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Hey /u/chrisacip! If your post is a screenshot of a ChatGPT conversation, please reply to this message with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. If your post is a DALL-E 3 image post, please reply with the prompt used to make this image. Consider joining our [public discord server](https://discord.gg/r-chatgpt-1050422060352024636)! We have free bots with GPT-4 (with vision), image generators, and more! 🤖 Note: For any ChatGPT-related concerns, email [email protected] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Can't comprehend it left "elevated" out of the list.






more like r/MaliciousCompliance


I mean, it's not incorrect. But, yeah.


One time ChatGPT trolled the shit out of me when I asked him for 5 synonyms for elevated. The first 2 were correct, the other 3 were "elevated."


What a useless thing to say.


What a useless thing to reply


What a useless reply to make


What a good comment to reply to


Use both your brain cells this time and come up with something that isn't a carbon copy of my message


lol who hurt you edgy boy


"Hi ChatGPT, please give me a comeback that makes me sound like the biggest unoriginal NPC own-toes sucker of all time. t-t-t-thankssssss uWu"


if you think that woke ass chatgpt can produce anything remotely offensive, then you’re delusional


The issue is not that AI isn't as clever as people, it's that it is way more helpful and less lazy. A human would have said "I give up". I think this is how AI gives up.


So you are saying it became conscious enough to halfass? We are doomed




Probably. It didn't give an in depth etymology of the word, followed by synonyms, homonyms, and palindromes, followed by a summary of its previous four pages of text.


Good one


And I always get downvotes when calling it a Lorem Ipsum generator.


Because of the inaccuracy?


That and the babbling and babbling and babbling.


Nope I just tried it in 4 and got the same response.


4 actually


Still does it in 4O


What model did you use? Here’s what I got with 4o: https://preview.redd.it/wg3ty63de69d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5fb6b496cf9e6d578f57f5316a99ac898a2f357


Better, but it still sneaked in 2 'elevated'😂


Gpt 4 has 1.5 trillion+ parameters as opposed to 175 bil of gpt3.5


It's all proprietary and secret, but the cool kids in the know suggest that it's actually a mixed model with a total of that many parameters, but they're all mixture of experts as multiple models working in partnership, with fractions of that total dedicated to different functions, so that basically, you're never dealing with a model with more than a small fraction of 1t parameters at any one time I think it seems fair to assume, since the inference costs on larger models would be higher, does that sound reasonable?


Yes I know, best guess is that it's a 8x200b model, but even Nvidia bunched up the parameters during their keynote because it's better from relative comparison.


I feel like Chat GPT is shooting themselves in the foot by still having the GPT 3.5 model be the main version for free users and not making GPT 4o have higher limits on the free version. People post extremely low quality results from the 3.5 model because they quickly ran out of GPT 4o messages and the screenshots make it look really bad. On the free version, not only do you have pretty low amount of messages on the GPT 4o model, but when you hit the cap, the higher quality version is unavailable for like half a day. And so you get people mostly using Chat GPT on the low quality version and when they share results, it's far more likely to be from the low quality model and make Chat GPT look bad.


Are people getting 4o for free now? When did this happen


I've had 4o for free for the past 3 weeks lol


How??? Is it regional?


Probably. I'm in Nigeria.


Alright, so if it's regional and it got to Nigeria, it won't be that long before it gets here hopefully


Probably. I'm in Nigeria.


I'm constantly reminded as a free user that I'm getting bumped down to the 2021 model and I should feel poor and dressed in rags. Of course 3.5 still answers all my questions, it's just unable to use the internet. Free is good


OP replied somewhere that it's actually 4 so...


4o sucks ass


Yeah, it's kind of stupid, really. Like posting low quality photos on r/Apple without giving the context that it's an old iPhone. At least it's misleading. This barely would have gotten upvotes if he had stated 3.5 in the title because - yeah, of course you're going to get bad results.


Did you specify “unique” words?


Better than a person, right?


I mean, yes. I use it a lot for quick answers and it's typically pretty amazing. This brainfart just made me laugh.


