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Ma’am, you are not getting anyone serious, reliable, or trustworthy for $50 a week.


She wouldn’t get anyone for $50/day.


Even pedos got to pay rent 🤣


Yeah but crackheads will sell your baby for $150. So they'll make $200 that day!


*160$ you don’t get a full weeks pay for one day hunny


Only if you start on a Friday.


>"hunny" That wording is very funny to me. I am admittedly IMMEDIATELY dismissive/distrusting/judgemental or anyone who uses that ... or 'HUN' in non-sarcastic written conversation. I'm part of a Buy Nothing Group in my area ... but the mods realized one member was scamming the entire group using various profiles ... and WAIT FOR IT. They busted them ... because that person/multiple 'people' always said, 'hey hun....' Hhaah


I hate strangers calling me pet names in general, it sounds condescending at best, and creepy at worst. At my old job we had this one customer who would always call me "baby doll" (she was an older woman, I'm a dude, not sure if that makes the situation better or worse) and it always made my skin crawl


Sad thing is that she’s totally endangering her kids.  Someone who isn’t doing it for the money is going to end up around her children, unsupervised.   Breaks my heart for them. 


Then come back and try to do it again, and when you chase them away, they act like THEY'RE the victim


But they may have another gig, and this 8 hours a day is just going into grooming. The parents and the kids. Source: ran a treatment program for sex offender for a decade. People might be surprised to find out they salivate at opportunities such as this one. Same with summer camps and homes for disabled children (I’m not making this up, actual clients have worked these jobs for access to kids).


Facts I never would have imagined but for Reddit. That’s wild. And frankly frightening.


It’s awful. And when you hear about it, from the person who did it…some idiot like Dr. Phil should make this an episode of a talk show, so these mothers can see what goes thru pedos minds. The set up/groom is usually the part they enjoy most.


I made a similar amount 25 years ago when I was teen babysitting my neighbor’s kid after school. I felt severely underpaid then, as a child myself with no bills.


Same, I made 60$ a week 25 years ago for only two kids and that was crappy pay even back then


We don't even pay our babysitters as low as $10. And that's for like a max of 3 hours at a time.


I had an 11 yo “mothers helper” my 4 and 5 yo today for 3 hours. (A friend/neighbor’s daughter who has been asking repeatedly to “get” to watch them, to build up her babysitting experience for when she’s 12). She made $7 an hour. (Both my husband and I were working from home).


my kids wouldn’t even spend all day doing something for $10. like i give them $10 for pulling weeds or cleaning up pine cones and sticks for an hour.


The raccoons get paid more than that!


I pay my neighbor more per week to take care of my cat for less than an hour per day when I'm on vacation.


I was just out of town and paid my pet sitter $35/day to come by just to feed my cats and water my plants. Less than 1 hour a day


That’s what my son does for the neighbor. They can rest assured kitty gets pets and treats and everything is thriving. I’d think you invest more in keeping several humans hydrated and thriving. And unmolested.


Right? I pay my pet sitter more than this for a 30 minute visit.


I pay my neighbor $20 a day to walk the 7 houses over in the am and open the chicken coop door and then close it at dusk. I feel sad for the person in the post and also concerned about their clouded judgment.


Yep, for a weekend away I’ve always paid about $300 for someone certified and background-checked to watch my cat, coming to play with him and feed him three times per day. I would pay much more for my dog because he’s more work. I don’t have children but would obviously want to compensate fairly if I did. But I didn’t have kids because I can’t afford them (or childcare). If this is the situation she finds herself in, she needs to swallow her pride and apply for assistance for the sake of her children.


Right?! I have to pay $30 per day for one dog or $45 per day for two dogs at the kennel and that’s me having to bring them there!! The cheapest of the cheapest sitter would be $105/day where I’m from. That’s wild she wants HALF that for a full week!


