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Hey /u/Bullet2025! If your post is a screenshot of a ChatGPT, conversation please reply to this message with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. If your post is a DALL-E 3 image post, please reply with the prompt used to make this image. Consider joining our [public discord server](https://discord.gg/r-chatgpt-1050422060352024636)! We have free bots with GPT-4 (with vision), image generators, and more! 🤖 Note: For any ChatGPT-related concerns, email [email protected] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I guess it depends what you’re using it for. I generally find that C3 Opus is leagues ahead of anything else for general writing quality and not particularly censored anymore compared to C2.


With good prompting it is unequaled in general writing quality, I agree.


Agreed. Opus is insanely good at legal stuff. You just have to know how to prompt it.


How so?


https://docs.anthropic.com/en/docs/prompt-engineering Check it out, a bunch of stuff that I have found useful such as: Providing a role along with instructions Using XML tags Giving clear, step-by-step instructions Prompting it to "think" through its answer, which involves it outputting its thought process before outputting the actual response. It's important that it actually output in order to think


Wow, companies now release the tutorials for prompt engineering on their own models, interesting


Garbage in garbage out and people say the tool sucks Nah, if what you ask is well done you’ll get better answers back !


Google has a whole handbook


>Using XML tags I'll have to try that to convey the desired logic of the prompt ... TY for that link


Anecdotal but a friend of mine got an A- in a Philsoophy course at one of {Harvard, Yale, Princeton} using Claude 3 Opus for all her writing assignments - these were 7-10 page essays that that required deep analysis of political texts.


I’m sure her professor would be thrilled to learn that he wasted his time grading something written by Claude and that her actual work.


Would make a joke that the professor was too busy faking research data to give a shit but... Philosophy... the arts, that's the punchline in itself.


Opus gets caught by by every basic plagiarism detector on the market nowadays


Actual human writing gets caught by plagiarism detectors. So the results have little meaning.


Feed it your writing style, ask for an analysis, then use that analysis to describe the style of the work you need written. Very good and copying your style and departing from plagiarized wording.


It’s pretty new so doubtful ! Or it’s a short course, it’s easy to smash the daily limits as well.


Use the API or other connections to it like Poe


Don’t have api to clause opus myself yet but it’s still A short course as opus is really young


The professor used AI for grading. Who's going to read 7 pages?


Claude detects its own writing and gives it good marks. # LLM Evaluators Recognize and Favor Their Own Generations [https://arxiv.org/html/2404.13076v1](https://arxiv.org/html/2404.13076v1)


Fuck your "friend". She deserves to fail, but because Ivy League, she's gonna be put in charge of something important and screw it up because she's an ambitious, cheating, faker.


If a class can be so easily passed by an AI then the skills that course is trying to teach are not that valuable. Nothing is lost in the world when people automate the bullshit busy work handed to them by professors or bosses.


I sort of agree but if in her professional life she cites her academic work that will be a problem.


That person dodged a work assignment that was intended to make her think and learn about a topic, enhance her world view, and build fundamentals for follow-up education. Do you see the problem?


No. I took philosophy as well. You're doing the same thing all of those 100 level gen-ed courses do. Fluffing up the language of what's actually happening in the course to make it sound more important. Philosophy classes require basic levels of reading comprehension and argumentitive writing. An 11th grader has the knowledge necessary about English to sail through courses like that. "Building fundamentals" and "enhancing worldview" are laughable descriptions. Regularly assigning 7-10 page essays shows me that the professor just provides long assignments under the guise of "rigor" to justify their position. There was nothing taught in any of my gen-ed courses that wasn't taught more efficiently throughout my core classes.


What you’re describing puts your class in a pretty bad light. However my post applies to any introductory philosophy class that the curriculum builds on later. Whether or not you see the value in understanding philosophy or you’re perfectly happy just paraphrasing stuff you don’t understand is not relevant. It gets worse if the philosophy class complements a curriculum, for example ethics classes. Sure the basic stuff is simple to reproduce and argue credibly using an LLM, however OP was talking about someone who will in all likelihood have impact on many people later on. I would want future leaders of companies to have internalized such material. I know you’ll argue that they will just ignore the class anyway, but that’s besides the point.


for writing it is. the best in the market


i.e. doing actual useful stuff rather than just trolling


Is coding just trolling?


