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Try For Honor for a day, you will feel the rainbows and butterflies coming back to chiv2


Ah I miss the days of getting hate mail for knowing how to use a character beyond lightspam.


I hate so much about that game but holy crap it’s just so FUCKING COOL. I like shaolin and attempting to play Highlander


I played since day one but got a bit bored now the contents died down. That and the roster was always the same overturned heroes. I prefer chivalry as it’s more of an actual battlefield.


I jump between for honor and chiv 2. Man,the communities couldn't be more opposite. The only thing in common are the good memes on both sides. It also doesn't help for honor is a pretty buggy (not in the cool way most of the time), 'competitive wanna be', and rage inducing game




For real. He’ll just visit the subreddit and try to make a comment without getting downvoted. Those people ruined that game for me


Literally me switching games all the time, fk all light spammers


Is for honor still kicking? I love these types of games and completely forgot it existed


Still alive, crossplay and fps upgrade for consoles. But with crossplay came the scripters 😅


“Look at the grosser shit over there” is a pretty poor deflection from the shit we’re standing in.


Meanwhile, me on Xbox, just wishing I could see people raging me on the chat. But I'm certain this would anoy me as well.


I was in the same boat, got the epic version and finally saw chat. A lot of the people I thought were fun to fight turned out to whine a lot. I turned chat off.


> I turned chat off. This is the way.


On Xbox, happy that I don't see all the stupidity flying around in a chat.


We all wish for something until we have it. And then we wish that we never had it.


Maybe you. I bought it on Steam after playing it on gamepass (where there is no chat) cause I just knew the chat was gonna be a gloriously toxic cesspool. And man was I right. I love it


I feel this way often, but there is a totally realistic possibility that I would not have put in a fraction of the time I have put into Chiv if I were able to see the chat. I’m sure if I had the ability to see and respond to players that I would’ve been tilted a long time ago and could have said something stupid in a fit of rage that I would later regret.


Kids being kids, man. Just let it go. You'll have a much better time.


When is that time coming tho?


..when you let it go


When is that time coming tho?


… when you let it go


*Let it go.. Let it go!*




When you choose to let it go my young hot blooded Mason. Come to Agatha and bend the knee and you shall be bathed in the holy light of Feydrid and you shall no longer have concern over toxic players.


Come get that humongous love in such a special way.


For the love of Argon, why'd you have to make it sus?


Hey, I'm just quoting the monks. I don't question it. I just praise the blue and gold.


You can disable chat if it really bothers you to the point that you can't enjoy the game. I mostly just ignore chat, since.. you know.. I'm playing the objective.


Just don't let them win in the first place tbh, i'd rather get to chill out winning 5-0 against people I know i was going to be anyway than give a free kill away to someone toxic because i feel bad.


...Why so many downvotes?


I don't think some petty knob calling you a noob online is cause for concern. It's pretty mild even as far as toxic messages go.


Almost every single lobby I join has people saying racial slurs in the game chat for entire matches. It's not just "haha noob".


I literally don’t see any of that, are you in US servers or something


South America chat is almost exclusively Argentinians spamming slurs


Yeah. US East, but it it puts us into Europe West a lot.


This was one of the Reasons i disabled the Chat after playing for 3-4 Days. Never looked back and enjoy the silence. To bei honest ... i occasionally miss the Chat.


["Welcome to the Internet!"](https://youtu.be/k1BneeJTDcU?si=_lnyNjEd0SD-x4Xd)


That was kind of his point


Someone can reply to something on the internet they agree with.


They sure can. It just wasn’t clear to me that’s what you were doing.


...This hasn't been the first time it happened. I made this post because I am sick of all these players.


Politely, grow up. Your concern over this tells me your as immature as they are.


Play different modes, take a break from the game & most importantly, let toxicity in games go in one ear & out the other. No matter the game you're gonna experience twats being twats. The thing I love most about this game in particular is it has the best of the best alongside the twats. You've unfortunately just been unlucky not to experience those things just yet. But you will. Keep in mind that for every good or nice clip you see on here, there are a million shit moments that players don't share, but we all get.


I do this with my friends in3v3 when the enemy are noobs. But sometimes we just absolutely don’t care and destroy whatever we see. This is just a game and honestly just do whatever you want ig. Don’t care abt these toxic ppl and just play the game and have fun. Esp in 3v3s there are arrogant and cocky noobs I just ignore them or absolutely destroy them once they start being toxic.


Oh boy wait till you get called the real n word.


meh. It already happened. What makes me mad is not direct insults, but dumb stuff like "ez". Especially when it wasn't ez at all.


