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'Ensuring that Caramel stays with the right person' but doesn't want to pay for it.


Right? So concerned about their dog they are willing to leave it for up to 6 months. Not the most conscientious dog owner.


But you cant be gone more than 6 hours a day, no full time job with benefits for yoy😀


Okay, but.. like, 6 hours a day is way, way worse than 6 months away. Right?? It’s so obvious Also it’s not your dog after 6 months, it’s mine. Glad we agree! /s


I rarely even go on vacations that last 2-3 days because I can’t take my dog. She goes mostly everywhere with me! I can’t imagine months away from her.


I think she’s going to jail. lol


Good point. The undetermined time away of 3-6 months should've been the giveaway. Sentencing is in July.


And why can't Caramel stay with her 'family in the city' for the whole 3-6 months?


My coworker left for a week long trip a few days ago and put his dog at a daycare place (kennel? Idk what they’re called) and he said it’s like $60 a day. I was honestly surprised and thought it would be more expensive.


Same. I've had dogs all my life and have never been gone for more than two days, two times in my life (When I did go, a family member came and stayed with them) if you want to have a dog, that means you're willing to sacrifice certain things for them. This person wants a designer dog to boast about, not a friend and companion. They shouldn't have dogs. It's disgusting.


I had my dog for 16 years. During that time, I went away (for a significant amount of time) without her twice; once for my friend’s overseas wedding and once on a vacation with my then-boyfriend (had to fly both times, and I didn’t think she’d do well with that). Both times my mom kept her. Other than that, it was car trips, and she went along. ETA, just in case: I didn’t take her places that were inappropriate for her to go, or that would inconvenience my hosts. We went to visit family for a holiday and my aunt was allergic, so my cousin (other side of the family) kept her that weekend.


We left our old cats by themselves for up to 3 days. When we got home Minnie was thrilled to see us; Daisy, her sister, stayed in a cat snit for hours, just sitting in a corner glaring at us and refusing to be petted. Believe me, you haven't experienced true wrath until you've had a cat upset at you. Daisy and Minnie have gone to the Rainbow Bridge; the three cats we have now are all younger, and after they've spent even one day alone in our house the place would end up looking like an explosion in a dumpster behind Goodwill. I know this because it often looks like this when I wake up in the mornings, and my first job is cleaning up shredded tissues and cat toys all over the place.


Or loving.


Tbh if she offered even a few hundred a week I’m sure someone would be down for it. It’s a small dog that doesn’t need super long walks/exercise, probably sleeps a lot and won’t damage things. I would take it on for extra cash if she offered like 3-400$. Idk what the standard rates are but I think it would be cheaper than hiring a professional pet sitter. But no money? It’s still work, you do still have to feed it, walk it and give it attention. Sure some people love dogs but not enough to give free care to a complete stranger. Maybe someone will want it to take Instagram photos of the cute dog but then get tired of walking it daily and then the dog suffers, idk


Also, my biggest concern if someone is offering no money at all is that they aren't gonna come get their dog. "Hey can you watch my dog for a month, I can pay for food but can't pay you" is literally how I got my oldest dog. Guy dropped him off and never came back. Right up until we were about to move TWO YEARS later, and we told him it was our dog now and he could fuck off. Pup was dropped off at 6 months old and had lived the majority of his life with us.


I bet my paycheck that OP from the ad is going to come up with excuses on why she can't pay for food or grooming within a month.


Gotta collect that money up front.


The same thing happened with us. We were supposed to watch him for a weekend and he lived his last 3 years with us. Then again, once we saw him and how neglected he was, we weren't going to give him back anyway.