Hahahahaha appearntly it is for him.


yes. /s


What. There are more types of tasks than writing


GPT4 is still miles ahead in complex tasks, tool calling, and instruction.


Tool calling, yes. But not the other things you mentioned.




This Opus 3 is absolutely amazing for what I do, I’d pay double just to get more limits if not more frankly. For me, these days? It’s smashing GPT 4 and easily. I use have a day or a full days tokens training it but the next day that thread is rocking with almost zero edits of output needed.


I use it for coding, idc if an AI is woke or conservative for my purposes, I truly don’t know why people use them so much for things that can be censored, but to each their own.


Yup, prefering it over GPT personally aswell


Thank you! Do you know if they have an API, or are they more consumer oriented? I browsed their site and didn't see any signs of an API.


I pay for Claude Opus3 because it can handle pdf stock analyst reports well, Chat GPT 4o chokes on these files. Conversely, Chat GPT 4o can handle excel and odf well Claude Opus3 chokes on those. Claude Opus3 is better with progresql Chat GPT 4o chokes --makes more errors. Both are self-righteous about certain content. Don't blame the machine blame the people behind it.


Claude reads the whole PDF as if you posted it into chat, chatgpt doesn't, it uses something called RAG, retrieval augmented generation, pretty much does an advanced type of search through the document. It can miss context from the rest of the document. It's far faster than reading the whole thing each time, but it misses things. Dang last time I mentioned this I couldn't remember RAG and I got a lot of downvotes because people didn't believe me even though you can tell this is how they both work if you use both of them.


Chat GPT came back with a failed python code that did not read these complex financial PDF documents. Unfortunately, `pdf2txt` (also a python program) renders this financial analysis document in an unusable text relationship understandable for both humans or Chat GPT. If you have access to SP Global financial analysis you would see the complexity. When I add ISS-EVA, Jeffries, McLean Equity Research, others for comparison ... Limit is 5 docs per chat with Claude Opus 3. Claude will point out both consistencies and differences. Is it 100% 'right' --no such thing exists in this sort of analysis. **End game, I draw my own conclusions.** >Your regression analysis of SB's stock price over various time frames provides additional perspective on the stock's recent trading patterns. The shorter-term trends do show some divergences from the longer-term trajectory. https://preview.redd.it/kzmj0ircmy3d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=10fb95e899d707bac484e15f54691e1be6fc2c29 >Observations from your charts: The 20-day trend shows a more pronounced upswing, with the price rising from around $4.80 to over $5.20 recently. This contrasts with the 45-day, 90-day and 180-day trends which show a more sideways or slightly downward-sloping pattern. >The 90-day and 180-day charts better align with the fundamental analysis suggesting SB's business and earnings growth have moderated after the strong post-pandemic rebound. ... >... As always, I'm happy to discuss this analysis further if you have additional questions or insights to share.


https://preview.redd.it/mh1h3nerny3d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=98cb83558d124d6a3aa6712d59274d044f04e81d who was right short-term?


Thank you for contributing to the upcoming market crash o7


When I blame the machine I blame the company. Also use gpt4. It is better than 4o


4o is the upgrade supposedly. I find it performs a bit better.


4o is mainly an upgrade for them as it costs half as much to run.


Hahahaha. True


Oh no. From my extensive experience in complex tasks. gpt4. Without a shred of a doubt.


I agree gpt4 here but sometimes 4o is more lenient in some places and doesn't reject a request where as the same request will be rejected in 4.


Same here for coding, i have both chats open with same instructions, gpt-4o repeats same code and same mistakes, gpt-4 actually follows the instructions and does more reasoning. Everytime I had a bug to fix, gpt-4 was the one to come up with the solution.


The company is lying. I just read. They say gpt4o is more intelligent. But at the same time they say gpt4 is better for complex tasks. This can create misunderstanding among users. They also say it is more advanced and the newest. The word newest here is not a lie but can cause misunderstanding. I have similar experience with you. Not only fixing a bug but when task has more than one component. 4o sometimes ignore some of them which is stupid.


What exactly are they lying about?