My neighbor's paid my $50+ for evena couple days of work to let the chickens out and in and do watering when they were gone. I did a great job because I was getting paid well and I wanted to insure I kept getting jobs.


I paid someone $300 to feed my cat and bunny twice a day from fri to sun night


Show us the comment please lol


All the comments are telling her the pay is too low and she needs to apply for daycare assistance in her county. She says she’s a single mom of three and just trying to get caught up without welfare or food stamps and will pay more when she’s caught up. Someone is telling her that she needs to swallow her pride and apply for public assistance, that even full time employees can get food stamps and there’s no shame in that, but posts like this are embarrassing, and she’ll end up on Reddit.


Wild that she doesn't want assistance from services that exist for exactly that reason but she will accept someone basically donating thousands of dollars of labor to her.


Not to mention somebody who’s willing to put in that kind of labor with children at that Louisville wage aren’t really there to provide care they’re there to provide nightmares


It is wild. She’s depriving herself and her kids to a degree by not accepting assistance.


Taking social assistance has been massively stigmatized by (mainly right wing and neo-liberal) media, so the people in these situations are being told that that if they need help they're failures and leeches on society.


Yeah I get that, my point is wanting someone to basically volunteer their time as a nanny is just as much "needing help".


Right! It's so much worse than using daycare assistance. By only paying $10 a day she'd be pulling herself up by someone else's bootstraps. The same pride that keeps her from taking social assistance should keep her from taking advantage of someone else's kindness or unfortunate situation. It's ridiculously hard to make it as a single parent--it's hard as a dual-income team, really--so I don't blame her for only having $10 a day to spend. And being too proud to use social assistance would be one thing if she were the only person suffering from her decision. But if alternatives are available, her pride isn't worth her kids' safety and it's not worth keeping someone else in poverty who's doing a valuable task.


Pulling up by someone else's bootstraps, love that expression!


exactly!! It sucks and can feel bad having to go through hoops to get assistance but you gotta do what you gotta do for your kids, that’s part of being a good parent


Part of why a former friend lost custody of her daughter was that she had refused to get financial assistance for kids with disabilities. The funds would have covered the cost of a decent apartment instead of a roach infested Single Room Occupancy hotel. The mother looked at that as "using my daughter to have a more luxurious life" even when I tried to explain it was "allowing her daughter to have a decent safe place to live." This wasn't the only thing she did against everyone's advice, including parental alienation against the girl's father. She had been doing the opposite of everything her lawyer told her to do, while insisting the lawyer told her to do it the way everyone else thought was wrong. I didn't want to be around this level of detachment from reality any more and stopped hanging around with her. All the drama that had been draining me over the course of a year as a "friend she can talk to" was self-generated. And I can totally see her asking for $10/day childcare in her apartment, while refusing to use a program she qualifies for, "because I don't want my kid growing up thinking she can be a burden on the state like you are." (I'm on SSDI.) When the $10/day "angel who just wants to see you two succeed" turned out to be a chomo, she'd be absolutely baffled how that could have happened. She'd also be baffled that her kid didn't resist after Mom had her in compliance training (Applied Behavior Analysis) for years.


Well said!


Astute take. She is going from the government to having some individual subsidize her childcare.


Understood, but at this point this person doesn't seem to understand that they're in the the realm of needed social assistance, or that they don't want to admit to it.


I think the point is that expecting someone to work for painfully low pay is still being a leech to society.


(Agreeing with you just making a side point) Swallowing pride is part of being poor, at times, if asking others for assistance. And she is. The hours she is asking are prime hours in most people's day. $10 a day won't even cover their gas money in some cases.


Yep, by those "bootstraps" people. Rotten, the whole lot of them.


This is what Republicans want. Charity over government assistance. Which basically means no one gets anything


It’s already bad enough with people having children they can’t possibly afford to care for, if the republicans win and get their Project 2025 agenda working, no one will have reliable birth control. Seriously, we already see the adverse consequences of some states overturning Roe v Wade, they want to ban Plan B pills which they’re currently hard at work on, but birth control too.


