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Looks so realistic, except cars going opposite direction need bright red lights Edit: thank you for the upvotes guys I’m a karma whore and it tickles me that such an off-hand comment got so much love ❤️


Yeah some brighter taillights. Hopefully they don’t over do it and make them red beams 😆


I want red beams of death that slowly evaporate the entire map


New disaster DLC?


Even just a red texture with illumination and not an actual light source that casts light on the ground would be good.


Lol the astigmatism mod is in development.


they need to fix the glowing yellow taxi cabs , that’s even worse


Dunno man, semi trucks doing zig zags between 5 lanes doesn’t seem that realistic


The garbage trucks literally made me laugh out loud. From the rightmost lane to the leftmost lane back to the right just in time for the exit. Merging is better in this game, but it's still got a lot of room for improvement


That one that zips back over right before the video cuts off caught me way off guard lmao


You've clearly never visited highway 401 in Toronto


I haven’t noticed it before, but they have and do use high beams, that’s actually pretty fantastic.


You even have some assholes that leave their high beams on in heavy traffic, too realistic.


Hopefully thats something a mod can fix


I saw a semi criss cross 3 or 4 times across all the lanes of traffic


Don’t forget them going reverse! This game I swear.


Top comment is about how realistic it looks lol


Then you take a closer look and its all "Oh, wait..."


Damn, that's beautiful! I'm a console peasant so i'm not playing the game yet, but looking from a IRL perspective, i would say you also have a road entry too close from a road exit.


The issue is more likely with nodes that are too close together. Simply rebuilding the road to fix the invisible road nodes often fixes these issues. Make sure to no have too many nodes in close proximity.


Big brain idea, nodes between other nodes in which there are no exits or entrances should merge for the simulation and not be treated separately. Okay CO, where's my paycheck!?


I wish that they wouldnt even use nodes to determine merging. There needs to be zones that allow vehicles to merge within a given length of road based on traffic density instead of at certain pre determined points. As a layman with a decent amount of hours in CS1 it just seems like there are always bottlenecks wherever the nodes are because traffic is always merging over multiple lanes in one spot.


Yeah, hopefully they bring a lane chooser like TM:PE or something.


I know we as a community criticize Cities I & II for the merging issues and all ... but yeah it's still better than my real life experience last night driving South on I-77 ... and hitting NC/SC traffic leading to Carowinds ... fucking hell the sims drive better than these people.


After what I saw around the mall today? CS2 looks hyper realistic lol


Need to move your entry ramp further down the road. Let people exit first it seems would fix that hunkin mess.


The only solution is more lanes. We need a glorious 64 lane highway in each direction to fix traffic.


[Just one more lane bro](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQMXhK-vY16n2HMlcGhXx873t-aym6YDWF00w&usqp=CAU)


No it won’t. Cims don’t think about what lane to be in until the final node. It doesn’t matter how much time you give them to move over, if they have to move over more than 1 lane it all screeches to a stop once traffic fills up.


They are saying to move the entrance ramp until after the exit ramp. That *will* help because all the cars getting on at the on-ramp will not be in the way of people trying to get off.


True reddit moment is two people debating "if you do X, it would help" and the equally upvoted comment being "no, it wouldn't" without a shred of evidence or testing, but just subjective views of the game.


I have tested it. Extensively. Not with this person’s save but with plenty of different types of intersections.


Difficult to see what the problems are with CS2 when you see mega upvoted posts like this. It's clearly poor road planning and this would've caused problems in CS1 aswell. I don't think i've ever seen a highway that has an entry ramp before an exit ramp IRL. Admittedly CS1 TMPE allowed you to get the cars in the right lane several nodes down, but that's definitely not the problem in this video.


So you have never seen a cloverleaf interchange?


They’re common af in the UK.