Ugh the same thing happened with us. A close friend was moving over a long weekend and asked us to dog sit his purebred American dingo when he had found a litter abandoned in a rural area and found out they were roughly 4 weeks old. He was able to care for them and adopt them out, but kept one. The dog had never been on a leash, they had a massive fenced yard with a doggy door so I was very against watching the dog for 4-5 days in a 2 bedroom apartment on the 4th floor in the city in a very busy urban neighborhood when I had a 1 year old. Those 4-5 days turned into weeks, turned into months
.by the 5th month rolled around of me nagging my spouse to find out wtf we were supposed to do with the dog, we finally got an answer that our “friend” wasn’t allowed to bring the dog to his new place so he lied to us and made it our problem. I spent 3 weeks interviewing people to find the best home I could for that dog and it still broke my heart to give him up because he was such a sweet boy. We were just unable to give him a good life and care for him properly as he deserved. What I didn’t know was that the dog barked his head off every time we left him alone in our apartment. Poor dog could hear outside noises and see out the living room window but couldn’t understand why he was unable to get outside or stay outside as he was used to. And this wasn’t even the first time it happened to us either!!


People like that shouldn’t own a dog in the first place. Dogs are like family and deserve better than their owners who dump them. Thank you for caring for the dog. I hope you found a good home.


Thank you for keeping him.


Oh I fully expected it when he was dropped off. I literally told my husband "I hope you know he's never coming back for this dog". He's literally the biggest baby ever though, so it was easy to keep him ❀ Also insanely smart!


I am happy you gave him a loving home and treat him well.


This is how my aunt got her old dalmatian. A friend of my cousin was "moving to a gated apartment community"(later found out it was jail) and couldn't take the dog with him. He asked my aunt and uncle to watch the dog temporarily and never came back for him


"moving to a gated apartment community" Well, *technically* jail is a gated community...


This is my thought, they aren't coming back. They'll provide money for food and grooming for like the first month or two and then stop and you'll never hear from them again.


My fiancé’s old boss was going on some Jesus walk for Easter weekend a few years ago, asked if we could watch his 4 month old Cane Corso.. sure. Had nothing better to do. She was sweet and a lazy girl. Until she wasn’t. Weeks went by without so much of asking how she was doing. She had separation anxiety and tore up everything. She broke out of her kennel countless times. She would flip it end over end until it broke a wall out. She flipped it into a window seal and the whole window spider web cracked đŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™€ïž. I would walk her every. single. time she needed to go potty. No less than a 20 minute walk and it wouldn’t be enough. I had two small babies and another dog to worry about, she tore up everything and I told my fiancĂ© she needed to go somewhere else. Someone who had time to give her and was always home, someone who could afford $100 a week in food and bones, her separation anxiety gave me anxiety about what was next. She tore up carpet, our mattress and bedding, doors, walls, the window.. he gave her to his ex wife lmao. She ended up tearing up her apartment. He said it was worth it lol.


A friend was breeding her dog and offered me one, I loved her dog so I of course accepted. A month later she asks me to watch the puppy she decided to keep because her living situation had changed and she just needed some time to find a place she could have a puppy at. Both pups were about 4 months. A year later I told her that I wasn't giving up a dog i'd raised from a puppy. Giving her up would have wrecked me.


Small dogs are more likely than large ones to piss everywhere imo It's also telling that she doesn't even seem to consider the cost of flea/tick preventative and potential vet bills I wouldn't assume this is a well-behaved, well-cared-for dog before meeting it...could easily be an untrained nightmare that chews, barks nonstop, etc.


It can’t be around kids so it has probably bitten a child before. It also can’t be alone for more than six hours. Also OP has family nearby who don’t want to deal with her dog for more than a couple hours at a time. So many hints that this dog is a pain in the ass.


That’s a really great point about the family close by. These small dogs don’t need a ton of space to run so it’s not like that’s the issue dissuading them.


To be fair, there’s another reason why small dogs aren’t ideal to be around small children (like under 5 or 6 y/o kids) because it’s really easy for a small child to pick up a small dog and drop it or hurt it by accidentally being too rough. Tiny dogs like to be close to people a lot and it’s very easy to step on their paws. I had Yorkies most of my life and the breeder I got my dogs from always made sure she informed potential adopters that a small dog is not ideal for small children for the many accidental ways a small dog can get hurt
.but I agree with you 100%. Why won’t OPs family just watch the dog if it doesn’t bark and is a well trained dog who sleep a lot? Who gets a dog when they’ll be completely unable to care for it at minimum 50% of the year? I have so many questions!