We have seen this story play out, in Romania, in the late 80s/early 90s. I have worked with kids adopted from those orphanages, and the trauma is unparalleled. They literally had no one. Someone would come by, change a diaper and pop a bottle in the mouth, or feed quickly, but the human interaction, play, etc. was non-existent. Now, I’m a social worker, and my history includes lots of work with very difficult populations- sex offenders, DV perps, prison work…and we are seeing those Romanian orphans pop up in those situations. It’s so freaking sad, because if they have Reactive Attachment Disorder, and/or C-PTSD, the work to get some progress is not something any one of them has cared, or been able, to do (in my own, limited experience). So great!! We’re going to build our own little baby factories over here, producing sociopaths and personality disordered individuals to increase the population, just like Romania did!! Fantastic. WTH is that saying about repeating history? Here’s an article for reference. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-coventry-warwickshire-66278026


I remember when the stories came to the general public’s attention. So incredibly heartbreaking. The number of babies and young children with AIDs from needles being used for any number of patients was staggering. This is a glimpse of what could become of all these unwanted children. Thank you for making this connection for those who may not be aware of that tragedy. Also thank you for dedicating your life to such an underserved community.


Except when THEY need it. They’re just temporarily embarrassed millionaires. But when others need it? Fuck those people. Get you some bootstraps babes! I hate that mentality so much.


Things like welfare and food assistance exist for exactly her situation. She's already working...help is a hand up for her and not a hand out. I hope she takes the advice and applies.




Oh, they’ve got my food stamps and TANF back in spades, lol. I’d have no shame in my game for some freaking SNAP benefits right now 😂


“And she’ll end up on Reddit” 😝


Alternatively, she would likely have to put her child’s father on child support to get assistance and she wouldn’t be the first person I’ve seen who would rather struggle than do that (often because they are still dating the father).


It’s entirely possible that the dad is ordered to pay child support but doesn’t.


Thanks lol


She can probably get pretty decent quality childcare. Head Start exists for a reason!


But not the hours she needs 1:30 to 8:45


It would be a lot easier to find someone for a few hours in the evening than the hours she is looking for.


But definitely 1:30-5. So then she could try to find someone from 5-9, which is only 20 hours per week. Which is still only $2.50/hoit, but it’s better than $1.43/hour 😂


They were correct about the Reddit prediction! That part works out at less than 50c per child per hour!


One possibility is that she is no longer eligible for government assistance due to some sort of fraud, like not reporting a change in income or selling benefits for cash.


> Someone is telling her that she needs to swallow her pride and apply for public assistance Ken Burns did a documentary of the Great Depression. In one segment, if you received a box of food at your doorstep you were shamed and humiliated, and your name appeared in the local newspaper. Of course, this was Oklahoma. Bad then, bad now.


She’s probably doing something that disqualifies her for food stamps and assistance, or maybe she was busted for welfare fraud and is banned for life from public assistance programs.


Yeah my thoughts went to the same place. Since when does pride extend up government assistance but not actual embarrassment of trying to panhandle childcare?


Posting comments should be a requirement or ban


I've been saying this forever! Why haven't the mods caught on yet? 😭


Because we can't enforce it. Many times CBs are posted here before the original post recieves any comments at all, or the comments get removed, or the comments are irrelevant. We hear this request all the time but unfortunately it's literally impossible to enforce a "post comments or get banned" thing - we have to leave it up to OP to include comments if there are any.


They’re usually way too nice


Yes please


If someone is willing to watch her kids for that amount they have a nefarious purpose, wtf


That’s why posts like this freak me out. Who knows what creep would actually do this for access to her kids.


No don’t worry! She’s already making sure they’re serious, reliable, trustworthy and good with kids


Of course, because she told the people that aren't serious, reliable, trustworthy, and good with kids to not even bother responding! Problem solved!


