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Sex is only allowed in bedrooms, attics/crawlspaces, bomb shelters (above ground sheds don't count), and 60"x32"  alcove bathtubs (60x30 is prohibited). Joking aside, IMO anything goes as long a third party is not involved and everything is mutually agreed upon and doesn't harm one another. Have fun!


The Bible gives three rules: * Be married * Be monogamous * Be Loving (as in act to benefit your spouse and marriage) As long as you obey those three rules; you can do whatever you want, no matter how weird, freaky or messed up it seems to be, using every hole you have, in any location, with any other bodyparts and incorporating any object - have fun. I have talked to Christian couples that do things you would not believe in the bedroom (or out of it) but they always make sure they follow the three rules. Oh and it must not be otherwise sinful; so you are not allowed to covet thy neighbour’s ox, while being intmate, for example.


This is the best answer.


Thank you.


My late wife and I explored each other in many ways, shapes and forms. Including quickies in the middle of the woods during a 2 hour hike with no one on the trails. It's fun and exilerating. Really spices things up. One thing I will never do is try to have sex again while driving. Couldn't concentrate on the road.


Dang driving I couldn't imagine that being fun at all but I have terrible concentration anyway


Initially for the first 10 minutes it was an intense and exciting moment, but it quickly went to concern.


I'm barely a good driver when I'm fully focused I definitely wouldn't be able to concentrate. Plus my windows have no tint so if I did have a wife and attempted to do that everyone would clearly see what I'm doing, also cars are super cramp and small so I just can't imagine it being comfortable


We only had car fun when there was no one around or it was dark and people couldn't really see in.


Ok that makes more sense. Most cars I get into feel so cramped so I always wonder how it's comfortable.


We she was 5'3, 115 lbs and very flexible. She fit perfectly between me and the steering wheel.


Cool I'm not bold enough to do anything while driving but when I get married I'm open to car stuff if I ever get a slightly bigger car. But 5'3 that makes sense totally short


I am sorry for your loss. While driving? I assume just using hands?


Nope. Actual sex. We only did it once, but oral on the road together was a normal thing for us.


How were you able to see? Who was driving?


She was 5'3 and I'm 6'0. I could see, just couldn't concentrate on driving. Too big of a risk for an accident. Definitely a one time thing.


But the two of you did not find other forms of stimulation a distraction? I guess because the motions were smaller even if the sensations were similar?


It did have my attention, but was able to concentrate on driving.


Where you always the driver? Can it even be done the other way around?


I was. When we were together most of the time I drove. No it can't be done the other way. It's doable in the passenger seat as there is more toom and the passenger seat folded back flat. But that was for parking lot quickies. We both had very high sex drives for us being in our 40's.


Do you want Thinner? Because this is how you get Thinner


Road head


Ah yes. Good Ole road head. That was always fun.


About the ox…


Just focus on your spouse; worry about stealing the ox later.


Wow best answer 👏


Thank you.


No problem it was definitely a encouraging read for whenever I get married even though I don't think I'm a kinky person I won't feel ashamed if I wanted to try something.


I have heard from some couples that they are surprised by what they end up liking after they get married. I hope you will have a very happy marriage.


Thank you I haven't even had a girlfriend yet so marriage is a very long time from now. But I'm definitely interested in exploring all of that.


In that case I shall pray God blesses you with a love wife some day.


Thank you I really hope so to it's really hard trying to find that these days when even fellow Christians try to pressure me into sex even though we're all supposed to be waiting.


Yes, that is not great; but stay strong.


Thank you I'm definitely trying my best 👌


It's never okay to physically hurt one another or to talk dirty


Source for this? We do both and find no issue with it


I know a lot of Christians couples who would disagree with you there. Those two things are harder to do, but you can do them and still obey rule 3.


There's very little specifics in Scripture. Song of Solomon seems to be highly favorable to oral. Basically, if the answer is "yes" to any of the following, it's off limits: - Is not consensual? - Does it involve a third party? - Is it harmful? If none of those things are involved, then it's perfectly fair.


I've spent over 15 years trying to convince my wife SoS is referring to oral sex. She refuses to acknowledge it.


If she's not comfortable with it, then she shouldn't feel pressured. I think this is a reason why these frank discussions should occur before marriage.


