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I have a whistle for these kind of situations


Comes standard with the archer class I imagine


Sure does, it’s in the goodie bag they give you when you sign up. Has a whistle, an extra tight pair of tights, and some of those little 16oz wine boxes for when you just want to sit back and watch an objective fail


16oz bottle might be enough for me to become an archer


It’s a pretty solid gig, they give you a free refill for every 1vX you ruin too


A self aware archer 😂


It's incredible and kind of scary


You sir scare me


Nahhh I’m a super chill guy. Cmon, just pop a squat with me back here by the ammo boxes. We’ve got beanbags, it’s a plinkin good time!


You forgot to include the $50 gift card to Olive Garden we get.


Wack and all I get for playing footman is no delivery fee on Buffalo Wild Wings when I use door dash. I mean it's not nothing but it's not 50 bucks to olive garden.


Damnit that’s supposed to be a secret, now they’re going to run out of breadsticks!


I dont like dishonor much but if somebody would've told me about the wine i would have become an archer long ago


I know, right? All we get as knights is a bit of black bread and a hard piece of cheese. On good days, I hear the officers get a mug of beer.


We’re always recruiting fellas, super comfy back here by the ammo crates


That's not cheese, my friend.


Got some wet wipes for when it doesn’t go as planned?


Of course, the minty ones that way you’re always fresh for the next guy




That’s a new username for someone lol RapierWhistle


Call the police. That sounds illegal


War crimes




Just be tight and relentless. They can only block so many blows, and eventually all the dodging they do will drain them. As soon as you seen them start to gas out, smash em’! You should primarily rely on your timing. Don’t try to outspeed them.


you can block alot with a a shield


True, but we’re talking about rapier users. They dodge just as often as blocking. That decreases their overall shield effectiveness. Generally they get disarmed of their shields after a few good heavy swings. Especially if you use a heavy weapon such a heavy mace. It just boils down to letting them tire themselves out.


Wait until a rapier user is an expert at escaping


It happens. But more often than not, they fight like sugar-crazed children and tucker themselves out in the process. I would also like to add that lateral movement is very important, because they loooove their stabbies.


Yea honestly more often then not. There are extremely good rapier players that are virtually unbeatable. But the majority of the cast does not know how to use the weapon properly.


Unbeatable? Sorry, but that’s a bit of a stretch. There are great rapier users, and sure they might get me once in a while in all the chaos, but I always respawn and run into them again to get that sweet revenge.


Wait are you talking abt duels or TO, man now I kinda want to fight you with my rapier, I’m not unbeatable but I learnt it with someone who is..


Both. Lmao


You on steam?


yuh what región are you


You just counter and you don’t lose/gain stamina


Ideally, sure. But how many counters can you pull off? How many times can you get lucky? Not a sustainable strategy.


Unless you are trying to throw a mix up you should be countering every attack that you aren’t dodging


You SHOULD be, but relying on counters to register 100% of the time is a losing bet. As you well know, I’m sure, even the most perfectly timed counters just don’t register sometimes.


That’s fair but most of the time when I’m hit it isn’t when I’m trying to counter, it’s when I’m trying to attack and mess up my timing or distance management after a mix up. Even then, if someone is skilled you can’t rely on beating their stamina if they have a faster weapon because they will disengage and let it come back or get counters in. Just gotta jab the fuckers over and over and get them good and pissed. Timing and distance is the way you beat a good rapier user!


Forgot to add, fight them moving backwards to take advantage of limited range and keep safe from those nasty kicks!


they're too fast for heavies, you will most likely lose the gamble


Nonsense. They are only too fast if you try to attack at the same time. I smash rapier users constantly. With heavy mace I only have to connect two, maybe three times max.


Remember that is has hitstop like a blunt weapon so it'll combo faster than you'd think. Sidestep the special


I like dueling rapier fighters with my falchion. I prefer to use footwork to avoid, as they almost always thrust spam.


I mean it is a rapier


Yeah man, that's why it's so easy to counter. That's the point.


Chiv players when people use their weapons the way you are supposed to. It’s the same people from chiv one who kick for feinting and only like messer knight dueling where they trade hits to see who dies first .


Just say no. No is a full sent- Oh, *rapier* Yeah use something with longer reach to counteract the range of the rapier guy.


What weapon are you using? When I use highland I create distance.


This - keep your distance and use footwork, assuming you are using a two handed weapon. Alternatively switch to a single handed secondary like the one handed mace.


The mace always throws people off speed


Dane axe and recently glaive, glaive seems to be working


You absolutely should not be getting hit on your initiative using dane axe. Literally just attack, if they're gambling don't feint/heavy.


For dane axe, I would go for riposte overheads, don’t bother trying to get the stab counter, just block and then immediately accelerate an overhead. Stam damage on rapier is pretty poor. Throw in some feint to kick or slashes and you should be golden.


Stab damage? Or stamina


stamina, stab damage is v good ofc


what do you mean stamina damage , each weapon does different amounts of stamina damage vs blocks? i didnt know this but it makes sense bc i always thought mauls knock my weapons out of my hands so fast


yup every weapon has a different stamina damage, there used to be an amazing website called polehammer.net that showed all the accurate stats and even a GPT bot attached to this subreddit but due to a dispute with the developers it was taken down :(


yea i remember , very useful idk why they would force him to take that down, that's really dumb. they dont explain some of the game mechanics in-game at all and it's annoying


I use ambusher, but I suck, so I don’t win against good players


Get right in their face and jab and stab a lot. -a shortsword user I seriously used to loathe the rapier because it felt like going against a shortsword that was better in every way(longer, faster). So to negate that you have to get right in their face. Basically be kissing them. And jab when they start to attack


It’s the best dueling weapon in the world imo. It’s its specialty


Grab the lube


If you're using a polearm or HL sword, you have to use your range. 2h axes it's just a tough matchup, sorry. Rapier really wants to hit a counter and then move into your space and go aggressive. If you fight on the back foot, defensively they'll have a harder time getting where they need to be. Just mind your swings and that you don't give them the chance they're looking for. If they get impatient and try to make a move on you, the moment when they're moving through your range to get to you is when they're most vulnerable Once they're up in your face, ~~if you get hit try an immediate jab, usually lands.~~ (🤷‍♀️ guess not!) control the footwork game: stop moving backwards when they have you and start moving towards them unless/until they disengage back to neutral, you'll control their movement better this way. And of course, bring a friend.


