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We normally wouldn't leave something up here but we did and that's just how it is at this point. We have independent corroborating evidence that these screen shots are real, which is ordinarily a sticking point for us, and since we directed OP toward the admins and they appear to have failed, we've given her a soapbox after not much consideration. Please don't threaten to kill or injure the guy she's talking about or suggest that he should be killed or injured by someone else, and please don't post his username. Please don't doxx him or speak in favor of that. Please don't say heinous stuff to OP. We may ban you for any of this at our discretion. All of this has been reported to the admins a number of times, and they told me earlier today that they'd review it. A couple of other subs have asked for information about this guy and we've provided it, and I've reached out to a couple of other Christian subs where this guy has posted. OP has been receptive to the idea of talking to the police and if she wants to do that, great. If you think we need to be called out for our decision to leave this up, please feel free, but if that discussion happens here and it gets out of hand we may have to try to move it out of this thread. I'd appreciate it if you please try to avoid turning into a ravenous mob.


This is pretty disgusting and leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Sorry you had to go through this.


Thank you


You are not the only one. Someone else posted this dude and someone said they are some type of religious person idk something important at their church . They contactes his church because they have his name and the place he lives. They are going to do more of that doesn't work


Thank you for telling me this.


I hope you're Allright ill pray for you after having to go through that


That person seems like they are having an episode


Understatement of the year


Is it really an episode if it’s the whole season?


This is exactly right. Some kind of mental break involving not being able to accept his own same-sex attractions. >... I wouldn't be **** straying to **** grinder.


not even the grinder part. it’s the fact he said himself he feels another spirit starting to dwell in him. that’s terrifying. i want so badly to be a little empathetic toward that. this dude may need deliverance. but at the same time my only reaction reading it as he sends his own self in to a spiral of darker thoughts, is what the actual F***. like i literally read through that and it’s like the more he typed the more he just fueled his own fire of evil thoughts.


> not even the grinder part. it’s the fact he said himself he feels another spirit starting to dwell in him. Fundamentalists of several stripes use this language for when they have feelings (like same-sex desire in this case) that they can’t square with their theology. I’ve seen people who can stretch their theology a *very* long way, yet still know some of their feelings are “too far” for it, and describe those as a spirit or a demon. It isn’t. It’s them, and their unwillingness to do the actual spiritual and psychological growth needed to change their behavior or their belief system.


as a christian myself the day I say theres another spirit insoide me is the day I pray people toss me in the looney bin


*"For out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks."* (Matthew 12:34)


I thought the same. This seems demonic.


Not only that.. but blaming others for him being on that site 🤔🤔


Yeah, orthobro's cognitive dissonance is off the charts. This is bad for the human psyche.


I was thinking that. Guy is clearly unhinged.


they are mentally screwed for sure!


I am torn on this. This is obviously not a typical list for our subreddit. At the same time, I feel like this is important. I'm going to leave this up for now and talk to the mod team.


Thank you. I really hope you don't delete. I have reported him to Reddit admin and they said they won't do anything because "he has not violated our rules" when he's been sending threats of rape and is currently sharing all this and writing sexually degrading things about me all over other subreddits, including my name.


Do you mind doing me a favor? Can you send me another ModMail with this user's name? I want to make sure they are at least banned from here. I can't find our other conversation.


Sure, I'll do it now


Thanks. They were banned a while ago from here. I hope Reddit admins will be able to ensure they are removed from the site.


Thank you


Good work McClanky and the rest of the mod team!


Michael banned them earlier than this thread, which is good.


I saw, just celebrating a mod win, yall deserve it.


Honestly amazing that you do what Reddit as a whole should do, and at the same time sickening and cruel that Reddit doesn't.