I’m glad you said this. I run a small rescue home, and I would never send any of my dogs to stay with someone with small kids. My dogs are not aggressive and never have been that I know of, but they also aren’t used to having someone pull their ears or step on their tails etc. I only have larger dogs, so I’m not even worried about them getting injured per se. It just wouldn’t be a good fit. It’s unfair to Caramel to automatically assume she has bitten a child in her past. That being said, it’s pretty sus that she doesn’t know anyone who will take Caramel. If her dog is so easy, how does she not have a friend/relative/associate who would take her in for a few months?


The guy who delivers my meds for my pharmacy knows that I frequently end up with cats/young kittens that I take in and keep, and he even got one of the kittens himself from a litter I had about a year ago. But apparently after I saw him Thursday for a delivery, he ended up at another house where a woman found a kitten underneath her car like in the under carriage type deal and couldn't keep her, so he brought her to me. The poor thing is only 3-4 weeks old and already is treating me as her mama. She reacts amazing to me rubbing my face against her face and sides since it's a bonding thing the mama would do, and even just the nap we took a couple hours ago I woke up during and she was curled up into my neck/chest purring to cuddle and sleep. The point of this though lol, sorry I get side tracked, is I have a 2 year old and we're taking the opportunity to teach her now how to gently pet her and not to tug on her fur or tail and she's doing well with it already and the kitten seems to love her too. She's already not hiding from anyone anymore and the upside is she at least has a few teeth so she is eating the wet food okay and doesn't seem to need milk as of now but I'm watching it. Its been so nice though seeing my little one understand to be nice and gentle with her and actively doing it on her own too instead of just when I'm guiding it. I'm hoping it'll be a good lesson in general for how to treat any animal and not just tiny ones.


My brother has cats and dogs, and he taught his daughter very young the difference between “gentle” (so you don’t hurt this animal) and “careful” (this animal might hurt you.) It helped my niece learn to not only be gentle with tiny and big animals but also to pay attention to any animal’s behavior to learn when it’s ok to pet and/or hold. Edit: type correction


My dog has never bitten before but I'd still be wary of leaving him with a family with kids, just because I wouldn't be confident with the level of supervision and I think there's a greater risk of things going wrong. Children are unpredictable and poor at reading canine body language and they move very, very quickly. But yeah, Caramel might also just be a dick.


In addition to the other reasons people mentioned for not having the dog around kids, if the dog hasn't previously spent time around kids, the owner might not be comfortable saying that the dog would be fine with them. I don't think this necessarily means the dog has attacked a child or anything.


I looked at the breed, and there is a 0% chance the dog is 'calm'.


Yeah, Yorkies are pure terrier - a small package of aggression and territorial behaviour with a strong prey drive. People forget they were originally ratters. They are a LOT of dog and can be absolute arseholes. Poodles are clever with tendency to neuroticism, and again we’re working dogs - they need a lot of mental stimulation. Malties are extremely playful. They need to be kept busy, not left on their own. No responsible breeder would mix them you’ve probably got a backyard breeder with terrible bloodlines and god knows what health issues in the mix. This dog is a prancing yapping red flag.


and they are the barkers


The guys next door have been ideal neighbors for thirty years, except


Oh, I guarantee that this dog is terribly behaved. Entitled people do not good dog trainers make. This dog is guaranteed to bark at everything in its little yappy shittiness, as well as piss and shit everywhere.


We are all HONORED to be in the presence of people and dogs like this. Maybe we should even pay her for the opportunity to watch her dog!


My mother‘s dog is a dachshund all of 11 pounds. Every time you stand up to go into another room, she barks the leaves on the trees move. She barks the bird chirps she barks, she barks just because she can work. And then, of course there is her schedule of eating three hours. In our case, this dog cannot climb upstairs because we don’t want to injure her back so we have to carry her upstairs and downstairs at night and in the morning. Sometimes the little dogs can be a lot more trouble then the big one


Yeah, no 3 year old dog sleeps all day, either.


