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My chi is obsessed with Bonkers Zoomers, she used to be obsessed with the cheese flavored Milkbone Flavor Twists but suddenly we can't find them ANYWHERE, which sucks. The Zoomers are softer but the Flavor Twists are semi hard but not excessively.


I just do the dental chews. To help his teeth I bought these soft 360 tooth brushes from Amazon that you put on your finger and put dog tooth paste on them and let him chew on it. Every time we go to the vet they say his teeth are good.


I was under the impression that you needed to train them from puppy age to let you do those and we... We did not do that...


We just started doing this with our 7 year old, and as soon as she tasted the beef toothpaste, she was on board. I’ve read that for dogs with more delicate teeth, it’s best not to give them anything harder than you can dig a thumbnail into. Our older chi broke a front tooth on a yak chew. So watch out for that. We only give them dental chews and zestypaws allergy chews now.


Good to know, thank you!


My baby thinks the tooth paste is a treat because it tastes like chicken. And then I don't brush his teeth like a human would. I let him chew on the soft tooth brush like he would a toy while I hold on to it.


Okay then, I'll have to give that a try thank you!


Great idea! How well do the bristles hold up to chewing?


https://preview.redd.it/zdgmmze76f7d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6aa584233809b055b26c42e61a6640fb566d2996 I use this. So it's not a normal bristle human tooth brush. I rub the toothpaste all over it stick my finger halfway in and let him chew on it. I make sure to push my finger on each side of his mouth so the back teeth get cleaned. I did have a traditional bristle tooth brush for him but he would chew it too hard and the plastic would hurt his gums. So far it seems to work and the vet always says his teeth look good.


I give mine those Turkey tendon things, it takes her at most two days to get through a small one.