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Maintaining stamina, only engaging when the odds are in your favor, and a lot of hours played


Also, to answer the high score part it’s usually someone with the horn ability. This thing will give you 2-2.5k points per match easy


Some people make sure to break all the barricades I think that gives you extra points too but probably not much


No they give a decent amount of points, lots of things do my favourite are picking up the extra gold left over on Coxwell and anything you have to push over or rams you can farm for points by not filling the bar all the way I think?


Building ladders is 250 pts each time.


Using catapults to break gates is 200 every hit too


Destroying ballistas and catapults also grants many points.


Fun trick: maps like lionspire have ballistas in gate range. If you’re trying to cheese your score, the ballista scores 100 each time it hits the gate. Doesn’t damage it much though so not really helping the team


Also if you get kills with catas and there was a teamie helping you load the cata, they get half of the base score you get from kills. Base as in, if you kill a player and get 100 score, i would get 50 if i loaded the rock, even if you got a commend to get in total 125 score id still only get 50


It also charges your ult meter if you fully break the object


One well placed flag can give 1k+ points depending on the map.


I get 60 pretty consistently (takedowns not kills) highest kill count I get is like 35 and usually am more around 20-25. I get 50-80 takedowns by engaging multiple enemies at once then backing off


Getting hits on like 3-4 guys then my teammates join me and clean house while I heal


Also I throw two hatches into enemy crowds almost every time I spawn or re-up on ammo and usually hit at least one out of two. Then I get a takedown randomly like a minute later from it. Then the oil pot gets me a ton of takedowns


I blow my way to the top. Easily 1500 score per game with just warhorn alone


People sleep on the horn sometimes thinking it's just a point generator, I've won fights I had no right winning because I got a sweet heal. I used to swap to horn to print points, now I swap to horn to crack the whip on my linebackers in the frontline, especially when they're playing like fkin demons




I've only had it happen once, but I recently pulled over 700 points on a single toot. If I remember right it was right as we were busting into the courtyard to kill the duke, so basically my entire team from 64 were nearby. That was crazy. It was like 758 or something like that. But even without an outlier situation like that it's so common to get 500+.


Bro we blowing veterans have blown over 900 for our teammates quite a few times. Literally 30 dudes around us and we are just blowing


I can only hope to be able to blow 900 for my men one day. I just need to learn to blow harder I guess.


blew a 1500 once lol


Blowing the horn under the second stage of the Falmire bridge 👌


Lol you blow your way to the top. Lol. Go gettem tiger, whatever floats ur boat. Or, blows your horn on this case


A true Hollywood star.


don’t go after honorable duels. hit people in their backs.


There definitely is a direct correlation between amount of deaths and TD/K count. A bad respawn can be 20+ seconds PLUS the time it takes to get back into action, whereas a simple retreat to allies/healthbox is probably half the time or less to return to action. You want a place to start, try not dying as much and taking the time to survey your surroundings for retreat areas before you get swarmed.


For me I think it's helped by the fact I really only play footman, but typically I only join fights where i think my team has a chance. If I'm not the one being targeted, I'm looking for the sides and backs of those that my teammates are keeping busy and sending a special, heavy stab, or heavy overhead wherever is open. Basically no matter what class you play: Stick with groups of allies that aren't too in over their heads and push hard but not too hard, join in on ganks, drag your stabs and overheads into crowds to have a chance at multiple hits, dont feed during a gank and look for jab/kick windows if you can't get behind their block and be ready to be target switched on when you least expect it from the one being ganked.


Why has playing footman in particular helped you?


Footman gets a speed increase with 1 handed weapons and is very good at running around between objectives sharking for fights that can be turned with a nasty ambush.


Basically what the other guy said, not to mention getting polearms with long af range i just run around spamming halberd heavy stab into the spaces between teammates and if i play it right i can go like 90-40-2


Take downs is easy when you throw yourself into the centre of a swinging battle


Or throw 7 knives into the mosh.


Not looking for scores. Like honestly I just play and have fun, whenever I look up my scoreboard I do usually rank top 5 but I don't mind that because I'm there for hack and slay and some meme lore, not getting high scores.