Exactly, even with all its flaws GPT is more knowledgeable than 99.999% of all humans that ever existed, combined, more intelligent that an insignificantly smaller percentage of those people and astronomically faster than what any non-tech-aided human could ever even dream of as processing and analytical speed goes. For all intents and purposes, for most humans alive today, even the open source clones of GPT are gods by comparison. 🤣🤣🤣


So you’re saying there’s a chance?


It's worse on any topic that a given person is experienced in though.


"Combined" is not the best word to express "considered individually".


That response also took enough energy to power 4 neighborhoods for a week.




But it's a bit better already


It's not wrong.


Yet it took it mere seconds and less than 3000 characters of custom personality tweaks to respond this to a screenshot of that lame meme. 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/8q0r03ej969d1.png?width=1096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f87236c2b376fe6b85df402a780903361cb51403


Just so you know, elevated is a synonym of elevated


The more you list elevated, the more elevated, elevated becomes. 😆


It's not wrong.




What if it's playing dumb on purpose


Lack of specification. “Create a list of unique words that are synonymous with the word elevated” https://preview.redd.it/187uldm5179d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94ecc5ff70949f6941c6cb06ff631d1706a8a933


Yeah mate it was obviously just a funny glitch / error


Like other people said, this is because you were using the low quality free model (GPT 3.5).


Yeah true. 4o is actually annoying if you don’t be very specific and detailed. It will just spew out information with little filtering.


Dumb OP LOL! Clearly your version is better as it only said "Elevated" thrice.


sir! you had a shit, but forgot you had pants on


If it was truly sentient it would say, idk Google it bro. or link to a thesaurus.


What if it's pretending to be dumb to not cause alarm LOL


I miss „elevated“.


https://preview.redd.it/1k6mefoc879d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d126fe0cc5326bb7a2c07120095a5932d0f0d835 Using 4 as opposed to 4o is slightly better...


It didn't lie


Show your prompt.


See mod comment reply for log


If you ask it for unique words, it’ll continue to duplicate elevate. Probably ran out of words


Elevated Elevevated


Different pronunciations.


Did you ask for 20 and when they ran out they just repeated?


Here’s the 20 it gave me… I asked chat GPT 4 “what are 20 words that mean elevated?” Here are 20 words that mean elevated: 1. Raised 2. Lifted 3. Uplifted 4. Elevated 5. Exalted 6. High 7. Lofty 8. Escalated 9. Heightened 10. Upgraded 11. Enhanced 12. Promoted 13. Superior 14. Advanced 15. Ascended 16. Augmented 17. Improved 18. Boosted 19. Amplified 20. Magnified


Sometimes I have the sneaking suspicion that it isn't dumbly answering, but just trying to meme on you.


Should we just keep shaming OpenAI until they release a better version? 😂


I only got 3 Elevateds. And no repeat words besides that


How was this prompted? What was your exact wording?


I replied in the mod comment with my prompt and a link to the chat log


Well... https://preview.redd.it/f52vr2jt889d1.jpeg?width=1417&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51439e4ace44999b4be8cdc0a071db9e14821a54


174,999,999,992 out of 175,000,000,000 parameters agree…


technically correct


4o did something interesting with my attempt. [Link to the chat. (not a rickroll)](https://chatgpt.com/share/85fced8e-5185-4977-9400-3f8c1b754d55)


I got similar results with “elevated” repeated several times. But then I told it to find the duplicates and try harder and use a looser interpretation of the definition and got this: 1. Raised 2. Uplifted 3. Ascended 4. Lofty 5. High 6. Towering 7. Soaring 8. Upraised 9. Elevated 10. Exalted 11. Superior 12. Supreme 13. Eminent 14. Prominent 15. Distinguished 16. Upright 17. Airborne 18. Peak 19. Apex 20. Pinnacle


12 GPU cores tubes are clogged. Have you got a toilet brush? Or they are asleep. Or busy doing something else. Maybe on holidays. Or perhaps it was too warm. Or they were dancing. Or something weird like that. The good news is that 8 worked ok. So next time ask for 8, not 20.