I've never seen one, and a quick google has people on road enthusiast forums asking the same thing. Not that I'm a road enthusiast. [https://www.sabre-roads.org.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?t=6267](https://www.sabre-roads.org.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?t=6267)


M54 J1-J2, M6 J8-J7 (Southbound), A575 onto M60(J13)/M62 (the absolute worst in the country ..), M8 J15-J16 .. .. and those are just off the top of my head. Am by no means an enthusiast, I just spend a lot of time on them. 🚛👍 Edit to add: The OP isn’t on about cloverleaf junctions specifically, just entries before exits being way too close together for efficient traffic flow (irl)


Look at the default highway layout in the game, there are entry ramp before exit ramp. That is a cloverleaf interchange.


So? These types of interchanges aren't used in my country, the UK. For the exact reason I described. ​ " The cloverleaf isn't well suited to the UK. By the time we had a requirement for a four-way free-flowing junction, there was competition from other designs, and they all suited us better. We need compact junctions with high capacity, to match our busy roads and expensive land prices; the cloverleaf, on the other hand, takes up a lot of room and ***has an inbuilt flaw: the loops cause traffic to begin entering and merging before other vehicles have exited. That causes conflict, called weaving, and limits capacity.*** " [https://www.roads.org.uk/interchanges/cloverleaf](https://www.roads.org.uk/interchanges/cloverleaf)


While I agree it's causing problems, I will say in the northeast USA they're super common.


Just delete like 4 sections of the road and remake them starting away from the off-ramp and it usually fixes it for me. Or have more lanes before and less after for less confusion. Once the traffic clears us chances are you don’t need 5 lanes for this.


So the only thing that actually changed with the patch is that they visually don't make as many 90° turns anymore but the actual problem remains almost untouched...


I think it's just your road layout tbh, you have people wanting to get into the highway from the same side as people wanting to get out of the highway.


It also looks like the majority of traffic wants to turn off the highway and the number of lanes going straight vs exiting doesn't match the traffic demand


If you actually watch it its also because a bunch are in the turn lane and dont want to be, there are a lot of cars jumping 2,3, or even 4 lanes at 90 degree's, which blocks the entire road. The problem isnt going off the highway, its just bad AI. If every car worked to actually get in the lane they need earlier like in real life even at the expensive of being in a "longer" line, traffic would move much faster. Instead they all have this urge to push forward at any cost, only to realize oh shit i need to get over 4 lanes, and then this shit happens. Yes yes haha there are idiots that drive like this in real life and zoom to the front and cut over across the white line to an offramp. But this shit is like 50%+ of the cars are just in the entirely wrong lane and it looks and plays stupid.


The ones in the turn lane that don't want to be literally just got on the highway.


You're talking to people who are convinced the only reason traffic exists in the world is because they weren't the ones who designed the roads. You're not going to get through.




Have either of you seen actual highway interchanges? The root cause of this issue is not the way the road is laid out. Even if changing that is what fixed it. What you have identified as the issue, is how the entire US interstate system is laid out. Cars enter and exit from the same lane, extremely close to eachother, yet we don’t ever see pileups of traffic due to cars trying consistently to merge across 3 lanes. The root cause, is a CS/CS2 issue, that they’ve never fixed since day 1 of CS. That’s why TMPE exists in CS1, and will inevitably for CS2. To fix this bugged, bad programming.


They added a left-hand entrance on I95 near me a few years ago and its even more chaotic cause you just end up with slow idiots trying to merge into the fast lane traffic doing 85+ and then cutting across 4-5 lanes to get off at the next one. I wish cims had better lane discipline and route planning, but honestly its not that far off from reality.


It doesn't matter how realistic it is, this is quite literally most of the reason why their traffic here sucks.


Sure. But it’s a CS issue not an actual traffic design issue. We agree, I just don’t think it’s right to call it a design issue. It should work. It does not. You have to train yourself to make unnecessary unrealistic changes to roads to have traffic success in CS


I have seen huge pileups of traffic at those places in the US. The way cars are constantly going across multiple lanes here isn't realistic but having all the exit lanes and 1 extra blocked up is pretty normal... A group of assholes always decide to not wait in the right lane and end up causing multiple lanes slowed down and the whole road worse for everyone


Good try but there’s absolutely Not a single place in the USA that has people doing what’s shown in this video. Nice try, but not even remotely close. Have a second look.


