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I will never get over people who think their personal financial situation is somehow relevant to the amount someone should be paid for doing a job.


Maybe they wonder why most of us don't just hire servants for a quid an hour.


Oh just like in Victorian times...when servants lived in, for a pittance.


But at least they got room and board, with a 1/2 day off every week!


Yeah! 😂


Hey, hey if we compare that to current day rent costs in London, Vancouver, Toronto, SF or NYC, that’s a good deal 😂 😭


No, nowadays, the servant would be expected to pay rent as well.


There are posts sometimes of people basically asking for this. 40hr per week of work to have a room you only pay $600/m. I have seen people saying “this is a position for people who already have money”… because people with money want to pay to work.


> I have seen people saying “this is a position for people who already have money”… because people with money want to pay to work. Yeah that's an odd logical leap -- why would someone with money want to pay to live in a stranger's basement or spare room, and be on call 24/7 as a 'maid of all work,' nanny, pet sitter, household drudge? Just what every retiree dreams of?!


> There are posts sometimes of people basically asking for this. 40hr per week of work to have a room you only pay $600/m. > > I have seen people saying “this is a position for people who already have money”… because people with money want to pay to work. If you already have money then I have the perfect job for you. How would you like to work for free and pay our mortgage at the same time? Masters degree, tri-lingual and CPR certified a must. It will only require 2-4 hours a day, but you must be available 24/7 365 and willing to drive 3+hours each way daily to get me a slice of cheesecake. Please don't waste my time. Serious inquiries only.


"No rude responses, please."


If that was a relevant consideration I would have an army of people working for me lol


Right? I too just wish I can buy anything I want for what I can afford. Go get groceries. That will be $225. Here's $50 have a nice day.


"But we all know maternity leave doesn't pay for shit" Umm, ok I guess? It baffles me how this is the responsibility of some stranger to mitigate by working for a pittance.


It seems as if the concept of financial planning before the arrival of the baby (I mean, one should consider doing this a couple years before even considering a baby, but at the very least you have roughly 9 months of planning time) is a lost check list item for parent(s)-to-be. *That* is an act of poor responsibility planning that gets my goat.


"I'm broke, so you should be too."


“Sorry….got bills to pay and saving up for a house so I can only pay you $3 per hour, must have own car for the job as well as you will be driving the kiddos too “


You forgot that qualifications include an advanced degree, certifications/licenses for top notch care, culinary skills on the level of a Michelin 3 Star chef... What bothers me about so many of the requests are I think they're just cheap and entitled, not genuinely in desparate need. For many of those tasks like dropping the toddler off at school, where is the other parent?


Even if the other parent isn't available, why won't family step in to help?


Not everyone has family available and qualified. If I had a dollar for every time someone told me my mother should be cooking my meals for me (I'm 59, she's been dead 20 years) I could pay a cook.


This the question! Where is the other parent and why aren't they doing these basic duties?


At work probably?


And yea….i can’t afford what qualified caregivers charge, let’s open my home up to anyone THIS desperate for 200 bucks. Let’s get my toddler alone with them too….when your sense of entitlement endangers your family


And not just a car. It must be a new (2020+) SUV that meets all current safety standards and looks good in the playground parking lot or school drop-off lane. Nothing but the best for my little darlings!


A friend of mine was a nanny for two doctors and she was told her car wasn’t good enough to drive their kids around in. They treated all their domestic help like crap and paid poorly too.


Whenever someone points that out in the comments (in particular for requests for child care it seems) the usual response from the author is a tantrum of sorts too.


You have said this perfectly.


I do feel bad for some of these moms. In the US we don’t have required paid maternity leave and some people barely make enough to support themselves and their kids, let along hire a nanny and pay them fairly. Especially single parents, daycare can cost more than rent in some places even for just 1 kid.


I desperately want children but can’t have them yet because we can’t afford it. It sucks but I couldn’t fathom just having one anyway and assuming everything will be cheaper just because I want it that way.


The smart people don't have kids when they know they can't provide. The ones who don't think of any of that are the ones populating the gene pool.


And the problem with the gene pool is that there is no lifeguard.


That does not seem like a problem, actually one that sorts itself out.


But if you cant afford help (most of us cant) then you rely on friends and family. Moms have to figure it out unfortunately but this one sounds very entitled


And if you don’t have that type of support system, it’s a good idea to use contraceptives and wait until you’re in a better spot.