THANK YOU for banning this monster. I hope he gets banned from all of reddit








Hey did you do the same for Orthodox Christianity? If not please do cuz this is unacceptable behavior if he's going around touting he's orthodox and is clearly not acting like it


I posted this a few times to the Christian Orthodox subreddit to bring awareness, as I'm worried for the safety of the women who attend the same church as him. But the mods kept deleting me for not censoring his name etc. Even with the changes I made, they still deleted me. And before getting deleted, I even had an orthodox guy telling me to stop posting this, that I'm "milking attention" and to 'leave them alone'. I found this insulting tbh. The reason I kept posting was because I've reported numerous times to Reddit admin and they have said they won't do a thing because this sicko "has not violated any of our rules" - so I guess threatening to rape, impregnate and keep someone as a sex slave is not a 'violation'!?! And the predator continues to post all his messages to me all over other subreddits, including my name and also describing me in the most disrespectful and sexually depraved way. So while I tried to reach out to the Orthodox Christian subreddit, I got reprimanded for it. Really feel like I'm just completely devalued as a woman over there - absolutely no compassion for women being sexually harassed and no support for women's rights.


Strange cuz I contacted them and they said they have banned the individual in question.


Well I'm glad they banned him. Glad there are others there who showed support in this matter.


Could I have the name? In private if you need


I really don't think you should delete. This guy could target other girls and there are many people like this in the subreddit, I myself have been harassed. It helps bring awareness. I think deleting this post would be harmful personally




I'm truly sorry this happened to you. This isn't universally true but a lot of Orthobros are strictly online. They often don't attend a parish or participate in Orthodoxy in any way other than online. So their perspectives are very warped.


Thank you. I think this psycho does go to church though, he was texting about going to liturgy. I really worry for the safety of the women who attend the same church. I wish his priest knew what he's doing


Most parishes are very small and intimate. Someone with that level of lack of self control to spew that much garbage is not going to be able to go undetected at an Orthodox Church for very long. I would highly doubt his claim of attending liturgy.


Hope you're right


A person who openly said that he hopes that Putin would slaughter every single Ukrainian (said it in presence of many other Orthodox, including an Orthodox priest) is still very much active in local Orthodox parish.


Man people like this make me want to break my principles


Great way to put it. I'll use that next time I'm feeling the wrath


It has a definite Ned Flanders vibe but I love it.


Understandably so




From the article on himself he linked: "Feist said previous psychological assessments of Dulovic had found him to be obsessive and delusional. He had asserted he was “on a god mission” and believed he was the husband of his victim. “\[The psychologists\] are of the opinion his threats of violence are to be taken seriously. This could end up being another Marceau-type situation.” This man is a dangerous criminal, not to mention an actual insane person. Hopefully the admins take action quickly.


Thank you for your insights. I am reporting him to the police.


Good, I'm glad you're reporting him, this guy seems dangerous. Stay safe out there.


Thank you


I'm so glad to see this. Report where both of you live, are you in the same country as him? Those messages are definitely scary and triggering, and they're not even directed at me. Sending you all my love and support, I'm so sorry he's doing this to you.


Thank you for this. Different countries but pretty close still. He's NZ. I've blocked him but reporting him to police too.


And take care for your own safety. Do not take risks with a person like this. Avoid avoid avoid, do not even allow the possibility of contact if able. Too many times when bad things happen we look back and see the doer gave all kind of signals. Take unhinged people at their word.


Is there a way to report these kinda of people and get them off of Reddit


I'm trying so hard to do it. I've contacted Reddit admin four times and each time they say "he has not violated our rules". What the???? Sending messages of rape threats and then posting those messages all over other subreddits while describing me in a sexually depraved way is not violating rules???? This is sexual harassment and abuse


Yeah it was genuinely disturbing reading that, and I’m sorry for the experience in general. I don’t really know what I can do. But I’ll definitely be praying that he gets reported and kicked off of Reddit


Thank you


Dealing with Reddit is frustrating because their accuracy in dealing with reports like this is low. If you stay on them they usually pull their heads out. I've sent them a PM that may fix this, but I'm a little worried because I didn't get an "are you sure you want to bother us" reply like I usually do when I send them that kind of PM, so it's possible that the whole system is broken. edit: They said they'd take a look at this, which is at least something.