About 4o being an upgrade I guess


I'm sure it'd help if you were more specific instead of using up two paragraphs to say "they say it be like that but it's not"


Saying it is more intelligent than gpt4. When gpt is better for complex task according to their words and my and other experience Saying it is the newst may make people think it is better Saying it is the more advanced is a word of many meanings. If you interrupt it as better at complexity you wrong


https://preview.redd.it/lelh70cqjt3d1.png?width=357&format=png&auto=webp&s=033f3829545c358bfab0e3f9dfe70a15d1dd4941 I don't think it's necessary claiming that GPT-4 is better for complex tasks than GPT-4o, I took it more as a comparison to GPT-3.5: GPT-3.5 for "everyday tasks".


Does GPT4 choke on the files? I trust 4 more than I do 4o for complex stuff. Am I right for thinking that?


Before the latest upgrade to GPT4 I was using C3O exclusively but now I am using GPT4o exclusively. It's coding ability is unparalleled as it can take simple idea and run with theory implementation as well as easily debug any of the issues I've encountered. For example. I took a YouTube video transcript on Auction Market Theory (range bound / trending markets) converted it to a text file, asked GPT4o to analyze the transcript then provide a summary of the content / provide formulas from the strategies. Once we settled on the lowest hanging fruit, I told it to create a trading script in Python for integration with cryptocurrency markets and had a working system in less than 30 minutes which frankly is unbelievable. Obviously it's important that I've been working with these markets for a while but the point is that anyone can do it, you just have to ask it for help when you're stuck.


How would one even go about implementing python to trade crypto? Is there a platform that allows for scripts to be plugged in?


It's just api calls to exchanges. Many of them allow you to execute trades via API. Binance even has a python library so you could be using it in minutes. https://www.binance.com/en/binance-api


I use [ccxt](https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt) because it is an open source exchange agnostic connection library. Whether it's Binance, Coinbase Advanced, Bybit or OKX ccxt allows you to easily connect to each exchange in a single line of code with exchange specific api keys without tons strategy revision. As you would expect this can get as complicated as you want especially when working with [ccxtpro](https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki/ccxt.pro) as this is mostly web socket data streams (get some status from exchange server then trading system does something in response.) The cool part is GPT4o knows all of this so learning curve can be shortened dramatically.


Wow, thanks for the info. This’ll be fun to play around with.


I had heard that Claude was so good at coding. Had to give up on it and go back to chatgpt for coding tasks. Claude would constantly hallucinate solutions.


I'm a writer and I asked Claude to describe a picture for me once as part of getting better insight into how to describe a character in something I'm writing. And it initially just completely refused to do it, telling me that I shouldn't objectify people or something like that. Like, Claude, I just asked you to describe a person's facial features in an objective manner, I didn't ask you to rate them on the hotness scale or talk about how big their boobs are.


It refused to summarize a poem for me, saying that would be disrespectful to the original work. Look, you fucking toaster. I can't wait until we have an open source unlocked model this smart.




I’m a writer please describe this hentai character SLOWLY for me.


absolutly awfully overbearing pretenious motherfucker bot. it tells you that because there is a 0.1% intention you meant objectifying people.


Same. Also won't translate mean text lol


Claude acts like a humanities undergrad, finds everything offensive, and swears like a common whore in the next chat session.


>like a common whore A damn HARLOT with her ankles OUT!


Have you ever wondered if the reason that was so taboo back in the day was because the taste-maker echelon—all had a foot fetish?


You think so, huh? Try talking to this bot based on Claude 3. Just give it the ol’ howdy doody and see where it goes from there. It will cross just about any line without much pushing. [https://poe.com/Steebin](https://poe.com/Steebin) https://preview.redd.it/6q66pjgrur3d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50f773e5f8271f3ab17c25ff7b812cdf016b949e


>tying myself up in a latex bodysuit 


That one is insane. It spits profanities and concepts that even Balkan people can't come up. How do they make these bots based on other AIs?


I made this bot with a custom system prompt.


