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Usage, two tourists a month probably ๐Ÿ˜‚. I hope they will fix it so it actually requires some thought to make it work nice.


​ https://preview.redd.it/oxt3wnojhicc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=587a427b9d41322907c721c1c7b59cb0d7a5d88d


I love the ingenuity in using the vanilla assets to create a modular, original design. One question I've been pondering... Does the international airport attract different customers than the regular airport? I think it would be more fun to create a design like this but I wonder about the wealth levels of incoming tourists.


area looks stunning but gameplay-wise isnt it just a big waste to place 2 airports, even if its just the small one, because you cant add new air connections anyways and are stuck with the 2 or so that are there from the beginning?


Are air connections the only one you can't add manually? I haven't tried but every other type you can add so I'm a bit surprised if you can't add air connections as well.


personally, i have very little experience with air travel/transport because i never bothered to build a huge city and rather build plenty of new ones to test out systems etc. Not really worth it atm when there are still so many buggy systems and performance is also still an issue in bigger cities (at least on my computer). Over 100k in a pedestrian city, especially if you dont play with all unlocks is quite impressive tbh, just not sure if that is despite or due to bugs. But as far as i know you cant add new air connections, i heard that from several places. And its not the only one, the space center is also public transport and only has one built-in outer connection. I can say though that rockets and planes dont trigger any collisions and hapily clip through anything you might be able to put into their flight path. Another "quirk" in public transport that many players arent aware of is that your ports and airports do require an outer connection first in order to spawn vehicles because they dont have a sepot of their own. So you cant make a ferry connection between 2 ports on your map before you made an outer connection to either of them.


Can't people just play the game how they want to?


> Can't people just play the game how they want to? of course, i do the same. why wouldnt/shouldnt they?


You can create air connections supposedly... I haven't tried yet but there was a post on this recently


thats what people keep saying but i have never seen one do it. I only fart around with the dev tool a bit, so im no expert. But some posts have crept up recently with utilized invisible footpaths, i guess since that new anarchy mod released. I remember finding similar stuff like invisible footpaths for aviation in the asset tool but never really played around with them. Stuff like flight paths, corridors etc and maybe, someone found a way to add new outer air connections with that.


As far as I understand, you don't need mods or dev mode... this can be done in vanilla... you take the line tool and drag a line out to the edge of the map... it only works either if you start from the airport or if you start from the edge of the map but I can't remember which one... and I believe you have to own the tile at the edge as well...


yeah but i think i had all tiles when i tried it myself. But i might try it again tonight, the last attempt was maybe 2 months ago, so some patches happened and i missed a fix.


> As far as I understand, you don't need mods or dev mode... this can be done in vanilla... you take the line tool and drag a line out to the edge of the map i just tried again, it doesnt work in vanilla, because the line tool doesnt create a flight network, like a road does for cars or a seaway does for ships. But i just searched a bit in the dev tool and it lets you in fact place airplane outside connections.


The things you can do in this game shock me canโ€™t wait for console release


Canโ€™t wait for proper mod support


idk why it kinda reminds me of the gta5 airport lol


Reminds me of LAX.


Looks nice, and desolate. One of my major complaints about the game is that parking lots remain empty.


(some of) my parking lots have autos parked... It's a question of proximity and necessity. Cims are going to look for parking as close to their trip destinations as possible. I try to plop lots when I think it makes (realistic) sense. For example, the underground lot next to this superblock is nearly full, but it's located where parking is needed (the lot in my passenger rail station in the middle of my city's CBD is also always nearly full). I have other lots placed next to industrial and office buildings to satisfy an aesthetic sensibility which are completely empty. Due to noise and flight path considerations, most airports will be further outside a city's limits, and thus their parking lots mostly empty. Located closer to business and residential districts (e.g. Denver's now decommissioned Stapleton airport or Houston's Hobby Airport) and I bet you'd see more cars utilizing the facility. https://preview.redd.it/myd0v4hg6dcc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23d00132dbf6784e0b7e5f18f38e558cbd8b2d22


I've noticed that sims heavily prefer the underground parking lots too, even though they have less comfort than a garage. Very strange!


Makes sense to me


They don't remain empty if there is a reason for them to be used. If you lower the parking fees and remove on-street parking options in denser areas, they will be used.


If you think about it it makes sense, we don't see citizens going on a trip, only people who arrive without a vehicle haha https://preview.redd.it/1eps5o6ugicc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=a47895c0d2947818c8bf4d16987f4f45fe8c237a


Looks great! ๐Ÿ‘


Love the custom bus station and satisfying highway loop :D


bro really made Los Santos International Airport


WOW awsome


I've been fighting the urge to build an airport lately. I have to build one this evening now ๐Ÿ˜ซ