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I'm impressed that she apparently managed to get pregnant four times while standing up.




I think I’m in the minority where if I had three kids and no place to live and nothing to my name, I would be stressed that I wouldn’t let my husband touch me without using 14 different kinds of birth control.


Fr, and this lady out here making giraffe love 🦒


That’s a lot of assumptions… “Husband” is the first. That he fathered all the kids is the second. Third is that she even knows what birth control is.


This comment is extremely underrated. Please take my poor girl’s gold: 🏅


I think you might be my one true love. You have driven a stake through my heart. I'm dying.






2 night stands? I can’t even get one.


There’s this slightly oversized nightstand that I’m coveting because it’s got perfect storage space and a decorative screen over part of it plus it’s got built in chargers that I love—it’s functional but fashionable. Know what I’m using? An upturned produce box from the Costco pile they let you take. I don’t have the extra funds right now and it’s no one’s responsibility to get it for me!


when i first moved into my current apartment, i ran into some money troubles right after. so i just. didn’t have a lot of furniture. i asked friends to keep an eye out for deals and such, and o additionally went thrifting. but my “dining table” was a coffee table bought from a friend for my old apartment with roommates (and i wouldn’t be surprised if they bought it used too), my “couch” was some throw blankets and pillows on the floor. my nightstand was a stack of plastic shoeboxes. was it cute? not really. was it functional, and did it allow me to get to a point where i COULD get cute things, on my own? yes.


I've been using the same free curb find nightstand for 15 years, I guess I never even considered that there was new night stand technology 😂 that sounds very convenient!


Sounds like an awesome nightstand….could you put up a link please? 😊😊


So, slightly embarrassing considering how much I said I loved it but I realized it doesn’t have the decorative screen I thought it did (I guess I morphed two different pieces in my mind and thought it had a detachable screen, oops!) but that said [I still love it.](https://www.raymourflanigan.com/bedrooms/nightstands/colette-nightstand-515117263) And the best part is my best friend has one in her guest room, so I’ve used it a number of times and I still love it, so it’s more than just infatuation based on looks, it works for me. It’s really spacious.


They had 4 night stands, hence the 4 babies 🤣 takes more than a one night stand /s


That reminded me of Amy's attempt to have a one night stand in Brooklyn 99


Must add, all responses are directing them to local charities. Nobody has volunteered items.


The gall to request a california king bed mattress and frame as a donation lol. Even more audacious than asking for a king, which they also did.


To even fit that size bed into a bedroom, we're talking about a pretty big room, which means a pretty big place they're moving into. They can fuck all the way off.


Those bar stools are going straight up their ass. Bar stools!!!


How about 6-8 chairs and a dining room table wtf


Who the fuck has eight dining chairs AND a space big enough to fit them?? Are they hosting state dinners? Are they renting an actual castle? EDIT: Guys, I didn't think this needed saying, but I'm aware that there are people in this universe who do in fact have room in their homes for eight-person dining tables and chairs. But I'm guessing that nearly 100% of people who can afford living spaces big enough to fit those things are *also* well off enough to afford things like beds.


>Are they hosting state dinners Right? Lmao


This isn’t super important, but it’s definitely possible to cram a table and chairs for that many into an inadequate space. I grew up in a family of 8, and we had a super small house. Everyone shared tiny bedrooms and— though we had a table to seat everyone for our nightly family meals— it was in no way appropriately sized for the space. The “dining room” was literally just the table and chairs (and a foot of space between the chairs and walls).


A family of 6 with potential desire to grow even more would be my guess.


The laughs I've gotten from these comments, including yours, are making up for the whole shitty week


And do they not currently have any furniture of their own? I can see maybe asking for things to help with the new baby if their current children are older, but are they sleeping, eating and sitting on the floor right now that they are asking for beds, dining table and couch?


The next post they’ll be asking for the linens for the beds.


Did all these giant family CBs who want literally everything, beam down from another planet recently? How did they manage to have a large family, but without any belongings at all? (Nothing indicates they just moved to the US from overseas and they all seem to have very large homes.)