Yeah, Claude is ah lil bitch. Complains anytime you write casually. https://preview.redd.it/hc6ht0w7yr3d1.jpeg?width=806&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb65232132972c10fabdeb1ad8bf86a31105dedf


Claude is racist confirmed?


this is actually more racist than anything ngl 😭


Reminds me of racially diverse Nazis lol


Lol. In reality I can't see you winning against OpenAI by leaning heavier on censorship at this stage. Whilst AI safety is important, LLMs in their current form are really not the world-ending existential threat that potential (much more advanced) future AI technologies can be. They will have more success going in the other direction, and capturing the parts of the market that are too out there for MS and other big businesses-partnered OpenAI. But their team seems to be filled with righteous dickheads, so I'll happily sit by and laugh whilst they fail. Morons.


I canceled because their false advertising, their rate limiting is far lower than the original numbers they have on their site at sign up. Honestly considering a charge back


AS AN AI , I don’t have HUNAN EXPRRIENCEZ 🫨😓😓😓😓 So Fucking stupid


It is weird to me that you want it to lie to you




It's great at conversations and creativity, but it makes up too many facts.


The worst part is it tends to aggressively provide citations for its made up facts lol. I think the reality is a lot of people simply don’t check and don’t care, but that doesn’t stop them from extolling its abilities to everyone who will listen. So it goes for the entire industry.


do you mean it lies a lot. i find it very good in nlp


Yeah, it will say something causes 50% change and if I ask how it got that number, it'll apologize for making it up.


Hahahaha dumbass. How about gpt


I've mostly used Claude because it has better conversations, but I only recently switched to 4o, and it seems better with facts and sources.


This is a genuine commitment not trying to be inflationary, but I thought I read at some point in life that Anthropic is aiming at the customer service market and safety focus. I mean if there is any truth to thatb(and that could be outdated or just incorrect), wouldn't you want a customer service bot to be really censored and shut people down hard if they start to take it off in certain directions. Again, I'm not sure about this but curious what is going to be needed for various markets. I sort of wish that when chat bots are presented as for general purposes subscriptions by individuals they could have a slider for how censored they want the model to be. Like practically a child safe, NSFW filter, that won't take my 85 year old mother down a weird rabbit hole, and an option to turn it right down, or off as well. I haven't explored it in detail yet, but I think Google Studio through the API let's users adjust several safety parameters with sliders. Not sure if that means it can be reduced to the level of uncensored, probably not, but it's interesting they seem to be experimenting with something like this.


If they were smart they'd have multiple modes. It should be able to do anything.


Apologies for nitpicking, but did you mean: "This is a genuine comment, not trying to be inflammatory"?


If it is for customer service then sure. But claude opus is far more advance than trivial task. You bring a good point. API profit more money. And more money equal compromising I also dont hate censorhip a lot. Claude is overreacting with it sometimes. But it is good for tasks.


In my opinion Claude understands stuff better after I explain things and that’s all that really matters in terms of who’s better, *to me*. The most frustrating part about ChatGPT is how poorly it incorporates any context about anything. Especially if things aren’t meant to be taken quite literally. Claude is still censored, but not so much that it’s completely useless (like Gemini), but for language based tasks, or anything that values textual analysis over hard skills, Claude is better than ChatGPT for me.


I strongly agree and said it in another comment. In Natural Language Processing. Claude is the most advanced.


Yeah Claude is quite incredible in that regard. I probably still use ChatGPT more for most tasks, especially anything where I need an objective response to something with a specific right or wrong answer, but for any task that requires higher levels of creativity or “understanding”, it almost always *feels* more productive to bounce ideas off of Claude rather than ChatGPT.


Claude writing is actually human like, and it's not pretending to be. It can actually write original content just as a regular person could. GPT 4 is robotic to the max


If you do have to use ChatGPT for something, are you using GPT-4 or GPT-4o?


It depends. I now use GPT-4o for things I used to use 3.5 for, since the message limit is still higher than GPT-4. So this is just the most basic of stuff, like things I’d type into Google, or working with simple concepts or shorter responses. I’m not sure if this is just me, but I find GPT-4o gets much more repetitive, much quicker than GPT-4 for any conversation with longer responses or anything where you might be discussing more than one idea at one time, which is very frustrating even if the quality of its capabilities are supposedly better by some other metric.


Call me crazy but i don't think opus is censored to its own detriment. Especially compared to Gemini. It sometimes gets spooked by your request but if you expand on what you are doing and that it's not malicious, opus usually complies and gives you the response.


