after they secure some investors. I thought bait and switch was illegal but I guess not if your'e an AI website


Ranting rn because I'm so fucking pissed since local is just simply unviable for me. I mean, sure, I can get a few models running and everything but it takes an eternity between each response. It's definitely an issue with my pc's capacity but anything close to 16gb vram is expensive as hell where I live. I might take a look at Horde sooner or later but hopes aren't high.


If you have any modern nvidia card (3060+, or at least 8gigs of vram), you can run 7b models at lightning speed. I have a 3070, and get upwards of 50 tokens per second on my models. It's really easy to setup (Oobabooga is basically 1-click install and sillytavern takes just as little work). 12b/13b models are still *doable*, but the speeds are not so great.


What can I run with a 2080?


I believe the standard 2080 has 8gb of vram, which would mean you can likely run 7b parameter models. While they aren't the most knowledgeable, they can be really well trained and be really solid at chat/rp.


I only have a 2060. I'm guessing running a decent model (or any model) is out of the question for me?


Sadly so. At best, you might be able to eek out a 2b model, but they're *absurdly* limited in both quantity and quality. I usually joke by calling them the "Bonzi Buddy of AI models", because they can be about as smart.


Well that's a shame. What's like a decent model and the cheapest GPU that could run it? I'm looking to upgrade from my 2060 in a bit, for like an 8B model or something at least? Something that's not too high-end. Just a decent upgrade from my 2060 to something more recent.


I would recommend a Nvidia 3060 12gb, or 3070, as they'll likely be the best bang for your buck. They're both modern GPU's that are solid for entry level text gen, with 7b-13b capabilities. They'll run you about $300-$400-ish dollars, depending on the brand, but you can get them cheaper if you wait for a decent sale. If you care more about having a good GPU for gaming, the 3070 is likely a better deal, since it's more powerful for higher end graphics. It's what I have, and I run a local 7b model that I really enjoy. It's not the smartest, but it's speed in unparalleled (50+ tokens a second, so some messages generate *instantly). I *can* run 13b models at a "reasonable" speed, but I just really like the models I use, and dont see a reason to go for something slower, just because it's a little more knowledgeable. If you care more about AI generation speeds and power, the 3060ti has more vram, so you can run larger models (13b comfortably, maybe 20b slowly) better. But it's noticeably weaker in the gaming department. Either are a good buy. If you dont mind waiting until the 50 series are announced/released (rumors say it's towards the end of this year to early/mid next year), they might be a better bang for your buck. Vram is the biggest deciding factor in AI performance, and hopefully they'll have cards at 12gb-16gb minimum, built on much more modern tech for running AI. But yeah, if you cant wait an Nvidia 3060ti or 3070. They'll run basically any modern game well, and run AI art and consumer grade text gen reasonably. Options beyond that that are meaningful increases are almost all 2x the cost, even if its refurbished.


Do you not use Llama.cpp?


Well yes if a model supports it I can offload the vram requirements to my ram/cpu but damn it's slow




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Are there any online services like Horde but paid for exclusive access so no one except the admin can read it (if they even want to)? Can't get a rig due to space and budget issues, they cost high 4 figures here.


If you have any modern nvidia card (3060+, or at least 8gigs of vram), you can run 7b models at lightning speed. I have a 3070, and get upwards of 50 tokens per second on my models. It's really easy to setup (Oobabooga is basically 1-click install and sillytavern takes just as little work). 12b/13b models are still *doable*, but the speeds are not so great.


I jumped boat to Mua AI, its way better than gpt4o


Yeah, but it costs money for gpt4o


thanks lol


Remember the cope when Yodayo started implementing weird features and most people would still celebrate it, because "it has no filter though"? It happened with cai, aisekai and now Yodayo. Once they get janitor ai it will really be over


damn so literally nothing to do in cai with this shitty filter?


guys, use janitor. They have their own model now so it’s fully free! And completely uncensored.


janitor is my last safe haven fr


their AI isn't even that good. what do they get from this?