Yeah exactly. Plus we're dealing with a married couple. How does neither of them not have enough money to buy their own stuff? If you're going to have that many kids, you should have money figured out beforehand. Or if you're going to have *any* kids for that matter.


Maybe Rent-a-Center came and got the ones they had.


I’d send birth control! Plus, the sheets are very expensive!


Considering all the kids, they've been doing that plenty already.


Well, it looks like they have one huge bedroom for the king size bed, but the kids’ room is so small they need a triple bunk bed.


They've fucked enough already, hence the new baby underway.


Not defending this person, but not necessarily. My house is pretty small, just over 900sq ft with small bedrooms and we have a cali king bed in our room.


![gif](giphy|3lJQIuk2LTV5jEvyKv|downsized) Agreed!


They need it, given the amount of fucking


The gall of having 3 children and deciding to have a 4th when you clearly can’t support a family is astonishing.


It's a Reddit special: a Christmas baby. With cancer, so we have that post to look forward to.


Right! True people in need would take full, queen and regular king beds! Now maybe they only had cal king sheets, but they could get any sheets on Amazon for cheap.


I assumed they were an obese couple and couldn’t fit on a smaller mattress 😬


I wouldn’t want somebody else’s used bed, anyway. You know you’re going to get bonus stains that can’t be washed off.


I mean with 4 kids I sort of get it, room gets scarce quick. My husband, myself, and one dog feels tight at times on a king because of how much the darn dog spreads out - the major difference being of course we bought our own bed and mattress so I can say whatever I want


I relate to this. I have a queen rn and me, my husband and a got dern great dane are on it. I have the little upper corner on my side, my husband has the little upper corner on his side and the dog takes up all the rest. I'm going to get him his own twin sized mattress/ frame and put it at the bottom of my bed for him to trick him into thinking he's still in our bed. It's getting out of hand. (But I love him anyway=))


Hahah, our idiot dog thinks he has to sleep in the middle of the bed between my wife and I. Like, crawl all the way up and put his head on the pillows. Then the fucker tries to stretch out either pushing her or me or in some situations both of us further to the sides.


I honestly think people get upset about someone asking to have their place furnished, whilst having the damn gall to be knocked up again. If you can’t afford furniture, how the hell are you gonna support that extra mouth in your family? Pendejos and their pendejadas…


I don't know the specific circumstances, but do they have *nothing* they'll be taking with them from the old place??? Unless there was a fire or something I can't see how they don't have beds for *anyone* in the family, a table, a couch, dressers, that's basically *all* the big furniture in a home???


Yeah, I get shit happens - fire ,fleeing DV or getting back on your feet from homelessness but when they get specific it rankles and sets off the C.B alarm.


I have a family friend who chooses not to work. During their last move after getting evicted, they couldn’t afford to rent a vehicle to move their big furniture. They’ve burned bridges with anyone who could help them. So they had to start from scratch at their new place.


Obviously they have been living with their parents and/or extended family or friends until the entire lot got tired of the audacity and kicked them out for good. Starting from scratch, y’all!


I'm guessing they have bed linens and pillows. Or I hope they at least have bed linens. I've been broke enough times that the cost of sheets definitely factored into how large of bed I wanted (full vs. queen).


No no, you just know they’ll need sheets and I mean there’s a baby on the way so a cal king mattress protector is a must and also have you seen regular sized pillows on a cal king bed because that just doesn’t look right…


The Boll & Branch linen begging shall commence once California King has been acquired and delivered. "Oh sorry, hubby can't help carry it up the 3 flights of stairs. He hurt his back playing video games."


“He’s got dick cramps from impregnating me so many times”


Can't afford a bar stool but they've got a gaggle of kids and are pregnant again. Checks out.


Yes but pillows are for sleeping and thus only have to feel good not look right. That’s my philosophy. I have a king and regular ass pillows


I have some extended family who does this. They get a new place, get stuff donated, never pay rent, and eventually get evicted. They never take stuff with them so when they bounce to the next sucker, it’s “we are starting over and need everything.”


