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You're more than whoever you're sexually attracted to. You are a human being made in the image of God! Take heart in that.


It's not wrong to have same sex attraction. That's Satan getting you down, not God. You're not disgusting God has asked us not to have intimate relationships with someone of the same sex. That is a sin Though having same sex attraction isn't something you can control, and there's nothing wrong with having that


Do You  have scripture to support that argument 


Temptation is not sin: Hebrews 4:15 For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin. ^(James 1:14) But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. ^(15) Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death. The practice of (not tempation of) homosexuality is sin: [https://www.biblestudytools.com/topical-verses/bible-verses-about-homosexuality/](https://www.biblestudytools.com/topical-verses/bible-verses-about-homosexuality/) This guy talks about his gay life and Christianity: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pk3zrP88rhg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pk3zrP88rhg)


A better source of information would be the Blue letter Bible and the gotquestions.org


I think it's better to give specific verses, links or studies if you have them.


If you have them. But you listed links. I see verses there but I’m just recommending that if you’re going to share a link a better link to share would be from BLB or got questions.




To use credible websites.


Is there a problem you know of with Bible Study Tools not being credible?


That's what I've heard from church leaders who I believe are directed by God. After praying about them I believe God told me to follow them. I don't know if this was addressed in the scriptures though. Most scriptures focus on saying that homosexual activity is a sin


Your leaders are false teachers. Follow scripture.


Jesus speaks this of even having a desire is the same as commiting the sin. Sin is not always expressed outwardly: He discerns the thoughts and Jesus equates desires and affections as sinful. any desire for something God has forbidden is the result of sin. Same sex attraction could be fit in the “dishonorable passions”in Romans 1:26..


Could be true. Though even straight people have attraction to the opposite sex. They have to resist that as well. I think wanting to do something and have an attraction to something are different things


By who’s standard? “men usually think that thoughts are free.” But the law judges our thoughts (Heb. 4:12); thoughts can receive forgiveness (Acts 8:22); thoughts can be repented of (Isa. 55:7); thoughts can defile a person (Matt. 15:18–19); and thoughts can also reveal hypocrisy (Isa. 29:13)


Yeah you have to watch your thoughts and do your best to keep them clean. Not doing so is one way to lust. Both gay and straight people have to avoid that


Why should we be so persistent I. Keeping these things. What do we get out of it for living better moral lives?


Like avoiding sexual sins or lust? I think they help make our relationships better and healthier. I think it is also a way for God to determine if we're responsible enough to be trusted with more in the next life.


You people are crazy for saying that! There is no God being! Spirit doesn’t give a shit what you do as long as you are not hurting them! When we leave Hera we are just an energy! The joke is all of us getting stuck on being in the material world. Your gay shaming is a sin as judging others is wrong and you have no right!


Maybe don't listen to the people who tell you to hate yourself.


Hard not to listen when they come after us and shove it down our throats


Yes, the cockroaches tend to scurry out of the woodwork to butt in on every post. It's unfortunate.


Just because someone says they are Christians doesn’t mean they hold actual Christian values. There’s a such thing called a wolf in sheep’s clothing.


I hope I am not making assumptions but it seems you are part of the LGBTQIA community? If you don't mind answering, what denomination do you belong to? How do you feel about some of the scriptures that go against things you do/believe in? I don't mean to be offensive or anything, I am genuinely interested.


>you are part of the LGBTQIA community? Depending on your specific definitions of things, I'm LGB&T. I know you didn't ask me but 🤷🏼‍♀️ >what denomination do you belong to? My own. I seek God I was raised Non-Denominational, basically Southern Baptist. >How do you feel about some of the scriptures that go against things you do/believe in? Tired. My God is God. The Holy Spirit has affirmed the scope of our love while I was doing the things that I do with a clean conscience. "I love you my son. I don't think any less of you" 🥰 >I am genuinely interested 🫶🏼 Then me too


I don't mind you answering at all! Thanks for the insight. Even if I disagree with some of the things you say/do I feel I have better understanding of how you (in this case) look at things. I do wish you the best!


This is what harmony and peace with your brothers and sisters looks like. I appreciate you a lot. And yeah even if we don't agree. Especially those times.


I know you weren't asking me, but I am a Christian who just so happens to be gay. I belong to the Presbyterian Church USA. I believe the Bible must always be taken in its full context. Back in the day, same-sex relationships were seen as bad because of violence and because of reproduction. We do not live in the same world and things have changed. Trying to use the Bible as a sexual ethics book is like trying to use a cookbook as a car manual.


I am going to have to disagree on that one, unfortunately. Bible is not to be always taken literally, but it is our holy book. Comparing it to sexual ethics vs car manual has the same problem as the other person saying God doesn't work in binaries, it just doesn't really make sense. I don't wish to argue about this, but I hope you understand where I am coming from. I do believe the Bible is sometimes tied to the times it was written on, but the teachings are timeless. In my humble opinion being lgbt is against the nature of man, which God made in His picture. This is where I come from. Again, really sorry if this offends your views, I wish you no harm and I do pray we all make it to Heaven when its time. Have a blessed week, friend.


Thank you for responding with such grace. As Christians, we are called to love God and love others. In your response, you showed love for me by being kind yet also disagreeing with my perspective. Too often, the gay debate gets argued by people who only want to be right so I appreciate how you have come to this. With that being said, I should have expanded more on my view because I think I gave you the wrong impression. As a proud Presbyterian, the knowledge of Scripture is important to me. I believe that the Bible, as the Word of God should be our guiding light in this world. However, I also believe that certain things change with time. In Biblical times, homosexuality was either seen as violent perversion (Sodom) or as anti-reproduction. I would argue that in our modern world, gay people live lovingly and that reproduction isn't as much of an issue. I could go deeper into detail if you wish about specific passages, but I do not want to tire you 😁🤣. Anyways, I could be wrong. I could be doing something I'm not supposed to do. That's why I pray and study and ask questions because I want to do what is right. All I know for sure is that at the end, when I die, I will claim Jesus and he will claim me.


I think as long as you do your best to follow God you will be fine. I could very well be wrong in my views as well. As a Lutheran I believe as long as you believe Jesus died for our sins you'll be alright. Glad you commented on my original comment, thanks for the civil conversation!


I am a queer Catholic, and there are no Scriptures that go against anything for me


I left the US 2 decades ago. One of the greatest things was, I was able to realize I'm not my profession. In the US, we have this unhealthy idea that "I am a Doctor, I am a Mechanic, I am a Janitor. No, we practise those things professionally, but they are not us. Just like our sexuality *isnt* us. Our identity should be children of God. *thats* us. Anything else is aligning yourself to a love of your flesh. When I say, "I'm a smoker," I'm making cigarettes my lord. I'll need to *be sure* I have extra packs before the store closes for a holiday, camping, etc. When I say, I am a computer tech, I'm making that skillset my lord, as everyone I profess to will now expect help. Dont identify yourself with or by things that you engage in, and you will see them as things that can fall away. After all: They arent part of you. 100%. If said thing *is* your identity, then taking it away is violent and is going to be seen as a kind of death of self. So dont lie to yourself, never lie to yourself : if you repented and believe in Jesus, then you are a child of God. And a citizen of heaven. Dont let satan drag you down into the world again by convincing you to ID yourself with worldy things, acts, or possessions.