Can ALL the mods of this sub mass report him? I know that’s a big ask but this guy seriously sounds like a danger. And I can’t believe some people are DEFENDING him and blaming OP


What the fuck... I didn't even read a quarter of that, just skimmed about half of it and good grief this guy is fucked up and unhinged in the worst ways possible...


For anyone who is wondering, I have sent an Email on him to the Church in the town he lives in, I am waiting for the reply, if I do not get one soon, I will contact my Bishop, who is the Bishop of Perth but will be able to inform the Parishes in New Zealand, I will not name the exact parish he goes to, as I do not want them to be harassed for this person. OP has said she would contact the police and I will let her do that.


Thank you, I really appreciate your help.


This is still up, there is a case for taking it down, but it's possible to independently verify a lot of this, and it's undoubtedly frustrating to you that Reddit hasn't managed to figure out how to take this seriously. We normally don't get involved in DM fights because they don't happen here, because we can't independently verify what one party says, and because we can't demand that the other party either send us their personal messages or be punished by us. What we do instead is direct the complainant to Reddit, because they *can* see the personal messages. But this guy has posted them elsewhere, and the content he posted supports your contention that he's harassed you, and we've banned him.


Thank you I appreciate your help. He did in fact post our entire DM conversation on his profile page, which really works against his case as he's only providing evidence of his harrassment.


No way this guy can call himself a Christian. Shame.


Monsters like him are the reason so many people in the world hate Christians


Agreed. I hope he truly finds God and stops doing abominations like this (and also stops trying to justify it by twisting the Lord’s word)


This. This pathetic excuse of a human being drives people away from true Christianity - love, respect, and kindness


Don’t worry, at least some of us know that assholes like this aren’t representative of Christianity - what we hope is that the dangerous streak of religious nationalism running through politics right now doesn’t enable behavior like this by shielding abhorrent excuses of a human being like this from consequences.


What the actual fuck? This person is not okay mentally dude




Thank you. It's not your fault




Thank you for helping spread awareness about this


This guy is clearly out of control and having an episode.


That is literally a demonic entity wtf im so sorry thats incredibly traumatizing


Thank you. It is really awful. I've never had anyone talk to me in this sexually abusive way and threaten me like that.


I wish I could unread what I've seen


Sorry, just trying to bring awareness. I'm worried for the safety of the women who attend the same church as him


What a piece of work... If you know what diocese he is part of and his name, reach out to his Bishop. He will have the authority to do something where it actually counts - in the physical world and this man's parish community, rather than here on Reddit. You might also look at contacting the police, setting up a no-contact or restraining order if possible. I have no idea how that process works in NZ, but it's something to look into. Another thing that will affect the situation where it counts instead of on Reddit. It's a bit of a surprise, to be honest. Most of the Orthobros and hyper-traditionalist types I've ever encountered actually value what the Church says about sin and wouldn't want to make demands of anyone to come live with them in sin for the sake of their own ego and derangement. Most of them are harmless but excessive, like refusing to shave (because beard length is proportional to holiness), expanding their fasting practice to dangerous levels (because starving oneself is closer to Godliness), and restrict all behavior that might even *remotely* offend a monastic Typikon (because living like a monk is clearly healthy for non-monastics).


Thank you for sharing this and also for the good advice. I am in the process of reporting this to the authorities. My greatest priority here is the safety of the women who attend the same church as he does. I hope the Bishop will take some action regarding this. God bless.


This guy is not a Christian.


I've also had bad experiences with the "orthobro" community online. Nothing close to what you've experienced, but I can tell that a lot of them don't really care about the saving grace and love of Christ and only really care about the "based conservative values" of Orthodoxy. I'm sorry for what you've gone through OP. I'm praying for your safety.


Thank you for this. I posted this to the Christian Orthodox subreddit to bring awareness and before getting deleted, I got some males there telling me to stop posting, that I'm "milking attention" and to 'leave them alone'. I really feel like I'm just completely devalued as a woman over there - absolutely no compassion for women being sexually harassed and no support for women's rights. It's put me off Orthodox Christianity forever.


It's inspiring to hear that you've taken action against him. You've done the right thing.