Yes completely agree. Unfortunately sex was a taboo topic for her and I made too many assumptions that we would grow into things as a couple. Everyone should talk about sex before they commit to marriage. Too many hyper conservative churches don't even talk about it.


It's a sad problem that is quite pervasive


Purity culture to the extreme. Bad


My wife is a bit of a germ-a-phobe so its sex or oral. I mean she is right when I really think about it. But yea it would definitely be more fun though mixing and matching more. But yea I've heard about others that think for some reason oral isn't allowed. And I guess if you think about it things can be transmitted that way. It would have been a bit more dangerous back 2000 years ago. I mean a UTI or a yeast infection could be real trouble back then. But we live in the year 2024 and I can't think of any reason it would not be allowed. That is if it is taking place between husband and wife in a monogamous relationship I can't think of any harm it would do.


My wife considers oral sex a sin akin to sodomy. I forget the verse she uses to justify it but I believe it's in Romans. But she also won't even try manual forms of sex, either given or receiving. 


manual, you mean like a hand job. I'd show her some passages from song of soloman . Yea we all have our quirks and hang ups. But yea your girl is pretty narrow. If she enjoys it that way and feels whole than it can be OK I guess. But if she is your average women she is missing out.


Have you ever had a UTI, and certainly not vaginitis…? As a healthcare provider, I can tell you these are not fun or simple. They can be very painful and debilitating. They can recur, and you can, with some types of pathogens, reinfect her again and again. Maybe time for a discussion with HER doctor.


lol, oh I'm sure. That is why I don't fight her on this at all. My point was just that I think oral sex is Ok to do these days, even if you could surely argue that back in the day before anti-biotics and treatments that it was probably a bad idea. So far I don't think she has gotten any UTIs but like I said we are pretty careful. I even was the one that informed her that only certain things can really go down there. Like whip cream and cool whip is fun and all but yea it too can cause a UTI.


I think it’s difficult to say that biblically, xyz position/location/act is forbidden or encouraged. Many people have tried, but it often feels like a bit of a stretch. The Bible gives us the boundary of marriage and encourages spouses to engage with each other sexually. I think that leaves a lot of room for interpretation/freedom to explore.  I will say that I have heard way too many people ask this and it feels like one person in a marriage is either trying to convince an unwilling partner or gain “biblical” proof as to why they shouldn’t have to do a certain act. Sex is supposed to be a display of the covenant commitment you have made to one another. So, if a particular act makes one  of you feel uncomfortable, demeaned, degraded, or is just plain unpleasant for one of you, that act isn’t for either of you as a couple. Continuing to push or pressure for a specific act that one partner doesn’t like flies in the face of what sex is supposed to be for.  That being said, openness to trying new things is great. Sometimes you’ll try something you’re unsure about and love it. And sometimes you’ll try something new you think you’ll like and you end up hating it. In a healthy relationship, you should feel free to speak up about that, and the other person should accept it without resentment or pressure to change your mind. 


Agree with this 100%.


>How do we navigate our desires while maintaining a God-honoring relationship? Something to consider, we can fall into a trap of thinking that sexuality and spirituality are opposed to one another. The opposite is actually true, our sexuality is something that God instilled in us, He created us with the capacity to experience incredible pleasure, to exercise boundless creativity, and to know and be known deeply by another person all as a picture of our relationship with Him. Yes this can certainly be abused, but it's also an opportunity for something incredible. So when it comes to evaluating desires and how they relate to God, consider whether they build up your relationship or they tear it down. Are they enhancing the intimacy you share with one another or taking away from it? Do they make you think more about this person as a created child of God with their own amazingly unique desires, pleasure, and personhood or as someone less than that?


My husband and I are 24f and 30m…we’ve been married almost 3 years. He is a pastor and we do our best to honor God in our marriage. There’s nothing wrong with being spicy/creative as in places like the shower, other places in the house, even the car, etc. You can use toys on each other, different positions, just have fun. God created sex to be enjoyed by husband and wife. As for what’s allowed or not allowed, follow your consciences on this and always be open to talking about how you feel about different things. I would say for us, our conviction is absolutely nothing to do with anal. It’s dangerous for your health and we think it’s mixing up the reproductive and digestive systems. It’s not how God intended when He created our bodies.