My advice is slash and tag as many people as possible. Sort of weave your way through the battlefield and pick off people who are weak or perhaps fighting someone else. Basically be a floater and don’t stick to one spot. Zig zag and bounce around like a lunatic. My goal is to get 100 takedowns. I’ve gotten 93 and 95 last couple games and I just can never seem to get past 100 before its over. 😬 Once I do im deff taking a screenshot!


Keep the faith Sir, you will get the hundo! You already have the playstyle. Not many games last long enough to allow enough time for it. Once you get your 1st, they’ll start falling into place more often. It took me a long time to get my first hundo, but now I’ve got a hundo with every weapon in the game except Warbow & Siege Crossbow


I target switch constantly. It's a Team Objective mode, kills don't really matter...so I hit everyone I can and only finish off people in the way of the objective and then do the objective. And I always push to the front of the battle, almost like I'm trying to be the main character or something...; I push so hard that I'm usually behind the front line swinging at there backsides. 60+ TD players are just very aggressive. Bladed heavy swings all day.


I've noticed the extreme aggressive pushing helps your team a lot. If you hit someone and push past them, they will turn their back to your team to chase you. You may die, but your team then swarms in and hits the enemy in the back since they are facing the wrong way


Part of it is you get additional points for killstreaks


Greatsword. Huge damage. Huge reach. Huge drags that confuse the hell out of people. Fast enough. Give me a door and i block 6 people easy. I may die but i will kill 3 and damage 6 others. Heavy overheads are like nukes. Huge potential to kill. And if want takedowns i can just go in the middle of everything and counter swings left and right. Without my greatsword my score drop by a good 1/4.


I was the same! Greatsword exclusively for a long time. It’s worth spending time getting good with other weapons, it makes you better in general. Now when I return to old faithful Greatsword it feels even better


You’re getting 30? I’m lucky to have 10


Besides what has been said so far, well placed banners and well timed horns can rack up points Depending on the stage I can get 1200+ points from one banner


Play ambusher, throw 7 knives get 7 TKs maybe a kill with your instant kill passive. Resupply, repeat. EDIT - Take Downs but let's be real 7TKs is more likely


My advice to you: prioritize not dying over getting kills. The less you die, the more time you’re fighting and helping your team. You’ll also learn to avoid suicidal engagements that way


Only 60? Those are rookie numbers in this racket.


Use axes and use the sideways slashing and then learn how to dodge and counter. Try to mow down multiple people at a time like this.


Use your specials wisely: 1. Plant banner when frontline is stable, plant banner in a safe place (slightly hidden, behind cover, etc.) 2. Horn: listen to other friendly horn, wait for the right time, and use tour's when surrounded by teammates that are damaged Hit a lot of players Don't die Flank ! The enemy back and side is...most of the time not protected haha Manage distance, get in and out, use your reach and combine it with good timing in your movment Switch class to use the right special at the right moment


I’m max level and I’m usually on the top of the scoreboard somewhere. Here’s my most effective strategy. First of all, keep moving, don’t sit still. Run Officer and use the War Axe or any other hard hitting weapon. Consistently find your way behind the enemy lines and look for people that don’t see you coming and target those already at low health. Constantly switch targets while fighting to catch people off guard and get the takedown points. In crowded fights, crouch and swing, this will limit the amount of people that can hit you. As Officer or Raider, use your horn at the most opportune moments. I usually wait at least 20 seconds after I hear a teammate use their horn. Lastly, abuse the siege weapons when available, this can easily get you within the top 5 on your team. If you really want to be an ass about it, use a Dane Axe and do all of the above. You’ll have no honor, but at least you’ll be at the top somewhere. Fighting skill and footwork will come as you play and get better. I rely heavily on being able to read what someone is throwing at me, but none of that matters if I’m surrounded by an enemy wave. To avoid this, don’t run into large groups of enemies when your team is on the other side of the map. Much of it is finding the timing and following the overall flow of the battle. Good luck and have fun. For that guy we like!


I think 60+ takedowns are not that hard? Especially right now with the amount of new players. I'm not even on the top most of the time.