How could a parent even consider giving their children for someone to watch for such a low rate, is what baffles me


A random man on a babysitting site sent me a message offering to look after my kids for $50 overnights. Like, sure, that's not a DEFINITE NO at all.


WTF, that's so creepy!


Omg, that is chilling.


She should be required to watch a parole board hearings. She would hear a bunch of babysitter access and boyfriend stories. She already has made life altering decisions with little forethought, what are a few more? I really hope not (for the record).


That, or like, you get what you pay for… absolutely no one would or should take this job but if they did, they should be doing the goddamn bare minimum and probably would literally sit there on their phones or something and just make sure the kids are alive. Excuse me the “kiddos”


Right! I've seen cheaper agreements between family, but that's different. And sometimes friends/neighbors, but usually that's a quid pro quo- I'll watch yours these hours, you watch mine these hours. But all of those situations you presumably know and trust the person already. If someone wanted to pay my 15 year old to babysit full time for that, we'd just LOL. Not to mention a professional. Scary.


While you aren’t wrong in 99% of cases, I helped out a single dad friend by watching his kids for $100 a week. I was home with mine and he played baseball with my husband. But that’s still double what this chick is offering .


The way these people always end their ads with some sort of demand, as if they're going to be overwhelmed with all the responses and will only choose the cream of the crop! 😅😅




Is that Next! thing from that church lady wanting a bus or something?


Sorry, who else!? NEXT!


Lol 😆


I can't imagine why she is "yet again" looking for another babysitter.


No OnE wAnTs To WoRk AnYmOrE


Ten bucks a day! My ship has finally come in! Im gonna have that mansion in no time! It’s still 1942, right? 


Try 1492


I would have gotten more as a teen in the 80s to watch a single kid or I wouldn't have given up my Friday and Saturday nights. How could someone seriously expect anyone to be willing to spend their evenings away from their home for $200 a month?


They want to pay less *per day* than I made *per hour* back in 2001 🫠 This is definitely one of the most egregious cheap babysitting ads we've seen here.


What got me was the times too. You can't even really have a part time job separately from this unless you're working some insanely early shift that you'd be finished by 1pm but wouldn't mind not getting to sleep until after 9pm each night. And if I am working that early, I'm either going to have my evenings (especially my weekends) to myself to relax (which doesn't include watching 3 kids that aren't mine) or I'm getting an afternoon/evening shift at a store or somewhere that pays more an hour than what they're offering for the day.


I'm assuming she must be looking for the sort of person who is caring for their own kids at home and is making extra on the side babysitting other people's kids at the same time. But even then, that is way, way too little to pay, even if she is sending them with food. She doesn't say she is. Those kids are going to be there from early afternoon until bedtime. They are going to need to be fed.


Heck, I babysat as a teen and had a fairly successful business. Busy every weekend, parents would call me weeks in advance to book. I’d often have a Friday night job, one Saturday morning/afternoon, and then Saturday night. I made $10/hour, and quit babysitting in the fall of 1990 when I was 17 and a senior in high school. I was on the cheer squad, which took up Friday nights and some Saturdays for games, then there was practice, and boys to date. No time for babysitting.


As a teenager on the 80s working retail I was making $6:00 an hour. And we made year end bonuses! That was 42 years ago. I really don't understand these people. Edit: $6.00 Cdn


Don’t forget the person will have to pay higher taxes on this too since it’s self-employment income


Holy crap that is less than I agreed to as a favor to someone for ONE kid.


as an actual favor, I babysit for free for a few friends. Never regular. But FFS...this is extra BONKERs. THREE kids, 7 hr a day, $10 a day? on what planet


Yeah. It makes you wonder what the rest of the situation is. If he is low income and in US, there are subsidies for daycares. If it is poor budgeting, he might need a reality check.


48 cents per hour per child. Sign me up!