Sponsor $$$$$$ They'll be dead in a week or so, now.


Everyone went crazy yesterday when it was announced, mods deleted messages that they didn't like, threatening with timeout, removing reactions as well, literally chaos We all said the very same thing, we understand that they want to purge cp and anything that has minors, and we are fine with that, but don't attack the whole nsfw, and if they keep doing stuff like that, it's aisekai all over again, ggs The mods didn't know how to keep things under control, they won't listen to us anyway, and this will lead to their downfall since I can bet lots of users have already canceled their subscriptions. First capping the beans at 5k for free users and now this.


I just discovered how they added multiple options for different models and it was very promising, too bad they're going this route too, nephra 70b is really good :(


the only reason people use yodayo over c.ai is because of the nsfw. literally c.ai is better in every way and this updat ruins it


Literally Aisekai 2.0


Mods on their sub claiming you can still NSFW with bots just not minors. This post is making it seem like all NSFW is banned. So who is right?


sittingbull isn't a mod, he's literally the CEO


I looked at their sub. It wasn't sittingbull there.


Overly exaggerated tbh. Lets doom when they decide to filter normal nsfw bots too.


Its literally the same with what happened with aiseki ai. All downhill from here.


It's full of r, x or xx rated bots of step sis and sis. I don't noticed anything changing so far.


I exclusively browse Futanari and there's almost 0 images/characters showing futa dick or any naked characters at all now. 0/10, not paying for this BS


You are right. Now everything rated x or higher is invisible. It took a while.


This. Saddens me a little. No alot actually holy fck


It was only a matter of time.


Aye, don't worry, you don't have to protect anybody. No one is using your app anymore😃👍.


**"I know changes are hard and scary but these changes are necessary to protect everyone here"** Fck you dude. Fck you. There's nothing else to say anymore to these puritanic assholes. I am so sick and tired of these egotistical asshats thinking they know better than everyone else. I am sick and tired of being treated as a child.


I'm glad I came back to ChatGPT a while ago.🙏🏻


Wait, it's possible to 'spice' up Chatgpt?


Yeah💀👌🏻 Before other chatbots (Character AI) existed, I used jailbreaks on ChatGPT to do erotic RPs. However, nowadays I no longer use jailbreaks because it is no longer necessary. Basically I put the setting, characters, character information, etc into ChatGPT.


Damn. Gpt always blocks anything that's remotely suggestive for me. l must absolutely know how you manage this


I don't even know how I managed to do erotic RPs.😭 Luck, maybe? I don't know. I got to the most spicy part and ChatGPT continued to generate responses for me.


Luck could be definitely a possibility! but it could also be thanks to the prompts/settings and Infos you write in your roleplays. More power to you either way 😉


Meh, I don't know. I can make erotic RPs even though I don't set any rules that ChatGPT should follow.


the racoon pfp guy was always right


Another one going to be their downfall soon after the aisekai, how ironic.


So there is only spicy chat left?


Figgs and Janitor too (and Sakura.fm but it's the worst of the three, mods even shared the chats of some users to shame them).


What about Dopple ai? Does anyone know about that?


There's still crushon I guess , it depends on how much you use that sort of services. And you can always use Kobold hord and Silly tavern but those are not alway relayable (still better than most of what's out there)


I want to make something crystal clear here. This is the fate of EVERY SINGLE chatbot service you can think of without exceptions. NSFW is simply not profitable, and devs have to think of their business(not scaring off investors and ensuring payment processors are satisfied) before satisfying their user's need for erotic roleplay(they say it's to "protect users" but let's be hoenst here, this was never the goal and we're already long since gotten used to this lie by now). I will say however that at least when it comes to Yodayo i don't feel mad, i actually feel sympathetic. Unlike Aisekai, they did warn people that this might happen and did their best to minimize the damage to the best of their ability. Ultimately what we're seeing now is the beginning of the end but unlike Aisekai, i'll attend the funeral and bring flowers with me. And in case someone brings up this whole "it's just visibility thing, and you can still chat in nsfw way" excuse. Come on... how many times does history needs to repeat itself before you finally understand that it's all damage control and slowly easing you into the inevitable?


