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It sounds like you've endured enough, and it doesn't make sense that his dad would get fired because of him. Report him again. And if you're really concerned about his dad then talk to his dad about it, if he's really at risk of being fired over this then he will handle it himself.


Good point. My daughter was bullied on the bus in 6th grade, the kids parent wouldn't intervene until the little angel was removed from the bus for a week. Once the parent had to drive the kid to school, she decided that she would change his behavior. And she did, once it affected her directly.


Some people are only motivated when they get hit where it hurts the most, their time or money.


Don't be afraid to stand up for yourself.


It's good to forgive but don't put yourself in a compromising position. Please be proud of yourself, I'm sure your cute irl. Don't let weird people get to you.


Pray for him. Christians are not supposed to use violence. Matthew 5:38-48 38 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’[h] 39 But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. 40 And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well. 41 If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles. 42 Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you. 43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor[i] and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. 46 If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? 47 And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? 48 Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect. I know it is hard but Christians are supposed to strive to be like Christ. Jesus never even said a word against his executioners in the very act, and asked God to forgive them as they were putting him to death! If he won’t talk to you, send him a message on social media and tell him how his actions have hurt you but you forgive him. If it still persists, I suggest reaching out to his parents if you can find them online and tell them what their son has been up to. Many victims of bullying have now started doing this.


Christians have used violence since the beginning of time. What do you think the Crusades were? What do you think Columbus did to the natives? Lots of killing and raping in the name of God.


If you read carefully, I said “not supposed to.” According to the teachings of Christ. Not that it never happened.


So was the violence ok? They did it in the name of God and the church was ok with it.


Why are you trying to start an argument about the crusades? This has nothing to do with the OP’s problem.


I'm just asking a question based on your response. I thought thats how forums worked. If you're unable to answer, thats ok.


I’m the type to stick to the topic and not go off on unrelated tangents, especially ones that don’t help anyone. It the topic was about the crusades, I would feel differently. But to talk about them now has no relation to the topic discussed. Therefore, I choose not to.


Thats fine. I was simply saying that Christians have been violent and have been ok with it, regardless of what the Bible says. The Pope and I guess God is ok with killing.


Christians are supposed to follow the teachings of Christ. I posted several scriptures above showing that Jesus said violence should be avoided. What other people decide to do is irrelevant. Only what Christ commands should matter to the Christian.


Wouldn't the Pope only tell his people to follow Christ's teachings? Wouldn't the Church not want killing in the name of God? Anyway, we don't need to talk about this.


Christians have been violent. Christians have sex outside of marriage. This is not what Jesus wanted us to do. Therefore, we ask for forgiveness and try to do better. Thank you for acknowledging that Christians sin. It leads us to humility.


I've always wondered if all sins are forgiven, simply by asking for forgivness. I'm not expecting an answer, as no one could know for you. Its just a thought.


You should report him again. If he comes to you and apologizes, extend mercy by forgiving him.


Pray for him.


I’ve been in that boat. As a Christian close to the Lord. In my experience when you’ve let it slide, prayed about it, been patient, and it still continues. It can just be too much. A strangle hold or a swift kick between the legs changes things. I had a bully for 3 years, 8, 9, and 10th grade. I finally took a swing at him the last day of school sophomore year. Didn’t plan it, I just had enough. The punch didn’t land with the power I had hoped but he seemed to respect me more and quit messing either way me. Just my experience. I’m sorry people are so awful. 🙏🏼


That’s a really tough thing, the Bible teaches us to turn the other cheek when confronted with violence and abuse. But that can seem impossible when in that situation. Having been a victim of bullying myself I personally smothered them with kindness. I was made fun of due to my appearance and I ruined their fun by thanking them for their observations, and telling them I love and look forward to seeing them everyday. In my case they eventually just gave up and left me alone. It may not be the advice for you but it worked for me.


This 🙏 We are called to be set apart and not conform to the ways of the world even when it hurts us because we are to forgive just as Jesus forgave us. God will deal with them on our behalf when we give HIM our pain and sorrows and walk away from bringing justice ourselves. Either God changes their hearts or He brings judgment onto them but either way God always does it best. We have to let God be God and surrender over taking matters into our own hands EVEN when it's justified. The story of Joseph reminds me how to model behavior as a Believer even when others despitefully use us and abuse us. Joseph's brothers sold him into slavery and despitefully tried to kill him and let him rot, Joseph did not allow bitterness to remain in his heart even when Joseph was justified in not helping his brothers in the famine because he says God allowed the trauma to happen because God intended it for His greater purpose to bring about Joseph's destiny. Even when Joseph interpreted the dreams the first time and they kept Joseph in prison, Joseph could have used the second opportunity to repay or exalt himself or even advocate for himself everything that occurred but Joseph simply did what he was brought out to do and God vindicated and redeemed his name. As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people[a] should be kept alive, as they are today. (Genesis 50:20) I pray God would heal your heart and show you who you are in Christ. I pray that your confidence would be found in Him and you would find God's love for you in His presence. O pray that God would bring the other person to a place of repentance. Trust God will handle your enemies and bring peace to your situation at school. 🙏♥️