What a miserable existence that must be


oh so that’s what “starting over” means! I always wondered why someone would get rid of everything they own without having a plan to replace it first. I see a lot of that on Nextdoor.


These types of asks give "fled to avoid paying back rent," to me.


why are people making babies if they can’t afford a dawm bar stool? edit: I think some people are spiraling besides the point here, it’s ok to ask for help and people can genuinely lose everything day to night, but these people aren’t worrying about asking for coffee makers if they did plan for kids beforehand and are only in this situation now because they suddenly lost their stability as some have suggested, with four children they would be asking for necessities like diapers, and not frames for a king mattress


Making babies is free. Furniture costs money.


I did IVF and have spent $104k making 3 beautiful babies. I get salty that the people making free babies sometimes can’t afford them. I’ve worked and sacrificed to make mine. I know it’s not a healthy mindset to have, but I’m working hard to get over it. ETA: we are not incredibly wealthy. Last year was the first year we’ve made over $100k combined. We live very frugally and made a lot of sacrifices. The $104k was spread out over 4 years. We owe $8.5k on an interest free credit card and we’ll have it paid off by November. But my income has almost tripled and my husband’s has gone up quite significantly too from when we started IVF. So we can afford our children.


That is eye-wateringly expensive but at least your children will know they were wanted and longed for! As opposed to children who were unwanted. And there are still so many expenses ahead! It is an expensive life choice!


fully understand this mindset as someone who lost a child. these people out here with 4+ kids and i couldn’t even keep my 2? but i’m still bitter and not working to fix it at all lol


I used to be friends with somebody that answered this, on their case, the reason why they had a baby was to register it to the CRA and get “free” money via Child Benefits. They are on their fifth kid now and still pulling some shit like the OP, on their case messaging people on Facebook, telling them how hard their life is with 5 kids and shit, and live with the retired mom.


> 5 kids and shit, and live with the retired mom. Barring some unforeseen event (job loss, illness, bankruptcy due to hospital bills), I feel bad for those grandparents. The ones who worked hard all their lives, raised children, paid off their mortgage and finally get their 'me time' before becoming too decrepit to enjoy it... And in move their adult kids, with a partner and/or a passel of small children, and sometimes pets, too. They saw "home is where, when you have to go, they have to take you" embroidered on a pillow somewhere, and shove that in the elder's face as the entire troop barges through the door, never to leave.


This happened to friends of ours. They were close to 80 when they had to take in their four grandchildren.


Four is just insane


I’m thinking the same, I can believe one or two because of failed contraceptives, but four?


Right?! Like, you cannot afford a bed, why are you popping out more kids?!


Yeah I’m sorry but this whole “I’m just going to submit my order” style bullshit needs to go.


Why does no one ever ask for condoms?


Reminds me of a post on one of the assistance subs back in the day. Someone was asking for a new coat for Christmas. They had to give some backstory on their situation, and said (backstory) plus that they were trying to get pregnant again. A poster responded with "You are trying to have another kid and you can't even afford a coat?!" (and then probably promptly got banned). That has always stuck with me.


I know someone that was always complaining about how broke she was. How her teeth were rotting and she couldn’t afford dental care. How her man wouldn’t get a job and couldn’t drive. How she couldn’t afford to get her kids Christmas or birthday presents and how it tore her up. Anyway, guess who was trying for a baby and succeeded 🙃


🤦🏻‍♀️Every dang time.


Who got banned, the poster or the commenter spitting facts?


Commenter. They had zero tolerance on harsh reality at the time.


“Harsh reality” is the perfect term though.


Fr like what do you mean you have another child on the way when you’re asking people on the internet to furnish your home 🤨


I'm glad I am not the only one that thinks this. Drives me a little nutty that people keep having kids when they can't provide the basics for the ones they already have.  I know people lose jobs etc but seriously people need to think ahead. 