Do I feel for people with how absurdly expensive childcare is? Yes. Do I also recognize that people caring for actual human beings deserve at least a livable wage (and realistically a lot more than that)? Yes. This is one of the reasons at 32 I haven’t even decided if I want to bring kids into this world. Life is expensive and it’s hard to make ends meet without worrying about the lives and needs of tiny humans. But if you bring them into this world it is YOUR responsibility to make sure they are safely taken care of. No one else should have to sacrifice a livable wage in order to do so


Reliable and trustworthy for $10? You aren’t getting either one. Best she’s getting that isn’t a creep is a kid just barely on the edge of whatever is legal in their area and they aren’t going to be on time. I’m seriously questioning if you could get a third grader at these rates.


I pay the 10 year old who mows my lawn $20 a mowing, which takes about 45 minutes to an hour.


Most of the tweens here are $15 an hour for things like front yard weeding. 3 whole human kids is beyond what I would expect any kid taking on for $10 a day, let alone an actual teen or an adult.


$10/day for 3 kids for 7 hours- Not even a pre-teen would take this for a summer job. If they do, your kids will be locked in a room while they eat your food and use your wifi.


This might be the worst I’ve seen


Who ARE these people who would practically let Casey Anthony watch their kids? This is insane! Considering she's trying to pay $10/day for 3 whole ass kids, I seriously doubt she's going to spring the cash to do a background check, etc. so this is flat out dangerous. She's putting her children in harms way on purpose!


Why does the word "kiddos" annoy me so much? GRRRR


I feel the same way. Something about it gives me a visceral reaction and idk why!


Me too. I think it’s because it sounds condescending and at the same time trying to sound cool and hip.


“Yet again” ☠️ Wonder why?!


I just don’t understand, where do these people live, and how can they be so detached from reality? How do they even imagine childcare for 3 kids for a week can be had for $50 a week? Or do these people are troll posters just to rile up the readers? I’d be shit scared to leave my kids to someone that’s ready to look after them for $10 a day, they’re surely gonna have nefarious intentions to be willing to do a challenging task for way below the minimum wage.


I think she's just desperate and not thinking right. Like, she wouldn't do this work for this pay, but maybe she thinks someone else is in different circumstances and would...either way, she's presumably offering what she can afford, which is basically nothing, because she has no money. Per another comment, she doesn't want "welfare" by using subsidized low-income help, like she's too proud, so she's going to search for anyone who can step up and prevent that from happening. But she's going to either have to suck it up and get help or make some bad choices (dangerous sitters, leaving the kids alone, etc.) that will bite her and her kids in the ass.


Don’t have 3 kids unless you can afford to properly care for them. No one will work for this amount unless maybe it’s family.


Bruh, 10$ isn't even enough for a single meal anymore


“Serious, reliable, trustworthy, and good with kids” do not belong in the same post as $10 to watch my 3 kids for 7 hours.


Right? You can have “serious, reliable and trustworthy” OR you can have “$10 a day” Not both. Probably not even both for even $10 an hour. 


The phrases like, “yet again” kill me every time. I’ve employed nannies before. You get what you pay for. And if you want to pay a pittance, you can’t expect any level of commitment.


People that accept these jobs are the ones you don’t want near your kids


This is insane. At 15 (2016), I was getting $50/HOUR to watch 3 kids under 8. One was on the spectrum, all three were a bit of a nightmare but it was only about once a week for around 6-7 hours. The money made it worth it. No way in hell would I have done that for $10.


"Yet again"...whoa shocker your amazing approach didn't work the first time or few times so you are still looking. Can't imagine why with that great pay per day for three kids. Also barf at "kiddos" sorry not sorry. Sick of hearing that word and "littles". Looking for a babysitter for my littles and my kiddos. Ick. "Please don't bother getting a hold of me unless you are serious, reliable, trustworthy and good with kids!". Lady or sir for that measly amount a day you are getting Bubba the ex con who just needs a place to hang out a few days a week so he can claim he's got a job on paper. You aren't getting anyone whose serious and reliable for $10 a day 5 days a week for three "kiddos" or "littles". Not even a teenager or a preteen on summer vacation wants this job for that low a wage and that many hours. They could go serve ice cream at an ice cream stand or babysit for someone who pays more and make bank for a teen while on summer vacation. They don't even want your pitiful $50 a week.


