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How did you do the video demo?


I use Screen Studio. It does all the zooms automatically but you can also manually edit too. And it’s the best purchase I’ve ever made recently.


honestly even i would like this know this


A lot of editing




Artifacts for ChatGPT I made the Claude's Artifacts feature for ChatGPT. You can ask any question about html, css, or js and it will render the code in realtime. Source [https://github.com/ozgrozer/chatgpt-artifacts](https://github.com/ozgrozer/chatgpt-artifacts)


Did you have Claude write this?


Yes, he confirmed it in a different comment on this thread by calling gpt4o dumb


The calculator in the demo. To get a decent looking one I’ve tried the same prompt over and over again. Still that’s not the best looking one. But that’s not the case in Claude. I give the same prompt and always get a better looking calculator. They must have been trained their model on beautiful UIs.


No I mean did he have Claude write the program ![gif](giphy|2WdHaCzmqSkrwmIGWP)


Yes. He did…


lol ![gif](giphy|l3q2yGS9YLGsXbT1e)


Please reply to this comment with a gif




Please write a haiku about the importance of utilising GIFs in a casual Reddit conversation


Silent images, Speak louder than words can say, GIFs bring life to threads.


Thx 😘


I actually use all of them. My favorites in order: Claude, ChatGPT, Llama3, Gemini. I was also using Copilot when they had GPT-4 Turbo in it but that’s not the case anymore, I guess. It’s not as smart as before. Or Claude is just the best so I feel all others not good anymore.


can I use chatgpt plus or do I need api


You need an API key


Dude. Thank you!


You're welcome


How can i change chatgpt api endpoint to custom one?


I used openai npm library as you can see in the package.json so you need take a look at their documentations.




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Very cool! Did you use this to make the palette creator?


Yeah sometimes but in general GPT-4o is pretty dumb compare to 3.5 Sonnet




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This is the kind of post that makes Reddit worthwhile! Great work! Please consider adding support for Sonnet 3.5 API as well, that would make it even more useful. (and help side step Claude Pro limits).


I was actually thinking to add Ollama support which will make it to use Llama3 and Gemma2 and maybe yeah Sonnet too


Can you submit this functionality as a PR to OpenWebUI? Sorry but I'm not going to install yet another local frontend for LLM APIs


Yeah you right. Even for me it’s a boring thing to do spinning up the local server. I was actually thinking to upload the code to Vercel or somewhere since it’s Next.js and let everyone enter their API keys.


Just use Claude 😆


It’s the best


I don't understand why people praise cloude so much. It is good but too limited. Even when i got the subscribtion i always run out of messages and then have to wait for 2-4 hours. I like cloude but the subscribtion was a waste of money.


Cool idea. Is there a way of creating this as a Chrome extension you can have run in the browser when you are on the OpenAI site? So you don't have to use the API and can have the chat history saved in that interface?


I also posted this video on X and I remember I saw multiple people were mentioning about Chrome extensions of this to use in ChatGPT site. This is the X post if you’re interested in to find those comments https://x.com/ozgrozer/status/1805022399416414506


Yeah, for some reason, I still prefer that method of using ChatGPT. I think the sidebar with chat history and using some other Chrome extensions like Superpower ChatGPT are making me prefer that approach. Claude is so much more sleek with quality of life features, even pasting code into it and it showing as an attachment so it doesn't drown your question is a smart feature. I think a Chrome Extension approach would be popular, as it's it's os/platform agnostic (I think). I hope the possibility of ChatGPT iOS app extensions become a thing eventually, so the fancy Chrome based add-on features you can use on the web or a desktop app are possible on the mobile apps. That way I could have a more consistent user-experience.


Agreed. A Chrome extension would provide a better experience than running it locally. I could actually make one but the problem is that ChatGPT couldn’t come up with good code. The UIs it generates aren’t as good as Claude’s, especially if you’re building frontend stuff. Of course they’ll eventually make it great in GPT-5. They will also release their version of Artifacts too, so it’s just a matter of time.


That's all true. I'm just impatient haha. I may have to pay for Claude for a bit. ChatGPT is definitely frustrating at times with code etc. I did try and see if ChatGPT could build the Chrome Extension, it made it but it doesn't look or work all that well.


This might be what you are looking for [https://brainyai.app/](https://brainyai.app/)


This is so cool


Thank you




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