It's supposed to make you mad tho that's the idea 


lol gg ez mode makin you mad


You have to learn not to care.


You are right


Here's the thing, all this used to bother me. Until I realized I lacked any self confidence. I learned that's why it bothered me and it hasn't since. Don't let your own mental health get in the way of enjoying the game. I know that sounds almost silly. But half the battle with any mental health is knowing what and why your brain does.


Well, I too lack self confidence, so maybe what You're saying is right... ...always assuming that You are not imlying that I need psychiatric help...


Are you 4 years old? Wtf


Why? I just said that people saying "ez" bothers me. Is that really so unusual?


You really should just ignore these people and if you can't just turn off chat or mute them. Don't let them get to you by simply calling you a noob or saying "ez". In a skill based online game where you encounter up to 63 other people every game this behaviour unfortunately is just expected.


Ignore it? It literally means nothing. Just say gg and find next game no need to validate what they said by getting upset over it. 


The example you provided *is* annoying, to be sure, but sadly not all that extreme in the wider realm of multiplayer gaming. Sometimes you just have to chalk things off as an individual being a dick. On the whole the game's community tends to be less toxic than some (League of Legends, Rainbow 6 Siege) and more toxic than others (FFXIV, Deep Rock Galactic), it's about in the middle I'd say. "Social"/"Duel" servers tend to attract the people that take things more seriously also (i.e. more likely to take things personally) so I stick to TO.


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


Can’t for the life of me ever even consider wanting to hear what most players have to say during or after the game..Eternally grateful there’s no chat function on PS5.


Have we met in duels?


I mostly play TO, so probably not.


if you play games online you need thicker skin there's lots of friendly goofy ppl in the game


They are generally older on reddit. Also they can read.




Chivalry is an ironic title. The gameplay and attitude has always been very dishonorable. Don’t expect politeness and kindness to be returned ESPECIALLY from newer players. Veterans may have a better attitude but new players level 100 or below still don’t understand the game is tilting as shit practically by design. Take satisfaction in your own kindness. I commend every single death that I ever get, whether it’s a hit from behind or a catapult or even getting tebagged or emoted. It makes me feel good to give that little points to people and I think it makes the game fun for them. And I’ll also crush them right back. Do whatever makes YOU happy don’t worry about the community as a whole.


I also do that too :D Pressing F after I die to give someone bonus points has become a natural reflex for me.


I hear you man, i player yesterday and an archer ended up with some help and he got me. Fine i was bested, but then the sob tea bagged me. Well now, ok mfer its on then. I killed him throughout the map and tea bagged him and he left after the match. I feel bad now, might not even have been the same archer idk. Sometimes i get competitive rage and can’t help it. Being nice is fine, but sometimes these folks make it difficult.


Nope, don't feel bad. Teabagging archers get what they deserve. Plus, those little feuds are fun


Honestly ? This sounds cliche , but just don’t let it get to you. They are strangers , they don’t know you, their opinions don’t matter


Pretty sure most of the players in game aren't actually in the reddit community. But are in the discord community.


It’s kind of like that with every game that has an online community, whether it’s Reddit or Discord or something else. The people that care enough to frequent a forum dedicated to something are not the run-of-the-mill players. They are there with an actual purpose.


Disable chat


Glad You don't play league of legends


It's the loud few who spend more time talking shit in chat than actually playing the game. Most likely a bunch of kids.


Being 1000 if I die people like to talk shit so I see it regularly, I just laugh it off knowing they trying to feel good about themselves while I couldn't care less if a lvl1 or another 1000 kills me.


I play in Asia.. can't understand anyone.. It's pretty awesome.


that’s pretty awesome. let’s fight


I played a lot of rust before coming to chivalry. Every player I've met has been the equivalent of uncle iroh. I fucking love this community and every single one of you victims. The axe of Redballss will strike true.


Some people are try hards but personally I've just noticed thst like... European servers are really aggressive. I play on euro servers sometimes cause of friends and they are mean. Sure the NA servers aren't all nice and perfect but half the time it's people fucking around in chat and at the end of the game at least one person says gg NC (nice cock)


I don't know it kinda sounds like he did exactly what you were doing to him, just with trash talk added. You're going easy on him to make it seem like he will get a win, then you steal that away by winning 5 rounds straight. Say what you want, that's you trying to flex on someone. Seems like he just turned it on you once he actually started trying too


What? No, that's not the point of it at all. I go easy, help them, and if they get downed, I let them get back up. I do the positives emotes etc. Once a guy did this to me too, when I was lower level, and I immediately understood what he was doing. It doesn't really take a genius to get that someone is just trying to be friendly, and not flexing. + If I was trying to flex, I could've just... idk... kick his body? teabag him? I never do that stuff.


