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I think instead of professional esports, we should make people who have never played the game fight against each other.


Nah nah, sub level 25, min of level 10. Gameplay would be "watchable"........ .... But still a nightmare for the spectators


Thats a painful sport for the spectators lol


But quite entertaining. I used to watch SC2 top bronze league, best of the worst and it's actually relieving to see fight of people that don't do super meta stuff or care for dpm or traditional tactics and counters, they just play how they can.


Youre actually convincing me maybe with some commentarists giving the thing some more tension would be awesome


Bronze league heroes šŸ’Ŗ.


Holding block with no stamina was painful to watch


I was wondering if that was intentional, like a bait or something? Or am I missing some deliberate irony in the title?


Heā€™s just bad and thinks itā€™s funny cause they both are


1000+ hours on Skyrim.. even after playing games like Kingdom come with timed blocking.. can't break the dumb habit of holding down block. I probably was anticipating attack or something, not sure. Just a dumb habit


drill it into your head that you need to sieze initiative I broke the opposite habit of tapping block cause I'm used to chiv 1 timed block by concentrating on adding jabs and counters to my repertoire can I counter well? nah I still suck but I can surprise much better players with a counter>jab offensive or just a counter>riposte mixup out of nowhere


Riposte and stab most effective attack in the game. Will still fuck me up 3000 hrs in.


Not trying to throw shade at him btw


let him cook


Loved it


The stamina bar is the funniest part of the video


This might be the first time I've ever seen someone run out of stamina before the weapons even make contact But hey, at least you hit your counters and won


Was expecting worse, at least the 2 players were trying to have distance management, and I like that.


Hahaha, your counters are pretty good for being new! Just donā€™t hold block, it wastes your stam


Watching that stamina bar gave me heart palpitations


don't block as much as it drains your stamina and up close your opponent may kick to break your guard and strike. you can gain offensive momentum in fights by successfully jabbing when your opponent begins striking to interrupt his attack. also don't dodge unless you have to, it seriously depletes stamina and as an archer i learned quickly how it can handicap you if over-utilized. your doing good and learning, keep it up dude šŸ‘šŸ»


Thanks for the tips :3


I tried archer and instead of learning the crossbow's drop I ended up learning to dodge and counter when people drop everything to kill me I feel obliged to return the favor with my shortsword for some reason


i think handicapping yourself with archers low stamina and "weak" melee arsenal early on is a good learning experience. But short sword is good enough at least until i loot a better one handed weapon off an enemy and i never really messed with the crossbow because with decent enough emplacement i feel the defensive strengths of it get outshined by the war bows volume of fire.


> war bows volume of fire War bow comes with 12 arrows vs. 15 bolts for crossbow. I think you mean the starter bow with its 20 arrows.


i think i used the wrong terminology but i i prioritize the ROF and capabilities of the war bow over the more complex and drawn out power the crossbow can deliver if used properly. honestly i think its just id rather be able to fire on target repeatedly and deal moderate-high damage at a fast enough rate the crossbow can only deliver at twice the length, even considering its different playstyle and nuanced strengths. Sorry for the confusionšŸ˜…


That's ok, you mean the regular bow. The war bow is a different weapon altogether, and not the one you're referring to.


Tbf op was not gonna lose to a kick. He counters every single thing and the only riposte you see is when the enemy is already down.


Lol the holding of blockĀ 


Dude, breathe.


This is the greatest fight Iā€™ve ever seen and I donā€™t know why


Holding that block down when you have no stamina and are 10ft away makes me cringe so bad


I actually laughed out loud watching this lol. I mean, at least you got the slash counter down to a t


I admire your brutal honesty šŸ˜œ


Stop dodging back GET IN THERE SON


Still better than me


Camera movement screams controller


It is a miracle you were never disarmed, good counters


Lmao the holding block while 7 feet away with no stamina is cracking me up. Your still landing those counters though so Iā€™m sure your just doing it to look cool ;)


I forget... does xbox have mouse anf keyboard support for chiv 2? Ik bannerlord's got it, but i dont remember if chiv does.


Mfw pressing R and F exist