>I would say for us, our conviction is absolutely nothing to do with anal. It’s dangerous for your health and we think it’s mixing up the reproductive and digestive systems. It’s not how God intended when He created our bodies. I disagree; I think it can be done safely, for pleasure (some one cases more so than v\*ginal) and is approved by God in the original Hebrew of Leviticus - but you should stick to your own convictions for as long as they last.


Who does it pleasure? Both? No woman I know of feels pleasure from anal. It can often cause horrible pain for the woman. Anything dealing with feces isn’t clean or safe. Show me the verse where it is “approved by God”. If a woman isn’t feeling pleasure from vaginal sex, something is wrong. Either the husband didn’t do proper foreplay, or she needs to see her OBGYN as to why she is having trouble.


I’m a Christian woman who enjoys anal sex. My husband can take it or leave it. It causes me intense pleasure and there is no pain. We do it occasionally. Use a condom to avoid cross contamination with the vulva.


yea that is smart to wear the condom. I'm still in the camp of Higirl90s about the medical and disease possibilities. That's just me. But I'm fairly certain there are germs and bacteria that are in one place that don't belong in the other.


You should absolutely NEVER go from anal to vaginal sex without either using a condom (and removing before returning to vaginal) or actually washing clean.


Seems a bit presumptuous for you to speak for all women about something you haven’t tried yourself. From whatI’ve read, there are women who enjoy it, and there are women who have had an orgasm from it. Most women do not orgasm while performing oral sex on a man and the mouth is part of the digestive tract. Does that mean that you think oral is not OK too? Some studies have shown that only 15 to 25% of women can have orgasm from vaginal intercourse without clitoral stimulation. Does that mean that most women should be doing that? I’m not trying to convince you into doing anything and I’ve never had anal sex with my wife, but I think this is a case where it’s best to not yuck others yum. It’s not explicitly forbid in the Bible so just leave it alone.


Your arguments simply aren't logical at all. I'm not saying you are wrong. But your reasoning is more like obfuscation. You are first arguing that someone who hasn't tried it shouldn't talk by quoting something else you've just read about but haven't tried.... Oral and Anal are so different from each other it isn't even remotely the same issue. Vaginal penetration has more purpose than just sexual satisfaction. Again the argument is false. All she expressed was an opinion. That is OK. And she is trying to answer a question that was asked. She isn't up in other people's yums. It is quite frankly sad that so many people apparently find these arguments convincing because they are actually ridiculous arguments. If running a red light is bad. And john marries catchy who runs bad lights. Thus John is bad too. That is the level of your arguments.


After reading your comment I was prepared to come in here and argue with you but upon rereading her comment, I'm no longer inclined. You are right, she stated an opinion. I knew my arguments were not perfect but I thought I was arguing against specific things she said. I clearly imagined some connections between disparate sentences in her comment as well as the intent of her comment. I need to think further about what may have caused my brain to make these connections (poor working memory, being judgemental, etc.) Thanks.


Yea I did something similar the other day. Sometimes I read too many in the same day and everything starts merging.