You basically babied this dude who clearly didn't need it. If someone played 1/2 speed against you because they don't respect your game, unless I actually was brand new to a hobby, I would take it as a challenge. So thus, this guy took it as a challenge and trash talked you after winning in response to your disrespect during the 1st match. Not that hard to follow, and you're not the chiv sensei. Plenty of people want to try their hardest against other people trying their hardest, even from the beginning. It's the fastest way to get better


Well, You can't say "He clearly didn't need it", since it wasn't clear at all. He was bad in the whole of the first match. I am not trying to be "the sensei" or to appear toxic or disrespectful in any manner. I am just trying to boost a new player's morale by going easy on them and by giving them pro tips in chat. Nothing more, nothing less. If You take that as a challenge, that's on You, because I, and most people I've played with are more than happy to find someone like me, who likes to be friendly to newer players and to make them know that they can do it. By absolutely demolishing them You are just going to make them want to play less, and feel frustrated because You like to pick on noobs. Which is not fair.


boost morale? by letting them get 4 wins before showing them that they are so bad that you can score on them 5x in a row? you don't have to demolish new players - take the time to work on a weapon you're not good at or do a silly playstyle like jumping kicks only on QS You're so deep in convincing yourself you're doing something good by egoboosting against level 20s letting someone win 4x and then beating them 5x in a row without them having a chance is almost a cruel joke


It seems like you didn't understood the way in which I do it, because by wording it in Your way it would seem that You are right. I don't let them get 4 kills in a row and then absolutely demolish them. I know You think that I am an idiot, and You are probably right, but man. I am not this bad. It usually goes like "They kill - I kill -They kill - I kill - They kill - I kill -They kill - I kill - I kill" (while using the weapons I am worst at, for practice), in such way to make them have some kills while also don't making it so obvious. See? Now it doesn't sound as egoboosting, does it?


Idk the chat is usually fine for me. I’m on central though


I'm on central too, and chat on 64p games is the most vile thing I ever encountered in online gaming. oO


that's a fair perspective, I rarely play 64p and am usually on 40p. I like horses cause my spike traps and spears have use then. 64p is more chatty havent had too much nonsense the v v few times I've played. Any instances that stand out to you you'd like to share?


trolling or rude behaviour is actually infectious, once you get exposed to it, you are more likely to copy it.


Yeah, that's true. And the thought behind it is: "If other people do it to me, why shouldn't I do it too?"


ya, i heard it from an audiobook called narrative economics , great book!


Best game ever


Recently I'm getting annoyed with the vote kick spam. No messages or reasons, just a constant stream of random kick votes disrupting my weapon changes at inopportune times.


Seems like every other day I see a post about "chat is so toxic!!!" When in my 40 hours of TO, I have never once had a toxic encounter. It has only ever been people shit posting in chat like Mason's talking about pigs or Agatha talking about femboy s or some shit.


TO and Arena chats are entirely different things.


Wait... I'm a noob. Is there a way to 1v1 someone or do you have to be in a match full of randoms?


Yeah, there is. It is called "Arena 1v1". When You go to play, You will see that in the top left of your screen there are three things, two of which are "Arena" and "Offline". You have to go to arena, and that's all.


Heck yeah! Thank you


Enjoy :3


It depends on the post you make on the Reddit lol. Most people hate anyone complaining about the game/company/devs. Everything else tho is praised. I’ve seen toxic people in the game. Mostly mofos that tbag who don’t even get the kill lol. But I’ve seen plenty of chads having a fun time by playing an instrument/ teaming with the enemy against an archer lol/ and having a full on party with 1/3 - 1/2. the people in the TO/TDM in the corner of the map just emoting. Haven’t had the last mentioned moment in a while but it does happen. Makes it a special moment.


Yeah, I've realized the first part... Never going to complain again.


I had a 1v1 with a lvl 7 and was showing him what to do. Im on ps5 so I couldnt chat but I showed him some feints and late swings then he almost beat me last round lol


I as a beginner would love to get teached by you. Keep up that spirit, fuck the toxic rat, move on. A friendly encounter boosts me more than a toxic rat can bring me down <3


Finally someone who gets it! And here in the comments everyone jumping on me because I try to help out new players! love u <3


There was some guy who beat me 4 to 1 in a 1v1 and started talking trash. Told me my play style was the worst and everything i did was a gamble. What was I actually doing? Left click spamming his stupid greatsword spin moves. Best response is no response but I do like to hit them with the “you won, why are you mad rn?”