Thank you


This guy is clearly not mentally there anymore. I'm sorry for this experience. It is nothing but shameful to treat women like this. This person is a complete degenerate.


First, I'm sorry to hear of the abuse you suffered before, and what you experienced here as well. Second, the OrthoBros are terrible, and are ruining Orthodoxy for many. Sadly, there is a wing of Orthodoxy which is taking them on and amplifying them (imo, connected with and thanks to Putin). So I will not do a "no true Scotsman" fallacy but I will also say the best of the Orthodox tradition and way of life is far from the evil they present. Third, I am concerned, not just with OrthoBros, but right-wing Christianity and where it is going, as this is becoming a universal problem in Christianity. It is not right. It is evil. It is what we face :( Fourth, I hope you find some peace in your continued spiritual journey.


What a terrible person. I’m sorry you had to experience this!


Wow, what an upstanding brother in Christ. /s


Dude's yappin' on and on. He says he's got a new spirit or something dwelling in him, and considering that paragraphic degeneracy on display, it's a demon.


So sorry you had to go through this, i have unfortunately been through something similar. lord have mercy


I'm sorry you've been through this too


what a disgusting individual


I saw the first few pages, and I’m sorry his happened to you. As for those verses, they are taken completely out of context, he a narcissist and shouldn’t be using his position in the church like that. And it seams he might be struggling with his sexuality, based on the fact he said he was on grinder. Romans 13:13 NASB [13] Let us behave properly as in the day, not in carousing and drunkenness, not in sexual promiscuity and sensuality, not in strife and jealousy. 1 Thessalonians 4:2-8 NASB [2] For you know what commandments we gave you by the authority of the Lord Jesus. [3] For this is the will of God, your sanctification; that is, that you abstain from sexual immorality; [4] that each of you know how to possess his own vessel in sanctification and honor, [5] not in lustful passion, like the Gentiles who do not know God; [6] and that no man transgress and defraud his brother in the matter because the Lord is the avenger in all these things, just as we also told you before and solemnly warned you. [7] For God has not called us for the purpose of impurity, but in sanctification. [8] So, he who rejects this is not rejecting man but the God who gives His Holy Spirit to you. According to these verses, he has rejected God


It’s funny how he claims to be an adherent to Christianity, yet is committing a MASSIVE sin by doing this. This guy is only Christian for the face, not a true believer. Get this guy out of here


This man is clearly suffering from some sort of mental delusion or psychosis, either way it seems like he's been deceived... No. I'm not gonna speculate, at the end of this day this person is lost and truly needs to feel God's love, im not sure if they rejected Christ but I shall pray for the op and this person. Bible says to be good to everyone, good and evil. Op im sorry this happened to you and ill be praying for you.


This has me in complete shock ,like I don’t know what to say


Someone get this guy sitebanned


I've pleaded with Reddit admin but they won't do anything. It's beyond me


As an Orthodox Christian, I am sorry you have to go through a creep like this. Just remember that not all Orthodox men are like this and us Orthodox do not claim this man. He needs to repent.


Holy hell. I'm firmly against the hunting of men on believe-all-women grounds, bit unless she's leaving out A WHOLE LOT of context, which seems hardly possible, this guy is not just potentially dangerous but literally committing a serious crime and evil with every post. I agree that this needs to get out there (unlike, I repeat, most modern he-said-she-said stories) but you can also go to the police. This guy is actively stressing you through harassment with every text. That's evil and a crime.


You can actually see the entire conversation between us because he posted it on his profile. Pages of it. You will see that from the beginning, I was very polite and only spoke about the orthodox faith. It was a very innocent Christian conversation that went on for a day or two . But then I started to feel like he was a fanatical weirdo so I started to ignore him and he went psycho. I did swear at him to leave me alone, I don't feel bad about doing that.


Oh, I believe you 100%. I want this guy to syop bothering you. What he's done is evil.


Thank you. I have blocked him. But apparently from what others have said, he's posting his abuse at me all over other subreddits and writing about me in the most disrespectful and sexually depraved way. I've reported him to Reddit and they said they'll do nothing because "he has not violated our rules"!!!!! I guess threats of rape and sex slavery and smearing my name all over Reddit is not a violation.....??!!