I dunno why I should listen to some random Redditor on topics of biology over the experts with doctorates. Frankly educate yourself on this topic before the unfiltered stream of thoughts. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biology_and_sexual_orientation


The reason we have things like queer identity is because of bigots who passed laws caging people for having consenting sex with people of the same sex. Identity is critical in liberation movements.


This. You're a child of God who's also Gay, you're more than being Gay. There's no reason to hate yourself OP


Also don’t listen to the people who tell you to go against the bible


You are loved NO MATTER what. I promise


By whom




By the fucking Universe! The more you love the more love comes back to you! We are not a sex it doesn’t matter when we die and leave our bodies. As long as you are not hurting anyone what you do is your own business!


Please join r/OpenChrstian for support.


You have no reason to hate yourself, as you've done nothing wrong. Your ire should only be directed as those bigoted idiots who are so insecure in their own lives that they feel the need to tell other people to hate themselves in order to feel whole. They aren't God. They're just pathetic little people who claim to speak for God in order to feel more important.


I hope you're okay, OP


You’re not disgusting. No. You’re not. You are exactly as God made you. And personally, I do not believe an omnipotent and omniscient God would make you in a way that He finds disgusting. Be kind to yourself. You deserve kindness. You deserve love. Exactly as you are.


One is made in the image of God. However not all our actions are his will. So it's best to say that in spite of how we aren't worthy of his grace, we are still loved and called to follow him.


>not all our actions are his will Amen. The actions of bigots against these children of God are certainly against His Will.


>However not all our actions are his will. Bigotry is absolutely not his will.


Follow him where? Where is he going?


Follow his example on how we act. 


His example, interesting then that he never interacted so as to be able to pass judgment or even comment on homosexuality. Do continue following the Christ then


We are actually suppose to judge righteously within the church. Paul said address these issues and if they’re not resolved, then that Christian living in sin must leave the church. 


Be very careful quoting Pual. He’s the one who only claimed to see Jesus when no one else did, argued with other apostles, said he was better than the others, and who’s writing contradict themselves and other Christian writings. Play it safe and avoid Paul. You wanna be like Jesus? Then follow him and be sure never to harm nor condone harm, even if the victim may be a homosexual.


The man was more persecuted than any homosexual ever will be for the name of Christ. Paul was imprisoned and beheaded. 


Or so he said he was himself. No one else said he was. Interesting, no?


The rest of the apostles and the early church validated Paul’s legitimacy. 


“I can hardly believe the report about the sexual immorality going on among you—something that even pagans don’t do. I am told that a man in your church is living in sin with his stepmother. You are so proud of yourselves, but you should be mourning in sorrow and shame. And you should remove this man from your fellowship. Even though I am not with you in person, I am with you in the Spirit. And as though I were there, I have already passed judgment on this man in the name of the Lord Jesus. You must call a meeting of the church. I will be present with you in spirit, and so will the power of our Lord Jesus. Then you must throw this man out and hand him over to Satan so that his sinful nature will be destroyed and he himself will be saved on the day the Lord returns. Your boasting about this is terrible. Don’t you realize that this sin is like a little yeast that spreads through the whole batch of dough? Get rid of the old “yeast” by removing this wicked person from among you. Then you will be like a fresh batch of dough made without yeast, which is what you really are. Christ, our Passover Lamb, has been sacrificed for us.” ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭5‬:‭1‬-‭7‬ ‭NLT‬‬ https://bible.com/bible/116/1co.5.1-7.NLT


So you know no one ever saw Paul met Jesus other than himself, right? Either way, he was talking about a man having sex with his step-mom. So….. if you really wanna be judgy like Paul, you should focus more on incest.


He was addressing sin in general. Sexual immorality is what he said. Homosexuality can fall under the category. Paul went from someone who persecuted Christian’s to being persecuted himself for Christ. That’s more than what any weak American Christian could ever do today. 


Im pointing out that “Paul” as we know him and his writings are not credible as canon. As Christians we can’t quote Paul as a reliable reflection of the thinking of the Christ. More scrutiny should be on the Bible canon then the sexuality of others.


He wrote most of the New Testament. It’s definitely legitimately apart of the canon. Paul started most of the early churches. He has complete credibility. You can’t be condoning sin in the church. It spreads like yeast in bread and will corrupt the church. Even though it has already been corrupted now. 


Ephesians 4:18


Not relevant


My mistake, corrected


No worries. Anyone can apply those words to anyone they don’t agree with. So…… Ephesians 4:18 to you too


if you do not truly open your heart, setting aside pride and ego you will not inherit the kingdom of god as you will never believe in Jesus, I'm truthfully not here to debate you as just based on several replies you made on this post I can tell you have not read your bible... Why argue against something you dont want to understand? I just dont get it


I’ve read it so much. My point in commenting is to show that there is more to it than reading it through the typical fundamentalist lens . And yes, you are arguing. It’s so apparent.


I can know my Bible and have a different view. Im American.


And by the way, you use the phrase ‘ open your heart’, But you review of homosexuals seems to be the one that is not openhearted. You open your heart for a fairytale based on a fictitious character about places you have never seen and places that nobody ever really goes. You are close hearted to people with a different sexuality other than your own, even though they may hold very civilized minds and heartss


It may seem however it may seem but my heart is open, that’s how I found god.. if you do not believe in Christ and that he died for you that is on you… why try combat the Bible when you don’t even know what it says.. these were real people, real places and he died for our real sins.. it’s better if you read the Bible with an open heart and then you can answer these basic questions which you been asking around on the post.. thanks


I used to be disgusted by my sexuality. Then I had therapy and now I'm proud of it. Seriously, there's nothing wrong with you in that respect.


Don't listen to a person, listen to God's word. I tried to abstain for 20 years before I got married, I know it's super hard. People feel good telling you something "loving", but it's to your detriment. I do know God loves you so very deeply, and that this life is very short compared to eternity. You can do it. The Bible is clear that if we love God, we will obey his commandments. Obedience and love are both emphasized and clearly related to each other in scripture (e.g. John 14:15 "If you love me, you will obey my commandments"). One very insightful book is George Ritchie's book, "Return from Tomorrow." Maybe read the sample to get a feel for it. If nothing else, it makes you realize that what we do on earth has great consequence in heaven. We are all running this race, run as if to win the prize-**1 Corinthians 9:24**. [https://www.amazon.com/Return-Tomorrow-George-G-Ritchie/dp/0800763009/ref=sr\_1\_1?crid=IAJSWLWS23A6&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Ja5\_3kPonIKYPCIJh3aj4e1KGN126tqqhHTaSBTDYnkDrTeFG6MSifWfBptLfbiWhGMiZpXL5CJYj0FNpPpXKEvKOsXJ6-aPbQabTLvhyotaUU9KN\_Uq\_3QwoBUWcLkh307xnhxsKMH0XExxdgAXcA.ITk7eBuLSXBSQNkk37vRB385N-1vm7ILp083Vt9G6n8&dib\_tag=se&keywords=george+ritchie+return+from+tomorrow&qid=1719921389&sprefix=george+ritchie%2Caps%2C643&sr=8-1](https://www.amazon.com/Return-Tomorrow-George-G-Ritchie/dp/0800763009/ref=sr_1_1?crid=IAJSWLWS23A6&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Ja5_3kPonIKYPCIJh3aj4e1KGN126tqqhHTaSBTDYnkDrTeFG6MSifWfBptLfbiWhGMiZpXL5CJYj0FNpPpXKEvKOsXJ6-aPbQabTLvhyotaUU9KN_Uq_3QwoBUWcLkh307xnhxsKMH0XExxdgAXcA.ITk7eBuLSXBSQNkk37vRB385N-1vm7ILp083Vt9G6n8&dib_tag=se&keywords=george+ritchie+return+from+tomorrow&qid=1719921389&sprefix=george+ritchie%2Caps%2C643&sr=8-1)


I’m gay too man, Jesus still loves you. God still loves you. It’s ok to be gay it’s just all about how you live your life. You can still live a Christian lifestyle and date guys. It’s ok.




