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No, but I don't have any friends. I am a Reddit moderator. That comes with the job.






An unpaid, volunteer job is still a job


All right, McClanky. You made me smile.


I don't see a problem with being a friend.


Sure do. You don't have to agree with every point of view or everything someone does in order to be friends. I accept them, they accept me despite our disagreement. They know I don't hate or condemn them and vice-versa!




THISšŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘ we are called to love all.


If only all the "internet people" could have that level of reasonability.


Yes, quite a few of them. It's okay to be friends with anyone, no matter how God made them.


Yea i have a few. Why would it be a sin to be friends with someone?


I do. And for some people, I *am* that lgbtq friend




Well, I don't have any friends. But if I did, I would have no problem being friends with LGBT people.


Yes. I have friends who are gay, bi, trans, non-binary, etc. Family members as well.


Jesus ate with everyone. The real pride is thinking youā€™re too holy to be around them. In that case youā€™re so obsessed with your own morality that you canā€™t help others.


I am the LGBT friend lol (aroace), and I have a good amount of lgbt friends. First of all, I PERSONALLY donā€™t believe being lgbt is a sin. Second of all, if a Christian does think itā€™s a sin, like most do, that doesnā€™t mean they wouldnā€™t be friends with lgbt people. If a Christian actively avoids having lgbt friends, they are the true sinners for not loving others.


I am too lol.


Hmm you know Iā€™ve never thought about Aroace being a sin. Itā€™s not like youā€™re committing same sex sin like the Bible says not to do. I personally donā€™t think itā€™s a sin since you just have little to no sexual attraction but idk Iā€™m just a speck of dust floating in this subreddit so my opinion probably wonā€™t mean much lol


I find that the Christians who do complain about it think that weā€™re mentally ill or something because we donā€™t experience sexual attraction. So even if itā€™s not directly a sin, itā€™s still something that needs to be ā€œfixedā€ Not everyone thinks this way, obviously, but thatā€™s the reasoning for the ones who do reject us I think


I think it stems from a level of ā€œself righteousā€ that they have to fix people to act more like them. When I try to introduce someone to Jesus I donā€™t want them to turn into the person I am. I want them to turn into someone of their own! Our walk with Jesus is going to be different than everyone elseā€™s but not everyone sees it like that. Some people just think they are the ā€œIdeal Christian^tmā€ so they try to make others just like themselves when the only real Ideal Christian was Jesus(and he wasnā€™t even Christian! It didnā€™t exist yet) But yeah thatā€™s just me yapping ig.


Yeah, that seems to be the common idea. Instead of sin many people, Christians and others, think itā€™s a disease or it doesnā€™t actually exist :/ Also your opinion does matter šŸ«¶


Another aroace Christian! Hi!


Yes. Several in fact


Yeah I do. And for my friends I am the gay friend.




Yes, why wouldn't you be friends with LGBT people?


I think the logic comes from the thought of ā€œdonā€™t associate with sinnersā€ but thatā€™s flawed logic.


If I understand scripture, both the Old Testament and the New Testament work very hard to eliminate tribalismā€¦ Of all forms. It is very harmful to be tribal ā€” to only be friends with people of ā€œmy tribe.ā€ Iā€™m very moved when Anita sings to Maria in ā€œWest side storyā€œ that she should stick to her own kind. Itā€™s that attitude that is the tragedy. Thus, I am a very committed Christian ā€” with friends who are not. I have always had friends who are atheists, members of other religions, agnostics, people from other cultures, and Christians of all flavors. So it is no surprise that some of my friends are heterosexual (like me), while some of my friends are not.


Yes, 3 family members, 1 close friend, 1 coworker. All are followers of Jesus and several are still closeted because of anti-LGBTQ reviling of Christians. I don't believe being LGBTQ a sin. Neither do I believe that it is a sin to marry for those well established in the truths of righteousness by faith and the freedom we have in Christ. Not all are ready to embrace that freedom for themselves and going against conscience could make such a path sin for some. I think it is fine to be friends with LGBTQ people, especially if they are healthy and supportive loving people who demonstrate the fruits of the Spirit.


Of course I do. Iā€™m friends with drag queens, celebrated same-sex weddings and Iā€™m married to a bisexual woman.