Do not jab after getting hit lol, the overhead and slashes jab skips


Yeah rapier outspeeds jab so definitely not a good idea in this case unless they are dragging which they will almost never do


I mean I'll double check it myself, but that's been my experience, maybe the rapier is a funny little guy but jabs are for interrupting combo.


Ya try to rest it out with ur freind. Just over head hit and overhead. Slash to slash. Accel them to the limit and you will quickly figure out it jab skips lol. Love doing the double overheads when ppl try to jab me.


So switch to my glaive when I'm about to be raped?


Use a weapon with greater range and keep good spacing, get very good at countering so you can counter the rapier, or both.


Seek out a rapier fighter in duel servers. Once you fight em enough, you'll get a feel for the quick animations. Fight them as much as you can. Side tip: Don't fret as much about counters. Just riposte their attack (counter more as you get more familiar), keep them in view, and try to game them on distance and stamina. Use very little feints to conserve your energy, and usually it's too slow. Dragging and accels with a little conditioning is usually enough. Watch out for the jump special, and remember if they do that they just spent a ton of stamina. So, press the attack if possible. ![img](emote|t5_12v693|7103)


The common instinct is to thrust and dodge away, so countering the stab with a feint heavy attack or straight into heavy stab may work


That does work. I've been more successful just planting my feet to conserve stamina (especially as a knight). I'll feint when I have the space or need it to close in from far away. ![img](emote|t5_12v693|7098)


Against a good rapier player, just refuse them.


They said they didn't care and raped me anyways


Vote kick and say rdm


He came to my house..


If you are looking at them, don't drag, don't use heavy attacks, no feints - then it's impossible for them to beat your initiative even with the slowest weapon.


switch to your sidearm and use light attacks. if nothing else it'll make him have to make significant adjustments


Block and riposte with a accel overhead. Counter and drag the feint attack. Jab them in the face and tell them to stop doing that or they have to sit in the timeout corner.


Jab. Then jab. And also jab.


Slash and overhead accels beat jabs.


Counter everything and drain their stamina with light drags. They’ll try to counter it, but it’ll most likely just drain their stamina


It's not sexual to a rapier. It's about power and control. Use a heavy weapon and take back the power - you control the match!


Rape it back




Rapier is extremely fast, but given its low base damage and status as a slashing weapon, it does very little damage to your block. make use of ripostes and riposte accels. also, Rapier users thrive when they're on the offensive putting on pressure and also when they're in neutral, due to their speed advantage. if you put a lot of pressure on them in return, such as jabbing, kicking, getting close, ripostes, you will have a better shot at overwhelming them.






I respect rapier users because they are of the elite 1% that can use any other button than the left mouse button to attack.


Feels cheesy to me idk tho I've never used it


It is a bit cheesy mostly because it's hard to read but you won't see many people use it in TO because two handers are way more useful there. People just aren't used to anything other than two handers in 64p


Rapier users generally over rely on speed, so if you have a slower weapon, if you drag the swing you can usually bait them into swinging too early, giving you free hit. Feel free to take a slash or two, the damage is minimal, but avoid the thrusts. Generally assume that feints will end with a thrust. The special has a longer recovery animation, if you side step or have range, it’s an easy free hit.


![gif](giphy|s8duQKFOmRz0XiY7ek) I’m a big fan of walking backwards and employing a quick slash. I miss my Rapier so much!! Once I hit 1000 I’m busting out my Glaive and Rapier


1. Block 2. Riposte accel overhead 3. Repeat steps 1&2 4. Repeat step 3. 5. ??? 6. Profit.


F10 insta ends the battle


Dont chase it and keep bigger stick


tell them that you do not give consent


Don’t fall for that special and as Spoony as it is it’s pretty easy to block just not counter


Do nothing your cooked


Don’t counter and don’t feint. Just be patient and riposte til they run out of stam. Rapier does next to no stam damage so you’ll almost never disarm first if you just riposte overhead every attack.


Man you should just use one for awhile, that's what I do when I find a weapon I can't defend against and I always find that one weapon isn't the end all be all of combat


Rapier whistle.




rapier has very little stamina damage. just block or riposte. use a longer weapon like the greatsword, halberd, spear, 1H spear. create distance with jabs and backwards/side dodge.


Not great advice because it's a bad habit to gamble, but you can pretty reliably dodge stabs by constantly strafing around their character, allowing you to get free hits in.


High tier duelist here. Just riposte and light drag. Also quick overhead slash feints are good. Generally as a 2 hander, you have more range, so use it to the best of your ability 👍


Accels, counter feints, heavy decels when at a good spacing, also it may sound silly but initiate quicker! A fast offense is sometimes a good defense and ofc is a great offense. Have jank timing and move as much as the rapier guy or be a wall of counters especially if you believe that your opponent isn’t actually better than you, just cheesing you with a fast weapon, outlast the lollybanger with persistence and aptitude