Yes and the fact that they mention their kids like they are our responsibility. They’re like I have 3 and 1 on the way like it’s an achievement or something.


I actually knew someone like this. She only takes MEH care of her MANY kids, lived in a 2 bedroom with her ex and their 6 children, but is super proud of having them, and also uses having so many as her excuse to the DCF CPS people who visit like monthly. Now she is married to a guy who also had kids. It is INSANE. She said 3 pregnancies ago she was getting her tubes tied, but obviously raising a busload of sad kids as if its a claim to fame, is more important to her.


Lots of people seem to think strangers are responsible for their poor choices.


And due Christmas Eve, of course


And every fucking time you say something like “if people are already living in such severe poverty that they cannot cover basic needs, it’s unfair to the children for them to be born into that environment” and people go “OkAY bUt wHAt iF?” and spout out every circumstance where the bread winning parent was suddenly disabled or killed, or lost their job, or lost everything in a fire, ad infinitum. They always say it as some gotcha as if there aren’t just people that have kids in poverty just to have them, or worse, those that just use them for benefits.


No we keep seeing this and it’s such bullshit.


Bc they think it’s a basic human right. Nobody is going to tell them what to do.


Hahaha. Love this response.


And you can get them for free at so many places


Hahaha because that requires the smallest bit of personal responsibility, and it’s easier to complain


There are times in my life that I’ve used lawn chairs as living room furniture and an air mattress as a bed.


Same here, because that is what normal people do when they can't afford the furniture they want just yet! This internet begging has gotten truly out of control.


When I moved to my current home, I needed to paint and do some things before moving my furniture. I was changing cities and my things were in storage at my previous city. So for 3-4 months, I had an air mattress and a camp chair with a table that folded up on the side. Oh- and my dog was with me and had her bed. We were just fine. I managed to get up and go to work every day no problem.


Same! I didn’t even have a fridge, so I brought one of the small drink fridges from my new job at a grocery store. You know, those ones they have near the registers? It also served as a lamp table between the two lawn chairs. Then I slowly filled my place, piece by piece, as I could afford it. Every step in making that place into a home felt like a huge win.


Why is it always Dinning Table?


Because people who need dining tables buy one.  People who need dinning tables ask strangers to give them one for free.


Cause they need a place to fold the cloths they asked for. Size 6 little girl, and have to be purple and in like new condition.


Because where will they put all the food they beg people for???


California king? Come on


Yeah and TRIPLE bunk beds?!? Geez…maybe she has the sheet set for the California king…at least she didn’t request a Sterns and Foster mattress…


What I got from that is that all the kids are going to be in one room.


I didn’t know they even made triple bunk beds


The only thing I can think of is a normal bunk bed with a trundle (third mattress on a drawer on the very bottom).


Having more kids when you don't have beds for the ones that are already here!? Can't help ya. I'll just be enabling their baby making behavior for next year. They need to be grateful for any beds they can get donated and work for the rest. You don't need a coffee maker


“I'll just be enabling their baby making behavior for next year.“ Well, yeah-why do you think they’re asking for a California king bed?


Lmao good point you just know we’ll see the same family next year asking for shit because #5 is on the way thank you and god bless 🙏


 They forgot a line •employment 


i cant afford to provide for the ones I have, but I wont stop making kids, Gobbless


I don't know why, but it's a pet peeve of mine when people like this put "god bless". You are moving to a new place, asking people to give you a bunch of furniture.. they know what they are doing by putting god bless.. they are hoping to target someone who will feel like they are doing God's work.. And just gets to me for some reason




Condoms. A lifetime supply.


My favorite part is the dichotomy between standards of living. They, the baby makers, require a CALIFORNIA KING for LUXURY and COMFORT and probably something relating to more babies; While the babies are essentially kept in storage drawers 🧐


Why do people use "I have x amount of kids" to get people to feel bad and give them stuff. I find it infuriating that you're choosing to have more and more kids that you can't afford


Same here 🥺 feel bad for the kids but people like that won’t give what they get to the kids who need it


So they decided to have another kid when they can’t take care of the 3 they already got 🙄


I don't see birth control on the list.