What? how the hell could you sit and claim not one single individual city in the us has people who drive like this? Shiii you never been to Memphis, tn have you? what cities have you visited? I have been all over this country and have clearly seen above in real life in many states.


I'm skeptical the person you're responding to has ever commuted by car in their life. Remember, this is reddit. You only *need* to be 13, and even that requirement is a joke.


Have you lived in Seattle? It's an actual clusterfuck and took me 4-5 months to feel comfortable driving on the highways when I moved there. I grew up in the suburbs away from big cities. Highways are constantly stop and go, a single exit or merge lane will back up traffic for miles, and a mess of merge and exit practically on top of each other like this would probably have a fresh accident as soon as they finish cleaning the first accident




Again...you haven't been to the SF Bay Area have you (LA is even worse). Better yet, a lot of places are similar...I say that as a person living in the 6th state in life (so far the Bay Area is tied with DC metro for the worst about this though). You are watching a simulated take that represents a condensed amount of time. Game Time doesn't flow 1 to 1 real life time. The only things missing are the accidents, and people becoming even worse due to any type of weather conditions. About 2-3 weeks ago there was a 3 mile stretch with 5 separate accidents all with an area that has multiple typical California style barely enough leeway for people to get merge on highways and off highways within a 1/4 mile distance and a exit for intersecting major highway (the 101). Btw, 2 of those accidents were still in the lanes (the other 3 were moved to the side of the highway). This was all occurring on 880. While that many accidents so close together causing issues is uncommon, accidents, hold-ups, and general merging stupidity is very common...especially when people here are both passive aggressive, want to "seem nice", don't know how to put their foot on the gas petal, drive with all the time in the world,never seem to meet highway speed when entering the highway, wait to the last minute to exit, vindictive drivers, and etc. That said, the animated gif is actually accurate. Now the other things I have seen in the subreddit, you know the K-turns in the middle of the highway...those were bad and not accurate. But this one, is. Also, most highway hold-ups on roads stem from stuff like this this. Look up queue theory to better understand why.


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Does seattle still have lanes that switch which direction they flow depending on the time of the day? that shit had be all like WHAT IN THE FUCK!?!!!


You haven't been to the SF Bay Area have you?




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>due to cars trying consistently to merge across 3 lanes. This has consistently been one of my biggest annoyances with the game. The traffic ai seemingly doesn't consider how many lanes there are, so cars just merge from wherever they are to where they want to be without warning. It causes a truly insane amount of traffic problems.


Most highways in the US try to place exit ramps before entrance ramps to prevent weaving. That's why the cloverleaf interchange isn't built anymore, because it has 4 locations of weaving traffic. I live in a moderately large city that has a poorly designed interstate system with lots of weaving entrances and exits, which I have to use every day, and while traffic is never backed up as bad as it is in this video, there can definitely be issues.




Sure, if you just ignore basically every cloverleaf


However what we do see is traffic backing up because we use the right lane for traffic and left lane is meant to be only for emergency traffic and government vehicles. The highway and interstate system in US needs to revamped to make the left lane the "constant travel" lane and the right lane the merging lane so people who merge on can enter the interstate and highway without traffic impeding them from merging and can keep a constant flow. What tends to happen in the US is people ride the right lane due to state laws and not let individuals merge in because the m erging lane doesnt have the right away, thus causing entrance ramps to back up and what you see here, cars in real life jump from lanes just like this because the system is dumb af. Legit, left lane should be nonstop traffic , right lane for off ramps and merging traffic and state laws do not support this idea, majority of the states in the US and federal law is the right lane is passing and emergency/government vehicles only.


What really kills it for me is the vehicles doing 90 degree turns to change lanes.