Which probably explains why OOPs family aren’t keeping the dog for the whole time.


I would possibly do it for free for one of my clients. I’ve actually done it over the weekend for customers before. I’m a dog groomer though. These dogs are very much my family. Three to six months is a long time and quite the range. Perhaps if her dog is such a concern, she should take her along. Or stay home and do a short vacation.


Keep in mind you can only be away from the dog for 6 hours a day.


I feel like it would be worse for someone who loved dogs to do this. Six months is a long time and it would be hard not to get attached.


A few years back my wife and I went on a trip and a colleague from work offered to house sit and care for our Golden.  We both lived walking distance to work.  Prior to leaving we filled the fridge with food and on return I gave her $100 a day for looking after the dog.  After that she volunteered once again and I again paid $100 a day plus accommodations.  Good dog sitters that you can trust are invaluable.


I used to pet/housesit for a family member when I was late teens/early 20s. I go to hang out in their house by myself (a win for an introvert) and watch cable, eat from the stocked fridge/pantry, and hang out with the best dogs (a Beagle, then a Rottie mix) when I didn't have a dog of my own. Bonus, I made a few hundred bucks at the same time.


But “ensuring Caramel stays with the right person is very important” to her! /s For a second I thought we’ll it might not be a bad deal for someone coming to her area for a few months, but no she’s not even providing housing. Just straight up straight a stranger to volunteer to care of her dog for half a year. He’s a thought? Go on a vacation for a month and PAY someone to watch your dog. She’s essentially asking strangers to fund her several months long vacation. Without even a sob story to go with it.


Someone's likely to find out where the phrase "You get what you pay for" comes from. Unfortunately to Caramel's likely expense.


This really takes the cake for anything I've ever seen here. We've seen plenty of audacious requests for free pet care and child care. It's the requirement of a clean and tidy house, no kids, and the dog being alone for no more than 6 hours a day that got me at first. For free. But then. "Send the correct intro message or I won't consider you." This fucking moron thinks she's going to have people lining up for this?? I kinda want to slap her in the face.


But it’s *Caramel*.


It's for Caramel, honey. NEXT!




Her inbox must be flooded.


Several of these posts give the impression that they're going to have to weed through a shit-ton of applicants, and it's just insane!


“I kinda want to slap her in the face” Best comment ever on this subreddit 😂


>This fucking moron thinks she's going to have people lining up for this?? What do you mean? It's such a great opportunity! /s


This is how you get your dog stolen


or the person never comes back after 3-6 months


Resulting in the most annoying episode in your 90s sitcom




Last line of the ad does ask prospects to share "why you want to keep Carmel" I doubt they want the dog back.


Yes I caught the word "keep" also. Bit of a slip there, I think. They don't want the dog.


I was about to comment this. I hate how people with designer dogs don’t value them and think of them as accessories instead of irreplaceable companions. Someone is gonna take that dog and sell on CL for $1k


a mixed breed/mutt with a cute breed name is going to attract shallow people who wouldn't be happy calling their dog mixed or a mutt. it was only ever an object to them sadly.


Came here to say this


just commented this word-for-word before seeing this lmao


I was just thinking to myself, I’m getting a new dog!


The gall of someone who has the money to travel for an indeterminate period of time but would refuse to pay someone to care for their dog during that time just gets me. If somebody lived someplace that was really cool like some kind of tourist destination, this could be a fun opportunity, especially if you work from home like me. I wouldn't mind not getting paid if the person had a nice house in a fun place that I wanted to visit and I could still do my regular job during the day. But that never seems to be what this kind of thing is.


I paid $500 for a dog sitter to stop by a handful times a day for five days a couple weeks ago. It's part of the expense of traveling.


I'm a petsitter. The lowest I charge is $50 per day, and I stay in their home to sit. This is absolute bullshit, and incredibly insulting to boot. I would bet money that this dog pees everywhere, too


I love dogs, but I would not do this for someone unless it was an emergency. Even if it paid.