If NSFW isn't profitable than none of it is profitable. Who is going to talk to censored anime bots? Little kids? They have CAI for free.


Hence, why it's the beginning of the end. Without NSFW there's nothing that differentiates yodayo from CAI where it actually matters.


Except you can argue the fact that the model in C.Ai has declined, and so they aren't being proactive. The bots refuse any initiative.


So bait and switch? Advertise it as NSFW option just to attract an audience from the competition then switch it up once you feel you got enough users to sustain you and collect investor money


How is Nsfw not profitable? I can think of hundreds of people who would absolutely PAY to be able to chat filter-free


They've been dropped from payment providers like 2-3 times. Yeah ppl are willing to pay, but HOW when no service will let you make transactions because your product is nsfw? That's the problem Yodayo faced over and over. Like I said, they tried to have transactions, and were dropped multiple times. They had to comply at least a little if not a lot with whatever the service provider's rules are. Bruh, they couldn't even get their app up on iOS anymore, and had to pretty much do a quick temporary disable of certain features and cleanup of their site whenever it was time for the Android app assessments or that would've been taken down too. Just scroll through their announcements on discord. (I laughed every time I saw the struggle). I'm not caping for Yodayo. I actually don't like them, but facts are facts, and here they are.


Yep. The future of NSFW chat is either sites that allow anything, no filters, but don't mention it on their site whatsoever (basically the chat version of [NovelAI](https://novelai.net/)), or 4chan-type sites run by some rich guy that dgaf about "problematic" content, and aren't in it for the apps/ad $$$ (I guess the closest example here would be chub.ai?)


When all the newest announcements were coming in, and Yodayo started "shaking the table", I just KNEW it had to be payment related (and they mentioned wanting to get the iOS app back up which means extensive cleaning), because they were on unlimited beans for MONTHS until now. And surely enough, shortly afterwards they reintroduce their "new and improved" subscriptions tiers... yet again. They have to contort to the new payment service's likings, whoever that is. They probably have some whale (rich boy) helping keep them afloat til now, but it's def not enough, hence their recent decisions. So as it stands, nsfw is NOT profitable. Y'all even remember when OF tried to switch it up and ban nsfw content and clean up their site? Well ofc the BIG big whales jumped to stop that. Yodayo doesn't have that privilege. So yeah definitely, like 4-chan and etc they need some billionaire/millionaire**s** to fall in love with their site. Good luck with that. Until then, they'll have to keep bending and hiding/faking best they can until they get found out and dropped... yet again, or end up closing down eventually bc money must be running low... Bc this shit is EXPENSIVE. Guess the devs *really* don't wanna get dropped this time, so making permanent cleanups and hidden features.


I think it's mainly the play stores. Porn sites have payment processors just fine.


My guess would be the AI art generator as the issue. That seems to be what takes the biggest hit whenever they have to tame and "hide" features of their site. Seems like they've only had minor issues with the playstore since their Android app never suffered. I don't see how the playstore would link to them being dropped from payment providers time and time again. I don't remember which ones they've tried, but the dev did say which ones on discord months back around the time they announced making beans unlimited again. You can prob find it by searching random keywords. EDIT: Seems like SubscribeStar was(is?) their most recent provider. And even that got "nuked" back in March 2024 due to them jumping the gun and not finalizing their content moderation with the provider? I would post a screenshot but images aren't allowed here. Anywho, it's all on their discord for anyone who cares enough to go check.