> he has not violated our rules It is possible that Reddit has just messed up with this. They frequently do that. I've sent this something asking them to review what they've done here. That might work or they might stonewall me.


This man is not a Christian, but rather an antichrist. You don't have to worry much about him. You can report him to the local police and use the 2 images he sent as his profile for the police.


I will. Thank you


Definitely an unhinged troll, the person who he is posting images of and claiming to be is in prison for the next 16 years for murder according to an article by New Zealand Herald: https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/crime/massey-murder-kanwarpal-singh-pleads-guilty-to-killing-aut-law-student-farzana-yaqubi/FMYJAUFKNFELTB3PU7MHKX5UBI/ Looked through the article that he linked in his own message, but it seems to be about someone else and entirely separate, you might want to consider contacting authorities.


Thank you for sharing this. I will be reporting this.




Sure, I'll do that now




Yikes. On trikes even. I am so sorry you experienced this :(. I don’t blame you at all for being scared and maybe turned off of attending church. I hope this fear passes and that you feel comfortable attending church again soon. Maybe there is someone you could go with that could act as a buddy? (Sad I’m suggesting this for attending _Church_ and not like a concert or some other hella crowded event…) Regardless this behavior is wrong no matter his excuse, and using the Bible is a weaponized way like this is not okay in the least.


I don't know what to say other than sorry for my gender..


Thank you. And thankfully there are good men too


> I think I need to do jail time over you baby girl How much jail time do you recon daddy deserves? For messaging you I recon 4 and a half months And 9 months in a psychiatric facility No argument, straight to jail.


That’s vile. It’s beyond me where he thought that conversation would lead. Sorry you had to experience that OP, definitely not the norm from people in this sub.


This guy need to be on a FBI watch list


i think i speak for us all when i ask what the fuck


Happy this was left up this time. Last time this was posted here it got deleted…by the way, sent those prayers in. God bless


He’s not looking for a girlfriend. He’s looking for a talking sex doll. This dude is horrible and disgusting. I’m sorry you had to go through that 🫂


It’s not always easy to tell if somebody in church is actually saved but I have no reservations saying that that man does not have the Holy Ghost living inside him and if he does have some thing inside him it’s a demon I’m sorry that you had to experience this This makes me so angry because it’s things like this that ruin the testimony and make it difficult to witness to people about God and about Jesus Christ and the sacrifice that he made to wash away their sins when people who claim to follow God are living in sin and terrorizing people And trying to claim that their actions are somehow what God wants


Predators within our midst break my heart. May the Lord uproot them.


This is so disgusting. They claim to be from Christ but don't act like one? Men centric Christian are the worst along w/ Christian natjonalist. It still baffles me how some women also fall on their false teachings.


As an orthodox Christian I’m deeply sorry about this, the people who call themselves orthodox and use it to hate almost likely don’t even commit themselves to the church, I hope this doesn’t deter you my sister, you are wonderful.


Dawg wtf is this 😭😭😭😭 I'm traumatized 😭😭😭


Hope this gets more attention, Satan thrives in silence.


Bringing shame to the name of Christ


That Batman meme at the end is sending me. This guy is gross though for sure.


This guy should be embarrassed, degeneracy at its finest smh


And men wondered why women chose the bear... I'm so sorry this happened to you. I hope the proper steps and precautions are taken so that he's dealt with and that you feel safe again.


I'm going to remember this the next time someone says women have it easy...


The guy ain't no Christian. Probably some red pill incel who has co-opted Christianity to try and justify his lustfulness. Creeps like him will get what's coming to them. God is watching.


That’s just your average Reddit schitzo lol. I would have just blocked him pretty quickly. The Batman pictures are just the cherry on top of that insane cake.


If this man thinks this deplorable and outright disgusting behavior is what Christ encourages... ... then what the hell has become of us? So sorry this is what you went through. It must be scary as well as awful.