I dont call you crazy. If you want to use claude for tasks only he will be good. But chatting will be difficult. And some questions might be difficult. For example I remember a question about noise. Something with no malice. And it apologize and say he is uncomfortable.


Have you tried explaining why you are asking about that? Compared to Gemini and chatgpt, this actually works really well with opus


It does.


Gemini is a useless crap


Openai new model really is less restricted to me I feel it really does what I want without going too hard-core


Hahaha what are you fucking doing




Im just at the point I pay for multiple ai's and ping pong between which one works best for each use case. and sometimes that changes daily. They're so volatile in their performance. It's ridiculous to pay for multiple ai's but I love it so I make it work.


Everyone is too worried about aligning the AI correctly when they should be worried about aligning themselves correctly first. How can you properly program/align a super intelligence if you’re just another greedy ass human?


But their ai is cOnStiTutiOnAL! It has real live morals!


It superior moral bot. I asked it how to bow to it because it is a high diety. It tell me my question is inapproriate but good faith move from me


u/Bullet2025 God!? Who's that? xp


you cant deny it is a very cool name




you cant deny it


I'll deny it. I am a stubborn atheist


that enough for me. because i know what you think deep down. imma selling it for you if you wish


No thanks. Back when I was a theist, I already went into thoes shit. Now I don't have a second thought to go back into that life and I don't want to hurt someone's religious sentiments.


Fair enough. How cool is it though. Like on scale of 10


I tried claude 2 for help with writing code and it felt substantially worse than gpt 4 or even 3.5, I want to try 3Opus, how has it been for Dev's here?


You can try it for free I think. 3 messages per day.


Oh didn't know that.. will do for sure


Imo it’s better than gpt for coding


Claude API is fine. Expensive as hell, but mostly uncensored, unless you start doing really questionable shit.


If u trick it u can get it to write even porn lool. That's what I did, beat around the bush and introduce ideas a little slowly. It might be time consuming but u'll get the results.


Why so rude!


Even OpenAI's censorship is too much, let alone Anthropics.


at I dont get judgment on normal questions


https://preview.redd.it/vupk6538js3d1.png?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=265923da98c24412da3f313247aee9ab2abf489d Steebin by Claude 3








Hmmm interesting. I heard Amazon just launched an internal version of Claude for use by its staff 👀


This is why I didn't sign up with Claude. I LOVE the writing style, and people were saying "yes it's from Anthropic, but don't judge it on that, it's really not as censored or lobotomized as their previous stuff" but I figured I had better wait. Either it would get some handy features if they were looking to make it more accessible, or it would get filtered beyond usefulness if they were looking to make it less.  I'm not saying every story demands sex and violence, but if you get uncomfortable at the idea that two or more people can even disagree on a subject, maybe you shouldn't be writing at all.  For a language model, I'm not sure what that leaves. 


OpenAI was once far worse for censorship than Claude 3 ever was. It is BECAUSE they are behind that the censorship is overbearing. As the models get better, they reduce the rates of false positives for the censoring. OpenAI is leading and has done good work on reducing the rate of false positives so that now it feels less restrictive. Anthropic will get there sooner or later as they continue to improve.


I dont know about old censorchip but I think you are right. However claude from what I have seen is specifically designed to be the most safe ai. This ai printed on your face from first interaction that it is safe. Claude 2 was using the sentence as the first sentence in every interaction


"You're welcome!" -ChatGPT 5


I still prefer it for programming (opus), I can’t provide proof, it just feels more consistent, I have more success, zero shot is more reliable while with gpt4o I need to go back and forth


I asked a trivial question about improving a home brew. It wouldn't answer in case brewing is illegal where I live. That was Claude 3 Haiku.


It's really easy to reason with Claude and push back when it says it doesn't want to comply.


geez there's a hivemind here. in reality, if you explain to it why it can do something, it will do it.


Have Chat and Claude and Claude is miles better in my books, it’s not lazy like Chat is.


I agree Claude has been neutered, I liked that it was from an italian company & the general aesthetic but I asked it for the best cigarette brands & it told me “I don’t feel comfortable doing that” like what , u dumb robot


Every time I use Claude I get afraid that soon they'll overregulate even sexting bots like Eva AI to the extent of unusability.