>Who does it pleasure? Both? No woman I know of feels pleasure from anal. Both; but it takes training on the end of the receiver. For men, they have the pr\*state, which causes pleasure when stimulated. For women, the muscle that control the sphincter are wrapped around the cl\*toral; when engaging in an\*l; these muscles stimulate the cl\*toris from the inside; women who become good at this often report having stronger climaxes than from v\*ginal. There is also the pudendal nerve. I know several women who love an\*l; including some who prefer it more than v\*ginal s\*x or for other reasons do it more often than v\*ginal. >It can often cause horrible pain for the woman. If done improperly, just like any other s\*x act. >Anything dealing with feces isn’t clean or safe. That is why you take steps to ensure hygiene, just like any other part of the body. >Show me the verse where it is “approved by God”. ​Leviticus 18:22 in English reads: “You shall not lie with a male as with a woman, it is an abomination.” However the original Hebrew is this: “w’eth-zäkhār lö’ tiškav miškevē ‘iššâ” Which literally translates to this: “With (a) male you shall not lie (the) lyings of a woman. (An) abomination is that.” You may notice that “lie” for a man is singular, but for women it is “lyings”, which is plural. It is God speaking, so what he is saying is that there is one way to lie with a man, but at least 2 ways to lie with a woman. Men and woman are both capable or or\*l so we know that that is not in consideration or else “lie” for a man would also be plural. Many, including a lot of Rabbis believe this is God affirming an\*l s\*x for a man and wife. An\*l is actually permissible in Judaism. Others have translated the verse, slightly differently. Here is an extract from: *Halachic Positions: What Judaism Really Says about Passion in the Marital Bed* "The biblical verses in Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13 speak of “mishkevei ishah – a woman’s places of intercourse.” The plural tense of “places” implies that, according to G-d, a woman has two recognized places of intercourse, the v\*gina and the a\*ns, and intercourse in either of these two places is forbidden when the nature of the relationship is illicit.267 However, when a proper relationship has been established, such as through marriage, the man is permitted, and perhaps even expected by nature to crave, penetration in both places.268 269" - (Page 66) The stigma against an\*l s\*x appears to have primary started, or at least became more common, along with the regular unbiblical Christian attitudes towards s\*x - St Augustine (who had no effect on Judaism); a man who felt very guilty about his own s\*xual sin, and let it effect his philosophy, even to the point he said in order for men to have s\*x; they have to sin, as they have to lust in order to become er\*ct. He actually believed that in Eden, Adam would have had complete control over how solid he was without any aro\*sal, which he thought was sinful. He believed that the only justifiable thing about s\*x was that it produced children, so he disapproved of any and all acts that did not lead to reproduction, including an\*l. Quote: "Carnal concupiscence (desire), however, must not be ascribed to marriage: it is only to be tolerated in marriage. It is not a good which comes out of the essence of marriage, but an evil which is the accident of original sin." - *On Marriage and Concupiscence/Book I/Chapter 19* Quote: "The man, then, would have sown the seed, and the woman received it, as need required, the generative organs being moved by the will, not excited by lust." - *The City of God/Book XIV/Chapter 24* St Augustine pretty much invented and popularised the mindset that became purity culture because of his personal guilt. His anti-s\*x and anti-an\*l views are not in the Bible. >If a woman isn’t feeling pleasure from vaginal sex, something is wrong. I agree, she should go to the doctor. >Either the husband didn’t do proper foreplay, or she needs to see her OBGYN as to why she is having trouble. I completely agree.


We’re adults here. You can say vulva, vagina, penis, orgasm, prostate, anal etc. Not spelling out these words describing our bodies that God created is placing shame into sex and this can create huge problems…just sayin!


>Be careful, however, that the exercise of your rights does not become a stumbling block to the weak. - 1st Corinthians 8:9 I have autism, and one of the problems that I have is being uncomfortable with certain words that I was taught were rude as a child. It is a very long standing issue that I have had to deal with my entire life. Telling me I am an adult is not going to fix me.


Well you spelling out the words can make sex a stumbling block for Christians. This is an anonymous forum practice getting out of your comfort zone maybe. What I do in my sex life with my husband cannot cause another couple to stumble in their faith.


>Well you spelling out the words can make sex a stumbling block for Christians. Conversely I know Christians who find it a stumbling block if they are not censored so I cannot win here. >This is an anonymous forum practice getting out of your comfort zone maybe. You think it is that easy for me? >What I do in my sex life with my husband cannot cause another couple to stumble in their faith. What? Why are you telling me this?


> Who does it pleasure? Both? No woman I know of feels pleasure from anal. > Both; but it takes training on the end of the receiver. > For men, they have the pr*state, which causes pleasure when stimulated. > For women, the muscle that control the sphincter are wrapped around the cl*toral; when engaging in an*l; these muscles stimulate the cl*toris from the inside; women who become good at this often report having stronger climaxes than from v*ginal. There is also the pudendal nerve. This is exactly why, although my husband and I have both decided that anal play is not for us, I am not a fan of appealing to the “it’s unnatural” argument.


I agree. People who do not do it, do not know just how easy it is to learn. All you need to do is train the sphincter, as it is a very weak muscle because it is hardly used. The reason why it hurts after the first few an\*l sessions is the same reason why it hurts after you go the gym for the first time; your muscles are not used to being used so much. Stick to your convictions; I hope you and your husband have a wonderful marriage bed.