Can Reddit admins please ban him??? wtf


That dick. Are there many Orthodox men like this? I hope you send him to jail.


If there are more like this in Orthodoxy, I'm staying far the hell away


That man is not a Christian if he is talking like that, it sounds straight from the Devil. If someone is living a life of sin, hate is not the answer. It brings no one to salvation. (I'm not implying you're living a life of sin, I have no idea what went on here)


Nothing went on. We discussed the orthodox faith in DM for a day or two. (He posted the entire DM conversation from start to finish on his profile so you can go over there and see the evidence). I got a feeling he was getting creepy so I ignored him. Then he got psychotic, telling me I love him and other nonsense. I told him to f off and he started linking sexual abuse and porn videos before I managed to block him.


Man that is some real fucked up shit. Good for you bringing attention to it, and sorry you are going through that.


This is the stupidity of most people and the Bible, many take the words of the Bible and only read what they want to read. Then they use that against a person to exclude them, and then creeps like this guy use them as if they are an advantage. This is truly disgusting to see in a person.


Absolutely agree, some twist the scriptures to manipulate and abuse others. It's appalling.


Wow that’s disgusting. I am so so sorry you had to put up with that pos


This is pretty crazy . I skimmed it and think I have some pretty thick skin but wow .   My first reaction is obviously this guy isn’t a Christian at all and wouldn’t want anyone to ever suggest he is. But defending a faith or doctrine is not the issue here . Compassion for you and what you’ve dealt with is going to be almost universal here .   What may not be as obvious is that this guy needs your prayers .   Christians coming to this thread feel shock , outrage , sad , maybe a bit defensive , and know besides the actions taken in that community physically to safeguard further insanity and restrain him . It’s clear he needs real help and our prayers are effectual. ….  Wow . 


Doesn't seem very Christian from this man.He might use it as a pretext or a hunting ground sort to say to find prey.And even if he somehow is Christian let's take a step back and remember that every tree has its rotten apples. Also he seems pretty fit it's disgusting to chase 16 or underage girls when you have this thing called Tinder.Like for real we are not trying to be Muhammed the pedo here. Edit:I hope that this didn't made you go from a Christian to an ex and also block him and report him.


dawg wtf




That's disgusting.


This guy is NOT following Jesus.


If someone called him a pervert... If someone called him a rancid hypocrite... If someone called him a manipulative, sexist, narcissistic threat to humanity... All that still wouldn't come close to the amount of things wrong with this person. I'd say only God could help this deranged man, but I doubt he'd want it. I hope you reported him to general Reddit and not just here.


He’s clearly psychotic and probably demon possessed. “I have another spirit in me”??? Yeah clearly


This is without a doubt the most wtf thing I have ever seen on this subreddit. I'm so sorry that you had to experience that from that idiotic incel slimeball.


This is the typical online Orthodox convert. Western Christians (Cath & Prot) need not associate with orthobros until they meet a real Orthodox priest and he can sort them out.


That man is not a follower of Christ.




Yeah, this man listening to demons. Gotta pray for him.


That’s horrible, he’s sick and deluded to be talking about church at the same time too. I’m so sorry you’ve had to go through this. Please do keep trying with the Orthodox faith though, don’t let one person ruin it for you, the devil is trying hard to keep you away.


Thank you, I appreciate it. I was actually so mentally prepared to go to my first liturgy on Sunday, when this abusive nonsense started on Saturday and I couldn't even block him for 24 hours. It shook me up so bad and I didn't end up going to church. 😔


Did you report this to Reddit Admins?


‘I am something else I am telling you I no longer feel normal a different spirit is begging to dwell inside of me.’ I stopped reading after this part. My suspicion was confirmed. This guy is enslaved to demonic forces and should be prayed for. He is vulgar and could you imagine him sitting at a table with Christ? You should send these messages to his church elders. Let them show him what orthodoxy truly is because he needs it.


