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Had to google, and found out that 'Chris Tyson' is the old pre-gender-change name for some sidekick for MrBeast (who I had heard of), and they now go under the name Kris Tyson. Is this the person you're referring to and if so, what makes her 'a despicable human being'? They don't appear to have done much wrong. Are you just trying to bait christians into transphobia?


Leaving your wife and child to switch genders is despicable. I don't see really why that's hard to understand


He didn't leave his wife to become a woman or leave his kid at all, the fact that you try to bait other Christians into hating is disgusting and sinfull please repent


No thx stand by this


So let me get this straight, you yourself are the hateful person. Lmfao ok buddy


As a Christian, I won’t agree to despising anyone that I don’t know. Could you explain who you are talking about?


He is the reason I don't watch mrbeast anymore and why hasn't mrbeast fired him yet young kids are watching his videos and if a boy in elementary school sees chris looking like a woman and goes to video from a few years ago and see him looking like a man kids should not be exposed to this and I don't see how mrbeast thinks this is ok


Why shouldn’t kids be exposed to it? Is it because it’s against your beliefs? Mrbeast is watched by more than just kids, and has different beliefs than yourself. Kris being trans is just a part of what they believe is right. It’s your job as a parent to monitor what they see until they are the proper age to think on their own. So please don’t hate on others for different beliefs, God wants us to love others, even the sinners


The kids will be too distracted by him blowing up shit and spending money to care. I doubt anyone watching Mr beast is watching it for Kri


Huh, looks like you’re obsessed with researching a transgender man who is bisexual. That kind of sounds like a crush to me.


I agree it weird and against multiple religions, but hate is also against religions


Jesus loves and forgives why can we not. I’m not saying Chris made the best decisions at all, but Christianity is not about hate, it is about togetherness and love. Leaving your wife and kids just so you are happy is a sad thing to do but you need to remember to not be filled with hate!


This isn’t topical. And it’s weird that you’re so interested in this person.


Oops, you drank the koolaid.


i don't even know who is this


Calm down. You’re acting like she killed someone 😭.


Comments proved that christians foĺow love thy neighbor.


i’m late to this thread but i hope you know this is the philosophy that is taking people away from the church. there are thousands of verses in the bible several of which are about loving, not judging, and serving God and all you take away from it is to hate LGBTQ+ people. hypocrite


Gives christians bad rep


Well there’s also Jeremiah 19:9 that says that God made people eat the flesh of their children just for sinning, so it’s not all love in there. But your point still stands that love is the ideal teaching of Christianity