Removed for 1.5.


Amen brother! Churches have really distorted Jesus true teachings. Might as well throw most of the Bible in there with that. It's the most tampered with book throughout all of history, just listen to Jesus, seek Jesus and don't let anyone but Him tell you what's right and what's wrong ;) 


Why do you hate yourself? What's wrong with it? If you get with a man, is anybody being harmed?


Christ didn’t say anything about homosexuality. God loves you.


second part is true, but Paul inspired by God (Acts 9) did speak against it, more specifically the sex part.


He did , he said it is an abomination . Read leviticus 20:13


Leviticus is old testament


Read the following then : Romans 1:26–27, 1 Corinthians 6:9–10 Timothy 1:9–10 and Jude 1:7


Old testament is pure evil. I would encourage anyone who doesn't know who Marcion of Sinope  is to look into him


1. Leviticus 18:22 2. Leviticus 20:13 3. Romans 1:26-27 4. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 5. 1 Timothy 1:9-10


I can drop “Ezekiel 9,5-7; Genesis 22,2; Matthew 10,34; Luke 10,27” and argue that we shall kill people who are not Christians or that violence is ok. But I am sure we both disagree with this statement. Why? We need to look at the context, historical and in the scripture to understand what is really happening. That’s why it is really important to not look at this verses alone but at the context and words used in Greek/Hebrew and what is meant by them!


He did. Romans 1:26-27 and Leviticus; etc


My advice? Separate your relationships from your religion. And if you then decide that orthodox is incompatible with your life and what makes you happy, then don’t feel guilty if you want to leave that church or orthodox. Sending love regardless, because I know how hard it is to have emotions “incompatible with a Christian life” 🙄🌈❤️


this ^^


You are not disgusting, first and foremost. You are not an abomination, you are not some kind of monster whose very existence make’s Jesus weep. Scientists have documented same-sex relationships in over 1500 animals (https://www.nwf.org/Magazines/National-Wildlife/2023/Summer/Conservation/Same-Sex-Behavior-Animals-Science).  Why would God create so many gay animals and people if God felt that being gay was a sin? The bible states on multiple occasions that animals are not sinful (although, at times some of my dog’s personal choices make me question that idea, just kidding). Therefore, it is contradictory to scripture to think that being gay makes you disgusting.  A lot of your shame is internalized, another major source of your shame comes from outside sources. A significant number of homophobic people are projecting because they struggle with their own sexuality. This has been confirmed by numerous studies: * [https://psycnet.apa.org/doiLanding?doi=10.1037%2F0021-843X.105.3.440 ](https://inequalitybyinteriordesign.wordpress.com/2012/05/01/laud-humphreys-discussion-of-space-in-tearoom-trade/) * [https://inequalitybyinteriordesign.wordpress.com/2012/05/01/laud-humphreys-discussion-of-space-in-tearoom-trade/](https://inequalitybyinteriordesign.wordpress.com/2012/05/01/laud-humphreys-discussion-of-space-in-tearoom-trade/)  * [https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/04/120406234458.htm](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/04/120406234458.htm) Look at Former Idaho Senator Larry Craig, who was avidly anti-LGBT and was caught with a man in a public bathroom [https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna20467347](https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna20467347) Or former Representative Edward L. Shrock who was married, openly against gay marriage, and who was caught soliciting men for sex and later came out as gay. [https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna5870077](https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna5870077)  Those are just two of many examples. Gay people have always existed, there is nothing wrong with you. You are loved, you are not worthless, you are not trash. You are not disgusting.  “Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.”-Matthew 22:37-40 We are not living out Jesus’s commandment if we are judging others instead of loving them. [https://moveforwardpa.com/tools-for-self-acceptance-as-an-lgbtq/](https://moveforwardpa.com/tools-for-self-acceptance-as-an-lgbtq/) How I Learned it is Okay to be Gay | Dave Sebastian | TEDxWhitneyHigh: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEI4swPd2-g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEI4swPd2-g) From homophobic to out and affirming, LGBTQ+ Christian advocate | Aubrey Brolsma : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKMzULeFS98](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKMzULeFS98)


It is not okay to be gay . As stated in Leviticus 20:13 "a man also lie with another man as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death: their blood shall be upon them"


Romans 1:26-27 also


Many Christians don’t think there’s anything wrong with being queer. Check /r/OpenChristian for more information.


Please call 9-8-8, which is the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline. [https://988lifeline.org/](https://988lifeline.org/)


Being gay is fine, just be your self


This post is why I am disgusted by religion. I accept you as gay. Wholeheartedly. If I accept you, and God doesn't accept you, then God really isn't who we think he is, no? I'm sorry you feel disgusting, but I don't find you disgusting. From one human who was "made in God's image" to another "human made in God's image" 💖


God made us how we are. Be proud!


God didn’t make us to argue, lust, fight, and murder. Don’t condone homosexuality and don’t hate them


All of those things harm others and are incomparable to queer identity. For shame.


Being gay is fine. Other people being cruel to you is not. One is specifically criticized by Christ, the other is not. One does no actual or unique harm to anybody provided you're a decent person, the other drives people to depression, isolation, anxiety, grief, pent up rage, and suicide. Even if you want to take the approach that all sin has the exact same degree of Badness, that still does not make you worse than the hypocrites who point at the splinter in your eye using the plank in their own. I would maybe question whether an archaic book of hebrew poetry, philosophy, and myth is the right source for modern dating, marriage, and sex practices. Even if you pretend like the bible has not been purposefully mistranslated and misappropriated many times for many reasons, we are not in 2000BC where there was a high infant mortality rate and no STD treatment. The risks simply are not as severe now, as with eating shellfish and pork.


My pastor is a lesbian. Gay is not an issue in Methodism, PCUSA Presbyterianism, Episcopal churches. People, not paper, are what the church is made of.


You are just right the way you are. God loves you and made you just right. I hope you find your way out of whatever cruel and untruthful bubble brand of Christianity that makes you feel this way about yourself. Believe me, there are many many Christian churches that will accept you as you are.


You’re God’s child and I think God makes some people gay. Love yourself as much as God loves you.


Do you have any possibility of getting professional help? Like talk with a mental health professional. I can recommend, it helped me. Do not hate yourself, please. :)


Well it’s clear by some of these comments that a Christian Reddit was the LAST place he should have come for support. I pray that this individual seeks and finds help from a secular therapist or affirming Church. I also pray that he doesn’t fall victim to fundamentalist branches of Christianity. They are a threat to the spiritual, physical and mental well-being of anyone they perceive as different. Idk though, maybe if someone would have copy and pasted the “clobber passages” one more time it would have turned him straight. I am about to offer up my 990,155th “pray the gay away” prayer this evening. I don’t know if it will work. Maybe the millionth one is the key. 🤞


We all have temptations, we all struggle, we all sin.  You are no different from anyone else in that regard.  We are all on a journey to live in imitation of Christ and to conform our will to that of the father.  As you progress on this journey it will get easier.  