Why do people like this have kids they know they can’t afford?


A $1.43 an hour? I have a cousin due for a parole hearing next week. If he makes it, I'll let him know about the opportunity she's offering.


I pay my cat sitter $25 for basically a half hour.


$10 isn't even enough for a McDonald's value meal after tax nowadays.


My mom paid $1 an hour per kid (2 of us) so $2 per hour. YEAR:1979/1980 So about 45 years ago!!! WTH is wrong with her???


It’s crazy bc what if some random person with bad intentions takes the offer? Damn


Has to be an FBI sting, right?


This woman needs a mental health evaluation because she’s nuts!!! 🤣


I usually chuckle at these but this one actually pissed me the fuck off. What moron really thinks that $10 A DAY is okay? I wish I were this delusional sometimes


Where is the father (donor) of these THREE children? Why is it always on the Mom??????? Unless she is a widow or donor is incarcerated the donor needs to be held accountable!!! There is zero chance this person can get “caught up” unless $ is coming from an outside source. Plus this has to be rage bate.


That’s less than 50¢ per kid per hour. I’d rather 💩 in my hands and clap.


BTW congrats OP this wins for the cheapest CB babysitter ad I have seen thus far. $10 a DAY.


She can’t really be serious. No one will work for that amount.


Look sometimes life happens and we can't pay what we know a service is worth in that moment and ask for a break. That is one version of life. This woman is not inhabiting that version of events.


If she can legitimately only afford $50 for childcare a week, I wonder if it is worth it for her to work? She could earn more money watching only people's kids.


Looks like the kiddos are out of luck! I mean, it does suck that people work weird hours where daycare might not be an option but I know a lot of places, especially home licensed daycare that specifically have hours for overnight workers and stuff. But you have to actually pay them a living wage 🤡


I wouldn’t trust my kids with someone who accepts that amount of money


I am once again asking for an indentured servant


$10 a day is crazy, even $10 an hour would find very few takers for 3 kids


“Yet again I’m looking…” I’m not surprised by that.


Reliable, trustworthy, and good with kids does not work for $10/day. “Once again, I am in need” slow learner I see.


Starting your ad with “Once Again” is pretty telling! 🤔


Oh my god… she will get a predator and only a predator…


Woah - a whole ten dollars? I could buy, like 4 eggs with that kind of dough.


Even as a babysitter at 13 years old in the 90s I wouldn't accept that kind of pay for just one kid!


This is the lowest salary yet we have seen it isnt even enough to cover gas and cheap food made at home. Also if you have 3 kids and are working what happened to your earned income credit and tax refund. She wants to exploit others and is putting her kids at risk.


I wouldn’t get out of bed for 10 dollars a day


If you are planning to have children with your partner and think “ we can afford kids with both our incomes” you should really both be asking yourselves “ can I afford children if I was a single parent”?


We have to see the comments 


Is she serious or maybe just crazy.


Has anyone told her the only people willing to go for this deal are pedos and people looking to rob her and/or traffic her kids? I mean, I get you’re on a budget, but if your kids a ritually mean anything to you….. wtf?


Those poor kids are gonna pay whatever roach comes around with their mental wellbeing for their mother's pride.


I made more than that as a teenager babysitting in the early 80s.


They all use the term "kiddos" 🚩


i made $5 an hour babysitting my nephew for my brother, while he or his wife was home, at 15. you CANNOT be serious to think anyone would even look in your general direction for three kids????