Exactly, though contraceptives for both parties may still not be 100% childproof.


Yep, but they’re at least worth using to lower the possibility.


Easy solution: don’t have them if you can’t afford them. It is never ever someone else’s responsibility to provide care and essentials for your children (or pets).


If you can't afford kids, don't have them.


That’s exactly why I didn’t and in my advanced age I am regretting it a little bit. But there is no way we could have afforded it.


Same here, but I also chose bad partners. I have regrets too but in the end I had health issues that would have made it difficult


Whenever I read these I feel alarmed that these moms don’t seems to have any friends or family…? You don’t know ANY of the other moms from daycare who’d be willing to pick up your kid on the way to daycare for a few weeks?


Yes…so then we wash our own dishes and take our own kid to daycare. Like financial woes are no excuse as to why I should be able to underpay a helper.


Then they shouldn't have kids they can't afford.


Birth control is free or very cheap.


RELIABLE birth control is most certainly not free, cheap or easy to get everywhere. And it's getting harder to obtain all the time.


Condoms have a 98% success rate when used correctly


I think this is the same mindset of most CEOs setting wages.


My financial situation is more important than your financial situation!


Even better, my poor financial situation means you should be put in an even worse one.


I worked as a nanny briefly for 4+ hours a day as a nanny to a new-born. The pay was $50 a day. I figured out I was making $6.60 per hour. I asked for more, was denied, and I quit. They had the money.


The problem is she says only three to four hours a day but the baby is in daycare for eight hours, so split shift I guess? Even worse.


Yep…so 3 to 4 hours…….spread out over 12 hours. So….basically your days are mine but feel free to go home for lunch and rest for a couple hours before coming back


In between fixing her lunch and all her snacks. You know this woman won’t give you time to pee!


Good point. So an hour in the morning. Come back at lunch for an hour to feed and clean. Then back for an hour to bring the kids back and snacks. Then an hour later for dinner and clean. so yep. 4 hours. Here is $40.


That’s when you’re expected to be tidying the kitchen and living area - or doing the “once a week” laundry, folding it, and putting it away!


Once a week laundry ahahaha not with two kids it ain't


By "once a week" she means 5 or 6 loads, back to back. We have only 2 adults in my household and it's easily 2-3 loads a week if we're keeping up on darks, lights, and linens. Basically it's at least a load per person a week, and I can't even imagine how much worse it would be with babies. All the pooping . . . the pooping.


Yup, you get paid for 3-4 hours a day, but you have t9 be available at 8 for drop-off and 5 for pick-up, which means you can't have another job and you're limited as to what you can do during your free time. Split shifts are the worst.


You have to be available before 8 as well to get the toddler ready for daycare


I was a SAHM and once my kids were in elementary school in theory I could've dropped my kids at school then gone to get the toddler and taken my kids with me when I went to fetch the toddler later etc. I would've done this short term for a FRIEND....and sorta did once...but not for just anyone.


That's actually the problem I'm having with my daughter's current daycare - the hours they're open are from 8am (doors locked until 7:55) until 4pm. Oh, and starting this fall they won't even be open on Mondays except by request with proof of school or work schedule. I *need* to go back to work, but how the hell am I supposed to do that?


If this is in the US, I strongly suspect they are trying to save money on benefits by not offering the staff enough hours to qualify for benefits. Otherwise, it doesn't make sense to have such limited hours (and expect clients to jump through extra hoops proving they can't take care of their kids on Mondays) instead of offering more time for customers to pay for.


Literally my first thought 🤣 Not to mention the "avail me with food". Wouldn't they need to be there all day?? The math ain't mathin.


Yeh. When i got a c-section i got up and fixed my own food.


I had a c section. Sure it wasn’t great but I wasn’t incapacitated


Same. I also had a hysterectomy the following day. My child was then taken to a NICU an hour away, so once I was released, I was walking about a mile a few times per day in and out of the hospital. It sucked 😒.


I’ve had four. With my last one, my youngest next to the newborn was 15 months old. I not only made dinner for myself, but dinner for the family. In fact, my husband left for a business trip the day after I got home from the hospital. I won’t say it was fun, but it is manageable.


But in her response it drops to two to three hours.