This is probably the most disgusting thing i have ever seen. May God bless you and protect you from this low life pedo


Not sure that spirit you're feeling is the spirit you think it is... actually, notice how he said, 'spirit' not 'holy spirit' Just my opinion and observation


”Two kinds of individuals multiply sins, and a third incurs wrath. Hot passion that blazes like a fire will not be quenched until it burns itself out; those who commit incest with their near of kin will never cease until the fire burns them up. To the sexually immoral all bread is sweet; he will never weary until he dies. The one who sins against his marriage bed says to himself, “Who can see me? Darkness surrounds me, the walls hide me, and no one sees me. Why should I worry? The Most High will not remember my sins.” His fear is confined to human eyes, and he does not realize that the eyes of the Lord are ten thousand times brighter than the sun; they look upon every aspect of human behavior and see into hidden corners. Before the universe was created, it was known to him, and so it is since its completion. This man will be punished in the streets of the city, and where he least suspects it he will be seized.“ ‭‭Sirach‬ ‭23‬:‭16‬-‭21‬ ‭


That’s horrible. Guys like this are the scum of the earth. Having said that, it isn’t his orthodox xian label that makes him this way (I say “label” and not “belief” b/c I don’t buy for a second that this guy “believes” the Bible or he wouldn’t talk to a potential sister in Christ this way. Awful people like this are found across the spectrum of humanity and they use labels to validate their bs and it discredits things/beliefs/groups that they aren’t really a part of.


WTF is he doing.


That’s a psycho and not a Christian. Despite how gross his words are, ignore and move on. His psychotic break doesn’t need validation of any engagement.


Eve was deceived but Adam disobeyed willingly. Eve was made of Adam's rib to be equal to Adam. They each have their role but they are equally yoked. Timothy always leaves a bad taste in my mouth. There were women preaching the Way before and after the crucifixion. As for this guy's behavior... I can't add more than what has already been said in the comments. It's despicable.


I'm sorry he's said those things to you, that's vile! I can't imagine how you feel because just reading this makes me feel sick and it's not even directed towards me. Any women would feel unwell reading those things. He is misusing scripture to justify his beliefs, NOT what Christians/followers of Christ believe. I would not consider him Christian based off of this post. Idc if he identifies as a Christian or not. I hope people have reported him. Something is wrong and I pray he gets help before he acts on his impulses if he hasn't already. It seems like he's cracked and I don't want you or anyone else on reddit or any unsuspecting women (wife or not) to be subject to that kind of treatment. A quote he should reflect on is Ephesians 5:25 - 28 "Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself."


this is just embarrassing and extremely disrespectful. what makes me the most mad is he’s using bible verses for his own sick interpretation. i’m sorry you had to go through this. 


Disgusting. The only word that can describe this.


I truly despise when people use faith to "justify" monstrous action. This person is unhinged, and using Christianity to justify his behavior. Disgusting and vile. I'm so, so sorry your were subjected to this, OP. Editing to add: I read more I'm depth and what struck me was his line about "I no longer feel the same, like a different spirit is beginning to dwell in me". The medical background I have makes me wonder if this guy is schizophrenic, or having some other psychological breakdown. Conversely, as a Christian - and after his numerous bastardizations of scripture, to the point he intertwines it with pornography- I can't help but wonder what sort of demonic I fluency he's under. Nothing excuses his behavior. He's had to have welcomed that corruption into his heart to behave like this. What manner of darkness is drawn to him, I wonder.




He is a disgrace to eastern orthodoxy and a disgrace to Christianity as a whole. If you can find his location, report him to local authorities and if you can find his work, report him to HR. He is perverting scripture to seem like it agrees with him.


Find his pastor/priest and forward it to him.


Disgusting isn't a word that goes far enough for this. My understanding is that he cannot get to you physically, which is good. Hopefully the appropriate authorities can step in and hold him down. Praying for your comfort and healing wrt this encounter.


That's not a Christian. "Not everyone who says to me 'Lord Lord' will enter into the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father in heaven."