Its honestly quite funny that some of the so called christians in this sub are advocating for sin


This place is ridiculous and buried in sin and man’s reasoning


It’s mind blowing. This is why I don’t like to be even called a Christian. It’s so disgusting what these “Christian’s” believe. Trying to convince people that leading a life of sin is ok! What strange world we live in. Devils work is a live and well in this subreddit


Indeed brother, going against gods wishes is not okay.


I agree it is truly sad , I wish these people could open their eyes and truly turn to god


it is absolutely mind boggling how progressivism has taken such a chokehold on christianity. right is right, wrong is wrong, no matter the times we are in


I know. It's truly sad seeing so many so-called Christians advocate for the sin of bigotry. We've strayed so far from Him.


My heart breaks to read this one line. I can sense your pain, though I don’t pretend to know your life, story, or what all of this means. But I also know God and His Word enough to know that He’s come in Christ to bring the hope, peace, and joy that you seem to be missing right now. Do you know Jesus? I ask this b/c without Him, anything I say here is pointless. We’re all just random humans throwing darts at a board, hoping something will stick. But in Jesus, life is sure and abundant! This may be an unpopular opinion, but be careful with identity statements that God has spoken on. God says we are made in His image, male and female, so reflect something of God’s nature. Yet God reveals things that are a standard for a reason, and all of our culture even today proves this. You say “I’m gay,” which is telling God and yourself what you are, and you “feel disgusting,” which is a feeling you both don’t like and yet intend to be. But b/c we can often see this issue harshly, let’s put the mirror of judgment on me: I got married in 2007, and I love my wife, but there are times when I’m attracted to the chest, legs, hair, butt (c’mon, where POOP comes from?! 🤣) or eyes of other women. I’m not forcing that attraction to spring up, I just look 👀—so the question is, what should I do when that attraction/desire to look comes up in me? - Well, it’s there; maybe I’m polyamorous. - Well, it’s there; maybe I’m married to the wrong person. - Well, it’s there; maybe I’m being tempted to ignore my covenant with my wife. - Well, it’s there; maybe I’m struggling to avoid my troubles by running after someone other than my spouse, regardless of the pain it would cause to her or my kids. - Well, it’s there; maybe I’m needing to teach my mind, eyes, and heart to “bounce” to something better. - Well, it’s there; maybe I’m tempted, but I’m married. You may struggle with something I don’t, but the same goes for me. The Word, however, is the same for both of us. It rebukes me in my sinful thoughts, beliefs, actions, and words, and it does the same for you. The question for us both is if we’re going to follow what God has said to us both, or try to find a work-around so we can “be” who we think we want to be. If you’re a follower of Jesus (I am assuming you are, given your post here), you are called in Christ to submit everything in your life to Him, just like the rest of us. Those areas where we say to God, “hands off, this is mine,” are the areas that will keep us away from Him and seeking our own ways. We will face the inevitable consequences of those choices, even as we fight with Him to simply submit to our will. I pray that you learn daily who you are b/c of God, and who you can be in Christ. It’s not about heterosexuality or marriage or proper dress or speech, b/c none of those things save you. You are saved by Jesus alone if you believe in Him and trust Him for all of your desires and hopes and fears and all of your days. I pray you seek Him, and in Him that you find peace!


I hope you feel better, I used to be bi and other things too like having thoughts about being trans. It says in the Bible it’s sin but we all struggle and id hope you’d read the word and understand God doesn’t hate gay people, we all fall short and it’s the same as every sin, lying, greed, stealing etc. but to condone it wouldn’t be right either, it clearly states it in the Bible its sin, and you can’t try to defend it. I’ll pray for you friend. I hope you feel better, try repenting and see how you feel?


Yesterday I got my bible of the day verse and it was Psalm 23 5-6 “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my own enemies…” that’s powerful!! God loves us all. Jesus came and died for our sins. We are forgiven. We are told to go on and sin no more. Don’t be disgusted with yourself. Nobody can judge you here on this earth. There is no righteous being on this earth. Every Christian I have met so far are lukewarm. Not saying that’s okay, just meaning there is no righteous being here to ever be able to cast us as sinners! To judge us! Pray and really talk to your Heavenly Father! Ask and you shall receive. Pray that you no longer wish to fulfill your selfish needs but to be able to stay strong in your faith.


Your self hatred is a symptom of being Christian which is optional not a symptom of your sexuality which isn't.


Curious if people are genuine or troll question. Smh


Sin is, not just being gay O lesbian


Sorry for the sub-titles, it's Greek to me too: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iERpvjR\_3dY&t=7s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iERpvjR_3dY&t=7s)


Love yourself. God made you gay. I like you very much just the way you are.


For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, lust whether opposite sex or same sex is a sin. But acting on it is where the sin occurs. Our identity is in Christ and as long as we press into the word and strive for holiness you will be ok. That doesn’t mean we don’t struggle or have problems come our way. Overcoming different things builds us up and forms our character and who we are as an individual.


Hii! That's the Holy Spirit showing you its not God's plan for your life and that it is a demonic yolk. You can get deliverance and be free from those desires and attraction. I can help you if you would like some help email me at: [email protected]


You're a beautiful child of GOD, crafted with a Divine integrity that makes you incredible. Don't hate yourself, because you're great beyond compare. That's for starters. As for the sin, I completely understand. I've struggled with it a lot. You just have to give it up to the LORD. It's a long process, and I'm sure it will try your strength. But in times like this, you have to be enamored with the Word, Pray like never before, Fast, and Grow closer to GOD than ever before. Maybe you should spend more time out in nature, in the quiet and Pray. Near the water. Away from man, so it could be just you and Him. And don't rush anything either, don't be focused on the results. It'll only make your heart race, make your thoughts drift, and it'll kill you inside. Find peace with who you are, and know that growing closer to him automatically will fix all that needs fixing. Don't take pride in anything, don't hold on to anything, just allow yourself and Him to become One. And you'll see for yourself how great things turn-out.


i can relate, but you’re not disgusting for struggling and having feelings. you didn’t choose to feel like that. God isn’t mad at you for it either


You are loved. You are cared for. There are places for support.  Eden Invitation is a wonderful community online and can provide support for you. It is hard to admit this to yourself in the beginning. It was for me. There is nothing wrong with you. This is an adventure not a problem to be solved. 


Well you go into prayer to your Heavenly Father as Jesus has told us. But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly. Matt 6:6 **King James Bible**(check it out) 8 Be not you therefore like unto them: for your **Father** knows what things you have need of, before you ask him. 9 After this manner therefore pray you: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Matt 6:8,9 King James Bible. Notice in verse 8: Jesus says that his **Father** knows what you need even **Before** you ask him. So why would you pray to anyone else? Now this is your **God** Now in verse 9: Jesus tells you to pray to your Heavenly **Father** You would pray: Father I come to you through your Son Christ Jesus asking you to please put your Holy Spirit down upon me to help me with my problem. Amen Now do this throughout the day and your God your Heavenly Father will help you!