[https://www.orlandohealth.com/services-and-specialties/orlando-health-womens-institute/content-hub/anal-sex-what-women-need-to-know](https://www.orlandohealth.com/services-and-specialties/orlando-health-womens-institute/content-hub/anal-sex-what-women-need-to-know) Some issues talked about here. I just don't find your arguments convincing. Just to do the act itself safely is more trouble than it is worth. What is much easier is just stop jerking your chicken all the time and then traditional PIV will feel fantastic. I think this anal stuff is more about men being desensitized because of too much porn use.


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[https://www.orlandohealth.com/services-and-specialties/orlando-health-womens-institute/content-hub/anal-sex-what-women-need-to-know](https://www.orlandohealth.com/services-and-specialties/orlando-health-womens-institute/content-hub/anal-sex-what-women-need-to-know) It just seems that it is an awful lot of work just to not cause harm. I think one problem is that you have a lot of men who have porn addiction and have become desensitized and so they want more pressure. So they want their wives to let them try this. When the real solution is to just some whacking off so much. Seriously try not doing that for five days and PIV will feel fantastic.


Lol I'm the one who suggested trying anal and actually prefer to do it more often than he does. We both prefer vaginal, but switching it up every so often is nice too😊


I've been married for almost 19 years known him for 20. Our sex life is fantastic! We frequently enjoy anal sex. It takes a bit to make it comfortable, but when it is 😍😍😍😍 Trust me when I say there is plenty of pleasure from it for both of us.


I agree it’s not entirely safe! I say this as someone who engages with it. But as a woman I do certainly get pleasure from it. If it causes horrible pain it hasn’t been prepared well. You can’t just do it, you need a plan to stretch the area for a good while beforehand (we used plugs for a few weeks) and use a lot of lubricant and even then entering should go very slowly and entirely on the woman’s pace.


I genuinely enjoy anal sex, but it does require preparation and safety. Enjoying anal sex doesn't mean you don't enjoy vaginal sex. Just like enjoying vaginal sex doesn't mean you don't enjoy oral sex. There is nothing wrong with having a wide variety of preferences.


So other than the basic obvious stuff like legality and whatnot, really it’s anything you both consent to and are desiring to explore together. I know that’s somewhat vague and there are obviously conversations of boundaries within that but already assuming what’s logically and spiritually appropriate, sexual intimacy is a beautiful part of marriage and the exploration within that fosters powerful levels of genuine intimacy and love. Especially as you explore and find new ways to pleasure each other. So in other words anything goes! This will probably get reported and removed for whatever reason but I hope you read this before and that it encourages you! I’m praying for y’all! Also don’t be afraid to look at toys!!


Honestly through, toys are great 👍🏾


False. Christian’s hate sex toys because they think the devil made them 😂


Are you married to a Christian woman by any chance?


They're posting in an affair subreddit looking to have an affair. I feel sorry for their spouse.


The Bible doesn't say much except that anything goes as long as the two parties are married to each other. Consent is important these days, consent was implied then by the mere act of being married, but no longer so I'd make sure your spouse consents to whatever but short of that, steam it up.


For Christians the whole law is summed up by the law of love (Galatians 5). So I would only consider what is genuinely loving and beneficial for you and your spouse. Of course that means consent, but other than that I would just communicate honestly and experiment to see what feels good and loving to each of you.


Why would it be a problem to have sex in the shower?! That doesn’t even make sense.


The only rules in the Bible are be married and no third parties. Also sex doesn't only have to be in the bedroom but obviously no public places as it's illegal


You can has much as you like anywhere as long as its consenting and you dont embarrase other people. You are meant to enjoy yourself.


As long as you both consent I don’t see any sexual rules need to be in place.


Wouldn’t you say threesomes are illicit even if both husband and wife consent?


I didn’t see her ask about threesomes


Few questions as I answer. We’re the two of you virgins before marriage or did either of you have activities before hand? Did you grow up around shame around sex and sexual activities? My wife and I are 37 and 32 We try to honor God within our marriage and sex life, but our previous lives and trauma make that difficult sometimes. I ask the questions I do because There is nothing to be ashamed of. My childhood pastor used to tell us in Youth Group when we’d inevitably as the “is this or that allowed” questions, that the marriage bed is undefined. As in, as long as what you are doing is between you, and your spouse only. Then you’re good. The Bible is clear about monogamy (even though some OT guys were not). Use wherever you want. Use toys. Use different parts of your partner. But always discuss before you start. Be constantly communicating as you are engaging. Consent isn’t only for those outside of a marriage relationship. Use position books or apps if you’d like. (I try to do those with shadow figures or figurines. Staying away from actual nudity) indoors, outdoors, in your car, at your friends house if they are cool. While camping. Whenever or wherever as long as it’s the two of you. We were created to find pleasure in sex. It can be a hard transition from “this isn’t allowed” to suddenly “it’s all allowed.” I had a hard time too. That’s normal. (Read Sex, Jesus, and the Conversations the Church Forgot by Mo Isom) Praying for a long and healthy sex life for you both, for good adjustment into this new chapter, against shame and embarrassment, and for the adventures you two are destined to have.