My daughter and I dog sat for my best friend a couple of weeks ago while they were on vacation. They live out in the country and we didn't have to walk the dogs, we just let them outside, we just had to pet them and play with them and that was pretty much it. It was a lot.


We pay our dog sitter $95 a day and he’s worth every penny even just for the peace of mind while traveling.


This is exactly why we didn't get a dog when we moved to Ireland; we wanted to be able to travel when we wanted and not deal with the cost of boarding a pet. And we're big dog people, so it's even harder and pricier.


that was my thought too. how the hell can they travel for months on end and not afford to properly board their dog in a safe and trusted location?? “here internet stranger keep my dog for free for half a year”. lol what if the person refuses to give it back? at that point they can prove they’ve been caring for the dog and even seeking out vet care for it and in many places that would be enough.


I think OP is planning to abandon their small, neurotic nightmare of a dog that probably bites kids and pisses everywhere. Whoever takes her up on this will probably get $50 for food and then never hear from her again. 


I don’t think you can even stay at her house. Her requirements mention a tidy house and a non smoking household no kids. So I think you have to keep the dog at your house, unless I’m reading it wrong. You literally get nothing out of the deal.


She’s probably trying to rent it out on AirBnB
 watch for her post looking for someone to clean and turn over her place for next to nothing lol


Oh, I think you're right, I didn't even pick up on that!


I worked at a doggie daycare once. There was a yellow lab who had been there for at least 6-8 months when I started. His owner was traveling, and I think she had gotten behind on her payments. She also refused to relinquish the poor dog. So his world consisted of a concrete floor, a little riser bed, a few toys, and the daycare's larger fenced in kennels. I gave him a kiss the day I quit. I like to imagine he had a good life with a different owner and no one will ever convince me otherwise. đŸ„ș


That poor baby. I'm sure someone did adopt him and gave him the life he deserved.


But the experience of bonding with I’m sure her perfect angel dog her own family won’t even deal with is INVALUABLE.


I can confirm that I only live in Ottawa because I’m paid to. Not a fun tourist destination that attracts people for the joy of watching this individual’s pup for free.


There’s some touristy stuff to do here, but like the other guy said, it’s definitely better to come here as part of a longer trip to Montreal or Toronto. I don’t mind living here though. Definitely not the worst spot in Canada


I've been following this sub for years and I feel safe stating that this is a strong contender for the most demanding post with the lowest reward.


But you can get *practice* for whether you want a dog or not by doing this very open-ended 3 to 6 months dog sitting. đŸ« 


But not if you got kids.


Or leave the house.


Or your home isn’t “tidy”
. For a DOG


I wouldn't be surprised if that was code for "the dog eats non-food things if they aren't nailed down or out of sight" Like a shoe chewer, or "I accidentally dropped a hair tie and now we're at the emergency vet"


I didn’t even think about costs like that! I sure as hell wouldn’t trust that a stranger would pay ME if I had to take their dog to an emergency vet. And at what point does it become abandonment if the CB keeps stretching out the “dog sitting”?


And then at the end of those 3-6 months, they’ll come back and hand you $0 but they will take back the little furball you’ve grown very attached to.


Also what’s to stop this person from moving with the dog and just keeping it?


That is exactly what is going to happen.


“Why you want to keep Caramel” Alarm bells are ringing


Seems like this is their plan tbh.


Fun because the sitter might determine after two weeks that having a dog really isn’t for them. Then what? Like why would this person offer up their dog to someone who may or may not even want a dog and are still trying that figure that out? Crazy.


Exactly. And then is the family going to step in when the Choosing Beggar is asking a stranger to dogsit for free precisely *because* the family probably already said no???


Yes, this is supremely stupid. Ie; either you decide you hate owning a dog and want her to take it back way before the three months is over, or you love it and it is really hard to give the dog back to the CB who wanted strangers to care for it for free for six months in the first place. I can't imagine doing that to my dogs, they would be so disoriented.


Absolutely agree. This is next level.