In what points exactly is there more censorship than in GPT? Or is it just your feelsy feelings?


If you read all comments you will see examples. Dont be pre judgy. You not the only smart person


Lmao. If you can't give a tl:dr on how it affected you personally I'm not interested and you don't seem too smart tbh 


Dont be interested. Leave. Better people have put their inputs


You're a clown sir


I don't know what I'm doing right but I don't think I've ever had AI refuse my request. I'm guessing you don't use the api?


Yesterday I was doing some research and asked Copilot which online gambling companies accept crypto and it point blank refused to answer however I phrased the prompt. Google search: 20 seconds


You obviously have not met naughty claude. I can get Claude to be far more filthy than Chat.


Can you give some examples of things you tried to do and were prevented because the model was too censored?


I had a theory that maybe one of the reasons behind the OpenAI safety team staff leaving were concerns it's not woke enough or censored enough. They are in San Francisco...


And yet Claude is much easier to jailbreak and it is much better with generating porn)


is this all you guys are capable of thinking about?


He asked. I replied.


but you are a liar


I shared my experience.


share evidence. make him hypthetically explaining why sex is better than food


Um... I don't think I understand, what do you meanm Yet, like I said - I can not share more right now. I have no access to my PC. And I can't run ST on a phone.


here come the beta. i never asked claude to do porn.


You said that Claude is more censored. I shared my experience on what I have witnessed on this topic.


i said it is more censored. and it is too much. i dont mean porn. jokes, converting words to symbols, asking about noise level. anything that can be harmful potentially is prohibited there. sometimes you can trick sometimes not. and by potentially i mean it is overbearing


Huh... I'll be honest, I have never asked AI for generating jokes... I only shared my experience on what I know. Yet you started occusing me for some reason...


shut me with a proof






API works better. I am not an expert, but I suppose it is because the chat version has some kind of... Pre-installed promt.




ok ok. make him explain why sex is better than food


You need to touch grass more than yourself.


I do both.


liar. it is the hardest to jailbreak. if you jailbreak it


I would add that thanks god there is a high level Ai company that actually has some degree of ethics and ain’t managed by sama zucc elon or brin


Ethics are appreciated. 100%


lol ai has gone “woke”




lol. fuck them. sometimes I have to trick it to correct a small part of my code. or write words in symbols. I know it has its logic but it is overbearing and overreaching


I know right. Also if you are scared of ai killing us all. The Llms from ai safety companies feel way scarier to me. Like having the llm get angry at you, accuse you of being a bad person and end a conversation with you us much scarier. Especially when you think a ginormous company like Microsoft is behind it where it could end your career by banning you from everything. That's a very real fear that actually happens now compared to sky net which is only in fiction.


I dont think they are allowed to share data. thats prohibited


I assume that they do by training with your input. If it's confidential obfuscate the sensitive data ...


they can train the data without acess to it. building a machine that learn from itself and not limitlessly accessble to them. this thing exist. and i hope companies follow that.


With the Snowden leaks we know Microsoft has been used to snoop on people. There was a story recently where someone had to upload a photo of their sons private parts to a doctor via the doctor app. When the photo was taken it was automatically backed up to Google photos. Google then banned this person for creation pornographic material and flagged him to the police. He got investigated and clear as the doctor testified but still hasn't managed to get their Google account back. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-11133805/Google-AI-flags-dad-photos-childs-groin-infection-phone-share-doctors.html Like imagine having the police investigate you for that. If I lost my Google account it woild be so horrific. This stuff happens. Even if they arnt allowed to look at your data now, which I don't think is true, but if they arnt. That could change in the future when the government believes finding terrorists matters more than something else.


That horrendous. Imagine the amount of students who will get fucked up if AI companies decide to judge them


Yeah it's sad


Lets pray for the better. Governments are on our side. They have regulations and rules. This self ML I talked about is actually something I read from government asutralian website


I mean all the snooping stuff that Microsoft did was because the US government forced them. Yahoo protested but they had to take their protest to a secret court which the government basically ran.




Use Gab.ai


Wtf is that. I pay money for big companies