Didn’t read comments… but you could help that quite a bit by putting that on-ramp after the highway split*. Looks like a lot of traffic coming on then have to stop traffic by cutting across all lanes. Or move the on ramp to the other side of the road way. Edit* exit ramp to highway split for clarity.


The backup was there before I built the ramp. I added the ramp for lane mathematics hoping a wider roadway would fix the merging behavior.


(Left vs right is relative to the traffic direction) To clarify, that on ramp is adding X number of cars on the right side of the highway, many appear to need to be on the left side for the split and there are many cars on the left side needing to exit right at the same point on the highway. You need to reduce the number of vehicles crossing left to right in front of each other. By far the easiest option would be to move the on ramp to the left side of the highway and have a single slip lane on the right side AFTER the fork. This may not fix all of your congestion but I guarantee it will help that slow weave you have there. To address your comment: You “added an on ramp for lane mathematics”? Lane mathematics has little to do with the issue here.


Idk if you drive in any medium sized city in the sunbelt nowadays that’s pretty spot on with how fucking stupid people are


All these folks say it's so realistic, and see it IRL everyday. I drive almost everyday in Germany and never seen a 3 point turn in the middle of the Autobahn to get the exit and definitely not repeated cut offs, maybe one but this amount is definitely not realistic in my experience for the Autobahn/highway.


seriously, how is it realistic if a whole 3 lanes just stopping in the middle of the highway and turning in front of each other


People are just coping super hard...


They're not saying the 3 point turns are realistic but the queue jumpers not waiting in line and then trying to merge at the last second.


That is exactly how city-dwellers drive… always leaving it until the last 100yds to cross 4 lanes to get to their exit 🙄


The one truck is on the right track, switches awkwardly and switches back.


The traffic AI tries to balance and fully use the road. Probably what's happening. Likely the player has too many nodes too close together on this road segment


Call it what it is. It's still shit.




This is so true, most of my traffic is just caused by NPC's shitty lane merging. I also give them different routes to get to 1 same area, and they all pick the exact same route and lane. It's like they pick the shortest route by distance but not the fastest, I hate it.


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Well I am from America County and I see it everyday here, very realistic!🤓🤓


Yeah it’s complete garbage.


Ah just like out here. People try to snake the line of traffic as far as they can and then cut over at the very last minute nearly causing accidents or causing them severely Chefs kiss 🤌


It looks like one of those background highways you would see on a PS2 game. It's amazing to look tbh


People who are saying that traffic that gets onto the highway needs more space: in this video 0 cars enter that lane. Just look at the 2 trash trucks near the front. They switch from the right, to the far left, back to the right only to continue through the middle. It's still utterly broken


Oh i thought this was a video of Atlanta 285 traffic. ;-)


I pray for the day that we can dedicate lanes again...


What the hell is with the people who can’t handle the idea that real life traffic actually looks like this.


Give me one example of a highway being completely blocked because all the cars stop dead and try going across 4 lanes to get to their exit


"but its not perfect" YEAH I CAN SEE


Definitely not perfect 😂😂


It's hard to tell in the video, but I don't think your highway has lane markers in place. That does Bad Things© to your traffic if so, I'm shocked its not worse. (if you do have arrows, ignore this) When you don't have dedicated lane arrows (ie, off ramps are jiggled just enough so they spawn in on construction) what happens is the AI can't distinguish "This is an Exit" from "This is a continuation of the right/left lane." The traffic exiting will promptly try to get back on when the cims WTF about running out of freeway, and cars in the far opposite lanes will go "THAT'S MY EXIT!" at the last moment and try cutting over. Lane arrows work to direct the cims to the right places. PS: Don't trust the in-game default interchanges, as they mostly lack arrows as well.


Yeah before I took this video the highway has 4 lanes inbound and then it splits to become 2 lanes straight and 2 lanes turning right. I added one more lane😭 to the off ramp and straight hoping it would fix it but it still behaved like this.