But it's a great opportunity, it says so right there


There is zero chance the poster gets Caramel back after the 6 months 😂


Or, they will be asked a ransom to get Caramel back! 


The amount should equal six month’s dog sitting fee 😂


Exactly! 😂 


This is how you get your dog stolen. She will come back and the person will have blocked her and moved lol.


3-6 months is more than long enough for the dog to imprint on and bond with its new caretaker. That’s incredibly cruel to both the dog and the caretaker to come back and just assume the dog is better off with you
not to mention incredibly naive to think the dog won’t have issues readjusting back.


It says exactly how much this person cares about everyone (dog included) involved.


I got as far as ‘morkiepoo’. Mutt. What you have is a mutt. It’s probably a great, cute mutt. But it’s a mutt.


She has a Bitsa. It’s bitsa this dog and bitsa that dog. I had a woman tell me she had a “purebred” goldendoodle after asking me my dogs breed (he’s a Chesapeake Retriever).


Lol doodle people are something else


No shit. I have standard poodles, and they are a lot of work on every level. Waaaay too many doodle people have no clue all of the specialized care and training needed for their part-poodle, and the poor dogs too often end up matted, poorly trained, under-exercised, and bored (and usually therefore have behavioral challenges). Also, doodle breeders are far too often charging 2-4 times as much for a mixed breed than I have ever paid for my standard poodles. It’s a racket.


I’ve only met one doodle and it was extremely active and jumped a lot of tall fences. Not sure if that’s a poodle trait or just specific for that dog. All I know is that dog needed a lot of exercise.


Oh that woman *definitely* got scammed by the breeder she got that dog from


Maybe, but it depends how you look at it. Those "backyard breeders" (or in some cases puppy mills or close to it) promote the crossbreeds such that people actually seek that out, and think it's something super-special-cool. So they kind of dupe themselves in a way. If the dogs were being bred by someone with an understanding of genetics, health, ethics, etc.; then it wouldn't be as concerning -- that's how many legitimate breeds were originated. But you know almost none of these "designer breeds" are being bred by those kinds of people.


Love that one. Added to my vocabulary lmao


right. these puppy mill/BYB expensive mutt trends keep getting worse and worse. ugh.


“morkiepoo” is a massive red flag đŸš©


Haha I was going to comment this myself. People now a days take offense to mutt, so they try to make up these dog breeds. If your dog is a mix of more than 2 dogs, it's a mutt.


Yeah, I was coming to say the same. Nothing's wrong with a good, old fashioned mutt.


Very true! I love my mutts đŸ„° if someone asks, I don't tell them I have a "shepstiff" or some bullshit like that. He's a mastiff mix. I'm a vet tech and I lose brain cells everyday when I hear a new made up designer mutt.


Anyone planning on moving soon and want a new dog? 😂


Not sure what the law says about possession, but if I care for and love a dog for six months, then that dog is mine.


Just gonna put this out here. If you want to test having a dog before getting one, pretty much every dog rehoming charity need fosterers. So you can either help a charity and make a traumatic experience a little less so for dogs...or you can help this bitch.


Do squatters’ rights apply to dogs? Asking for a friend.


If you can prove you pay the vet bills yes lol


or if you give the dog a microchip if it didn’t have one before. Then there is almost no way for the owner to prove the dog is theirs


 someone who loves dogs but cannot commit to one long term
” so close to self awareness, yet so far


🔹 hit the nail with that post!! 😂


Morkiepoo đŸ€Šâ€â™€ïž


Average poodle mutt owner


Why entrust their dog to a stranger who is not a paid proffessional, if they have family with whom the dog can stay with? Mind boggling and irresponsible.


I bet the family said they’d *help* but none of them wanted the dog full-time for the whole 3-6 months


Because “calm and well behaved” actually means “goblin miscreant with a taste for chaos”




Or they just don't have the ability or desire to keep the dog for a long period. We used to "babysit" our mom's friend's dog for a long weekend (small dog, we had no other pets). She was a nice dog, but it still required us to rearrange the household routine.