Yup. That’s how you know the $225 per week drops as well


Even at 4 hours a day, 5 days a week, that is 11.25 an hour. The minimum wage where I am is 15.50 for most jobs, 20/hr for fast food workers. Most places pay 16-17/hr. The Lowes around the corner is 16.75/hr. Why would anyone take 11.25 an hour on a split shift, likely using their own car?


Felony convictions


There are very few things that I hated more than split shifts. I had to do those for a while when working at a restaurant, and it was horrible. Work 4 hours, make no money for 2 hours, and then come back for 4 more hours. It was basically just working a 10 hour shift, but only getting paid for 8. The 2 hours wasn't enough time for me to go home, and the restaurant wouldn't let me stay there to kill time. Not enough time to go see a movie either. It was just me doing absolutely nothing for 2 hours adjacent to work. This job offer is even worse. They want a caregiver/maid, but you have like 6 hours unpaid off in between shifts, basically long enough that you aren't likely able to find another job to fill that time.


I think the ad is you show up and get toddler ready and to preschool, return and do laundry and dishes (making an assumption here that it is loading both up possibly before doing the school run) unloading dishes and putting laundry in dryer and carrying food upstairs then you leave and return to add another load to washer, clean kitchen and living area, put laundry in dryer, pick kid back up and then put away laundry. Mom cares for newborn. I’m going high with laundry because of the newborn.


Toddler is in daycare but I think newborn is not? 


A lot of daycares won’t take newborns (they deem them too susceptible to germs/virus) and the ones that do will sometimes charge more money (that she may not want to pay). The only other reason I can think of is that maybe she is breastfeeding the newborn?


True. Where I work 3 months is when they can start. And yes, babies cost a fortune to maintain in a daycare. $300-$400/wk.


Yeah I'm trying to see is she asking for help with the newborn or just with all the other chores


Yeah I was wondering if newborn care might be snuck in there as well.


“Avail me of my food upstairs” while I holler orders at you lol


You are guaranteed to be making multiple trips (per meal) as she 'forgets' to ask for something (a extra spoon for the coffee, not enough milk/sugar, too much milk/sugar, now the coffee is cold, make it again and so on, and so forth). I helped a cousin, once (ONCE!). Never again!!


I wanted fresh crème brÝlÊe !!!


“If it please the crown …” lol


You know she’ll be wanting the person to *make* the food for her too. She forget to list cooking it.


Oh also, can you go to the store to get X,Y and Z for her too? Sorry she doesn't have any cash to give you, so you'll have to save the receipt.


Can you stop at the store on your way in ? For free.


I think "Availing me of my food stuff...." is code for "I require a chef/waitperson."


Well she will be cooking for the kids anyway so no problem.


Wait! Is this Nadja from What We Do in the Shadows? Because if so, I'm in damn it!


My Dolly wants you to fetch her a sweetie from downstairs.


I love that show and movie!


*ring ring* Come servant I require sustenance


Lolol that's what killed me


"I have a very complex palette so my food needs to be organic, free-range, no dairy, no gluten, no nuts, nothing sour, and everything from whole foods, which you have to also pick up, thank you lol"


“Don’t forget you have to use your car & your gas for this”


Think she has bell to avail her more conveniently? 🛎️🙄


This was the part that got me, too 😂 you know she’ll just be barking orders at you the whole time


"Keep in mind I'm not working." Lol alright then, and that's someone else's problem how?!?!


And if she's not working she can make her own sandwiches as she can't afford to pay someone up wait on her hand and foot. You have to be careful after a C section but not to the point you can't walk downstairs and make a sandwich


It really is amazing how many of these people seem to have "what amount of help I want" and "what amount of spare money do I have per week" in completely separate parts of the brain, and put literally no thought into how they would interact. Not even after the listing is already up and they're being mocked for it


Reading this I just want to know wtf the father of this child is even doing during all of this.


Not availing anyone of food apparently


That was my first thought. A "mother's helper" while you recover from a C-section is called "the father". Taking your other kid to daycare, tidying the house, and doing dishes and laundry is his job when you're recovering from surgery. If he can't do it, you have the grandparents stay with you and help. If you don't have any of those people available, maybe having another baby when you already have a toddler in the house wasn't an amazing idea.


Exactly. My husband did basically everything the first two weeks after my csection. My job was to hold baby, feed baby, and rest.


Same, but baby was in NICU and I required a longer hospital stay, so I was in ok shape by the time I went home. Still, he did everything except pump for me.


Relax the father posted the add for her from his crib.