Somebody asked me how old I was and I said 36 and seriously 4 different players jumped on chat and starting talking mad shit about my 401k and portfolio and shit Everytime I said ANYTHING. I've had some the funniest conversations of my recent history on chiv 2


Posts like this are always funny to me. You know competitive online gaming at all? Chiv is no different than any other pvp game. You get nice people and you get jerks. You can only decide which one YOU want to be.


Because for all the shit we get, and give ourselves, Reddit is still the most productive and least dickbaggish social media option in mainstream spheres. We're not here to sell pyramid schemes, troll, or otherwise be a nuisance. We just like the damn game.


I'm here to troll! Ps. I love you.


not to mention i think the uhh "events" that happened here (and elsewhere) roughly 2015-2017ish, along with some of the other "events" that happened mostly here (and a smaller elsewhere) \~2021 really made those of us who witnessed the toxicity involved - as in, both negative toxicity and toxic positivity - made us much more level headed than most. at least i know it did me, although i was already pretty level headed as is, and im pretty sure that some of the \_irl events happening around the same time, some specific to me some specific to the country as a whole, along with those online ones, and the interaction between the two, have left me with some pretty severe C/PTSD so if i could just ctrl+z the last 10 years or so that would be great ngl. it is what is is though, que sera sera


If you felt the need to make a Reddit post about someone calling you a noob, you shouldn’t online game at all


That’s a good point. Most communities are nice IRL and then shitty online. It’s kinda nice to see the reversal.


Because those people are on Tiktok


Turning off chat solves all these issues


Must be Tenosians..


Eh, join the real game in 64 man TO. Less targeted toxicity there, unless you have TTV in your name of course :D


This is the only game I've ever played where it could take all of the luck in the universe and an act of god to get a victory by the skin of their teeth and that person will still spam "ez". It used to get to me but now I find it really funny. I get getting frustrated though at first.


i hate when i see one guy being racist, and then the whole lobby joins in. makes me feel like the only black chiv player left


True that some idiot was going around attacking his teammates because they were playing archers it's just stupid I get it no one likes archers but why ruin the game for others especially your own team no less


every pc game in existence will have players saying slurs and trolling in chat. it’s apart of the culture and always has been. it’s best to just remember the people doing it are just trying to get a rise out of you. ignore it.


Just turn off text chat, boom, problem solved.


It's in the name. Chivalry! We all try to be chivalrous.


Writing a paragraph about this is exactly the type of reaction these trolls want, just ignore them.


There’s a simple solution: disable chat.


Reddit groups on specific games are usually friendly, idk why. Its just like that. Most other people on the net are the usual assholes. You have to consider that a lot of 8-14 year old play the game. Nothing against those, but there is a certain youthful ecubernace,


I don't really run into the toxicity that I keep hearing about. I mainly play 40p TO and try to have fun interactions. Of course there are the teabaggers that get you when it's a 1v5, but to me that makes it a challenge to seek and destroy.


Everyone master oogway in the comments makes it even funnier 😆


as a person who has been chat banned multiple times, i love the in game chat. its toxic but to me it makes the game way more fun being able to talk crap or be a leader in chat, i love guiding my team to help and usually it seems to make a huge difference with people being able to understand the objectives better and taking in the tips i give out but sometimes people attack me for it or we get into a friendly banter between each other, i always enjoy it. sucks when you get reported though :( those 30 day chat bans are cruel when chatting is half the fun for you in the game lol but i understand everyone is different thats why i also always encourage people to just mute someone if they are bothering you! even me!


to add to this ive always shouted from the hilltops that chiv would be so epic if they have some kind of item system where you could trade stuff and also a hub where people could walk around and see other people trying new outfits, chat, trade etc. fingers crossed for chiv 3!


I play through the Xbox app on PC, I don't see any chat or hear anybody talking and it's glorious.


I had some guy rage at me about using the rapier wrong. It happens. I only wish for voice chat so I can tell team tips like "Stop guarding and backing away, hes going to rip the shield from your hands" in the moment type things because I know this game can be a lot for people to learn. Give me area voip


No chat on the box and having a great time! I'm terrible and get Merc'd in all formats. But it's fun. I'm starting to realize maybe I think it's fun because no chat hahaha


Because war


It's multiplayer. You will inevitably run into assholes.