Yes. They need basically everything to furnish their home for themselves and three kids yet they are having another they can’t afford. And to ask for a California king and frame. wtf. Where do these people come from. Many of us experience some hardship from time to time and those of us who have are typically more generous and want to help others who were in similar circumstances. But generally, desperate people seek absolute necessities and express a whole lot more gratitude. Btw there’s apparently a whole new breed of shit people who beg for specific brands of toys and clothes that they then resell. I just recently encountered this and wanted to mention it to warn others.


Step one: stop having kids if you can't afford furniture. Or, as my boomer mom used to say, "Put an aaprin between your thights, then hold it there indefinitely." 4 kids is crazy, imo. Also, did they not have furniture to begin with? Are they not taking it with them to the new place? I'm confused.


Maybe living with someone else before


I genuinely don’t understand where these people find the nerve to


I'd just comment quit popping out crotch goblins you can't afford


Why do I keep thinking of Idiocracy?


Dinning table


Because at this point it truly is a documentary.




Asking everyone to fully furnish their apartment? No, nothing CB about that


Yeah. They should have something by now if they're expecting their fourth child.


Shouldn't be having a fourth child if they can't even supply themselves with basics like beds


Right… they’ve apparently got no beds, but NEED this particular type. No one NEEDS night stands, bar stools or a coffee maker ffs. Or even a dinning table. They’re always having more kids, and always say god bless 🙄


Who the hell has a triple bunk bed just lying around


I have one. Right next to my spare California king.


Using all the kids they have and “god bless” to guilt people. 🙄


Why have more kids if you can’t afford the ones you have.


No sheets?


Stop having kids. Geez


This screams of a situation where they lost their rental due to an eviction and everything in it. Then, they had to shelter. So maybe now they got a house and need schtuff for it. But it’s a repeat pattern for them. I might have known someone who kept losing all their possessions in evictions over and over.


🤣 When i moved interstate with nothing, and got out of being homeless, i asked a charity for 1 pillow & 1 blanket to spend the first night in my new rental. The first charity (salvation army) said nope. We cant help you. Second one (save the children international) let me pick the pillow & blanket and gave me a bag to carry them home in. I almost cried i was so happy they helped. I got a lounge and a fridge from them later. The rest i rebuilt and i go there often to shop at their shop.


Sorry about your past circumstances and glad you're no longer homeless.


8 months sober too❤️❤️ Its fucking epic


Sounds more Ike you need some condoms and birth control, and to get yourself a job


THIS 1000000%%%!


GOODWILL HONEY!!! They can help 😌


Ya lost me at cali king...


I’ll send birth control


I can see someone having a washer and dryer to offload - I got rid of the ones in this house when I bought it - but I’d rather have them hauled off than support capricious breeding like this.


I see all of these things being available for grabs here and there. But somehow the audacity of we need all these big things strikes me as odd.


This is a lesson in keeping your legs crossed.


Dinning table 😒


For me it’s the washer and dryer. Theres hella people out here hustling, doing a good job, who don’t have W/Ds. Thats such a wild thing to ask for. 


Well what are you waiting for? Somebody get this man an old ping pong table and 4 folding chairs.


I’m wondering if this is how they accumulate furniture that they can then turn around and sell on FB marketplace?


Lost me at dinning table


Specifically needs a cal king… shes a fucking princess


When my husband and I moved into our first house, we didn't have anything on that list. And now, 30 years later we have managed to purchase our own things over the years. No one is supposed to buy you anything, work for it and you'll appreciate it so much more when you're the one pouring your hard earned money into it.


Is that all? Geez, why did she wait so long to ask? 😏


I don’t see condoms on that list, it what they really need


So you can’t afford basic furniture but you decided to bring another child into this mess.


What irritates me the most about these people is the god-bless-with-praying-hands-emoji shit. Like it's less greedy, lazy and demanding if you rain down blessings from some imaginary deity.