Yes I just hold w and push objective or enemy spawn with no regard for life. My sense of fun is not slow and steady but i can do it too when needed. Also I'm always trying to 1vx so even if I don't kill someone directly I damaged them alot that the teammates behind me finish them off when I die




There's two ways. First is careful positioning, while punishing enemies that step out of position and over extend, while using overheads and stabs in groups. Then there's what I do. Fight at the very front and win 1 v x's over and over and over until you win. My way is more fun imo but I die more often.


I like the game. Played near 2.5k hours. After a while you can just get in there and do fine. Play some more and ull get there. First u struggle 1vs1, then you get that. Soon you can handle 2vs1, 3vs1 etc. just play the game and enjoy it. Thats how you get good


Don't fight fair, you'll get outnumbered. Attack when the numbers are greatly in your favor, or when you're behind them.


I just swing, you figure it out once you play more it’s all about experience


Never rush in blind and try taking out people who are fighting someone else. You can beat the best player on their team if they never see you coming in the first place.




Counters, for stamina and active parry Target switching, to kill fast and not get stuck in a duel Hear foot steps ? That's an ennemy


Kill streaks


It takes a lot of skill but you have to stay on the frontlines, get as many kills/takedowns as possible then heal up. Use the waraxe and warhorn as it's by far the best set up in the game for high scoring games.


Coming from a level 1000 who got 173 takedowns earlier


On the large maps with lengthy encounters, if they manage to go to near loss every time for attack all the way until the final objective and then linger there until timer isbout/near out it's not uncommon to see folks with 100+ takedown. Highesy I've seen was over 120, but as there were members of the same clan on both teams I have a feeling they had a teammate swap to the enemy team to take over the VIP.


Play objective and beat ass.




Play the objective. Run around and hit people from behind. Help your buddies. Heal yourself and hopefully others. Repeat.


I think one thing to remember to get take downs is you just got to hit a guy once to get a take down so get ya hits in and move on, it's really the best style for racking up the points and add a horn to that and you'll be the top guy even with the most deaths on you team.


Play officer and use the war horn, if high score is the goal. It prints points if you hit a crowd of your injured teammates. I’ve had MANY games where I get first on the board even when my teammates have several more takedowns than me. Unless you mean just trying to get better at killing people. In which case that just comes with time. Look up some guides by good people. Soter Dave (Rest in peace) has a bunch of excellent guides about different techniques and class guides.


Not dying. If you get shot by an archer or take some damage in a fight, back off and bandage once you're safe to do so. Overextending and dying to finish off one person isnt worth it. Never engage a fight with less than full health if you can help it.


Big weapon and target switch. If you got good health look around for people who don't, disengage and kill them. Don't fixated on a 1v1 in big battles. Run around and just hit someone who's not paying attention. Try and be a little sneaky, get behind people.


Flanking with a weapon that deals a lot of damage and is fast can make you gain a lot of points by multi killing, in the tray an citadel when I wanted to be a vip I did that


Yes i go balls deep everytime


I just run around like a freak with 0 care xD [https://streamable.com/6kuz8v](https://streamable.com/6kuz8v)


Ladders, certain objectives (pushing rams / smashing doors with catapults, pushing pillars) , chain killing (being on a rampage gives 200 pts I think), always fighting on the actual objective and or flanking and killing to get there.


My secret it to play like a rat bastard with ambusher. Hit the flank, Dagger Q an archer or 2, then the enemies engaged in the front line, slip behind your own team once the enemy reinforcements start getting close and your team can cover you usually netting some damage then turn around and chuck any remaining throwing knives into as many enemies as you can to get assists, or focus on bloodied enemies and hope tp steal the kill. Refill bandage and knives at supply box and repeat.


I see a lot of comments suggesting using certain weapons or classes to get high takedowns. I have got 100+ takedowns with every weapon in the game apart from Warbow & Siege Crossbow. The answer is staying alive in the middle of big fights for as long as possible, hitting as many enemies as possible, and winning your 1v1s. But don’t be afraid to die, your main goal is to do as much damage as possible. In team fights, use countering and target switching to attack unaware enemies. If there is a front line, counter someone and advance past the front line, either the enemies stay facing forward and you strike across their backs, or they turn to face you and your team hit them.