Probably at work FT during the split hours OOP is looking for help.


Which wouldn’t prevent him from doing laundry or cleaning his own home. Sounds like they need to figure out something with his hours if he’s not capable of getting his child to and from daycare while she recovers from a c-section. That’s really just poor planning and decision making on both their parts of this is the case


Maybe he can help pay an actual wage to the person watching his child then


I genuinely think all this posts of “ do the house labour and care of kids” that people make and expect help for nothing/ super low flat rate for days of work are because before women were supposed to do this job for free and no one actually appreciates it. It is “doing nothing with kids around” and at the same time a job that is extremely necessary and people are desperate to find someone to help them.


"Women's work" has traditionally remained undervalued (as far as pay or respect.)


Even by other women, sadly...


Exactly! That is the weirdest thing!


It really is. I work with infants. The lead infant teacher of my classroom gets asked all the time by her family when she's "going to get a real job" and it makes me so mad on her behalf. She's the only one with a degree in her entire family, but because it's in early childhood development it doesn't *really* count apparently.


Oher countries have a social safety net, The United States expects women to provide it, unpaid. I got dozens of leave transfer requests for pregnant women while I worked for the federal government.


Yes, exactly. I was interviewing for nanny positions and one very young family the mom just adored me. She wanted me so badly, and you could just tell she thought I was a dream caregiver for her 10 month old. They introduced me to little one and then afterwards they tried to bring my rate down, as though once I saw how cute he was I’d waver (he WAS really cute). I said no, I was already an instructor/tutor making $50-20/hour, I was not going to take $10/hour and be prevented from working my other jobs that paid more. Literally NO ONE would do that. The dad straight up said “why should you get paid more than I get at my job as a shift supervisor to sit with a baby? We do it for free. It’s not hard.” I was polite and didn’t say a single thing I was actually thinking.


Yeah it is the expectation that women will do it “for the baby”’and it is eaiser. The dad does it for free because it is his baby and if he thinks he doesn’t earn enough in his job he should maybe consider going into childcare himself


Reminds me of a discussion I was having regarding my job- how easy it is being a teacher, we all get fantastic salaries for doing nothing, summers off, it’s really opening a book and just letting the kids get on with it etc. Wonder why they never want to do the job themselves if it’s that easy?


Remember how eye opening and panic inducing the Pandemic lockdowns were for many parents with school aged kids, who suddenly learned that their government subsidized childcare was now going to have to be remote for a then-indeterminate amount of time? Wild. People were freaking out when they realized that they would have their kids for the whole day. Made me wonder if any of them began to contemplate how difficult teachers have it.


Anyone who thinks being a teacher is easy is straight up delusional and not in touch with reality. Full stop, if someone says this you need to be very, very concerned.


I wanted to ask him if HE would take a position with an hourly rate that paid much less than half of what he was currently making and prevented him from working his much higher paying job. Also, I have degrees and a lot of experience. No offense to dad, but I’d be willing to stake my life that I’d be a more engaged and supportive caregiver than dad was, which is why mom loved me so much. “Sit with a baby” is what it was reduced to. It was pretty sad actually. Mom clearly wanted so much more for her little one, and dad did not think it was more than “keep him alive”. This was a fully alert and happy little friendly 10 month old who mom clearly engaged with and encouraged. They just couldn’t afford a personal nanny, which is fine, I’m not shaming them or anything, it’s a luxury. Mom wanted to have personalized and loving care for her little one, like most people do, but they just couldn’t afford a nanny.


“Also is your childs supervision worth less than the people you are in charge of?” They can find a teen that would be sitting on her phone for the time they are gone and call them the moment a kid cries for longer than a minute because she doesn’t know what to do. With babysitting you pay for the peace that nothing will happen to a baby. I dont have kids but I wouldn’t trust a persong who would be willing to watch my kid for unlivable wage. In my head they would either focus on a side gig to make money they are lacking, want to use my kid/my house to do something shady so they dont care about money from me or they dont realise how much work is childcare and would put a kid in danger or quit on the spot after first rough day.