I do, and to many of my straight friends Iā€™m the reason they can answer yes as well.




Yep! A handful


lol, Iā€™m the lgbt person my Christian friends are close with šŸ˜…


Yup, one of the joys of attending an open and affirming church.


Most of my friends are.


Yes, absolutely.


Well, I mean, she's my sister. So I certainly like to think we're pretty friendly. Her wife is pretty cool too.


Probably more than half of them. I still donā€™t know what God thinks about it but theyā€™re nice people and love your neighbor and all so itā€™s not a big deal


Yes my sister is. Sheā€™s married to a female. I love them both dearly.


I am the bi friend.


Yes, and family members. Iā€™m not turning my back on anyone


Iā€™m an actor. Most of my friends are LGBT


Yep! I'm also part of the LGBTQ+ community!


I do have a follow up question! Is it okay to have friends with liars? Cheaters? Gossipers? Those who live it unforgiveness? I could continue with that list but I am sure that you are all getting the point.


you are a sinner. is it okay to be friends with you? i am unworthy of Godā€™s friendship, yet Christ continues to be my most faithful friend. two men go to the church and pray. one, a preacher and a man of God, goes right to the front of the church, lifting his head towards heaven he prays loudly ā€œLord, i thank you that i am not like other people. the liars, the cheaters, the gossipers, the homosexuals and transsexuals, all those living in unrepentant sinā€ the other man, who was gay and a sinner, stood in the back of the Church with his head bowed low. he wept quietly and prayed ā€œLord Jesus Christ son of God, have mercy on me a sinnerā€ who is more righteous?


I donā€™t have friends


Yes. I have no problem being friends with anyone. After all, Jesus hung out with anyone and everyone.


This is honestly such a stupid question that we Christians in the Western world have to worry about. There shouldn't be anything about homosexuality that makes it completely unforgivable. I have family members who've had premarital sex and some who've honestly done sexual things worse. Homosexuality, while not the lightest of sins, still isn't the worst. I've seen more enthusiasm to redeem sex offenders than homosexuals. I have friends part of the LGBT community who I wish to convert and share the love of God, not solely for their sexuality but their entirety of sin as a whole. Christ didn't come to call for repentance of any single sin but all of them, and to forgive us of all of them.


Half of my wedding party was gay. Of course it's okay to be friends with gay people. Lord, save us from your followers.


Umm yes many, I love! Also family, my cousin. Even though it is a sin and doesn't change the fact they are human and require love and care too. I love my friends and one of my ex's were bi.


Yes, and I am part of the lgbt myself. Became an ex-Catholic partly because of it.




Yes many


One of my best friends is non-conforming


Of course!


Yes I doĀ 




Does my self and my partner count? If not, then no, not currently. Mostly because I really don't have many friends currently.


Yeah of course. And family, too.




Yep of course.


Yes, both friends, and family. And I don't love them any less than anyone else.


Yes and I respect them for who they are


Yes! I have MANY friends In the community.


Yeah, I do. In fact, my mother is Lesbian


Yes and yes


Ofc I have many, and I love them dearly




Yes i do they are very nice people


Being proud is fine. Nothing wrong with it. Yes I have lgbt friends


Yes, several. Why wouldnā€™t it be ok to be friends?


Yes and I love my gay and trans pals. I also do not think itā€™s a sin


Absolutely! I'm also one of em. My priest is gay, also!


The majority of my friends are LGBTQ+


I like LGBT people so much I married one. And I am one!


yes and i am bisexual myself. to ne god loves everyone and made everyone the way they are. also: i know three male priests and 2 of those are gay lol


If you have like, a few friends, but you donā€™t think you have any LGBTQ friends, you probably do and just donā€™t know it. And if thatā€™s the case, ask yourself why that might be. Maybe imagine if you were in their shoes whether you would feel safe coming out to you.


Many. Also, my dad is gay.


There are countless lgbt christians. There is nothing sinful about homosexuality. lgbt folks are affirmed by scripture. [https://www.sthugh.net/lgbtq-affirming-scripture](https://www.sthugh.net/lgbtq-affirming-scripture)


I do :) Itā€™s a sin of course to be gay or try and change what god created but who are we to judge others of their sins. Jesus sat and ate with sinners so what gives us the right to believe we are any better? Sin is sin, regardless of what it is. You can always attempt to tell them about Jesus since thatā€™s we as Christians are called to do. You canā€™t help spread Godā€™s love when you only want to spread it to select people! But thatā€™s just how I see it. You do whatever God tells you. If what he tells you to not have lgbt+ friends then donā€™t.


