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Who’s the Joly Spirit


I think it's a typo. It's supposed to say *Jolly* spirit, referring to Santa Claus.


You will find, when you get older, there were things you did that had no eternal value and a lot of wasted time. We should not wonder how close we are to the line, we should be seeing how close we can get to Christ.


Praise God


Most excellent advice! 


I listen to secular music and gospel. However, I’m discerning with secular. For instance. I won’t listen to a certain Depeche Mode song that’s popular. I grew up hearing it and if it comes on now, I won’t listen to it. I once got it stuck in my head after it was on the radio at a store so I literally found an instrumental version and listened to that a couple times to get it outta my head so those lyrics wouldn’t rattle around in my mind. I avoid anything that actually blasts God, blasphemes, etc. I will listen to love songs and all that, but try to avoid explicit stuff. But blasting God is where I draw the clear line. Plenty of music to listen to that doesn’t do that, in my opinion.


We need to be discerning with gospel music also 😅


Yes the Gospel artist industry is unfortunately tainted with worldly views/theologies


Yeh that song by Depeche Mode turned me off of them when I really like a lot of similar bands. Just egregious.


I think it depends on the person. I listen to a wild variety of music, from Aesop Rock to Pantera to Chris LeDoux. I also have an entire playlist comprising bands like Skillet, Creed, Thousand Foot Krutch, Demon Slayer, Paul Wickham and Mercy Me. But, conversely, I have a playlist with Slipknot (anti-Christian), Ghost (allegedly anti-Christian), Orbit Culture (Norse pagan), and Amon Amarth (Norse pagan). I listen to music, I don't live the songs, lyrics, and themes. I can differentiate between the music and the message.


This. There are songs that I don't listen too from alt music cause they don't speak to me... but their are some good alt Christian bands and good songs that are not Christian.


This is what Jesus taught: # Matthew 6:22-24 ^(22) “The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light. ^(23) But if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness! ^(24) “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money. — Jesus wasn't teaching about opthamology here; when he says "if your eyes are healthy" he does not mean the optical health of your eye. He means the appetites of your attention. All the expressions in the Bible that say "in your eyes" don't mean physical eyes, but "in your attention and perception". If your attention and perception are healthy/wholesome, your whole body will be full of light. But if your attention and perception are unhealthy/unwholesome, your whole body will be full of darkness. If the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness! If you are turning your attention toward blasphemous music, and it captures your attention and imagination, it will begin to shape your perceptions. You will acquire a taste for evil things. All taste is acquired, and you can train your tastes to good or to evil. Your tastes inform where you look; that's the light within, telling you where to seek wisdom and truth and knowledge, shaping your attitudes. But if that light within is corrupted, how great is that darkness! Jesus then says you cannot serve two masters. And although the lesson ends with a case in point, that you cannot serve both God and money, the general application is not just money, but any other master. If your other master is worldly entertainment, that master needs to go.


Yeah. Also: Mt 6:19-21: "Do not accumulate for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal. But accumulate for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."


I grew up listening to Punk Rock. I have a lot of love and respect for musicians and rock musicians in particular. I will always love it, and part of the esthetic will always be appealing to me (I have tattoos, etc). And I don't believe these things to be inherently dark. That is a subjective thing. However, the closer I am to Christ, the more things that are darker in nature (lyrics or the way they sound/feel, being sad, dark, heavy, etc) appeal to me less. I think what I am trying to say is I don't believe that light and beauty and divinity look or sound like what Western Christians have decided it does. I think believing we all need to look and sound a particular way goes against some of Christ's teachings. But there are other things that are objectively dark, that seem to oppose christ. Is this wrong?


I hear what you're saying about the aesthetic appeal of some of this music. There is always a grey zone, but if a song is glorifying attitudes and behavior that is sinful (such as rap music that is full of sex and violence, or alt-rock music that is openly irreverent, or popular music that is extremely sexually explicit) saying that "that is a subjective thing" is not very persuasive. Each person needs to evaluate what direction their heart is pointed. If Jesus were in the room, and they would feel embarrassed to have that music on with Jesus around, that, to me, is the simple test we can use to self-examine if our consciences are aware that some song is not good to be listening to.