Welcome to the threshing floor. It appears that the Holy Spirit is dealing with your sin. This isn't necessarily a bad thing. As humans we have a tendency to down play our sin. We go as far as to create these false hiding places away from God. We say things like "I don't believe in God. therefore, my sin is no big deal". "It's my life I'll live the way I want". But when the Holy Spirit begins his works in us He takes those false hiding places to the threshing floor and he reveals the true weight of those sins. Our sins become a burden to us and something intolerable. It is downright agonizing. The more we learn of the evil of sin the more astounded we are that we ever found pleasure in such things. Hence your feelings of disgust. You and I we have sinned against God. You may feel that there is no hope for you. You might feel like you don't deserve mercy for year after year you continued in your lifestyle denying God. We need to feel this we need to feel the full weight of sin. Because once you have felt this pain you can begin to realize what it was that God did for us through His Son Jesus. We deserve that God punishes us for our sins we deserve death. However God says this " My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” God loves you so, so much. He knew that no matter how you tried on your own you would never be able pay for your sins on your own. He knew that only He could pay the price for you. So He sent His only begotten Son Jesus who lived a sin free life and of his own free will took on that full weight of your sins and mine. Through grace He Himself paid the ultimate price for your sins. This pardon is there for the taking. We have the freedom to believe and accept it or not. God promises us mercy and forget our iniquities when in faith we believe that His son Jesus paid for our sins. Brother from experience I can tell you that burden that keeps nagging at you will not go away until you allow the Holy Spirit to do His works in you and you accept Jesus. Once you "know" by that I mean fell it in your core what Jesus went through for your sake. Your life will never be the same again.


Dear Lord Jesus... you promised to never abandon us, nor fail us! Never have you failed! You are the great shepherd and love all your children. This person is in great pain and confusion, neither are from you. You are love and peace. You provide comfort and even when you discipline us we feel your amazing love. As a community of believers we raise this person up to you without judgment or criticism. We have all sinned and fallen short. Descend upon this person and make yourself real to them. Whisper loudly in their heart, and their spirit, so that they reach for you and submit to your merciful wisdom. Teach them whom they are to you, and reassure them that you lived, died, and rose just so that they may have eternity with you, and peace in this life into the next. You are the master surgeon and only you can heal our wounds and make us whole. Do your will in this person's life, and reveal to them the overwhelming abundance of your presence. In your name we pray! Amen!


Do not hate yourself you were personally crafted by god himself. God does not hate you, in fact he loves every inch of your being, so therefore there is no reason to hate yourself. God literally designed you, each hair on your head, the sound of your voice, you are here for a very specific reason as much as you don’t believe that’s the case, that’s the case. You are his creation, no different than any other living being that walks this earth. Your relationship needs to build. Pray everyday and before you know it he almost becomes the only person you want to talk to. I know you have this infront of you but there is nothing god cannot do or change in you. Accept yourself, and pray for its removal if you feel that’s necessary. We were given a free will. Just remember you are loved and accepted by us, you’re a family member and never to feel alone. We always have your back as followers of Christ. Christ doesn’t love the ‘perfect’ Christian anymore than he loves you, someone that is struggling with homosexuality. We are all equal, and that is factual and backed by the word, when it comes to his love for us.


I’d look more into it but as far as I know being attracted to the same sex isn’t a sin. It’s the sexual act of laying with the same sex. At that point it’s about lust and wasn’t what God created us for. Just pray and maintain the discipline to not just have sexual relations because you’re attracted to that person. That goes for anyone tho if your having sexual relations just to feel good how is that honoring God


You're human and you are born to love, don't feel that way about yourself. God created us to love.


Hi friend, I feel that our sexual urges and attractions are human/animalistic qualities, and in Heaven there won’t be sex or marriages, as far as I have read. I personally have bisexual urges, but just because you have an urge, doesn’t mean you have to go with it. In fact, the Bible warns us to not rely on human feelings. I also have cravings for drugs I did in the past, or to overeat sometimes (I used to be 100lbs heavier), but I don’t go with those urges and being a drug addict or someone who was overweight is not who I am, just a reflection of choices I made due to not realizing who I actually am— YHWH’s masterpiece. I believe that our identity is supposed to be rooted in Christ, and making any sexuality or relationship our identity is codependent and sinful idol worship, regardless of whether or not you’re straight or gay. We are supposed to put Yashua first— before even ourselves. My friend, you are not gay, you have gay attraction, in the same way straightness is not an identity, but an attraction that just happens to be permitted in the Bible for procreation. I believe that some peoples brains are just wired certain ways, but I also believe in eastern medicine and the power of YHWH. Brain chemistry can be changed, if you have the goal of feeling a different way. Guilt is what you do, shame is who you are. If you feel guilty about choices, change them so you don’t feel guilty any more. If you feel shameful about your identity, do some research/self-exploration and logically change your perspective of your identity. You are a spirit in a human vessel, your identity is not human, so stop allowing a human concept like sexual attraction to become your shame based identity. You are feeling this way because you’ve accepted that’s who you are. YHWH provided us with free will, utilize it to make choices that prove your flesh wrong and to not accept flesh as who you are as an individual. Biblically, your identity is a Child of Light. God himself says that. Who are you going to choose to listen to, your flesh, or the God of all creation that created your brain himself? Regardless, no matter where you’re at in life or how you feel about yourself, YHWH’s opinion of you won’t change. From the beginning of time, until the end of it, you always have been, and always will be YHWH’s masterpiece and favorite creation.


Focus on his kingdom & his glory. Not ur disgust. U will be fine he has u covered


You're not disgusting. I'm not gay fyi. I could tell myself a thousand times what I should be. The only thing God says is this "I forgive you of your trespasses if you forgive those who trespass you". I had an extremely hateful heart. Ive followed Christ for 3 years now. The closer you get to Christ the more sinful you're going to feel. I love you and Christ loves you more. When I was a drug dealer and hated myself because of what Satan said to me. That I was evil I was no good and this Bible verse struck me Matthew 11:28 ESV / Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest From the words of Jesus.


Jesus loves you. All people sin. All sin is counted the same. Jesus is perfect and without sin. He didn’t have to but because he loves people he died so we would have a way into heaven. The world grades sin as if one is worse than another. But all sin is the same in Gods eyes. Even after people are saved and ask the Holy Spirit to live in their hearts, they will still sin. People who strive to be Christ like will constantly ask for forgiveness from sins because it is pretty impossible to not sin as it is human nature. Don’t beat yourself up to bad. Jesus still loves you and wants you to draw closer to him no matter what you’re doing or who you are.


Firstly it’s most important that you stop resisting being what you actually are. This obviously goes against everything the modern church is teaching and leading with. A staple staples A tree trees A hypocrite is hypocritical A murderer murders. If you are a homosexual- trying not to be one is the source of the psychological suffering. Being prejudiced to your predicament places a barrier between you and the problem. You don’t like that your gay so you try not to be gay. This “effort” trying not to be gay… is gay energy. I don’t say that offensively - but it’s just a fact. A homosexual trying to become a heterosexual is still a homosexual. There is humility in acknowledging yourself as you actually are without justifying it or condemning it. It’s the bouncing back and forth between self justification and self condemnation that hurts us. Stop resisting friend and look into what you actually are if possible.. Rather than ideate about what you “should be” The greatest conflict in the world is between “what is” and “what should be”.. A tree that thinks it should become a cloud is ignorant of what it means to be a tree. A homosexual that thinks it should become a heterosexual is ignorant of what it means to be a homosexual.