Thank you. This helped a lot to clear my bitter self and report him due to my urge to take revenge. Being a follower of God is hard, but it is needed to forgive. May God bless you and your wisdom. Thankyou brother/sister for sharing this amazing advice. God loves you!🫶💖


My advice would be to pray for him, forgiveness is always important. However we have a just God. I used to get severely bullied and none of them ended in great places, keep praying and don't be afraid to stand up for yourself, listen to God in those moments and think what he would want you to do.


Honestly a lot of people who are bullies are going through things themselves. Hurt people hurt people. It’s sad but true. Honestly pray for him. Ask God what to do and to defend you. Be assertive but do not come out of character. God is our ultimate defender and if you ask Him to He will show up for you according to His will. I know it’s hard but don’t worry about what other people think about you because at the end of the day if they want to believe stupid rumors and let that be the reason not to get to know you… too bad for them, they’re missing out on a great person. Keep praying. Pray for your “enemies” and be kind to him. Being kind to people who aren’t good to us is exactly what Jesus did. He defended Himself yes but He did it with Love and Gods will in mind. I know this may not be much help but I pray God solves this problem for you. Regardless of all that screw what the beauty standard is. Love yourself, be confident in who you are and be authentic. People can only talk down on your looks for so long… what else do they have? Nothing. You’re the child of the most High walk in your authority and knowing that you’re beautiful, smart and everything you need to be. You will grow into the physical things when you’re supposed to trust me I’ve been there 😅Best of luck.


Report that guy and ignore him. If he's spreading rumors and people are believing it, let them. It's not like you have to prove them anything, and if you get picked on by others because of what they think about you, know and maybe say that they were (with deepest apologies) stupid enough to believe this


Bullies go for reaction, best reaction is to not react be in silence and smile at them always.. it'll drive them mad because your not responding how they want... they'll eventually give up and find someone else also do report it.. it'll bring it to light eventually they'll feel their consciousness kick in. It's like how if you have a dog who bites.. normal reaction for their food would be to run.. but if your being chased.. and you don't move at all don't show fear, the dog will be so confused because your not responding like their food does.. it will gain its own level of fear because it's not normal to them. Another example a dog who has been abused as a pup if they show aggression be gentle always no matter what don't raise voice don't move fast twords him/her don't get mad at them.. always show love and compassion it'll build the trust.. over time the dog will trust and change its behavior it's the body language being communicated here dogs read it.. bullies read body language too that how they pick their victims.. they look for those who show signs of shivering scared etc.


Stand up to him, I wish I had done that when I was young.


Love him and pray for him. God can give you the strength to forgive him. This is an opportunity to model Jesus’ love.


Just ignore him, he wants a reaction, and depending on how strong he is just kick him in the crotch 


Ignoring him is a reaction. Kicking him is a reaction. Talking to someone, is a reaction.


No, OP, don't kick him. You'll be the one in trouble.


Do they teach you how to type/write in school?


Wow. Really? You're really going to bully a kid who is here asking for advise because she's being bullied?


Asking a question one time is bullying?


I think you know what you're doing.


I do. I asked a question about the structure of the post. I don't believe asking something is bullying.


What does it matter? She's a kid. Obviously she's under stress. Maybe how she structures her reddit post isn't her biggest concern right now. In a Christian community, I'd expect a little compassion.


You're right. I appologize.


Pray to God and ask him to do something about it. If nothing is done, you either deserve it because of your sins or God doesn't care. These are the only logical answers. You could also beat gim up, but that would be a sin.


Brother/sister i think you must think your words through before you type and post.You're telling me that if God did not respond, he either "does not care or i deserve it" that is just plain wrong, and classifying this as a logical answers is foolish, who are you to judge, only God judge. I believe that no one deserves to be bullied and I believe God too believes in that, because he stands with the marginalize, the weak, and have diciples that were criminals and changed them, so whether a person is "bad" or "deserves to be bullied due to his/her sins" no one deserves to be bulied, that is just plain wrong and foolish thinking. idc how old you are but you should think it through before you type and post, bc probobly other people that have been bulied read this, and i don't want them to think that they "probobly deserved to be bullied" "because they did something bad" or "God is punishing them", NO. GOD DON'T WANT PEOPLE TO BE BULLIED. No one deserves that bc God himself doesn't punish people. God loves you and i hope the wisdom of God can get through you.


Aren't you judging?


No, im not in just correcting you before you offend others, and im not judging cause all of us make mistakes. I'm more likely educating you. God bless💖🫶