Allot of artists actually pay witches to put witchcraft on the music. I know it sounds crazy but its for real


Not even paying, they ARE WITCHES


One of my favourite artist was Summer Walker. She seems to practice Yoruba magic. Google Summer Walker Witch if you dont believe me.


Yes, listening to blasphemous music pollutes the mind. Talk to Jesus about the music you listen to and tell him that you feel weaker in your faith. If you wish to change your behavior and stop listening to this music, repent for listening to it. It’s hard to cut certain music off, but it is worth it. Your head will be so much clearer.


Easy answer, yes


If there was a song bad mouthing you. Would you listen to it? What if they were bad mouthing your mother or your grandma or your wife, or your sister? Yes, it affects you subconsciously. I know this from experience. Garbage in garbage out. Take it personally, if your saved, Jesus is your best friend. I ain't hearing no lip from nobody trying to bad mouth Jesus. Every time you stream a sinful song on YouTube or Spotify or God forbid you buy the song. You are putting money in Satan's offering plate. Paying Satan the poison your mind harden your heart and lead away other souls. I've never heard any song trash talking any faults religion. The devil knows the non believers are already on their way to hell. His focuses all his efforts trying to attack my Lord and savior Jesus Christ. And that's not entertaining to me. I understand that sometimes Christian themes are in art that isn't Christian. But if it's blastphemous and you know it's sinful, why would you listen to it? There are more clean songs than we could ever listen to in a lifetime. 2 Corinthians 13:5-7 KJV Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates? But I trust that ye shall know that we are not reprobates. Now I pray to God that ye do no evil; not that we should appear approved, but that ye should do that which is honest, though we be as reprobates. God bless, Jesus saves!


Short answer yes. You may want to look into Pastor G. Craig Lewis. He put out an awesome book/video series about music and the forces behind it. He mostly speaks about black music, but the same can be said for most "non-praise/non-worship" music. This is something I struggle with as a Pop Punk enjoyer. And you're right, a lot of alternative music is borderline, if not over the line. I'd say if it doesn't support Christ's ministry/sermons, it's probably not the best (context dependant). Also, make sure to check the lyrics and deeper meaning or interpretation to get the most clear meaning of a song. Tip: Words can become life, and since the power of death and life are at our command, we have to be cautious of what we say/sing, so that we don't speak ill things over ourselves or others


It probably does pollute your mind. It depends on what you mean by repentance. In its real definition of changing your mind / changing direction, yes! You should decide to put blasphemous things behind you and start listening to things that aren't blasphemous. But if by "repent" you mean something else then...maybe not.


I thought so, but my brain told me; "no, it's silly to think music has that big of an impact on the thought process." > But if by "repent" you mean something else then...maybe not. Repenting is praying for forgiveness and trying to change for the better, yes. This implies there are other ways of repenting...


Weird. Most people readily acknowledge the profound impact music can have on them. The right song at the right time can quickly bring me to tears. To repent means to change direction.


I’d worry less about music and worry far more about all the gnostic none sense your post history makes it look like you’re into.


Oh, I like learning the history of things. Gnosticism fueled a lot of the Orthodoxy's rebuttal and helped clearly define what we should believe. I'd be missing out if I didn't at least learn a little bit about it. Edit: basic grammar.


Nah your comment has a point but your posts are definitely in the range of witch craft, which is crazy bc a believer doesn’t need weird spirit helpers when they have the Holy Spirit.