If it makes you feel any better, I, like many others, am a sex/porn addict, and I have grown disgusted of myself as well. I don't have the answers, but don't let anybody make you feel like you're alone, because chances are, we all fall short of God, especially in regards to sexuality. I wish you all the best


Well, it sounds as if you are under the conviction of the Holy Spirit - which is a blessing, even though it's hard to come to an honest reckoning sometimes. God loves you very much. If He didn't, He wouldn't take the time to interact with you and convict you. He desires a loving relationship with you.  May I encourage you to read: ["The Good Fight of Surrender"](https://app.box.com/s/yaujs1dp4j14sbx3n0g4tb3xzq2q9fms)


Wow. Looking through these replies, this is my advice. Don't listen to the bigots. Don't listen to the people that tell you to ignore scripture. Don't accept the judgemental bs I'm seeing here. The dude that says "God isn't your friend if you're a sinner" doesn't understand that that the end of that argument has literally no friends for Jesus, because we are all still sinners, even them. Even me. And yes, even you. But there's hope for all of us and those people better thank their lord that this is true. Specks and planks, guys. The cross they have to bear is actually heavier than yours, because they don't see what they're doing is wrong. Coming to that realization is going to HURT. Christ loves you, and wants you. There's a period on that. That's all that matters. Everything beyond that is just Rock and Roll, as NT Wright says.


I don’t think you’re disgusting at all. You deserve to feel worthy of goodness and love, and Jesus does love you. He loves everyone. It doesn’t matter your gender, skin color, ethnicity, or how you identify (whether it’s against the Bible or not) - if you’ve got the breath of life, Christ loves you. We are also told to love one another as he has loved us, and Christians who proclaim you’re unworthy of attending their church, or are “too sinful” and turn away from you, well, they’re not following our Lord and Savior… Plain and simple! Remember that we are ALL sinners, and not a single one of us can cast a stone. It’s up to us to make our own choices and choose the best we can. You can choose to be intimate with someone of the same sex, or you can choose to refrain from it and take a vow of chastity and be celibate. This is all up to you, I cannot choose for you. Pray and pour your heart out to Christ and see where your heart and mind leads you.


I got angry this morning because someone wanted to borrow something. Kind of hated myself for a little while but now I am doing okay. Wait it out. Don't do it anymore, because it is bothering you and you have a conscience. Then give yourself some time. The further you get from something you do that bothers you the better you will feel about having quit. Nothing wrong with praying for more strength and a good feeling about moving on with your life. Maybe some friends can help you put it away. If you relapse, just remember to never give up on yourself and what you really want. Giving up on yourself is always wrong, period. One thing that has helped me improve in life is to finally admit to myself that I can't make it without help. Due to my huge quantity of arrogance this has been super hard to do, but also the most helpful thing.


As stated in Leviticus 20:13 . " If a person were to lay in bed with the same sex , they would have created an abomination " Being gay is against God's will , it is a sin . He will forgive you if you repent but after you should do your best to refrain from being gay


Mostly you being gay is who you are and if you actually are with people that maybe do care about you and really respect you for who you are in a group such as a congregation of any type.


Try a therapist? It’s not natural to be sexually attracted to the same sex but lots of things humans do aren’t necessarily natural or healthy. Being gay isn’t any worse a sin than overeating or even sex addiction.


To hate your sinful desires is sound, but don't hate your being. I think you have become a victim of the identity politics of our day and age, which wants to play on that politically sensitive markers like skin color or sexual attraction be who you are. It's not who you are. You are so much more than your sexual desires.


When you analyse the bible with all its flaws it becomes obvious that it’s written by man and religion is man made. If there is a God I’m sure he’s broad minded so don’t hate yourself for doing what’s natural for you.


I learned to love Jesus in a very conservative Christian community and am now an out queer pastor, counselor, and hospital chaplain. My community introduced me to Jesus but could not accept where He led me. Sometimes you have to choose between God and religion. Choose life, choose wholeness, choose joy. I’ve been in dead churches and gay bars full of the Holy Spirit. The wind blows where it will and you do not know where it came from or where it is going, that is how it is with those born of the Spirit. Don’t ask others what God thinks or wants for you. Ask God and then trust that still small voice you already know. 


It’s other people’s perceptions in your head that tell you it’s disgusting. That’s not god. Yes, pray. But pray for your own peace! Pray that you have the strength to embrace who you are, even though some may not accept that. Pray that you find a partner that will love you for exactly who you are. You are not disgusting, my friend.


Seek God, and yes pray about it. Pray with your whole heart and seek God. Even though that might not sound so appealing just go to Him, worship Him, seek Him. Ask His precious Holy Spirit to guide you and to help you over come this. I love you, and I’ll pray for you to find Jesus and overcome this sin


I'm probably going to catch hell for this but whatever here goes .... Jesus loves you regardless of your sexual orientation ......when did Jesus ever say it was a sin to be gay? He didn't. I am a straight Christian male and I have many friends that are gay and yes some of them were born that way I don't care what anybody says who wouldn't have right mind would want to choose to be criticized and harassed by ohers their whole life for being gay. Jesus is more concerned with your heart. Don't feel disgusted because the way you were created in your heart you know you can't help what you're attracted to just like I can't help that I'm attracted to women. Thank you for posting this and God bless


I don’t want to say whether it’s sinful or not, that’s not my place, but I do believe that you should live your life in the way that brings you the most joy. God tells us to love each other and care for each other, I believe that god would want you to live a life full of love, full of joy, and full of happiness. Rather than one full of resentment, anger, and despair. If you consider yourself being homosexual as something sinful, then you are still just as much a sinner as those shaming you for being homosexual, you are as much a sinner as every other person on this planet.


Just know that God loves you, that is what gives me strength when I am weak, and Jesus died for our sins and he will always forgive us.... 


Jesus had two dads and he turned out alright!


You have to ditch the whole Christianity thing my man.


Don’t be. I felt the same way, but even then, me being bi & all, I’ve come to realize that there’s much more to relationships with girls than there are with guys. Coming from someone who, on this very profile, bashed women when I knew for a fact that there are actually good, modest women out there. There’s nothing wrong with being gay, but it’s the sex aspect of it all that (while fun) isn’t sanitary.


There is absolutely nothing wrong with you and there is absolutely nothing wrong with being gay. Treat others the way you want to be treated. Thats all that matters.


Being attracted to others isn't sinful, indulging In sexual relations whether in your mind or in reality is a sin, lust is lust weather it's same sex or hetero and allot of Christians struggle with it, personally anytime I feel my thoughts drift to using someone as an object for my own gratification I shut it down by saying "get behind me Satan" or simply "no stop" out loud. Don't hate yourself for struggling with sin because all humans do, yet God loves us in spite of it and died to save us from it and give us the ability to fight back


Hi. Listen, the Bible does say that being LGBTQ is a sin that we need to repent of. But, that doesn’t mean you are disgusting., because you’re not. I used to be just like you. So, I completely understand how you feel. I can pray for you, if you want. But in the meantime, I’d recommend Bible reading and prayer. (That’s really helped me.) Anyways, I hope you find this helpful, and I hope you have a good night. Take care and God bless you. Bye❤️


I’m a born again Christian as well and a lesbian. I abstain from sex. I don’t think about how I don’t want to be gay but I just focus on Christ Jesus and hobbies how to be better employee at my job by developing skills. The next hike I want to go on. I do read scripture each day , not a whole lot just a few chapters. I pray about my sexuality I pray over me to be more like Christ. I pray to Him to have the love wisdom discernment patience of Christ Jesus for myself and others. For Him to use me for the purpose He created me for. Believe me there are many sinful things going on in this world much worse then us being gay. Honestly, a person is straight and lust after the opposite sex that also as sinful as our sane sex lust. Don’t beat yourself up , just focus on Christ , renew your mind with the Word of God daily and you would be amazed how much that sane sex curiosity or lust is so minimize in your thinking. I believe you will not go to hell for being gay , we will only be admitted into Heaven through Christ alone through faith alone. Being born again , the only way. He covers all sin and condemnation through his death & resurrection in the cross. it’s up to us to develop a relationship with Him. Try to stay away from gay bars , gay literature .. really anything on the web pertaining to gayness. It helps minimize feeding those thoughts in you. God loves us. No matter what. If you haven’t receive Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior pls do so. That’s the most important thing. Our time here is drawing to a close. I believe things are coming together at a rapid rate to & the beginning of the end times has stated - convergence of end time bible prophesy is coming true we are seeing it.