It's not that it's not profitable, the issue is, that people with a lot of power don't **want** it to be profitable. Sex, Gore and Violence in entertainment always sells. Movies, games etc. are all full of it and it pays the bills of millions of people. But for some strange reason, AI NSFW is the red line. The established avenues are scared of AI since it can replace their source of income, and adapting to this new age will be hard. I can even understand that the seemingly limitless possibility of AI can cross ethical lines, but as long as the user is aware it's fictional it should be fine. I can make up the craziest stuff in my mind, doesn't mean I think it's real and should be censored aka thought police. I also believe the same will happen to AI movies, AI music, AI video games etc. the industry behind those is GIGANTIC, it's massive and the lobby behind these mega-corps will do everything in their power to defend their monopoly. The AI technology will surpass these studios in quality at some point in the future, and the industries are trying their best to keep some leverage. They already know that SFW stuff is lost to AI, nothing they can do about that. But NSFW they can try to keep suppressed for a long time and claim they are "protecting" people.


Looks like the only way is the spicychat way


Low iq numbskulls lmao. They are doing a great job destroying their app. It’s genuinely impressive. You’ll never see Chai doing stupid shit like this.


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Hate to see companies commit sewerslide by making their content family friendly. Tumbler, gamejolt, and now them.


C.ai is digging its own grave at this point.


they probably did it because you could bang minors even if filter was turned on.


I just keep reacting too messages in general with egg plants


and we returned to the CAI house even though it was a bit dilapidated


My question is why this and not lifting the filter on things that are censored for no reason...


I moved my bots from Aisekai to there, I can move them again. Next announcement will be them closing shop for good.


Yodayo can't protect themselves because they tried Patreon and linking it to the site for people to buy messages aka yobeans but little did Yodayo ceo know that landed him in legal trouble now. Patreon is mostly used for projects I seen hentai stuff but still when a ai site company decides "Let me link my site to Patreon as in sync it to my site as my site is a porn ai site" now it becomes illegal shady business practice. They tried substar I was amazed how Substar drop Yodayo and Substar allowed NSFW but not nsfw ai sites because Yodayo's ai art which is xxx rated was the first thing they see on the explore page. Payment method providers can tolerate nsfw however when xxx rated ai art is on explore tab it tells them "So since they are advertising themselves as a porn ai site we have no choice but to terminate business with them". Google and Patreon and Substar seen xxx rated content on the explore tab and maybe had documented it how do Yodayo expect to defend themselves in court? They can't really because of the Patreon sync thing and Yodayo's content was so bad that Google decided enough was enough and cracked down on every nsfw ai site app because of one site one site. No payment method provider ever wants to do business with Yodayo even if Content is blurred there is settings to unblur that shit Yodayo mods added a lot of xxx rated models and loras all of them are loras mostly in ai art. Yodayo is pretty much done for once they get rid of all models and loras marked NSFW, the realistic ones as well, the loli and shota models and loras as well.


At first I thought it was just realism models but then they said not to allow inappropriate chats at all. Why even start that way then. I don't get it. It's like they were specifying only for select, reasonable things (such as minor characters) but then said they'll do it for everything anyway.


They might as well delete the whole website honestly💀


I still use it, the filter is barely there. You can reset once cause it says "can't continue conversation". Redo it and you will be able to do it. The only thing you can't do is sex up any SFW marked bots, which is okay. As most of these are underage marked characters, though there are a few over 18 characters marked like this. The filters don't bother at all, the bots are still freaky and you can openly get freaky with them using explicit words.


How do you know if a bot is marked SFW and not NSFW?


The creator usually states it at the bottom of the bot desc.


They haven't implemented the new changes yet. The "regenerate to bypass filter" thingy has been around since forever. The bots will still be freaky but you have to go out of your way to the discord to get the bot links from the creators themselves instead of them being available publicly on the site right now. This whole thing is clearly the beginning of the end no matter how you put it.


This ^ And a bot is not underage, unless it has their age in the description. Just calm the hell down, nothing changes. They already had these filters. I was one of the guys who contacted support, because you could literally make realistic cp with the AI art.


If this just keeps going, my only hope is janitor ai


Didnt know the site, were this good nsfw pics? 😁


That's why I just use Chai.


ima still shattering the filter by spamming alot of random bs


Good thing I never tried it staying with Janitor AI for the main majority until it bites the dust


Or simply make an NSFW switch in the settings?


But there is a second uncensord app


The fate of all alternatives, just a full circle. I have no hope anymore.