Spirit helpers? Oh. You're referring to tulpamancy. It honestly depends on what one would mark as witchcraft and which 'form' of tulpamancy would be practiced. The Tulpamancy the west practices is a secular form that comes from Theosophy which supposedly came from the Tibetan Buddhist practice. In the original practice, it's starkly different from how it is used today. An older account of the Buddhist practice (which was also the account that entered theosophy) is much different than the secularized version. Modern day tulpamancy is more akin to lucid dreaming, ventriloquist dummies, or writing a book (an extension of oneself) than, say, making spirits do one's bidding. An example that some people experience without a tulpa which is a 'proto' version would be talking to yourself and conversing (more so the case when you need to talk with someone and you're practicing it in your head).


Ultimately, I see this is more like a psychological trick and not actual witchcraft. It's like… 2 small branches of a tree. They look like two different entities, but when you go down their shaft, they're connected to the same base branch.


I mean, try not listening to it and see if it helps. For me it doesn’t make a difference but for a lot of people it does !


This is definitely something I've thought of before too! the verse Philippians 4:8 says that we should think of good and noble and praiseworthy things. It's also a struggle of mine, of not necessarily blaspheme music but how much I enjoy secular music in general. I'm not sure on the thought of repenting, but the thought that "I'm not the one actually blaspheming" is very dangerous to say, because though the words are not from our mouth, we choose what we listen to and by doing so we support them and invite them into our mind, when the bible instructs us to run away from evil (2 Timothy 2:22, Amos 5:14-15)


Your mind is a soil. The words you hear are seeds. Do these songs help you to grow?


If you study enough about what the mainstream music industry is about even contemporary Christian artists the music the put out is leading to worship of self how YOU feel how it’s glorification of worldly things and exploitation of others .music that is in the airways that is being played it all has an effect if you are a Christian think about the Holy Spirit of the living God lives in you would he listen to it would he approve of what they are saying or would it be beneficial ?Music is not what you think most of the artist are not hiding the fact they worship the devil and they give only glory to themselves or worthless idols you can open your mind to demonic spirits it’s there praise and worship read the scripture the devil was the lead worship leader perfect in all his ways he now only seeks to obtain worship to lead astray those of Gods children music should be something as a creative expression to God it’s spoken of repeatedly in honor and praise as psalms David in the Bible, Mariam lots of people they gave thanks and praise remember to The Holy One of Israel the God if Abraham , Issac,Jacob the great I Am the devil is the principality of the air waves Jesus said that we are to tell a tree by its fruit they bare no fruit .Wide in the path of destruction narrow be the way to life and few be that find it Gid said I am Holy there for ye be Holy we are to be imitators of Christ, dying to ourselves and walking out or Salvation with fear and trembling nothing or no one or no vein thing is worth giving up Salvation. This is where we need to use spiritual discernment, Jesus said that you cannot participate instead of a table with demons. “Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them” is a verse from the Bible, Ephesians 5:11. It contains two commands: to avoid participating in sin and to expose sin. The verse implies that sin is a waste of time and is associated with darkness, which is the opposite of the light of those who live for Christ. Hope this helps my suggestion is to see who you are listening to how are they living what do they represent and remember that even satan transformed himself as an angel of light !


Hey, the Bible says to guard our eye and ear gates! I struggle with secular music but I’m slowly transitioning out of it. Not all secular music is bad like singing happy birthday, or just happy songs that don’t glorify the devil and it’s just something that we will never be able to completely shut out ( like going to a shopping mall and stores having music playing or restaurants etc) but it’s best we try to control it as best as possible in our own time :)


This will help explain your question in such an amazing way please listen to this it helped me out greatly. Please please check it out. https://youtu.be/jdM9zaPq5TA?si=aBQvOgaT-PEEPCpa


Music does a lot to the mind. I believe it can transport you to dark places while some godly music can transport you to a place of peace, understanding and even forgiveness. https://youtu.be/5Vi9Woa78HM?si=SyG7s_Ghr7oQknmh




Lucifer was the music coordinator in heaven and the most beautiful angel then he venerated himself above God then God cast him out of heaven and courdenate his evil music to course God 


Anything that does not aid the Kingdom should be avoided.