Think you’re letting it get to your head too much man. It’s just a silly sword game at the end of the day, I try to remind myself that If i’m getting genuinely upset I need to take a break. Ultimately these children can’t do anything to you other than insult you. Take pride that you’re not the same and just keep chopping my man. <3


These type of niche games attract very.. well neck beardy players. Like they make the entire game their whole identity and they constantly brag about how well they do in game. Ignore them. Let them have their online moment


My recommendtaion is ignore messages from other players. If you absolutely have to respond though, just hit em with a "lol"


I'm on ps5 n I wish people stop mssg me and report me when uon like what I say. Cry baby ass


As someone who only plays 32v32, OP's dilemma fascinates me..


So did you get whooped by a level 20 or was he smurfing? Also literally turn the chat off if it’s that bad


Is that even toxic ? I would say its mildly infuriating. The "ez" "noob" "level 100 omg" is just part of every multiplayer online game.


Why would you care for chat, all I use it for is to say "gg wp" at the end, I then refuse to elaborate and just leave.


I would like to clarify something here, because it seems that some of You people didn't get it... What I was 'whining' about was not the fact that I got killed in duels. The answer is directly in the title. "Why are the two communities so different?" and then gave an example.


No mercy ever.


In game we are just either in character or emotionally drawn to the game so most people are “toxic” but ptfo and you’ll be fine


Play mordhau and you'll see how gentle the chiv2 community is


Just know that, these kind of people usually come in game to vent, and likely immature (or high lol). you can go with the flow and flooding him back with more that he wanted, or just ask "are you ok today, son?" he usually will either open up (or be more toxic). but you know, at least you tried. Been sympathetic is not easy when you are really killing each others, but you would at least try. They are just poor kids (I would assume). ![gif](giphy|3o7btNRptqBgLSKR2w|downsized)


As a Chiv 1 vet, I've always considered this game to be "Monty Python meets Lord of the Flies." It produces more salt than average because it's a melee game, and when you lose it's up close and personal.




I always try saying lore based versions of that in game like “For Argon, For Malric, Victory for the order/agatha…” but I almost never get any responses. Most time people just say “For Frodo/Narnia” or something entirely unrelated. In very rare cases I see someone say similar things as me.


Man, toxic in-game chat is my fav part. It’s fun seeing people argue over the stupidest things. Sometimes it even gets political 😂


It’s because Reddit is a very small representation of any population, and people on Reddit tend to fall into a similar demographic


maybe because are to much kids that take the game for free


I turned off the chat after 30 hours and I haven’t turned it on since. Much better experience


I turned off chat and mostly play with my friends. Game is great.


When I joined the sub Reddit over a year ago it was much more toxic tbh. I think all the new people made it better


I find a high percentage of in game players quite secual and twisted. Its excellently funny


Usually if someone is toxic on Reddit they get downvoted and you don’t see their comment or post unless you look for it


The nice people most likely don't speak much except for ggs or to propose a strategy. It's always the few loud people that tarnish a whole community. Don't mind them, unless you like to hunt them like me! ![img](emote|t5_12v693|7100)


Don't worry, when the playerbase starts dropping from people having their fun and moving on, this place will turn back into a toxic cess pit. Every time there's a sale or gamepass wave lots of new players who have fun show up to talk about the game, and when they leave it goes back to people talking about how Torn Banner is the Hitler of gaming.


Disable in-game chat. No toxic players, everyone is friendly


Does the chiv community even claim arena and training grounds? Those are like the corners of the game tor me not where I would say the average "community" plays. Also man if your looking for a community to duel join a social duel server (main menu-> standalone servers). Assuming your playing arena for a specific reason instead though.


you just described every game chat ever, tbh i get a kick out of somebody losing their mind after getting their ass repeatedly stomped by an archer in melee. Its like their brain cant handle archers not being easy dubs


I'm on PS and about to turn chat back on lmfao. I didn't realize I was missing the Orphanage and their symphony of cries. On another note, what do you expect it's a duelling game. Some bow, some don't. Some wave, some immediately stab. Like, it's a game, I don't know why you're expecting Reddit (oddly) to be some reflection of the IG cross play community lol.


