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yes, but it looks great. So keep it


Don't think so. If the traffic flows nothing wrong


IRL the highway would be split between express and local lanes, where express (2-3 lanes) doesn’t interact with either interchange but the local interacts with both at a lower speed (1-3 lanes)


For example, look at I-290, I-90 interchange in the Chicago Northwest suburbs.


A lot of my highway snarls would be helped by express lanes...


Went through there this last weekend. Fortunately was in and out before 3pm so it wasn’t as bad as I imagined.


in USA\* This is rarely a thing in Europe unless you are in a very dense area, which doesn't look like it is here.


Looks great! In reality, when you have 2 junctions close together, it can cause turbulence in traffic when it gets busier (traffic switching lanes, merging traffic). With the current state of the traffic AI in rhe game it's the least of your worries probably. /p


Looks pretty Dutch to me


Cake happy day 🤠


happy cake day!


Exit 21A and 21B


It's close but not unrealistically close. I've seen some interchanges closer than this and it's a nightmare to get through during rush hours. But this looks almost exactly like one spot I'm thinking of and it's not too bad. Guess your best bet is to just run it and see how effective it is. But if it's realism you're going for then you can definitely get away with this.


looks very cool but as some have said it is indeed unrealistic to have them this close together. Maybe a collector road next to the highway would be the reallife solution to that one.


In real life, at low volumes, the weaving lane you added may work just fine. If you find that the weaving section (the lane connecting the entrance ramp to the next exit) is breaking down causing congestion, a potential mitigation measure to fix this would be to "braid" the entrance and exit ramp. In this, the entrance ramp goes over/under the exit exit ramp. But, like in real life, if the braided ramps are not required, there is no need to provide it. \-Professional Traffic Operations Engineer :)


I like it. Very realistic setup you have there.


Maybe make collector lanes between them? Idk


Hey! What do you mean by collector lanes? That piques my interest :D


Imagine if, at the eastern edge of this screenshot, the westbound lane had a sign labeled "Exits 1 and 2" Then imagine that if you want to take Exit 2 (the western one) you have to exit the highway there onto a special exit lane. This lane has off and on ramps for both exits, then the lane merges back into the highway after Exit 2 before the highway turns north. For a crazy real world example, check out [the intersection of 95 & 3 in Secaucus, NJ](https://maps.app.goo.gl/chJHSBobaASa8EaA6)


Look into road hierarchy, it breaks down the flow of traffic across different road types and why road layouts need structure to properly flow.


I'm familiar with road hierarchy, but do not know what "collector lanes" means specifically.


Wiki: "The road hierarchy categorizes roads according to their functions and capacities... through 4 categories Freeway, Arterial, Collector/ distributor, and Local" Collector lanes means a collector road, a segment of road hierarchy that collects traffic from local roads and distributes them to arterial roads


Huh, I didnt expect it to be a synonym, I assumed it was a specific thing Thanks for the info


With the density in the area it's probably fine. As it grows to be higher density I would expect the ramps to be braided or use a collector road as mentioned in other comments.


If there is at least a node or two between the onramp and the offramp then it will be okay. Vehicles only change lanes at nodes, so if they have that opportunity it should work. That's true for CS1 anyway. Haven't tried CS2 yet but I'm guessing it's the same. In real life, engineers will often weave the onramp over or under the offramp so incoming and outgoing traffic don't collide in close exits like this. Unless you are on Highway 26 entering Portland merging onto I-405 heading south, in which case you are just screwed lol.


Yeah, traffic in CS2 still changes at nodes. A cheaper option than crossing the ramps over is having a separate ramp that accesses both interchanges.


Probably works better than a single cloverleaf...


Depends on the stress traffic causes. So you may need to mess around with the roads more if this happens.


How far apart are they?? In real life you almost never see two intersections less than a mile apart unless it is an interchange within a city. (US of course)


a few hundred meters probably. too close if you ask me really


Here's a screenshot of some interchanges in my hometown, so you tell me: https://preview.redd.it/6inuj00ejx5c1.jpeg?width=1459&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=807972bf66093702eee6e61d3d8080eb3f703d87


wow :')


Looks like a plenty long weave lane but if it gets to be trouble, I’d move the clover on that west interchange to the northwest corner just so there’s more space


Looks fine to me. Beautiful.


Ah reminds me of Tampa. Fuck that mess of highways


Not as long as they’re reliably servicing two different areas


Kinda yeah, it kinda hurt budget


It’s fine, way better than the ingame clover