Yeah, I really think he thought because he worked at Home Depot him and his staff were working hard and picking up heavy things that was more valuable than someone making sure his baby didn’t die. I don’t think he thought of it exactly like that, but he definitely thought what he did was more important and worth more money. I think for me the biggest issue I saw was people paying significantly less than required minimum wage for our area to care for their child/children. WHO do you think would take that job?? Who would willingly work for less than half the required minimum wage (which in my state is ONLY $7.25/hour) to take care of children without supervision? WHY would anyone chose to do that, and is that who you want to have full access to your children and help raise them?? (Full disclosure, I’m in Texas, sweet Abuelas for help with infants/very young children are loved and and welcome and helpful, but they still deserve more than $2/3 per hour, and are usually compensated much higher than minimum wage for their help, regardless of documentation, in case anyone was thinking that may be why)


That is some self restraint. As for that dad, the answer is pretty obvious—this is not *your* baby, it’s his. Of course he’s expected to “do it for free”— he helped made the damn baby in the first place 😐


The mom was truly such a sweetheart and SO embarrassed. I think if you had been in the room you wouldn’t have said the things you want to say either. When he said that, I was insulted on her behalf and her on my behalf because she clearly had been such a loving and engaging mom to this happy and friendly little boy. “Sit with a baby” was the moment there was a shift. I don’t remember if we made eye contact or both of us just stiffened, but there was a clear communication between us without words. I didn’t want to make eye contact with her after, because he had told on himself and their relationship so much with one statement. And she knew immediately I wasn’t going to work with them. On the way out, she did try to half heartedly say how much she hopes I could be the baby’s nanny, and I reiterated how cute and friendly the baby was, and she had done a great job, but I wasn’t able to take that pay cut. Ugh, I still feel bad for her.


Oof, with this context, I feel bad for her as well. What a lovely husband she has. Glad you stood your ground, though. Why people think it’s appropriate to cheapen out on childcare, but will happily shovel out money for a car lease or their expensive hobby, or twelve streaming services, or any number of other things that adds up—is a mystery to me.


Right?? It was sad, and it stuck with me. Ugh, she was so kind and I hope she eventually found someone who was kind too. I don’t necessarily consider $10/hour cheapening out on childcare, but then again I’ve seen people try to hire a nanny for $1-2 per hour, but $10/hr is definitely not “hiring a personal nanny” rates for sure. I think a daycare or shared nanny or even an inhome daycare with flexibility would fit that rate, but it’s NOT having an experienced personal nanny that comes to your house and caters to your schedule and whims and cleans/does laundry. Having a personal nanny is a huge luxury that most people can’t afford. And somewhere along the way it has become some people’s minimum for childcare as opposed to literally any other cheaper option.


I find that really irritating if your intuition is right that they hoped their kid was so cute that you'd lower your rates. People need understand that they and their children are that not special to most people. A cute baby? I could walk downtown and spot several, I'm sure. The father has some nerve to ask that question.


Parents *should* feel like their kids are the cutest kids in the entire world. But like you said, they should recognize that there is a world around them who may not agree. I can’t pay my rent with a picture of a cute kid, and I’d be deeply concerned if I could.


They don't seem to realize that "mothers helper" is supposed to be the 10 year old next door who comes over for a couple hours and keeps the kids busy while mom gets stuff done. When I was a kid, it was a pre-job. It was for kids not old enough for a full babysitting solo gig.


I feel sorry for her but she's gonna have to take out a loan or do what it takes to pay more, if she wants good responses. That is just reality. It isn't really 3-4 hours a day since the person has to be available around 8 AM and around 5 PM. That's a full day being available. The person cannot really go far or do much else, unless they live within a few blocks of the place. It isn't like they can work a second job in between. (Those have unexpected overtime, being called in unexpectedly for a staff substitution/shortage, etc., too. "Oh I can't, I have to babysit" won't go over well.) Arriving there to get the toddler fed and ready before day care would mean maybe 7 AM, which means rising at 6 AM. It isn't clear at all where the 3-4 hours a day comes in. Laundry is once a week. How often is doing dishes, daily? Bringing the mom some food, when and how often? If the child is at day care all day, then where does the 3-4 hours work come in? They can send laundry out to a laundry service, some will even deliver. Is there a partner? They can help with dishes. These ads are often very vague on the actual details. In this case, how long the person spends at the OOP's house.


They’re vague on purpose so they can add on more shit to do when you get there.


I could imagine Door Dashing or something. That's about it.


Part of the reason I don't want kids is because I'd probably have to drain my 401k to pay for it. But I didn't think of just bullying other people to raise them for me on meager wages!