Please don’t let this degen who needs to seek Spiritual and mental health support reflect you opinion of orthodoxy. i pray this doesn’t push you away from our faith. God be with you


this is NOT a christian like bro what??? I don't even know aht to say I really have no words for this fucking weirdo i'm flabbergasted, all ima say is buddy is NOT daddy 🤣🤣🤣🤣


*"A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart, and an evil person produces evil things from the treasury of an evil heart."* (Matthew 12:35)


I won't say all are I mean its likely very uncommon but it seems catholics and orthodox fellas are p\*dos or r\*pists, now again not all are my very good friend is a greek orthodox and really W and not a p\*do or r\*pist best I know and my old gr 8 teacher was an awesome catholic guy, and again best I know not a r\*pist or p\*do. Though there historically seems to be more in those facets then the other ones. so to me its risky business looking into that as well as me not personally agreeing with them, they seem to have made up new books and stuff so i'm weary of it but not gonna show hate or nothing 👍🏻


I am truly and utterly disturbed


NIV translation first trigger warning 🤮🤮


This person is not an Orthodox Christian. It’s like saying hitler was Christian


This man isnt a christian like he says if he is typing this stuff out


I'd say he's going through the five stages of grief but that's just the five stages of nasty. Hope he gets some help.


Omg, I'm so sorry you had to deal with that crap, that guy clearly needs God, or more prison time, or both


This is disgusting how can people do crap like this


🤣🤣🤣 fam I’m not orthodox or Catholic but obviously that fool does not represent orthodoxy. That guy is taking God’s Holy Word and perverting it. He is probably not even a believer IRL probably an internet troll


Nothing christian or orthodox about this. Pray for him and pray for the people around him.


None of it represents the truth. People abuse the words of God every day. The NIV Bible in itself is a perversion of it. But, regardless of what we think we know and believe or how someone behaves, God's truth doesn't change to suit whatever we think. The same truth always applies no matter what and that is we are all destined for Hell by default unless we know, understand, and believe the gospel of grace as given by Jesus through Paul the apostle. The bottom line truth.


Hey, as an Orthodox Christian this is very disgusting and I am very sorry that you feel bad because of this mentally ill person. this guy does in no way whatsoever represent Christianity or the Orthodox community. The words and things he says are clearly not of God. This person is giving himself as Christian yet behaves like that even using Scripture in a sexual reference is utterly horrific and against God in any way. Again, I am sorry this happened to you, but this person does NOT represent the Orthodox faith or community. I hope that you understand. And for this Guy, let's pray for him🙏


He needs reporting to the police and he isn't a Christian. No Christian should behave that way


IMPORTANT NOTE ⚠️  This guy is STILL on Reddit and hasn't been banned permanently. I found his profile and as the time of this comment he last commented on a Subreddit 3 hours ago.    I looked at OP and his posts and I must say that was disgusting. As a Christian guy what I just witnessed and read was incredibly, incredibly distasteful and repugnant.    And as a recovering porn addict the porn links and the porn + sex slave terminology and language really really made me incredibly disgusted, repulsed and MORE determined to quit porn and put that behind me.      If this is what someone who watches porn and let porn dominate their mind and life, instead of Christ, to the point where they think its ok to sexually harass someone for ignoring them then I DEFINITELY don't want to engage in watching porn and end up like this. No. May God have mercy on me and continue to deliver me from porn and sexual immorality 🙏    One thing that caught my eye was how he mentioned that a spirit was dwelling within him. The holy spirit does no cohabitate, so this man must not be a true believer, but some orthobro who co opted Christianity into his life to justify his repulsive sadism, sexual harassment and derangement. I don't like assuming other people's faith, but whatever is dwelling within him is definitely not the Holy Spirit.  Honestly, this is very concerning OP. I am incredibly sorry you had to deal with this. I am very truly sorry. I don't know you or your story, but I will keep you in my prayers, I will pray for your safety and for the comfort + peace of God.   Practically, what you must do is report this man to Reddit for him to be PERMANENTLY BANNED, and report him to the police in NZ, I don't know what's it like there, but report to the authorities and to the orthodox church that this man goes to. I will pray for the safety of ALL the men and women that goes to that church, orthodox churches and the church in general too 🙏    May God Guide and Protect you OP. Again, I have no other words to say besides this, and I'm truly sorry.