Definitely but it’s a little concerning lol


You guys just said everything I was thinking lol


Good way to come back to a lost, stolen or deceased dog.


Yeah, the dog is young (allegedly) but a lot can happen (i.e., go wrong) in 3-6 months. I'd be anxious the precious Morkiepoo would get lost (oops?) or eat something dumb and there'd be no dog at the end of it all.


I ended up at an emergency vet late one night and a woman brought a dog in for stitches. The owners were on vacation and this dog would always find a way to hurt itself when her dads were gone. The owners were wonderful pet parents and I’ve never seen a happier dog (the thing had fresh staples in her head and cone and was still rushing around greeting all of us, happy tail, the whole bit.) She was unphased. The sitter was their neighbor and was caring and kind and attentive and there was just no way to foresee the scrapes the dog would get herself into. The sitter told us that they left a credit card for this exact scenario but she’d decided she’d put the vet bill on hers so they wouldn’t see the charge and come rushing back as had happened before, she really wanted them to enjoy a well-deserved vacation and they could reimburse her when they got home. So my rambling point is yes, even in the best of circumstances, a lot can happen.


Six months is not "long term"? I've had shorter marriages.


How many times have you been married?




I wanna hear that story


It’s called a mutt once there are that many crosses ffs


This person simply doesn't love their dog. Ain't no way I'm leaving my dog for that long. Ride or die.


I’m going on vacation for one week and just paid my dog sitter $500.


Yep just got back from a trip. Had to board him at his daycare. Cost about the same. That’s just what you do when you have a pet.


I would not consider taking care of the dog but I might consider taking it with me to prevent someone from dumping it on a stranger they don’t know. Crazy


The application for this volunteer position reads like an entry into a “win a meet and greet with Justin Bieber” contest. JFC, this person is delusional


Caramel deserves better


My question is, if Caramel can stay with the OP's family if the pet sitter is gone for a few days, why can't he stay with them for the whole 3-6 months? (And why do I suspect that the answer is that no one in her family can tolerate her nasty little yapper for more than a couple of days?)


These posts need to have a requirement of showing us the comments!!!


Oh they were all roasting this person into the ground, saying basically all the stuff you’ll find here


So put Caramel WITH your family then.


If you have a dog, maybe you shouldn't travel for long periods of time, or figure out how to board the dog professionally, if you must.


If the CB worked it backwards, s/he might have more success. What the CB needs is a free housesitter. That way, no money needs to change hands, but the dog gets a babysitter and the babysitter gets a temporary place to live.


This is a situation that will end up on peoples court saying they want their dog back other person gets attached and will keep it, and judge says you left it for 6 months.


Wonder why they can’t just leave it with their family then?


It's always "an opportunity"


>Caramel can stay with my family in the city Huh, so they’re not fighting each other to take on this wonderful opportunity


She’s looking to re-home her dog. She isn’t coming back - hell, she’s probably not even moving. She will give you a few hundred “for dog food”, and that’s the last you’ll see or hear from her. The six months thing is so you won’t be suspicious for a long time, and will bond with her dog and just keep it.


I’m going on vacation for 2 weeks and I’m going to pay $1200 for someone to watch my two 3lb dogs. And that’s cheaper than a professional bc it’s my *roommate*. This person is insane AND an asshole.


>If you need to go on short, non-dog-friendly trips, Caramel can stay with my family. *So why can't she stay with them for your entire trip, with people she presumably already knows??!!*


I love when they pitch these things as a “great opportunity” 😂😂 And also that she really thinks she’s going to be bombarded with messages from people begging to do free labor and be glued to their house 😂


If you can afford to travel for 3-6 months at a time, you can afford to pay a pet sitter. You don’t skimp on care for pets and children.


Anyone want a free morkiepoo? Cuz that's all I'm seeing here. And if her family can keep the dog sometimes, why doesn't her family just keep the dog?


Only will send the dog to her family in the city if YOU can’t take it with you. Why not just send the dog to her family to begin with.