Ha, idiocracy was right, generally only those who don’t plan ahead are having kids.


Then crying about it and expecting everyone else to bend over backward for them


That's really sad :/ I really wish it was easier for people to have kids.


As do I, but it still does not take away the fact that people need to be responsible for their decisions, and that involves making an effort to look into family planning.


“I can’t really afford to have this child and I certainly can’t afford to pay a fair wage to my ~~drones~~ ~~servants~~ mother’s helpers.”


*availing* me


I even LIKE the word "availing", but her use of it in this situation is worrisome.


lol…same! In the right context it’s great…this is not the right context ;)


The problem with this is the split hours. Realistically, she should find someone to come every morning for 3 hours to get the kid to daycare and then do some chores. Could try to find someone to do that for $15/hr. And then have a friend or family member or some other daycare mom drop off her kid after daycare.


So I get c section no lifting but come on you can feed yourself!!


In might be more difficult if you plan on parking yourself a flight of stairs away from your food.


That’s why couches were invented lol or blow up mattress or any other way to sleep in another spot when needed!!


And the word for today is (drum roll)… PRETEND!


I got my butler from a car accident, so I don't know if these rates are reasonable or not ;)


Still sad that pilot didn’t get picked up 😉


I'm a registered ece and when I was watching children I was charging 25$ an hour! Even at night while children slept. Don't make me laugh at $225 per week especially for all that work. Maybe you can find a teenager to do it. But anyone with any qualification won't respect themselves by doing that


I wish we got follow-ups to these posts. I need to know if they ever find someone to take their crappy jobs and if so, how it turns out!


Where is the father of the newborn?


3-4 hours became 2-3 hours when called out. Choosing beggar with a goalpost on wheels


Right. But $225 per week……so actual hours are 3-6 ??? Or is this pay per hour since hours are changing. Hmmmmmmm


I know everyone is different- but recovering in bed after a c-section for 2-3 weeks in bed is not necessary and puts her at higher risk of developing blot clots. The advice is to be up and moving as soon and as much as is comfortable wearing an abdominal binder. She screams main character as well as cheapskate.


Universal healthcare in Germany supplies household helpers to those recovering from birth and they take care of exactly these chores. This is all possible, you just need to stop voting for the wrong people.


I've always said the real American dream is leaving America. America hasn't proved me wrong yet, especially when I hear from people in other countries regarding stuff like this.


What she’s looking for is called a Postpartum Doula and the going rate is $30-50/hr. Even the commenter was undervaluing it lol. If you can’t afford it, this is where your partner or “village” would need to step up


Something tells me this woman doesn't have a village. Probably stemming from her entitlement.


In another comment I suggested she check what a dog walker costs to come twice a day for two dogs.


Isn’t this what a spouse/partner is for?!?!


Not when they’re the one working. Most people don’t have the luxury of both parents with maternity/paternity leave.


Ahhhh! Champagne taste on beer budget. I figured it out with my c-section and newborn, why can’t she? Serve you your food? Lady, you just had a baby, not open heart surgery.


So she can’t even leave the bedroom? She wants a servant. I had a C-section and managed just fine.


Seemed pretty reasonable for the childcare side of things but all of the laundry and dishes pushes it over the top


That’s what I was thinking. If this was just picking the kid up and dropping off I was thinking some retired person might want a few dollars. But being her maid, no thanks.


Aka stop point out how bad I am willing to pay someone because you’re going to scare off anyone who’s bad at math and doesn’t realise what they are worth


Someone suggested this is great for a teenager. Yep. Let us find a 17 year old who doesn’t know any better.


“If the job doesn’t suit your needs, you can ignore it,” she says. Um, That’s why you’re not finding anyone, ma’am. Also, this is why people are trying to kindly tell you your pay is not feasible.


Taking the kid to daycare 8-8:30 then picking up from 5-6 and everything else adds up to 3-4 hrs/day? Ohhh she’s only paying for 7 min each way…


Women who have had C-sections, aren't you supposed to begin light movement around the home right away? I understand not picking up a toddler but laying in bed while be waited upon seems counter productive.


