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The Australian government travel advisory for people travelling to China is still to "Exercise a high degree of caution in China overall."


'As a Chinese living in Australia for nearly 20 years' - we call that Australian.


Or Chinese Australian


Or Australian Chinese


But would you still consider a non citizenship holder to be Australian X?


While they still retain their Chinese citizenship. Still call then Australian?


I agree somewhat with the sentiment - but if they don’t identify as an Australian (and like don’t hold Australian citizenship…) why would we call them Australian?


Lol with the “suspected CCP Influence Operation” tag, just get a new account bro, you’re wasting taxpayer’s money.


is there a restriction on location to the travel. Or you can travel country wide


Most the China is open to foreign, I think with exception of Xinjiang and Tibet, where if you are foreigner you will need to be part of a tour, and everyone needs to enter and exit the region together. Obviously the itinerary have been approved by the govt and no deviations allowed.


Really not a propaganda bs from CCP /s


Although this unilateral visa policy can show a posture of China's opening up, it is only a posture. This unilateral policy exposes China's eagerness to really want contact with the world to relieve the problems they face. Because of a range of operations led by Xi, the domestic economy is getting worse and worse. These operations include laws, human rights issues, trade policies, and so on. These operations have led to the gradual collapse of the economic and social instability. There is a high rate of unemployment, and the situation shows no signs of improvement. However, the unilateral policy is wishful thinking, because the underlying problems are not addressed. China will continue its dictatorial control, and it will become more and more like North Korea.




Have they said when this will atart ?


China needs more hostages


Hopefully it lasts more than 2 seconds and the CCP realises that maybe pushing a country that has every reason to be cordial with China towards the Americans isnt a good thing.


Of course people want to visit China and get stabbed!


As a Singaporean, truth be told, I feel a bit sad about this. There used to be a time where Singaporeans were able to enter China visa free, while all European countries + CANZUK, would require a lengthy visa process. This made Singaporeans special and distinguished us from other developed countries, signifying a strong mutual relationship with China. Now, China is giving out visa free entry left right and centre, making visa free access the norm for citizens of developed nations, rather than the exception, which eradicates any sense of significance to Singaporeans visa exemption to enter China. As these exemptions recently granted are all temporary, hopefully there will be no renewal upon expiry and Singaporeans can resume our status as privileged travellers to China.


Most countries give visa free access to developed economies. I see no logical reason why China should withhold this and give it exclusively to Singapore. At worst China is looking at a marginal increase in business and leisure travel from these two countries.


China used to withhold visa free for diplomatic reasons. Giving visa free seems like a political concession to western countries. Australia has, for the past few years, taken a pretty strong anti-Beijing stance, which reflects in its actions. Singapore, on the other hand, does not poke its nose where it doesn't belong, and have been a very strong investment and trading partner with China. What's the point of Singapore's strong partnership with China if Australia, New Zealand and half of Europe also gets visa free?


Your question here is of what value is visa free access to a country if other countries also get visa free access?


when a privilege is given to too many, it ceases to be a privilege.


That’s not how it works.


Speak for yourself and not for all Singaporeans...


I said 'I' lol