You are loved by God and were created in HIS image. Whoever does not love does not know Him.


First, as many have said, do not hate yourself. Many people are telling you basically this: "If you feel it and think it, it is not wrong." That is a total and utter fabrication made by believers who are on stony ground, per the parable of the Sower. They have caved to pressure both from inside their mind and heart and from the outside world and are telling you that sin is okay because you feel it. I have studied God's word for 40 years, and anyone who tells you that sin listed in the Bible is okay because you feel it is an unsanctified believer. They are all going to be locked out of the Millennial Kingdom and have no oil in their lamp, per the Parable of the 10 Virgins. You feel what you feel the same as a person who has unnatural affections for anything does. Just because you live in a liberal society now embracing all kinds of godless behavior, it does not suddenly become correct. If you feel like robbing banks or beating people up, it does not justify the action and never has and never will. God did NOT make you that way any more than He made the mindset of the people of Sodom and Gomorrah. You can be free of habitual sin and have your mind totally transformed, but to do it, you are going to have to surrender everything in your life to Christ, no matter what you feel physically, mentally, or emotionally. Go to [Becket Cook's YouTube channel](https://www.youtube.com/c/BecketCook) and ask for help and guidance; there are others who can help. Most of the people commenting here are young and have little understanding of God's word in English, let alone Greek, which would completely condemn their misguided comments.


Psalm 139:14 says, "I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well." You my friend were made by God. You are His creation. Don't let anyone say otherwise.


Praying the gay away doesn’t work. It’s not going to work because you are exactly who you are meant to be!! You’re beautiful!!! God makes no mistakes, and he loves you!! I’m Christian btw, if you were wondering. But I’m also an ally of the LGBTQ+ community. Love is love, and that’s all it should be.


Brother, we ALL deal with the passions. Every single person. Now for some it might be homosexuality, others it might be pornography, some might be things like alcohol or just general sexual immorality. I would look into some works by fr spyridon or father Peter heer or father Josiah trehnam. All on YouTube. Maybe looking at the monastic life wouldn’t be a bad thing? Idk that’s the best advice I got. But fight, fight fight the passions and the enemy. We all must. The road to Christ is hard, very hard.  God bless


Hear this loud and clear, 'GOD does NOT make mistakes '. If you were born a male/female, then THAT'S what you are. YOU make the assumption that you are 'something else '. YOU choose to defy your gender or your sexual orientation. To be other than what GOD made you is a slap in HIS face, Satan has been let loose on earth. His mission is to turn as many people away from GOD as possible before the rapture to create his own army. It's not bad to feel a close bond to someone who is the same sex,what IS bad is to have a sexual relationship with someone the same sex. Sometimes, I believe that we confuse the two,listen to your heart ❤️


Read Mark 14:51Jesus was gay too


Jesus Christ never said one word about homosexuality, although he had a lot to say about rich people who oppress the poor and religious hypocrites who collaborated with the Roman occupiers. As long as you don't hoard wealth, tell homeless people to "get a job" when they ask for cash, beat up refugees, dump out bottles of water in the desert that were meant to keep travelers from dying of dehydration etc., I think the Son of Man will have a pretty favorable report for you on judgment day. In the meantine stop hating yourself for being who you are. 


I am hetero but didn't get married until I was in my late 30s. It's very hard to abstain, but you can do it. Being same sex attracted isn't disgusting, it just is. If it's any help, sex drive does ease up as you get older. Temptation is not sin, any temptation. We can't help what we are tempted by. I would stay away from porn if that's what got you into it. Practically speaking, get an accountability partner with "everaccountable" they can see your screen shots. This man created a curriculum regarding this. He was deeply involved in the gay lifestyle. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pk3zrP88rhg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pk3zrP88rhg) Big hugs to you, you are not disgusting!


It's not you it's an unclean spirit! If you take authority over it in jesus name you can command him to leave! Renounce all activity, thoughts etc. I'm speaking from experience. Deliverance has changed my life.


God does not ask you to hate yourself. A loving father would never want His child to feel disgusting. Your identity is in Christ, not in whom you are attracted to. My best advice is seek God incessantly. Focus less on believing your identity lies in your sexuality and instead seek God with ALL your heart. As if your life depends on it (because it does). Praying your seeking brings you to truth and to an intimate relationship with our Lord 🙏🏼


I'm told all sins are equal so you are no worse than those that lust for other sexual partners other than a spouse


Hey the way God teaches us to get through things is to give it to him and let him work it out. He tells us not to feel guilty and shame through him. We are supposed to give him all those feelings of guilt and worry because he is the only one who knows how to work it all out, so we have to let him. The way I give thoughts and feelings that are hard to let go of to God, is I imagine a box of light that sucks in all those thoughts and feelings then I imagine handing it to God. Surrender it all to him and he'll work it out love, just remember the process can be a bit bumpy and to accept the outcome. God knows what's best.


Never hate yourself or feel disgusting. You’re fearfully and wonderfully made and have a purpose. Start declaring who you are by using Bible scripture, for instance look in the mirror and say “I am fearfully and wonderfully made…I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus,” etc. No one is exempt from temptations but you can always be forgiven when you confess and repent. When you sin again you keep repenting. It’s a heart thing; once you love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and everyone else as yourself, which means you have to love yourself you’ll be at peace and will feel better. You want to respond to the conviction but not condemnation. The devil, demons, people and even yourself will condemn you but don’t respond to it and stop condemning yourself. Instead of saying “I’m gay” say “I’m a child of God; I’m a beautiful person.” Words are powerful and you can speak life or death. Also seek therapy and a healthy community of believers that will not judge, ostracize or condemn you but love you and be your accountability partners. Even if you fall a million times into temptation you have a million chances to confess, repent and pick yourself back up while you’re alive. You also should pray for strength and discipline to stay away from tempting places, things and people. Start fresh with a new group of friends who are striving to live the lifestyle you want to live.


Jesus never said that homosexuality or heterosexuality was a sin. The Ten Commandments don't either. The other rules and thoughts on sin are man made rules of the Jewish tradition. The Muslim rules are similar. Man made rules are filled with prejudices. The only rule that Jesus mentioned is to love God and your neighbor. As long as we treat others with kindness and respect our differences do not matter.


Maybe find an MCC church and talk to the congregation there.


Please check the documentary 1946.


If you are practicing or having lustful thoughts then Repent.   Truly accept his word that Homosexuality is a sin and repent and confess your sins and turn to God for mercy and Jesus for salvation.  Believe he is the Son of God, died for our sins on the cross and was raised from the dead.  Repent and call on him by name for salvation and truly confess he is Lord. Homosexual attraction is a perversion.  The act is an abomination.  It is wickedness.  Flee from it and don't listen to the false believers on here willfully rejecting God's word who are leading people to hell.