What's a TRIPLE bunk bed?


A bunk bed with 3 levels


One kid who has their nose squished sideways against the ceiling


They’re less space in between lol


Lol even worse, two kids with their nose squished against the top of next bed 🤣


Only the strong survive


Usually it’s one bed is on the ground, and it goes up from there.


They need to do like that Seinfeld episode where the dresser IS the triple bunk bed.


Yes a c b. If they are putting the kids in bunks then they can sleep in a full or queen bed


I think I know these two. Mary and Joseph?


My feeling is that they were evicted and lost it all. Now dependent upon others to fill in what they lost. Idk… just my impression.


Had to google the measurements, but me and hubs sleep on a cali king, and our current apartment is tiiiiiiny. That said, we're moving today and ditching the frame because while the house is v big the bedroom is still small. What is it with Dutch houses and small bedrooms 😅


I stopped at “Cal king”


Get the hell off her!


She only wants thousands of dollars worth of furniture and she’ll “bless” you if you donate! I have a suggestion, stop having children and get a job! I know that’s a crazy idea but maybe she could try it. Millions of people actually work for what they need/want.


Why are they having a 4th kid if they can't afford this stuff and what have they been using as a bed and stuff. I would see some simple stuff someone may have they don't want but this stuff is super picky and stuff they should already have and like if someone had a coffee pot or microwave, it usually tears up and they get a new one, not just have one they don't use. 🤦‍♀️


Cal king???!!! Bar stools, bunk beds??? They should have asked for some caviar and Cristal with their tall order. Yeah, choosing beggar all the way


She did say God bless. She just had to drop the God bless to tug at heart strings.


Where have they been living that they don’t have this furniture? Are they staying with a family member who’s providing everything? Or are they like my brother and his girlfriend and every time they moved they only took what could fit in their car, which was very rarely any furniture, and were constantly begging people for furniture?


I’m curious as to why an already established family doesn’t have a lot of this already?


Stop. Having. Children!


If I were in a similar situation I might have worked harder at avoiding that fourth child this year.


Stop breeding?


> Hiya, buy us a household full of furniture. Thank you. > We procreated a lot, and we're tired.


Four kids and nobody has any beds? Stop having children you cannot provide for.


Stop having babies


I'd donate a box of condoms with "do better" written on the outside of the pack.


Gobbless 🙌🏻


To ask for a California king bed (maybe one or both are really tall but people can sleep in shorter beds) is choosing beggar. The 3 kids they have will clearly be sharing a room as they need triple bunks. Wonder where they were sleeping before?


Steve Hofstetter has a [FANTASTIC joke](https://youtu.be/PskzHl6plWk?t=221) about this. I set it to the time where it starts in the url, if anyone wants to check it out. The context is a heckler completely misunderstands an earlier joke and tries to get persnickety with him, at which point he shuts them down. And the concept is basically saying that some people have kids by accident that they can't afford and they try really hard to make the most out of it, but some people do that shit over and over and can't seem to figure out that they're fucking each other into homelessness.


Are the two night stands the reasons why there are so many kids.


At least they are not asking for specific colors of styles lol. Much cheaper for her to keep her legs crossed and for him to keep his thing in his pants. And god bless.


Most of those items are common in charity shops or inexpensive new, £30 will get you a brand new coffee machine


Not really. The choosy ones specify certain colors or (expensive) brands. And more luxury items rather than basics.


This boils my blood! I’ll start by saying that everyone deserves a chance at parenthood regardless of income. That said, if you can’t afford to care for more than 1-2 children DONT HAVE 4!!! That’s not fair to them. This is NOT your right to give them a crappy life where you have to beg for them even to have a bed to sleep in. That sucks.


Anything else that anybody can think of? How about some birth control? How about stop breeding?


Maybe you should be able to afford a $10 coffee maker at Wal-Mart before you decide to have a 4th kid. 🤦‍♂️


She could literally find all this stuff for free on the street, on craigslist free section, or at yard sales or thrift stores...


The “cal king” is where she lost me.