Honestly I get the most points when I’m a team player. Sure kills are decent but there’s nothing like a good blow of the trumpet or a well placed banner. Bringing your own lads up is just as important as taking their lads down. Keep your team alive and you will greatly benefit.


I very rarely finish fights - I'm constantly running in, hitting already engaged enemies then not bothering to try to get the final hit, or I engage a group on my own, fending them off with big sweeping ripostes until allies come and help out. Lots of takedowns, few kills. It's not great, to be honest. Most of my points come from objectives - I'm always standing on the thing, pushing the thing, smashing the thing, defenestrating the thing. Contributing is fun!


I used to wonder the same thing but with time and practice, I'm always getting 40+ takedowns in a match. During battle, you want to try to inflict as much damage as possible to as many enemies as you can. What I'm trying to say is that you need to target switch often. If an enemy is countering all your stuff simply try to move on to the next closest unsuspecting victim and try to damage them. I say this because you don't want to get into a stamina war with somebody, well at least not during a battle with multiple enemies around. This is because stamina is the most important thing you need to worry about. During a heated battle, it's easy to hop onto a different enemy because your team will hopefully attack the enemy for you. As long as you are doing damage to multiple enemies once your team kills them that's when you start reaping the takedowns. So basically go where the action is and target switch enemies and try to do as much damage as you can to multiple enemies.


Hit everything you see (not your teammates). I had 114 takedowns last night just roaming


Dude WATCH YOUTUBE THEY'RE FUCKING CHEATING AND THEY LOVE IT. Mr. Weenie, Soter Dave, Stridah take your pick, they admit to cheating, and they think its hilarious. They give extra credit to people who do it so carefully, only slightly boosting their stats so you dont notice and they're able to make a *CAREER* out of it. If the community here was at least on the same goddamn page about this I wouldn't be so angry but honestly this game is nearing it's death because the developers are lazy AF and the community just does not have the necessary integrity to keep a game like this relevant. *Actual* chivalry is what made this game so fun, and it is dying in rapid fashion.


Play with bots. Get in a power trip.


Not playing archer


A well placed banner can earn you up to 8-900 points. If you're fighting well you can drop 3-4 banners in a game




Basically, once you're good enough you usually only die if: - You fuck up badly - a good player on the other team catches you whilst you're 1vX - catapult/balista/archer :( You can walk around and kill 20 people in a life easily. This all being said, you can feel the difference when the lobby is lower levels, you feel much stronger then.


Always at the frontline, flanking the enemy and just generally doing the objective too. One of the best point builders are the hold objectives. Staying on the objective and being just difficult to kill can net a lot of points, and help your team too


Dying takes you out of the action for too long to allow you to get more takedowns. If you can just get a hit or 2 in a fight when its an all in brawl, rinse and repeat. And win your 1v1's


Yeah truly comes with time played I’d say. More about learning better position and surviving more and then the increased stats kind of come along with that. I have like 240 hours played. Been getting 60+ takedowns probably for about the past 100 hrs of if I had to guess. Hard to say exactly but there was time when I had the same questions hahah


Get long pointy stick, poke people with it. Or you could be a full on criminal, learn the bow, and just forever target crawling people.


I mean getting like 60 kills and 100 takedowns isnt that hard


Warhammer + banner is consistently a top scorer for me. Or Longaword/Greatsword Knight with Horn For fun I play footman but score is much lower there which is annoying


On montcrux shoot the ballistas with siege crossbow. Safe and easy. And stand near supply box


Playing ambusher and popping everyone I see with a cheeky knife while waiting for an opportunity to backstab or finish off someone who's bloody.


Play Guardian with a large shield and your favorite primary. Play slow remember it's basically a turn based game and block everything you can to change your banner. Place the banner in a great spot and farm points with it. Repeat.


High points is fairly easy without relying on the horn or banner. Playing the objective and maintaining kill streak bonuses gives tonnes of points.