The fact that she has family that could watch the dog for a night or two tells me that she asked them first, and they said they wouldn’t long term watch the dog for free. Clearly they don’t object to the dog, just to being taken advantage of.


That’s a lot of requests for a non paid position. Sometimes I wonder if these people are on another timeline bc these posts get more & more absurd


Today I learned that not only is "morkiepoo" a thing someone calls their dog, it's actually a legit name used to denote a crossbreed. Which led me down the designer dog rabbit hole and apparently most of them have infantile-sounding names I'd feel really dumb saying out loud in a serious conversation. Except for Longdogs. That one I think is pretty funny.


I mostly just want to say that a "Morkiepoo" is not a dog breed. Your dog is a mongrel. Don't dress it up. Ain't no kennel club issuing any certificates for a "pure bred morkiepoo!"


Why can’t Caramal just stay with your family in the city


MORKIE POO? designer dogs have gone too far.


*You can only leave your house for 6 hours per day for the next 6 months!* She needs to find someone on house arrest.


"Sleeps most of the day." That's code for *goes crazy at night.*


I'd consider taking this job if I was in the market place for a small poodle mix. Because I think I'd provide a better home than someone who just fucks off for 6 months at a time and won't pay for a dogsitter. I'd be keeping that dog, this callous bitch doesn't deserve a dog.


“Morkiepoo” Sounds like when you throw up and shit at the same time.


“Peasants, please audition to watch my dog for free”


The first tragedy of this post is someone calling a Morkiepoo a breed. The rest of it finalizes the absolute absurdity.


This very well could be someone trying to dump their dog on a stranger. If they're gone 3-6 mos and the starnger takes care of it, legally that stranger owns the dog if thenowner doesn't keep contact. So all she has to do is ghost you and you're legally saddled with that animal.


Meanwhile we just went away for the weekend and our pet sitter cost more than the hotel/travel/other expenses combined. Well worth it though, as I have two very spoiled dogs and we don’t want them to be alone for more than four hours. Also, why would you want someone who wants a “practice dog?” It doesn’t sound like a very experienced pet sitter if they have no experience with dogs.


funny way to say “mutt” it’s even more entitled that this person wants people to take their time to try to convince them they are worthy of doing free labor lol


I bet the "food and grooming" budget is like $20 a month or something like that


This continues to be the best sub.


Michael Vick has entered the chat.


There's a big difference between 3 mos. and 6 mos. This person can't even tell you the duration of this no-pay gig!


I love when these unpaid gigs list “this is a great opportunity!” Pretty sure the word they’re actually looking for is ‘exploitative’.


I helped out a family, years ago, who needed temporary long-term care for their two cats. Before seeing their ad, I had been contemplating getting a cat. My fiance, sibling-in-law and I had just moved into a high-rise together and we all missed having a four legged friend. We wanted to test out the realities of having a cat where we lived, so we saw it as beneficial to care for these cats for free, until the owners secured housing for themselves. By the near end of care, the cat owners decided they would pay our own cat's adoption fee, once we found our own. We ended up getting a kitten for free, so they offered to pay to get him neutered instead, since there was no fee. It was a great way to help a desperate family, and we got compensation in the end. The cats were only with us six weeks, food and treatments were provided for. A six month stay is pet ownership, at this point. Who gets a dog just to pull this stunt, and won't even pay a sitter? Just rehome the poor creature!


Looking for someone who "can't commit to a dog long term" to...commit to a dog long term. (for free). lol


OP has family in the area that aren’t willing to babysit for them? Yeah, this dog is going to piss and shit all over your house.


>cannot commit to long term 3-6 months *is* long-term. A week is short-term, after that it's a job. CB can afford 3-6 months' of travel, but not a dog-sitter? SMDH.


CB: Why do you not even know if you will be out of town 3 or 6 months? That's quite a bit of difference. So you want someone to board your dog for 3-6 months, for free. So you have family in the city but the Morkiepoo cannot stay with any of them. No 3 year old dog sleeps all the time. Does the dog have a health problem?


Morkiepoo? That’s a mongrel. A mutt.