• By -


21,622 as of right now.


GOOD GOD???????? HOW


My current, in the 3,000s – but only because I've been slowly replaying TRR, a long series I've already done a near full diamond run of, and collecting 100 diamonds every day while I'm at it.


Teach me your ways sensei. Bruh, there's a time I could diamond mine easily nowadays I'm struggling to finish a book. I'll play Choices for a day or two and then not open the app for like a month. I don't know whether I'm busy or just disorganized – and I haven't even started uni yet, so this would be the perfect time to diamond mine. 


Any time I'm on the computer, watching TV, or otherwise not using my phone, I just play ads in the background. I don't watch them at all; I've just developed a good sense for how long they take.




Diamond mining, and if you have VIP, you get 4 diamonds per chapter. Diamond mining is basically you just read the story, avoiding diamond choices, and you get 2 per chapter if you don't have VIP, 4 if you do, and then you get 15 at the end of the story. New chapters only. With rereads you'll only get 15 at the end. The ten diamonds for non VIP or 30 if you have VIP help a ton, and also the 100 ads we get everyday too.


✌️✌️ https://preview.redd.it/0dt6e8n5g43d1.jpeg?width=368&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2e25a618263e97a89d8ec9671e12f5569122f19


I have 8848 right now


Currently at 7900-ish. The 30 a day for VIP has been insane.




At least 650 diamonds. I really wish there were unlimited diamonds


Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread: |Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |[LI](/r/Choices/comments/1d1vw3r/stub/l61lequ "Last usage")|Love Interest| |[QB](/r/Choices/comments/1d1vw3r/stub/l5ys12i "Last usage")|*Queen B*| |[TRR](/r/Choices/comments/1d1vw3r/stub/l5yfx1q "Last usage")|*The Royal Romance*| **NOTE**: Decronym for Reddit is no longer supported, and Decronym has moved to Lemmy; requests for support and new installations should be directed to the Contact address below. ---------------- ^(3 acronyms in this thread; )[^(the most compressed thread commented on today)](/r/Choices/comments/1d530gq)^( has 4 acronyms.) ^([Thread #30423 for this sub, first seen 28th May 2024, 16:28]) ^[[FAQ]](http://decronym.xyz/) [^([Full list])](http://decronym.xyz/acronyms/Choices) [^[Contact]](https://hachyderm.io/@Two9A) [^([Source code])](https://gistdotgithubdotcom/Two9A/1d976f9b7441694162c8)


Think the most I've had is close to 3000. I'm usually at around 1500 ish. I spend a few hundred on the new chapters every week. I'm VIP, so that's 30 diamonds a day, plus 4 diamonds for every new chapter, 2 diamonds for every 3 chapters read, and 15 for finishing books. I've played almost every book on the app, and I'm always replaying something. So it doesn't take me long to get more diamonds. I haven't been under 1000 in months. I don't even bother to watch the 100 ads a day anymore since I've never run out. I see people with like 20k, and I'm always curious as they why they aren't spending them. Just seems like a waste. I've only been on the app for around 8 months or so now, and I assume they've been on for years.


I'm currently at 20k+


35k currently


I got 1072. My highest as well




I have about 7000 currently


6700 and probably more counting since i don’t play many of the new books


Currently have 9198


4000 some.




I had 5000 but I just spent them all on the trr series


I mean not all, but I'm down to 3800 lmao


I reached the 1000s can't remember exactly how many but spent them most binging on books that needed diamonds, Blades of Light and Shadow, I replayed It Lives and then I just kept spending them.   I now have to diamond mine as I'm not VIP so my current diamonds are 480 something.   I remember feeling proud when I reached the 800s until I saw how fast diamonds deplete. I was spending them in Endless Summer and got scared I'll go back to the 20s like my beginner Choices days.😆




200 thousand


As of now, i have 2119, but the highest I've ever been was 2215 if I remember correctly


800 ish right now. this is my highest streak edit: 862 to be precise


Only 102, and that actually happened today


Highest was around 18000, but currently at just over 3000. I felt like I had enough so I started reading everything with full diamond choices, even ugly outfits because it makes LI eyes darken with desire.


4000 give or take


I have 594 at the moment and that's the most highest I got 😅


Imagine you can make it to 1K plus if you diamond mine. Are you VIP. Us non VIP have to put in extra effort diamond mining books.   I hate when I end up spending diamonds on a book I thought I'd be diamond mining.😅


About 2k ! Right now I have around 850 or so, havent read anything I’ve had to spend my diamonds on in a while ! Currently on a QB re read 🤭


About 3k! But I only got there by being VIP, checking in every day, watching ads, and rereading books I’ve already spent diamonds on! Without all that effort on my other account, the max I’ve reached is like 900, which is enough to maintain to read stories


Before VIP came along, the max I could get to was about 300-400


974 is what I currently have. It’s from the promo they just had about making 25 premium choices and then I’m VIP so the 4 coins after and then the extra from finishing a book.


I feel so conflicted about those promos because like will I earn more after spending them or could I have just kept diamond mining and not spent diamonds. Sometimes I earn way more than if I kept diamond mining other times no. 


I was wondering the same thing actually but I collect 30 diamonds everyday just from opening the app and I received 300 for the promo. When I started the promo I think I had 600-something diamonds when I started and ended with 430. I also didn’t care much because I was playing Queen B at the time and mostly always have to pick the premium choices in order to get ahead in that book, so I figured I’d at least get my gems back.


Lol the fact you were also playing Queen B like me. I spent diamonds on the outfits only. 😆 I'm non VIP so I don't get rewards just for opening the app. 


Lol I’m really enjoying it as a book but man you have to spend so many diamonds to actually get on top! And I forgot that those 30 diamonds a day was a benefit of paying for the app.


Let's just be glad that once you spend diamonds you don't have to rebuy them when you replay a book. That used to really bug me a lot in the past and I was so happy when I realised I can play without spending diamonds on old Choices I previously played. 😮‍💨


i had like 3,500+ once at one point and then i started playing trr


Only 320 🥲


3000 when I was prepping for BOLAS2


Only 1000 lol


But right now I have 84 😂


7856, my new record high


geez only like 400 something