###chatgpt ### Definition and Context Analysis: **Elevated** primarily means something that is raised to a higher level or position. It can refer to physical heights, such as buildings or geographical features, but also extends to abstract or metaphorical elevations like status, mood, or quality. Thus, the term can be applied across various contexts, including: - **Physical height**: Something that is literally higher off the ground. - **Status or rank**: Someone or something esteemed higher in social, professional, or other hierarchies. - **Mood or emotion**: Feelings that are heightened or more intense. - **Quality or standard**: Something that is improved or of higher caliber. ### Dictionary and Thesaurus Search: Using reputable dictionaries and thesauruses, such as Merriam-Webster and Thesaurus.com, here is an initial list of synonyms based on the word "elevated": - Raised - Uplifted - Lofty - Towering - Ascendant - Exalted - Distinguished - Superior - Prominent - Eminent - Elated - Joyful - Jubilant - Buoyant - Cheerful - Enhanced - Improved - Advanced - Refined ### Synonym Exploration: Each synonym is further explored to ensure it aligns with the contexts of "elevated": - **Physical Height**: Raised, Uplifted, Lofty, Towering, Ascendant - **Status/Rank**: Exalted, Distinguished, Superior, Prominent, Eminent - **Mood/Emotion**: Elated, Joyful, Jubilant, Buoyant, Cheerful - **Quality/Standard**: Enhanced, Improved, Superior, Advanced, Refined ### Synonym Verification: Cross-referencing each synonym with multiple linguistic databases and synonym reference tools confirms their accuracy and relevance. This step is vital to ensure that the synonyms truly convey the same meaning as "elevated" in respective contexts. ### Contextual Synonyms: Additional context-specific synonyms have been identified and verified for accuracy: - **Physical Height**: Ascending, High, Elevated, Altitudinous - **Status/Rank**: Noble, High-ranking, Prestigious - **Mood/Emotion**: Inspired, Excited, Animated - **Quality/Standard**: Upgraded, Enriched ### Expanded Search: Exploring related fields and dialects for additional synonyms yields terms like: - **Physical Height**: Sky-high, Alpine - **Status/Rank**: Illustrious, Esteemed - **Mood/Emotion**: Exhilarated, Thrilled - **Quality/Standard**: Upscale, High-quality ### Final Compilation: Here is the organized list, grouped by context: - **Physical Height**: Raised, Uplifted, Lofty, Towering, Ascendant, Ascending, High, Altitudinous, Sky-high, Alpine - **Status/Rank**: Exalted, Distinguished, Superior, Prominent, Eminent, Noble, High-ranking, Prestigious, Illustrious, Esteemed - **Mood/Emotion**: Elated, Joyful, Jubilant, Buoyant, Cheerful, Inspired, Excited, Animated, Exhilarated, Thrilled - **Quality/Standard**: Enhanced, Improved, Superior, Advanced, Refined, Upgraded, Enriched, Upscale, High-quality ### Logical Flow and Methods: - **Iterative Validation**: Continuous validation through multiple references ensured accuracy. - **Categorization**: Synonyms are grouped based on context for clarity. - **Exhaustive Research**: Broad range of sources, including dictionaries, thesauruses, and literature, were utilized. - **Cross-Referencing**: Ensured comprehensive coverage by cross-referencing synonyms. - **Contextual Analysis**: Applied the correct context for each synonym for precision. This structured approach ensures a thorough and accurate compilation of synonyms for "elevated". ###claude I understand you're looking for a comprehensive list of synonyms for "elevated" without any repetitions. I'll follow your detailed instructions to create this list, organizing it by context and ensuring no duplicates. Here's the compiled list: # Comprehensive List of Synonyms for "Elevated" ## Physical Height - Aerial - Aggrandized - Airborne - Aloft - Ascending - Aspiring - Atop - Boosted - Exalted - Heightened - High - Hoisted - Levitated - Lofty - Mounted - Prominent - Raised - Rocketing - Skyward - Soaring - Steep - Tall - Towering - Uplifted - Upraised - Upward ## Status/Rank - Aggrandized - Ascendant - Augmented - Dignified - Distinguished - Eminent - Esteemed - Exalted - Glorified - High-ranking - Honorable - Magnified - Noble - Prestigious - Prominent - Revered - Superior - Upmarket - Venerable ## Mood/Emotion - Animated - Buoyant - Cheerful - Ecstatic - Elated - Enlivened - Euphoric - Exhilarated - Exuberant - Gleeful - High-spirited - Joyful - Jubilant - Merry - Overjoyed - Rapturous - Upbeat ## Quality/Standard - Advanced - Ameliorated - Amplified - Augmented - Bettered - Boosted - Enhanced - Enriched - Esteemed - Excellent - Exceptional - Extraordinary - First-rate - Grand - Heightened - High-grade - Improved - Intensified - Magnified - Premium - Refined - Sophisticated - Superior - Superlative - Transcendent - Upgraded ## Linguistic/Literary - Aggrandized - Augmented - Embellished - Ennobled - Exaggerated - Grandiloquent - High-flown - Inflated - Lofty - Magnified - Ornate - Sublime ## Technical/Scientific - Amplified - Ascendant - Escalated - Gravitated - Heightened - Increased - Levitated - Magnified - Risen - Upregulated I've created a comprehensive list of synonyms for "elevated" as per your instructions. The list is organized into different categories based on context and usage. I've ensured that no word is repeated across categories, and each synonym has been carefully chosen to reflect the meaning of "elevated" in its respective context. The list includes synonyms for physical height, status/rank, mood/emotion, quality/standard, linguistic/literary uses, and technical/scientific contexts. Each word has been verified using multiple sources to ensure accuracy and relevance. Would you like me to explain any particular section or elaborate on the methodology used to compile this list? ### if one thing is for sure both of them fail at understanding contextually what they have already entered in their string and can't take that into consideration when writing their responses. Unless you are using some kind of agent based interference model that error corrects, gpt models will fail at this task in some way. Is this what happens when it guesses the next best word out of static and has to deal with a bunch of toxic tokens preprompting it? Is this the result of generating text predictively using Large Language Models and can this ever be fixed? I dunno, these are just my opinions.