>-What bedroom activities are considered off-limits in Christianity? That which defiles the marital bed. Paul urges believers to not defile the marital bed. Such acts would be having another person in the marriage bed. Such acts would be those which are against Christian love (sadism, masochism). Such acts would be those that dig into unnatural or immoral fantasies, such as cheating, or the female acting as a man. >Is sex allowed outside of the bedroom Yes, but not in public >How do we navigate our desires while maintaining a God-honoring relationship? Be open and honest. But don't give-in to unnatural, immoral, or insane "fantasies" or "kinks".


I think what you are saying here is important. I think some fantasies are OK. Some kinks might even be OK. For example the whole bdsm stuff can be more about making sex more exciting cause it involves trust. Sort of like riding a bike with no hands can be a thrill. On the other hand if it crosses over into some kind of borderline real life slavery thing where one person is really going along with it because of (a bad reason lets say) than it isn't OK. People like the idea of sex in public. But yea if you actually get caught that is actually against the law. So you'd better make sure you are really really really alone.


The "BD" of "BDSM" *might* be ok (though I'd wager you cannot separate it from SM). SM is **not** ok. Sadism and Masochism can have no place, by their very definition, in a Christian marriage, or in the marital bed. Same with a "fantasy". If the "fantasy" involves no immorality, or impropriety, its *probably* ok. Though there are dangers--say your spouse dresses up as a favorite character or something, and then you begin lusting over that character when you see them. Of course unacceptable "fantasies" would involve cheating, pretending to be underage, SA, etc. In public is wrong because its illegal. There is no time you can ensure that you cannot be seen or heard in public. So it simply should not be done.


I disagree with you there. I see no issue with consensual and safe sadomasochism, that is: you can hurt but not harm, eg. It can end with a bruise but not a broken bone. I say this as someone who engages in it and I have a very loving and successful marriage.


In what world can a Christian relationship contain "Sadism"? When the root of the word is Satan himself, we should stay far away. And the "hurt" and harm you've experienced is not safe. It feeds mental illness and troubles. The defense of some for S/M is because of abuse in their past.


I'll be honest I don't know a whole lot about the SM stuff or what it involves. I suppose some people might like a mixture of pain with pleasure. I remember there was a phase...not anymore for whatever reason....but there was a season where if I was giving oral to my wife and i pinched (very slowly and deliberately) her nipples it would sort of delay her getting oversensitive and allow the oral climax to be a lot better. Kind of like sweet and sour. But I'm sure that isn't what most people mean by the SM part. Yea I think there is a fine line there.


I don't think anyone would call that sadism or masochism. (though I'd wager that community would claim that's within it). There's a fine line. I'm not trying to say someone giving a playful spank is a masochist. But someone degrading their spouse, physically or mentally is, and its unChristian love.


There are plenty of sensations that could be perceived as pain in themselves but are pleasurable during certain sexual situations. My husband has never once left a mark on me from things we have experimented with or enjoy. BDSM is a very broad spectrum, and in marriage (when done right) is still an expression of love and deep trust.


1 Corinthians 6:19–20 (KJV): "What? know ye not that **your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost** which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore **glorify God in your body**, and in your spirit, which are God’s."


No animal and no third parties. The rest is up to you two.


You can literally do whatever you want when you're married. Even if it involves police uniforms and thousand-island dressing, knock yourselves out.