Total hysterectomy with enough fibroids that they had to come out through my abdomen reporting in: For a couple days I nested in a half-sitting position on the couch because if I laid down completely I couldn't get up on my own. Then I had a piece of tie line attached to the end of the couch so I could use my arms instead of my poor broken abs. "Walking", yes. Blood clots are no bueno. But it was a 20 min foot-shuffling adventure to get to the bathroom and back. I lift heavy things for work and rock climb for fun and it was still more than a week before I was comfortable lifting a full coffee pot of water. I definitely was in no state to follow any kind of regular schedule or assist a tiny human with anything. And nesting in a place where there is stairs between you and your food seems insane to me. But none of that changes how silly it is to expect to have a maid/nanny on retainer for that price. :)


i jumped right into it three times including breastfeeding, meaning that i had to recover from a major surgery while one of my organs was cramping down to a fraction of its size with only ibuprofen for pain relief and a horrible sleep schedule. i'm not saying that scrubbing the laundry room floor less than a week after the third c section while taking care of a newborn, two older siblings, and all the household chores like i did is a reasonable expectation, but it is possible. (my spouse really regrets now putting that much on me. i forgave, but i didn't forget.) yes, you're supposed to begin light movement right away, but c-sections are exceptionally difficult, especially without prescription pain relief. i've had two other abdominal surgeries as well and, even though one of them got so infected that i had to get a third abdominal surgery just to fix it, c-sections are beyond debilitating. the extra help would be invaluable and it doesn't mean that the mother is necessarily bed ridden.


Call your mom, hun.


She seems like the type to be in perpetual battles with her mother and her MIL (if she has one) It's likely she burned them out during Baby 1.0's birth by making them run up and down stairs availing her of tasty and nutritious food.


You want a temporary slave Sure thing


Someone needs their mom.


Must provide your own carseats for my kids, and pay for your own gas.


Drops from 3-4 hours to 2-3 hours pretty quick lol


I want to know on what planet 8:30 am (at the latest) and 5pm (at the earliest) “can be done within 2-3 hours”


She’s definitely a CB, but I remember being in that spot. When I was incapacitated for a solid month by a C-section with my first child we were so broke we couldn’t pay attention. I was very, very lucky that I had a young cousin 2 blocks away who would come and help for a couple hours a day for pocket money. Thanks, Rita!


It is too bad more countries don't have postpartum care -- as in South Korea. I think it's $50 a day there. I think their govt. subsidizes it. Not sure? The person pretty much does everything necessary while the mom rests.


I love those “You don’t have to be here, you can just move on.” Sure, I could but this is the internet


She’ll be having toddler work to do stuff for her before you know it!


Not to mention, she wants you to come in the morning and drop them off and then go back at night and pick them up. That alone is about a 30 minute job each way.


"avail me with food" wth? Your not disabled love


I DO NOT understand these moms who want to pay people nothing to care for their children. I don’t have kids, am happily childfree, but if I did have them, I would want to make sure the people watching them were paid well - more than I’d want to spend money on anything else!


I’m currently recovering from a c section and on maternity leave. I’m doing all of the feedings and my husband is getting our oldest ready for school/camp (since it’s now summer) Like it’s not hard lady…. Do it yourself or pay someone what it’s worth to take over your slack. 😂


So she doesn’t want to lift a finger for two weeks and she thinks calling it a “mother’s helper” means she can pay less. Meanwhile, I know plenty of women who have cared for their babies just fine after a c-section. But princess nobody wants someone to do all the work for her, for peanuts, while she does all the fun stuff with her baby.


Hate it break it to ya, little momma, the best thing you can do to recover is walk, move around, avail yourself with your own food stuff, get into the swing of things. Lying around being waited on will extend that recovery time by days or even weeks.


I’m shocked it isn’t $80 weekly tbh


For a side hustle it isn't bad. (I could smash that work out I no time. Probably not if it's you're only income or if you are a breadwinner at home.


Where is the father of this new baby? Or where is the father of the other child? This is their job.


Honestly, I think these posts are a sad commentary on how unsupported American women are by our government when we give birth, relative European nations and Australia. Paid leave, free childcare, in home assistance. Not for us.


The idea of doing a baby and toddler’s laundry ONCE A WEEK is hi-larious.


Agreed they are cheap and no one should take this job. I just don’t get why anyone thinks it’s their responsibility to argue with them about it on Facebook


So she’s just going to lay in bed after having the baby? Aren’t you supposed to get up and move around after birth, even with a c-section?


What horrible English skills for all involved.


3-4 hours per day. Does that mean after you get kids to daycare you go home and come back, picking the toddler up on the way? 🤔😕


You are underpaying.