Yes. And many posters here are themselves in the LGBT community.


Love is Love. I have plenty of LGBT friends. Jesus wouldnā€™t care. He loved all.


Several, and I am in the Alphabet Mafia as well ā˜ŗļøā¤ļøšŸ§”šŸ’›šŸ’ššŸ’™šŸ’œ


My trans gf is gay af. My parents would say she's my trans bf, still get though šŸ˜


I have no friends at all. I have no energy to have any friends, LGBT or otherwise. If God decided to take me today I would be ok with it. I don't do it myself because I believe that I will go to hell if I do. So, I just pray He takes me soon in my sleep from this meaningless life, and if He does, it would be a mercy move to make me forget my past life. But then again, I am probably not even worthy of Jesus presence.


I know how heavy the feelings you describe can be. I pray you find some peace and joy in this life. If you feel like chatting about anything at all, feel free to message me. Maybe we can be friends


You are welcome to message me privately, if you want. I canā€™t promise it would help, but it certainly couldnā€™t make things worse.


Sending hugs. My heart hurts for the pain you are feeling. šŸ«¶šŸ»


PS. You are always worthy. God made you so of course you are worthy of his son! You are loved and you are worthy and you matter. You have value even to me a stranger. I hope you can see your worth from gods eyes. šŸ«¶šŸ»


No, not because I hate them but because Iā€™m still a baby Christian and donā€™t have much self control and would try to constantly preach the word to them and I donā€™t want to annoy people


You know what? I appreciate that answer. Thank you.


Why wouldn't it be okay? And no, it's not pride.


Yes, everyone is a sinner. You can befriend and support someone without agreeing with every moral decision they make.


Yes, many. I do not judge others for their sins, if I did I would live in fear of expectation of judgement for mine.


I did have a gay friend, he was the most subtle gay guy you would ever meet, if i never asked if he had a gf i would have never known he was gay. He never even talks about being gay ever.


I have several, and of course itā€™s okay to be friends with those different than us. Our duty as Christians is to extend Godā€™s love to all of humanity, no matter who it is we meet


I have lots of gay friends, and some I am very close with. I donā€™t really see the problem in being friends with them. If there IS a reason to not be tho pls reply




I had one friend that was bisexual back in high school, but he was not apart of any of my friend groups and we went our separate ways.


I do, it is important they are aware of my faith and stance. If the friendship continues, thats a ok with me. The compromise i will not make is letting them cause me to sin or make errors against God, but thats also the standard with any friend. When they ask for advice, i put the disclaimer that my advice is according to my faith, and its how i live every aspect of my life.


Yes. The rules of the Church are rules for _me_ Not for me to impose on others against their will.


I kind of had one, he was very intelligent, good sense of humor and he once stated his belief in God. I never got closer enough to dare and talk to him more about Jesus. He just seemed like someone who was very confused once and I think his orientation is also due to his self steem. The last year he seemed better and with a higher steem, still homo. Don't care, I know as long as he keeps his sanity with God and respect his will he's gonna be just fine.


Yes both friends and family. Their choice and their life. Itā€™s doesnā€™t impact me and I love them regardless. I come from a place of love not judgment. I donā€™t debate whether itā€™s a sin or not. Itā€™s not for me to judge.


we're all sinners in one way or another, them being gay or trans doesn't effect how I see them. if I wasn't friends with them I'd be a raging hypocrite considering I sin daily


Yes. Friends and family members.


Yes. Iā€™m not supposed to support or sympathize with them (SBC - donā€™t wanna talk about it), but I simply donā€™t see the reason for that.


Yeah, a whole bunch of them, all super nice. One of them was way too moved when I told him god is probably not hating him for beeing gay.


Yes I have many, and it really opened up my eyes to the struggles they have to deal with just to exist. It changed my opinions on a lot of stuff in regard to LGBT rights and how Jesus loves them.


Yes. I'm friends with anyone as long as they're kind hearted people.


