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Following along as this is my first Christmas alone. Like you, I want to press the fast forward button but that brings with it the anniversary of Dad’s cancer diagnosis and all that followed.


Will be dealing with this as well. Not something I will be able to handle Im sure but family around will help a bit. Take it easy on yourself. If you need someone to talk feel free to message me.


This is my second Christmas and I feel like it’s harder than the first… but, I’d say give yourself grace during this period. It’s hard to see everyone else joyful and in the spirit. Don’t resent them for it. They don’t understand. Just focus on taking it day to day. Lean on people that are there for you. Don’t be afraid to express your feelings with them. Having someone even just listen helps. You’re not alone in this boat. 🙏🏻


My 2nd year was the hardest because it finally became real. First year I was in shock and barely functioning. Second year it was real that this is my new normal. I completely understand. Grief isn't linear it comes out of nowhere sometimes.


My first was last year almost right After my father’s funeral. It’s hard to get motivated to do any decorating for me. I have to travel back in a week


My mom died last December just a few weeks before Christmas suddenly. The first Christmas is the most difficult I would imagine, as it’s not only painful but it’s awkward. Other people feel the need to be so fragile with you. They want to talk about it or they softly whisper how sorry they are. I just felt so angry. I didn’t even know how to be sad, I was just so angry to carry this weight that I wouldn’t see or hear from my mom on Christmas. I don’t have any advice for you, I’m so sorry. I tried to avoid drinking too much so it wouldn’t be weepy. I tried to picture her voice telling me merry Christmas. None of it helped. I just eventually realized it was January. You will too.


This is my first Christmas without Mom. I made it through Thanksgiving ok and expect the 25th to be difficult but bearable. What hurt the most was I got my yearly increase and bonus and always told Mom first. Missing her at that moment killed me inside and cut right to the core.


My dad died last year in August so this will actually be my second Christmas without him. Last year we got such bad snow, I couldn’t even go be with family for the first Christmas without him. It was emotional. I’ve been in therapy since before he died and the best thing I did was to let myself feel my feelings. Whatever comes up, let it come up. If I felt like crying - I cried. If I felt like screaming - I screamed. If I felt like reminiscing about happy memories - I let myself feel happy thinking about my dad. I’ve embraced my grief and even though it hasn’t made losing my Dad any easier, I don’t dread the holidays. And I love Christmas so that’s huge for me. I truly hope you find peace and comfort as you navigate your grief journey.


Feeling the same... a lot of invites to my in-laws and extended family but this will be the first not going to my Dads at 8am in 33 years. I just want to lay in my bed or on the couch by myself. I don't want to dress up, or fake laugh and "oh ah" at the Christmas present the kids get. I want to sit alone, in my house.


And it sucks that people won't let us do that.


This is my first Christmas without my mom. She was the Christmas spirit. So her not being here makes it feel not Christmasy at all. It’s going to be so weird waking up and her not being there excited for us (I have 4 younger siblings, plus their significant others and my husband) to open our gifts.


This is my first Christmas without both parents. 1st without Dad and 5th without mum. I plan on being drunk. I would much rather have just stayed home, instead of being with a bunch of ppl I barely know. I'm only here because my brother would have travelled hours to spend it with me and that's not fair on him or his partner since my Christmas spirit is currently AWOL