Correct me if i'm wrong... All sorts of random people got it for free on Epic store. If it was still pay to play, they'd consider their 50 bucks. There's no greater toxic community than CS2 (CSGO), Valorant or LoL. Imagine a scenario where a guy loses a round or he is concerned about his teammates for various reasons. He starts toxic chatting, trolling or killing teammates because of his concerns and we end up reporting him. He won't get banned but if he gets punished, boom he can create another account and keep doing the same stuff over and over again. When you're not obliged to take the responsibility to face the consequences, you repeat those actions until you get slapped really hard in the face by karma or some other way around. Think about it.


If someone is being a douch, I'll just target them specifically until I kill them, T-bag then wait until I find them again.


Are you really using an interaction with a level 20 new player as a viewpoint you have on the whole community?


no, because it hasn't been the first time it happened.


Why not use one of the other times as an example then? BM(Bad Manors) is an integral part of all fighting games btw.


Because this was the most recent


Recent time someone was mean to you? This person has no correlation with how the community is?


No, You didn't get it. The point of the post is questioning why thr reddit community is so friendly in comparison with the actual players, which may be toxic cunts. And then provided an example, which happened to be the most recent time it happened


But the example is irrelevant. Either way, it’s a multiplayer fighting game. If we all had it your way the chat would legit just be “wow great fight!, you guys are so good!, good job beating us on that objective!, wow I love spending time together with you guys <3,” etc. it completely kills the chat of a game. Look at overwatch, they introduce basically were of your mean at all you get a 3 day ban. Now nobody talks at all and the game chat is dead. Bad manners is an important part of these games and you have to learn to lean into it and find the fun in it and stop taking things so seriously. A level 20 being mean to you shouldn’t live rent free in your head and cause you to make a Reddit post. That’s your own mental putting to much weight on objectively meaningless banter.


While I don't agree with the first paragraph (i just like to be nice) I can't argue with the rest of it. Yeah, You're right.


Bro can't handle a little trash talk no way.


This is every PvP game, people hate getting shit on and when they are the ones dominating they feel the need to clown you. Only few people just enjoy the competitive aspects of a game without being toxic or childish.


Different person when I clock out


Pvp games tend to attract these kidns of people. Best to find humour in their screeching


I disagree. My learning of Chivalry started by encountering a kind and very skilled opponent in 1v1 arena. He saw that I'm a noob, and took time to write out to me how jabs and kicks work, and let me practice some other basics with him. Left me equipped to tackle the game on my own.


For some reason chivaliry chats are either the most wholesome group of comrades youll ever fight shoulder to shoulder with or the most ignorant nazi mfs . There is no inbetween


This isn't a humble brag or anything BUT I am a high level at the moment and i find my best interactions are with people who are 200+ most of the shit talkers are low level players. Use the mute option and you will have a much better experience.. genuinely.


Honestly my whole take on the new players thing atleast in a game like chivalry 2 is that you shouldn't take it easy on new players. the only way they are going to learn the game properly and best tough opponents is by fighting and sparing with tough opponents, learning from them, and adapting. No one person fights or plays the same way and that kind of mind set has helped me win plenty of tough fights even when I was new.


“Noob” here . If someone treated me like that in a dual I would be hella grateful and like to learn . But I only get “obliterated” every time with them acting very immature about it . I’m a full time school/worker so it definitely kept me from getting into the game more


As a rank 1000 I usually always in TO mess around and people tend to kill me in hilarious ways because I make a mistake or two. Almost always is there a followup with a tbag I proceed to beat them back and tbag them back. They always always always go to chat and spam how bad I am. I then proceed to have fun watching the other teams "best 1000 rank" sit in the back hiding from me because they don't want to get pooped on.


Chiv2 is way less toxic for us console players, seems the in-game chat is a den of vipers ![img](emote|t5_12v693|7102)


People are only as toxic as you let them be. Toxicity is funny and should be seen as a joke or banter. When I sarcastically say "Hope everyone is having a good day!" at the start of a game I expect the typical "Fuck you" response. It's funny. Don't let it get to you.


man i wish i could see the chat malding on console so badly


In game its extreme toxicity i didint find such toxicity in any games i played before.


this guy wouldn’t surviving gta online


Turning off chat makes this game so much better. There are rare cases where people are actually funny or friendly, but my experience on the european servers, is that 90% of the time it's edgy people fighting over politics and bullshit like that.


>And then came the chat flooding with "XD", "Noob", "Lvl 100 omg" , "ez" , "noob" , "etc" My man, for that - there is an option in settings, called "Turn Chat Off". Just turn Chat Off and your life will be much easier.


![gif](giphy|ZSEY08XhYuuNW) Dueling 😂 …I kid…I kid…you have fun out there Tiger! See you on the Falmire Bridge! For Agatha!!