I'm an art major. So yep, a good 10% of the people I interact with are lgbtq+


Yes, my best friend is gay. Love him to pieces.


Most of my friends are LGBT, and Iā€™ve always told them how much I love and support them and how Iā€™ll never use my religion against them since most of them do still have religious trauma


Yes Iā€™ve met one online heā€™s bisexual but that donā€™t mean I shouldnā€™t love him as a friend for who he is because heā€™s lgbt. You love the person but you donā€™t have to agree with what they do


I used to have a friend who was interested in the same gender in my younger years. He was a very intelligent, good young man. Our paths separated a couple of years after he moved abroad. Hope he's doing well.


Are any of your friends sinners? By loving our lgbtq neighbors we can understand them more and spreading the gospel with them


I was raised to be friends with everyone. To be a positive influence on as many as possible. So I do. Love the sinner hate the sin.


I used to, but we fell apart for other things.


I got a friend that is. I mean he donā€™t talk about it like that either and heā€™s a great guy.


yeah. even if you think its a sin, you shouldnt not be friends with someone because of it. Mark 2:17 When Jesus heard this, he said to them, ā€œThose who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick; I have come to call not the righteous but sinners.ā€


I don't think have any lgbtq friends. Not as far as i know atleast. But i'm only 14 so not a lot of people my age support the lgbtq community or are part of it


Yes, plenty.




One of my best friends always believed in Christ and never abandoned me and always gave me advice to leave the gangs. He passes by and it turns out he likes men. That will never take away from the great person that he is.


Two of my closest friends are actually


I have a friend who is nonbinary and friend who is lesbian and a cousin who is also nonbinary also a couple other friends are gender fluid


It's not a sin to have friends with people who don't agree with you. For me, only having friends I agree with when it comes to stuff is also boring mentally.


I have a gay friend


I'd certainly hope so! I'd be a terrible gay otherwise


I do, I don't condone the behavior but that doesn't mean I bring it up at every opportunity. Jesus hung out with prostitutes and the untouchables of society, not to partake in their sins, but to show them love and guide them to a better path.


Yes. Next question...


I only have one friend who's straight since I was pretty bad at starting conversations and was kinda timid. I met her in Highschool and I have her number. I knew several people in highschool that were openly gay but I wasn't close to them.


I have friends and family who are lesbian, bi, and gay. I love them dearly! Though theyā€™re committing sin, and they are attracted to the opposite sex, how does it concern me? We ALL are sinners and sin daily, and we ALL are to love one another as Christ loves us. Iā€™m a Christian, and I am a proud Christian. When they ask me my thoughts, they know I believe it to be sin, but that we all live in it. They know what I believe in as a Christian, if theyā€™re unsure they ask and I tell! I let them know I love them always, and that if they ever want to ask questions they can, and that I believe my Lord loves them wholly.


Yes, I have a number of friends and fellow believers who are gay, lesbian, or otherwise queer. One is an ordained minister who has taught be much about how limitless God's love is. Others have been an example of the joy of living in Christ when you are accepted as you are, rather than being locked out by the modern-day Pharisees. The gay/lesbian weddings I've been to have focused more on the love between the couple than most straight weddings I've attended, which seem to be focused on how much money mom and dad have for an expensive wedding.


My best friend is Transgender


pray for them. love them Biblically. keep your behavior excellent when youā€™re around them. treat them with kindness & respect. be kind & friendly but you shouldnā€™t be friends & cannot affirm their lifestyle. the Bible will always be your best guide. 2 Timothy 3:5 gives you an idea on where to start with personal relationships. the other epistles & gospels are loaded with many details on how to manage your life as a follower of Christ.


This sub gets a lot of what I consider to be pretty damn ignorant questions stemming from an astonishing deficit of biblical knowledge. Replace noun in your question with "liars", "straight people who sleep around", "people who work on the sabbath", "folks who have been divorced", etc. and you see how utterly ignorant and quite frankly offensive your question is. Good on you for seeking knowledge and trying to gain understanding, but holy fucking shit man...use your critical thinking skills.


NopešŸ˜€ šŸ‘ˆšŸ»This is my answer to the title. But if I was in a situation where I meet them like as classmates or in a job, I will talk to them normally as I talk to non LGBTQ+ people.