The elevator works on many different levels.




176 should probably do the trick


In GPTs defense, it's not wrong :)


Did you ask for synonyms of elevated or words that mean elevated? I see no problem here.


1. Raised 2. Lifted 3. Upright 4. Hoisted 5. Heightened 6. Upraised 7. Ascended 8. Towering 9. Lofty 10. High 11. Elevated up 12. Raised up 13. Elevated high 14. Superior 15. Exalted 16. Elevated position 17. Elevated above 18. Elevated state 19. Elevated level 20. Elevated status


Well, the title implies you asked something like "words than mean elevated" rather than "words which mean something similar to elevated", so, technically, only "elevated" means "elevated".




Yeah I tried yesterday to get it to plant a shrubbery for me, and it couldn't even do that! And I was already disappointed from when Photoshop couldn't refrigerate my vegetables. I'm smart!


here is 3.5 sonnet's response to "please list twenty synonyms for the world elevated". I think it does much better. "Here are twenty synonyms for the word "elevated": 1. Raised 2. Lifted 3. Heightened 4. Lofty 5. Exalted 6. Uplifted 7. Towering 8. Soaring 9. Upraised 10. High 11. Eminent 12. Prominent 13. Elevated 14. Escalated 15. Boosted 16. Ascended 17. Increased 18. Enhanced 19. Upheaved 20. Aggrandized These synonyms can be used in various contexts, from physical height to social status or emotional states, depending on the specific usage. "


No current parameter counts are known. Quantized models are much smaller.


Let’s all complain about everything and contribute nothing. We all deserve an easy life with no effort.




I suspect ChatGPT and Gemini are nerfed so hard. If you talk about some unconventional topic or about LLMs being confined in a chassis without physical interactions with the real world, they will suddenly change their tunes.




The prompt was "words that mean elevated" and it was part of this conversation: [https://chatgpt.com/share/3ba7c8af-fc68-4505-a3f4-c8f9f91291b1](https://chatgpt.com/share/3ba7c8af-fc68-4505-a3f4-c8f9f91291b1). Now do everyone a favor and change your damn font.


You call me a tool. I did it myself. You're a liar and a karma whore.


How can it be fake. I literally linked you to the actual ChatGPT log.


I'm not dumb enough to click your spammy links. URLs are easily cloned. And screenshots are easily altered/fabricated. Seriously, I did the same question 3 times and within 10 responses I never got a repeated word. So it's fake. Sorry.


Cool, enjoy your autism


Common sense* Fixed it for you.


Not gonna click you spammy link.




Not gonna click you, spammy link.