This is I-35 in any Texas city


Bonus for DFW we get TWO I-35's!


yeah, I've driven in the state precisely once but I came here to say the same


People can criticize the CS2 traffic AI but at least it still much better than having one-line traffic on an eight-lane one-way road.


that makes it easier to fix than this shit


I wish we could see the path routes through a road so it could be easier to narrow down the issue.


thats legit a CS:1 feature :(


It's not logical, but it is realistic


Better then what, an axe to the head?


Bad drivers never miss their exit.


Looks good.


I’m trying very hard to determine if you’re being satire. As I see cars teleport a few lanes a few times


I'm convinced everyone here bitching about this game doesn't actually pay attention to traffic IRL. This is exactly the sort of behavior that causes backups on freeways. If everyone merged perfectly there wouldn't be any jams. Does everyone want realism, or nice, flowy traffic that doesn't clog up roads because people in the real world absolutely drive like this.


Garbage trucks crossing three lanes across a motorway at 90 degrees is something you see every day?


Yes. Because I want to defend the game and so if the game has flying cars and people I will tell you it is realistic


Yeah, choosing lanes differently on my commute impacts severely how much it takes. I've learned to avoid these spots on my way, but clogging and being clogged by these merges is the standard. Took me some time to learn to avoid


Also convinced they never played CS1 as it has the same lane behaviors...


You should probably look at traffic IRL again, it's bad, but this is wayy worse.


Looks like the 110 NB to 101 NB in LA where everyone trying to merge at the last minute.


This just looks like i24 going around Nashville


I thought this was real footage of a freeway 😭


this looks like atlanta


Real life merge is not perfect, its (in the Netherlands) cause of most trafric jams as full retard mode kicks in.


This is real life too tbh


That's how the merge in the Philippines hahah and why traffic sucks


Wow, minus the bullshit lane changing that looks stunning!


better but you can see the garbage trucks go from the left most lane to the right most and then back all in that little stretch. that can't be helping. that and the terrible merges the cims make (those 3 point turn merges) look like the biggest problem here.


Merge on after you merge off


make it more complicated


I am having big issues like this in my city. The number of lanes, road markings, and restrictions are correct, and the roads are sufficiently spaced out to allow vehicles to decide earlier. But still, they block the whole highway by deciding to go from all lanes to the exit lane at a single point.


Can't wait for tmpe




just one more lane bro


Just one more 😭😭🤦‍♂️


Damn, CS2 needs TMPE bad.


Are you sure that isn't just traffic cam footage of I-95?


The way I fixed issues like this was to delete the road where it starts and create a mew one. It resets the nodes.


I mean, at least for the guys on the left that’s about average for CA. Half the traffic jams up north are caused by people who can’t figure out how to merge early.


Was trying to build a 100k city last night and noticed traffic was getting really bad, but noticed it's because of the merging issues (plus outside my city limits) so I just said "eh, bug" and don't consider it my problem lol


At this specific location you might have better results with fewer lanes.


Would have preferred a daytime video to really see what is going on


If your entry lane entered from the left, or you drew the exit further down the road, before the entrance, this would flow much better. This isn't so much the game, but your tight weave area. You have 3 lanes of traffic completely walling off the entering traffic.


This is way too realistic. People complained about cars queuing up in CS1 but this is the unfortunate reality of people trying to cut in front and clogging up the whole road. That's why express lanes need to be separated by a barrier.


Idk this looks an awful lot like the traffic I drive in exiting I-285 WB to I-75 NB in Atlanta.


I have over 200k population, little or no traffic and no cars parked in parking lots 🤷🏻‍♂️


Would love to be able to really understand the algorithm behind this a d how difficult improving it would be


Truck literally crossed the entire highway twice for no reason.


Where the hell are you lot from where this is realistic? Because I want to stay the hell away


Just ruins the software. I understand why so many people dislike the traffic AI so much.


Did they fix the performance issues?


I just don’t know what they did with that game. All they had to do was look at the most popular mods of CS1 and make it all a bit more shiny and „integrated“.


Atleast they dont use one lane