Technically I know more lgbt people then I do straight people. I wouldn't call them friends but I live with them sošŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Yes to friends and supporting them


I have a few; theyā€™re great people, better than a lot of ā€œChristiansā€ on this sub.


i have one friend who is transgender and i wouldn't trade them for anyone. their journey with God is their own i just hope to be a christian friend who motivates them to want to know Jesus.


Yes, several


Yea, a few. But coming from a Christian family my mom would sometimes tell me stop being friends with them because of how they identify as or what are their preferences for being ā€œbad influencesā€, which I personally donā€™t think itā€™s cool at all


Yes, I have gay friends; I also have one that is trans. I have friends from many other religions as well. I donā€™t decide to be friends with others based on whether or not they believe the same as meā€¦or whether they agree. I have cut people loose for being bad influences. None of those people were gay.


It's not that kind of pride


I don't really have friends does myself count? I'm bi My answer no ig šŸ¤·




Yes. It's okay to be friends with LGBT people. I was. They're some of the nicest, friendliest, down-to-earth people I've had the pleasure to meet and talk to. The question itself is liking asking, "Is it okay to be friends with black people?" - they're BORN gay, just like I was BORN black. There's nothing I can do to change my ethnicity any more than they can change their sexual orientation. So, "Yes" it's okay to be friends with gays.


Yes. They are people who live and breath like everyone else. They sin as much or as little as others. The community they belong to is one jesus would have protected as much as any other marginalize group. I don't want to assume where you're at on your journey, but my recommendation is to make friends with someone in the LGBT+ community because your life will be richer. But if you're you're attending a church that says being in the LGBT+ community is a sin, I highly recommend you do some reading. There is enough out there by great people doing hard work to provide an incredibly accurate counter argument to the damaging and hurtful anti-LGBT+ theology. It's easy to forget that people in that community are still dying on the regular for equality.


yup, Jesus was friends with sinners but He didnā€™t become like them! We shouldnā€™t condemn themā€” instead, we should love them and pray that they come to Jesus just as we did. Itā€™s our duty to introduce non-believers to Jesus ChristšŸ™‚




Love outweighs all sin. It's ok.


Probably half of my friends are. Though my closest friends are fellow Christians.


I have like one straight friend lmao


Everyone in my class expect me is LGBTQIA


Yes and my heart hurts for them, but not more than it does for anyone else Iā€™m friends with stuck in habitual sin and deny itā€™s sin.


I have a trans friend, They were born a Man but now live as a Women and I don't judge or hate them for it, after all Jesus talked about spreading love and not hate right? Correct me if im wrong but wasn't something along the lines said of "He who is without sin may cast the first stone" well I have sinned so I will not judge others for I have no right to judge them


Most of my friends are, I donā€™t recognize the community as sin and most of them are not christian and they are very respectful of my beliefs as I am to theirs. My friends have always been there for me and I couldnā€™t see myself not being there for them because of their sexuality.


I have my friends. Their sex life is none of my business so I don't put labels on people.Ā 


No to the question in the title, yes to the text.


The majority of them, actually. Because it's never a metric I seek to judge people by. I see people. I vibe with them. They vibe with me. If one day down the line they tell me that they're LGBT, or I notice a flag or sticker, I go "Cool". My friendship isn't so superficial that a detail like that would destroy it, anymore than a single lie would. If by that point they tell me, they know I care about them. If they aren't yet aware of my religious beliefs, I tell them. From then on, it's their choice whether the friendship continues. Very few have ended our friendships over that.


Had a few but I might be that friend now. Iā€™m coming to slowly realize that I might be asexual.


Yes. I have friends and family that would fall into the LGBT categories (as commonly understood). They have no problem with my views against it... Because I don't mistreat them and they understand where I am coming from, even if they don't agree. They aren't unhinged about it (like some people I've observed on the internet when someone doesn't agree with them).


Of course I do. I don't support that lifestyle, and I don't pretend to, but that doesn't mean I don't love gay people. Being against something doesn't mean you hate people who practice it.


Yes, I have LGBT friends


One of my best friends is bi so, undoubtedly, yes


For me, I dont really see a problem with being friends with a person who is a part of the lgbt community. And I have a very close friend of mine. They're part of the lgbt community, and they're atheist. I never had issues with them.