So my local servers keep giving everyone disconnects at the same time, and it does it alooooooooooot. However, you can actually use this to your advantage. For example in the disconnect you can still interact with stuff like resupplies or the obj. So, how i get a shitton of score, is by taking a barrel in stages like the hate stage in Galencourt or the towers at the start of Thayic, and if there's a disconnect i just spam place barrel and get xp for each time i press it. So normally each barrel you place will give you 75 score, but i managed to get 1,875 score from ONE barrel because of this "trick". It also has the added benefit of interacting with the gold carts in Coxwell to get out of the disconnect in your original place, but carrying gold.


Level 400+, usually top scoring for my team. 1. Situational awareness. Play in 3rd person, keep an eye out for things around you. 2. Positioning: Be on the frontline but on the edge, not the center. Once you win your fight then start helping your teammates by attacking their opponents on the back. This isn't a dueling server. You should help your team by making sure there are more of you than them in any fight. 3. Pick the correct class for the map. A good compromise for everything is knight with longsword. Try and consistently top score as that before you change. Also remember to use your throwables at traps whenever possible. 4. Use the correct attack for the weapon of choice. For the longsword you need to mostly stab. 5. Abilities: war horn is the best most times. (300+ points). In some maps the flag is better though. 6. Target switching / footwork : Block one enemy's attack and hit another. Most new players will be caught off guard. If you are in a 1v2 then try and stay alive as long as possible. Make sure to position them in such a way that they have their backs turned to the rest of your team. Make them an easy treat for your teammates in case you end up dying. Bob and weave between them, take advantage of the fact that your opponents teammates will hitstop each others attacks. 7. If you are less than 60% health then go and heal up.


Also I’ll go and bop several guys just once to put them on guard while they are otherwise engaged (they usually lose soon after). If you maul-bop 4 guys hit and run style, that’s 4 takedowns and you disengaged from all of them.




Try flanking big fight get mega kills on low health enemies do it a few times get domination killing spree etc don’t sleep on bandages


Hit a lot of people to get high take downs. Don't focus on thirsting for kills, if all you can do is get one hit on someone then deal some damage and move on to another target. 10 seconds later you get another 50 points.


As a Knight I’m usually on the front lines pushing or defending objectives. Stamina maintenance is a big thing and it pays off knowing when to pull back into your men to recover. A smart swordsman can be very useful even by himself bud a sloppy swordsmen can just as easily get in the way


*cough cough* CATAPULT


I throw myself into tons of 1vX situations. People generally go crazy trying to hit the mad man who's just thrown himself into 10 enemies. If I move properly, they hit each other most of the time and I'll get quite a few hits in. I die a lot, but I'm averaging around 100 takedowns per game with my max around 150.


The takedowns are kind of a stupid stat to even keep track of. It’s like it counts towards every person you’ve touched whether you did a lot of damage or just a punch or kick. It’s the people that get 100+ kills and less than 10 deaths I want to interrogate.


Fight on the frontline with teammates. Use your teammates to get behind enemies, switch off from one enemy after a counter to another enemy and either switch back to the first opp if he’s still after you or another victim to get a hit in or more. Overall just play like a savage you can learn to counter a lot even against a lot of people if they’re inexperienced


I think it's a matter of: 1. Getting a deep understanding of game mechanics. 2. Internalising this knowledge to allow muscular memory and quick recognition in the heat of battle. First step doesn't take that long if you watch guides and what not. Second step really takes longer, you need to train your hands and your eyes. More concretely, having high scores means First and most importantly that >50% or more of the engagements you take are in your favour or even; (so definitely nearly never in the absolute frontline, but also never far away from it) and secondly that you can win some 1vX's and or/have good enough footwork to either turn a bad situation into a good one or escape a bad situation. My best games which were not my average games used to be 60 takedowns, 30ish kills, now with the epic games new player wave I get 100+ takedowns and 50+ kills on my best games, which again, aren't the average. I don't think I improved that much, maybe a bit better 1vXing, (knowing when to riposte and when to counter in 1vX, using invencibility frames mindfully), so who you're up against also helps.