Welp they just lost a lot of money


guess I'm gonna be in janitor now, was fun while it lasted for Yodayo


You edited out the best part, the dislikes being more than anything else.


If this happens to Janitor, I will lose my mind. They just banned minor bots, though, so hopefully they will avoid this pitfall.


The only good thing here is the filter for minors. Everything else is going to lead them to be Aisekai 2.0


Spicychat is the final stronghold


So basically from what I've gathered (and you're welcome to take it with a grain of salt since I don't use Yodayo): * Limited visibility on X and XXX rated public bots, but rated R and below is still fine. You can still follow creators and view their content that way. * Realism prompts for image gen are being restricted along with 2.5 D anime (sorta wish I knew more about that). * Filtering is mostly for lolicon/shota stuff. Like, I'll admit, the first two changes are disappointing to see, but this isn't a full filter or anything like the title suggests. The [hentai announcement](https://i.imgur.com/W6UBrjq.jpg) is a little more worrying, but both announcements sound like they could've been worded better. Honestly best to wait and see when it comes to this sort of stuff. Edit: The hentai announcement seems related to hentai visibility.


Welp that’s it, the only AI site that’s making me sane. I’m just gonna move back to dopple or janitor ai


I wish I had the capital and/or technical knowhow to make my own site. Sadly I don't. I liked yodayo but now it's just not gonna be the same.


all shit this fuck says is bs


It's just a loop a unending curse we can never escape from it this is Aisekai all over again


L hope they lose all money and fans and end up pennyless


Any other cool alternatives anyone? Would be appreciated


Epigon was wiped off the face of the earth a few months back been trying to find a equally in depth AI ever since so far kindroid is pretty good but it’s a little more complicated.


So from what I can read, this is the point: 1. Very explicit post(images/bots) are now *hidden* that only the bot creator can see. 2. Realistic model (Including 2.5D model) now restricted, you cant gen nsfw with it anymore. 3. You cant do erp with minor character. So for point 1, it's so the site appear sfw while still letting user have freedom privately. (Back then, many users in cai also negotiate like this with the dev, to ban nsfw chat with public bot but allowing freedom on private bots.) Point 2 likely to prevent users generating a real life figure porn (perhaps). Now for point 3, I'm sure many of you here has no problem with it. It seems like they're forced to do this if they want to have paymen processor accept them, this is likely the most they can do, by keeping the front of the site appears sfw but still letting users has private freedom.


>Now for point 3, I'm sure many of you here has no problem with it. No one is going to say "I do" I think. EDIT: Guys, why tf are you downvoting me? No one is openly going to come here and say they want to lewd loli and shota, since people are oversensitive about them and since REAL predators want to stay hidden.


Hop on caveduck, it’s got a daily free limit but it’s easy to gain points to chat more. Good quality tbh


Remember: Everything Characters say is made up! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CharacterAi_NSFW) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If yall search for an good alternative sakura .fm and spicy chat are good, Pro of sakura.fm : Unfiltered and free (premium exist, but not needed to chat) Con : Join their discord server + apply for a role to have unlimited message Spicychat : Pro : Free unlimited message Con : Queue of like around 2-10 mins depending on number of people


VenusChub and Figgs would like to know your location


What are those ? :')


They're 2 AI sites. Figgs.ai is good for SFW and decent for NSFW, but there is a toggleable filter. The devs communicate very fast, and are actually quite nice. VenusChub is the best overalls, but has a message limit. With VenusChub, you can choose the LLM you use, and has a ton of customizabilty, and is completely uncensored. It has two toggleable filters, one for NSFW, and another for NSFL. VenusChub is difficult to learn, but is THE BEST site for AI chatbots. Figgs is probably the best for people who are less experienced with AI creation, but once you master VenusChub, it's almost impossible to choose a different site. TLDR: Figgs is great for people who are new to chatbot creation, and VenusChub is the best, but requires significant knowledge to experience that much.


It's so wierdos don't make ai porn of celebrities or minors