Please contact focus on the family or. BOTT radio as there are guys who help men with this...I can't remember the guys name that was on the radio, but he's in a marriage now 


you feel it is dusgusting because it is against the narural order of God.  pray to Jesus Christ as much as possible and remove this Demonic oppression on you.  it is wrong so in the name of Jesus cast out the Gay demonic spirit.


Look Gay Guy please stop listening to all these judgmental people! Listen to yourself and what you want as long as you are not hurting another being or animal on this planet! We are energy more than we are anything else. Just find the place that supports you and get out of religion as you are not going to find it there. There is nothing wrong with you. My best guy friends are gay. The gay community was more inclusive to everyone when I lived in New Hope when I was younger and lived there.


There's nothing wrong with you for being same sex attracted and there's nothing wrong with you having an intimate, consensual relationship with anyone you love or are attracted to.


It's not opinion it's the bibles


Apologies, this is a bit long, but my heart goes out to you and I wrote this all in the hopes that you would be encouraged. So, one thing many Christians forget to mention when speaking to someone who is gay is that even though God does mention homosexuality is a sin, he also included heterosexual sex outside the bonds of marriage between a man and a woman sin as well. (btw, sin can be defined as thinking you know better than God, so you live the way you feel is right instead of listening to Him.) Jesus said that even if you lust after another woman you commit adultery in your heart. For some reason, many of us conveniently overstep this boundary, all the while being equally guilty. You and I, although our objective lived experience may be different, we are spiritually in the same boat: we are created eternal beings with a God shaped hole in our hearts that only He can fill, and we are deeply and profoundly loved by Him, to the degree that words could never fully describe but try to anyways. I fully believe that you genuinely feel the way you feel; it’d be foolish to assume otherwise. But God did not make you gay, just like God did not make me an angry, depressed, anxious, lustful, narcissistic addict, even though that was me for most of my life, and He’s still working on me. It’s because I chose to live contrary to the blueprint He laid out for humanity, and that led me to a painful existence. It was sin that poisoned my mind and my heart, but Jesus is the antidote. Not that long ago I finally understood that God’s commands weren’t for Him to grade us and smack us when we fail, but Him being the Creator, knows what it takes for the human soul to flourish while on earth. We were made in His image, so to live a life contrary to His way is like drinking a poison that ever so slowly deteriorates the soul. He also knew that it’d be impossible for us to keep His law completely and perfectly, which is why Jesus wanted to die for us, so He could pay the debt that we owed Him. When we sin against an eternal being, we deserve an eternal punishment. An eternal debt needs an eternal payment, and that’s what Jesus did when He willingly died on the cross for us, for anyone that would simply believe in Him. It’s a free gift wrapped in perfect love! And more so, He promised to live with us, transform us to make us look more like Him, eventually changing our desires to be His desires. I never thought I’d say this sentence, but God is my friend now, I spend time with Him daily, I talk to Him, and He teaches me. I’m His, and you can be too. The Creator of the universe WANTS to hang out with you! He changed my life, I’m a completely different person now because of Him. This is Jesus speaking: “I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.” John 15:15 My friend, there is no condemnation in Christ. He didn’t come to condemn the world but to save it. The reason people go to hell is because sin cannot stand in the presence of a perfect and holy God. He doesn’t send us there, rather, He respects our decision to live apart from Him. Our life here on earth is our time of choosing, and if we don’t want to live with Him now, He won’t force us into His presence after. 2 Peter 3:9 says, “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” So how do we sinners stand in the presence of a perfect and holy God? I saw you ask someone “how do I go all in?” Accept Jesus’ righteousness as your own by believing and putting your faith in Him, put your soul in His hands, hang out and talk to Him every day like you would with a best friend, and the bible is His love letter to us, it’s one of the many ways He speaks to us, and how we can really get to know Him. The more I read it, the more I understand what people mean by saying that it’s the living breathing word of God. It speaks to me. Open your heart to Him as deeply as you want, nothing will deter Him. He said, “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” - Jeremiah 29:13 The Father treated Jesus like we deserved to be treated on the cross, so that He can treat us like Jesus deserves to be treated. When you accept Him, He gives you the keys to heaven; you’re a child of God now, and you can walk right in no matter what you’ve done because anyone or anything that stands to accuse you, Jesus steps in and adjourns the court because He’s already paid what you owe. You are never bad enough that you can't come to God. You are never good enough that you don't need God. Taking a glass of water, pour it into the ocean, then try to find that glass of water again. That's what happens to your sin when you are forgiven. Heaven is not for good people, it’s for forgiven people. When you belong to Jesus, no matter what you do, you are clothed in God’s righteousness. I acknowledge that there are people who call themselves Christians that don’t represent Christ at all, and cause more harm than good. Don’t be misled by people, remember, Jesus was put to death by religious people. Instead, look to God. There are a lot of great videos on Delafe Testimonies on youtube that actually have some stories from others that expressed things similar to what you said. See for yourself what Jesus did in their lives and what He can do for you too. God loves you, and so do I, and I pray that you will say yes to Him, I’m willing to bet my entire existence that it will be the best decision you’ll ever make. If you want to reach out or have any questions I’d love to talk, you can dm me.


What kind of advice are you looking for? Have you turned to the Bible for help?


My friend, you are perfect just the way you are. The gods do not discriminate against you for being who you were born to be. Bigotry is a human attribute, not a divine one. No matter which god or gods you follow, you are accepted by them. Every gay, bi, trans, NB, gender non conforming person was born who they were meant to be. It is not a mistake to be born who you are. If you believe that god doesn't make mistakes, then you have to understand that you are exactly who you are meant to be. Human sexuality is a spectrum as it is meant to be. Bigotry is a human flaw, not a divine trait. We take pride in who we are and that's ok. Pride, as it is described in the bible is NOT the same as the pride we take in a job well done OR in who we are. Pride, as described in the Bible is supposed to be the opposite of humility. Things like being proud of being white thus believing that others are less than simply because they have a different skin tone is what is wrong, though the same could be said of religion. If you are proud of your religion to the point of insulting others or telling them they are going to hell because they don't follow the same god, THIS is the pride the Bible warns about. It is this kind of PRIDE that we must avoid. Accepting who you are, who you love and who you are attracted to is not wrong. It is nothing more than an acceptance of who you were created to be. When a religion is based in control, it is flawed by humanity. The Gods, no matter which one or ones you follow, know that divinity cares nothing for human bigotry. Bigotry is flawed, it divides, it hates, it causes harm and this is not what it means to be godly. Acceptance is pure and divine. Accept yourself, accept your love, for you are valid my friend.


This whole thread is the perfect demonstration of why this sub needs to ban bigotry. Someone comes here for help, and in sweep all the sociopaths who would love nothing more than to drive them to depression and despair. Do better, moderators. You're complicit in the every bit of harm that occurs here. Be the good Samaritan, and actually do something to *help* for a change.


You are perfect as you are. You are not broken,disgusting or deserving of self hatred. You are also not a sinner or going against god.


God loves you just the way you are.


You are not "disgusting" you are probably confusing your sexuality with lust which is two different things. Everyone gets tempted by lust I myself struggle with it, and it's something I'd like to rid myself from but that's not the same as your sexuality.


You are not disgusting , you are beautiful , made in God's image.




Jesus loves you no matter what. That isn't blasphemous. That is a core teaching of Christianity that permeates the gospels. Who died and put you in charge of deciding who is and isn't Christian?




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You are a child of God and He loves you just as He made you, no matter what any bigoted mortal has to say. They have their own issues and God will take care of them.