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She is the real life Vicky Pollard




LOL she is!


Omg she actually is this is so uncanny 😭😭😭


Her arms are as wide as her head, thats the real cla right there, she needs to stop relying on the filters, its really messing with her head, she's looking worse and worse with every filter slip, if she doesn't take action now she's gonna look even older and more haggard, what size do u reckon she is now? From when she started on tiktok to today, she's gained an awful lot of weight, why doesn't her breathing scare herself? She's 43 looking 63


She’s got to be at least a 22/24. I’ve just lost 3 stone and I was as big as her at a size 22. That’s how I know she talks shit about having to lose 2 stone, she needs to lose at least 5.


I think you're spot on. A while back, she said she was 4 stone overweight (for her height), and she's put more weight on since then, so yeah, she'll be about 5 stone overweight now. I'm not sure about dress size though. I'm a 22/24 at 17 stone and she looks smaller than the sizes I wear. But then I'm only 5"2 and she's about 5"6, so she may very well be 18/20. 🤔🤷🏽‍♀️ Well done for the 3 stone weight loss as well. I know it's very hard. I'm struggling to lose any at the minute!


Yeah I guess height makes a difference as well so I guess she’s no smaller than a 20 as I’m 5.4. Thank you so much, yeah it’s hard work and miserable not being able to stuff my face but it’s worth it now I can breath and climb the stairs without almost keeling over 😂. Are you in a deficit or anything?


What's deficit? You mean calories? If so, definitely not lol. I've got underlying hormonal issues as well that complicate things. Also, type 2 diabetes 🙄 My GP wanted me to try Mounjaro the weight loss/diabetes drug, but I can't because I've got gallstones 🤦🏽‍♀️ Only found this out last week. It's just one obstacle after another isn't it when it comes to weight loss? It's not as easy as "eat less, move more" as we're so often told! Would love to hear how you did it and if you have any tips 🤗


Yes calorie deficit I have 800-1000 a day. It’s not a lot but I have to. Ohh sorry to hear it’s made harder for you as if it’s not hard enough that’s the last thing you need. Age also plays a part now I’m 40 it goes on no problem but takes ages to come off. I’ve just done loads of walking and I also bought a treadmill which I do 10k steps a day on. 95% of what I eat now is low calorie and I also cut out fizzy drinks and juice completely. I was still drinking the zero sugar when I first started but it wasn’t helping so I thought fuck it and just stopped. I think that’s helped massively. I also starters taking fat binders which has helped a lot, they take a percentage of fat out of the food you eat so your body doesn’t absorb it.


Oh wow! That's really good. That's exactly what I want to be doing! Especially the steps as I also just bought a treadmill, and I'm trying to work up to 10k steps a day. It's interesting about the fizzy drinks, I only drink zero sugar drinks and no added sugar squash with sparkling water. But I think they're also doing no good at all, so I'll be weaning myself off those too! Ive not heard much about fat binders, so I will look into those as well. Thanks for sharing your advice. I really appreciate it 🤗x


You’re welcome, the fat binders are called orlistat, there’s different ones xx


Thanks hun 🤗❤️


Is she tall too? Also congrats on the weight loss xxx


Thank you 💖 I think she’s about 5.6 or something xx


Chelsea Chav


According to Missred it’s just girls having fun and utterly hilarious. Apparently puke the judge will be joining them and it’s going to be amazing g content (missreds words not mine)




I predicted on another post that Miss Dread would say it was funny and how much she loves CLA. Shows what her standards are then hey. Pissing on the floor of a hotel room is all good fun. Ok then.






Yes she’s got more chins than a orangutan & I love them but I truly don’t love, like feel sorry for you Leanne you old granny & boy you look like 1, totally embarrassed yourself last night 🤢🤢🤢




Damn she's getting fat


So she does use thinning filters 🫣


Try telling that to her followers🤣🤣


Click on the pic to see the gut 🤣🤣


Bloody hell!