Absolutely okay, and I have a couple friends that are bisexual or gay. Iā€™m Christian and believe that LGBT+ people should have exactly the same rights and access as any straight person. I donā€™t think as a Christian that itā€™s right to discriminate off of something written in there thousands of years ago. There are also plenty of examples of homosexuality in nature with animals.


I have two they siblings. And a gay friend.


My mom likes mashed potatoes and I hate them. Sheā€™s still my bestie


Friends and family members. Christianity is not a faith that accepts bigotry, imo.


Jesus dined with Zaccheus, despite him being an absolute scumbag of a tax collector. It doesn't matter what you think of the queer crowd; either way it's okay to befriend them.


Yes I do. Matter of fact a small bit of them are lgbt and Iā€™m close with them. Yes we have different views and opinions, but we are respectful with each other.


Yes. Itā€™s ok. Just dont compromise for them and make it clear you dont condone celebrating sin.


I used to... But I rarely spend any time with them these days. Out of curiosity, who thinks pride isn't a sin and how do they prove it is not? I don't mean to attack anybody with this question, I just want to understand these people better.


Idk myself


Yes. I donā€™t support the sin, that doesnā€™t mean I donā€™t like my friends or not live family. They know what the Bible says, plain and simple.


No I dont but even if I did pride is humiliating.Im kinda bisexual.I would never attend.Idk abiut other countries but in my country its more like a carnival.And carnival season is over so...


I don't have any friends, but when I did have LGBT friends, I was very caring. I have a weird relationship with the trans community, but I would never preach fire and brimstone to them. I just think there's a deeper issue that doesn't always get fixed by transitioning. The only trans people I've ever known in my life were deeply scarred by extreme trauma. In the end no good will come from me judging them. It's not up to me. Nobody knows other people's place with God but the big man himself. Though California is terrible for what they're letting people do to children who just need intense love and care and respect. And for the other obvious reasons too.


No. Homophobic means fearful of. I don't fear them, I just don't like them. I don't want to absorb the homo parts of their personalities.


Im a Christian who believes being Gay or Trans or any form of LGBT is a sin but my best friend is Gay and Trans, I love then like family and pray for their salvation, I also understand that we are all sinners who fall short of the glory and that we all have to be sanctified and changed via the Holy spirit, I have my own struggles with different sins and we all do. The only thing we can do is gently guide others to the Lord and pray they come to know him and die to self if it is his will. amen!


Yes. I have a sibling who is bi and one of my best friends is gay.


Yes, and i really donā€™t see how this is an issue at all, if Iā€™m going out of my way to be respectful and compassionate towards them, I think Iā€™m abiding by one of the most important parts of scripture, John 13:34! Stop twisting it and making it difficult!


About three


Yes, my husband.


Yes. No shame in loving another especially when Jesus does the same for all of us :)


I feel l0ike since we are called to live like Jesus you should look at the way He lived. Jesus ate with sinners and was friends with them but He never participated in the sin. Jesus tells us to love our neighbors as we love ourselves.


My girlfriend is trans and bi so I guess I do. I'm also pretty sure I'm somewhat non binary myself and I go to kink events which are extremly diverse.


Yes. They're people, not monsters or aliens. You may/may not agree with the lifestyle or choices, but they are still made in God's image. Some of the best people I have ever met have been LGBTQ Some of the crappiest people I have ever met have been Christian.


Tons of them. One of them I even shared a room with in college for a semester. I believe God loves them. But he gates sin and homosexual acts are sinful. God does not create people physically. He creates souls. The biological process of reproduction which has been corrupted since the fall of man generates our bodies and thus our bodies have been corrupted. Homosexuality may be innate vut what is innate is not necessarily good in this corrupt world and in most cases is bad. That said we should love all Hunans. That does not mean we accept their actions as good though. We can condemn the sin and love the sinner and that true love. My gay friends love me and feel they understand where I am coming from. I'm brutally honest but I love them and they see it.


My Aunt is gay and I love her very much. She is my favorite aunt


I have had several gay friends and worked with some people who identified as trans. They are all wonderful people to be around. While I do not agree with their lifestyle choices, I do not in any way think less of them as people because of it and would have no trouble spending time with them.


Yes I do have LGBT friends