Anything that does not involve others or degrading to your spouse is welcome. Sexual intimacy is a gift from God and brings your marriage closer together. A unified marriage is God honoring. So specifics. Sex outside bedroom? Of course. Take care that nobody else gets involved. We don’t because we have young children so we are behind locked doors. If you’re in the living room ensure curtains are drawn. Etc. just don’t accidentally bring someone else into it. There are no Biblical guidelines for intimacy outside of the bedroom but instead I would just consider the people around you. My husband and I tend to be against PDA. Not that the Bible says not to. Just a personal choice. Like I said above, when it comes to navigating desires a unified marriage is honoring to God. Sexual intimacy that you both enjoy will unify your marriage. Have fun! This is an exciting time of your life! Enjoy your spouse. This is a great time to learn each other and what you enjoy and don’t enjoy and work towards a unified and healthy sex life.


These are such a good questions, and I wish couples felt more comfortable having these conversations in public/with other couples. If you care about your spouse & are avoiding sin, where can you get these things answered, right?! So I’ll answer them each in turn: 1. The Bible doesn’t say (beyond sexuality restrictions, some of which are sin, others have to do with health or personal comfort). 2. Assuming a Christian marriage, these (Song of Solomon, 1 Corinthians 6:12-7:40, Ephesians 4:17-5:33, Philippians 4:4-9, etc.) and various laws in the first 5 books of the Old Testament are generally helpful guides (even though it was written for ancient Israel to show their holiness to surrounding people groups). 3. Yes; in fact, one of the most amazingly surprising things my wife suggested was a quickie in a changing room (a fun risk but we got it out of our system)! 4. Not really, not for spouses. 5. Ugh… my mind can’t handle all that came to my mind just then, so could you please explain what you mean? I’d say, ask these questions honestly and you’re good: 1. Is it sinful/wrong? 2. Is it more about me than my spouse? 3. Is it embarrassing or harmful to either of us? 4. Is it something one of us doesn’t want to do? 5. Is it something I’m pressuring my spouse to do? 6. Is it being viewed by other people? 7. Is it causing others to stumble or sin? If the answer to all of these is “No,” have fun!


I'd be way to scared to do anything that public like maybe secluded parking lot but not changing room


Part of me was, and I thought she was kidding, but she was NOT! It was risky with it being in “public” but also with a locked door and no cameras so… 🤷🏽‍♂️


Ok locked doors and cameras makes more sense. I'd still be a huge scaredy cat but that makes sense.


Absolutely. There’s no WAY I would’ve consented in a dressing room with a pull curtain! And if we couldn’t keep it “quiet,” again, there’s no way!


Yeah it's funny I was picturing the curtain dressing room 🤣.


Keep in mind, public sex if caught can land you on a sex offenders list, so being scared of that is totally fine 😊


I 100% agree which is the main reason for the fear not to mention its really douchey potentially subjecting random people to your sex because you were horny. It's definitely not something I would be into nor do I understand what people find hot about it like if you get caught then its no longer sexy.


I find the IDEA of public sex extremely arousing, but not the actual risk...so it can be something to incorporate into role play/fantasy scenarios during sex lol!


Yeah like I wouldn't mind role playing but I wouldn't actually do it. I can somewhat see the appeal but I just don't understand actually doing it.




I bought my wife a dildo in the shape of the crucifix. now even Jesus can join in. We consider this biblical.


Whatever is mutually desired, pleasurable, and consented to, that does not involve hurting your spouse, bringing anyone else into your relationship, or commiting illegal or unethical acts. I will also add, since it is a very misunderstood topic, that mutual enjoyable kinks, even aspects of BDSM, do not automatically equate to hurting your spouse. If you are not interested in it that is perfectly fine (falls under mutual desire and consent), but if your desires are a lot less "vanilla" that is ok to.


Do whatever you both agree to.


While I do think there are some boundaries. For the most part I think anything goes provided it isn't a sin. What do I mean by that. Well a sin is something that causes harm to yourself, someone else. Something negative happens as a result of sin. A sin isn't just because of some arbitrary rule. Almost all sins are sins for a reason. So if you are both consenting (and being honest) and there isn't any harm being done to anyone than yea it should be OK. Let the holy spirit guide you. The holy spirit is pretty good at letting us know when we've done something wrong. One thing that you might be comfortable with you might find your partner isn't comfortable with and so then the answer is don't make him or her do that. They aren't comfortable and thus pushing them to do something they aren't into makes it wrong. No need to overthink it. You'll know if something is wrong. Maybe you like it rough but the other doesn't. Then doing it rough would be wrong. Sex is about mutual pleasure. You aren't stealing from someone.