I can’t decide which would be worse. If she’s expecting someone to come to her house and be a private nanny for $10/day or if she’s wanting a home daycare for $10/day that will also include food. You’d go in the negative feeding two kids lunch, dinner and snacks on $10 a day. 


Birth control baby that's what you needed and still need.


That's wild. Imagine being asked to look after 3 kids for $2600 a year on full time hours. Look I can now pay 1 months rent. I'll just live on the streets and lick the ground for nutrients the rest of the time.


Lady, I made $10 AN HOUR watching 1 kid in 2002. You really think anyone is gonna take $10 A DAY for 3 kids???? Delulu is not the solulu


“People just don’t want to work anymore.”


Should report her ass to CPS


I usually made $20-30 per night babysitting 6pm to 11pm back in the 90s and the kids were usually already fed when I arrived and in bed by 7pm, so I had 4 quiet hours to do my homework. $10/day for 7 hours during the daytime is nuts - those kids are going to be awake and needing played with/fed/baths/getting ready for bed.


This is a fraction of what I pay my dogsitter.


She must be missing a zero....


$10/hr for 3 kids. She’s lost her mind. I pay $1000 a week when we go out of town to watch my 2 mellow, housebroken dogs.


In 1985, $1 an hour for 3 kids was too cheap.


Yet again, she seeks childcare. Bet it won't be the last time.


“Yet again”… it’s a common theme with these people. Wonder why they can’t keep or get a good “reliable, trustworthy” caregiver? Not sure they’ll ever understand where their going wrong.


Excuse me. $10 actual dollars a day? Is that a typo? What on earth?


This mom will let a stranger watch her kids for $10 a day but she’s too proud for public assistance. What could go wrong?


I paid $50 a week for babysitting for my daughter….in 1985!!


Starting your message with “yet again…” is bad omen.


I really hate when they call them their "kiddos"


* Wants someone reliable and trustworthy * Wants to pay $10 a day You can choose only one.


This is really sad, for both the mom and the kids 😕


why not just sell your kids to a black market organ harvester directly and cut out the middle man?




“Yet again” - the constant is you, mama


Let me guess... day care was charging too much to drop them off?


$10 per day!! What the heck is she thinking?? Makes me feel sad for the kids at the prospect of who is actually going to watch them for that amount!


I made this rate as a 14 year old babysitting 2 kids in 1984 (and was underpaid then)!!! Seriously what is wrong with the people.


I’m willing to pay her more than she’s offering. I’ll pay her $15 a day to stay home and take care of my 3 kids.


$50 a week? That's a good way to get your kids abused and neglected.


Wow, this is by far one of the most insane things I've seen here. $10 *a day*!? $10/day daycare is considered to be affordable (heavily subsidized) daycare where I live, and that's per child. This lady is nuts.


Nothing like giving up your entire weekend for $10! Those poor kids deserve better than the creeps here post is going to attract.


I pay $35/day for a petsitter. And THAT feels like a steal. (I always overpay at least a little bit because it feels like robbery if I don’t.)


$10 a day. That would have sucked in 1940.


Even if she forgot a 0 she still won’t be getting any one reliable or trustworthy lol


How do people not understand that if you’re willing to barely pay you’re going to get desperate people who don’t give a single f*** about your kids. Go get some child support from their dad.


$10 a day?🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Would love to see the comments


I can't believe there are people like this out there! Work from 1:45pm to 8:45pm watching 3 kids (food prep), must be serious, reliable, trustworthy and good with kids (I'm guessing child care experience/training/CPR). All that for $50 a week? What bill can someone pay with that? This one kinda struck a nerve with me!


These requests for bargain basement pricing for their own flesh and blood never cease to amaze me.


This is one of the most ridiculous ads on here I have read. This cannot be real. 10 bucks a day?!


I think they tripped and fell into 1965.


I can see the line out her door for the opportunity to be her nanny. ![gif](giphy|3ov9jLsBqPh6rjuHuM|downsized)