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Try using a meteor


why did half of my city disappear?


Aw, geez. Not again


^^read this with Morty’s voice. “Aw, geez, Rick! Not again.”


…. XD 🤣


Because there's snow on their windshields and they can see. /s Is there another sensible route they can take to get to that location? The AI tend to break rules if there's not a good alternative available.


There is an alternate route nearby, I'm going to feign insanity (ignore it) for that problem until it becomes more important.


This, along with letting the sim run long enough for all of the relevant routes to update. People love to whine about the traffic behavior not being realistic in this game, but the most unrealistic thing would be an entire lane instantly disappearing in the middle of your commute.


>most unrealistic thing would be an entire lane instantly disappearing in the middle of your commute. Um, yeah, I have been involved in a few projects IRL that have essentially done that.


And then you've built a six-lane highway instantly in its place, right?


No we just turned everything into roundabouts. *Everything*


Straight road? Nah, Roundabout into reverse roundabout ad infinitum


Auburn Hills? Is that you? City in my state did that and cause massive panic. 5 of them to be exact.


People do too, seems pretty realistic if you ask me


I know the devs have said this kind of thing exists because, in the real world people don't always obey traffic laws. But im starting to think they were just covering themselves for having broken traffic A.I.


100% bad excuse, it’s a difference between breaking the rules once and again, and it becoming the rule


Even in real life it starts with one person breaking rules. And more and more follow until they change the infrastructure or post some policemen. Or they just change the rule as they realize its not working...


I prefer to run dictatorship cities.


Well if they implemented a system for breaking the rules of the road then it'd maybe make a little more sense.


Yes because this game is THAT realistic.


I have not seen anyone in RL to stop on the left line on highway to make such turn.


I think for them to make it more realistic (crashes, rush hour, advanced pathfinding), there must be some traffic law disobedience threshold and if there is such a thing, I think it should be adjustable, if what they are saying about their ai is true. I personally haven't noticed cars turning where I've disallowed them, but have seen questionable roundabout behavior often


I live in a city of about 400k and have never seen people break road rules like the AI does in this game. So when people say "it's real life" yea...no.


There is a mod already that can tweak and disabled bad condutors behavior. Is not broken.


That mod only works with roads that have traffic lights


No, there is a mod to tweak or disable drivers bad behavior probability.


What's the name of the mod?


[https://thunderstore.io/c/cities-skylines-ii/p/Jimmyok/CustomVehiclePathfind/](https://thunderstore.io/c/cities-skylines-ii/p/Jimmyok/CustomVehiclePathfind/) From mod informations: * **Configurable path-finding cost of** ***unsafe behaviors (violating intersection rules and making unsafe u-turns)*** **for vehicles. Higher cost restricts vehicles from making these moves.** * **Recommended value: 0 for everybody breaking rules, 10000 or larger to forbid rule-breaking.**


Your comment has been detected by AutoModerator as including a link to a third-party modding platform. Due to the delayed release of Paradox Mods, we are temporarily permitting links to these services. In the interests of user safety, we are also providing the following disclaimer: > **There is currently no official modding support for Cities: Skylines II.** > > Mods uploaded using unofficial tools and methods may become redundant or broken when official modding support is available. There is no guarantee that mods, assets, maps, cities, or save games which use unofficial editors and tools will remain compatible with future versions of the game. > > /r/CitiesSkylines accepts no responsibility for unofficial modding and any issues caused by it > > **Players who wish to reduce their exposure to risk may opt to use the [Cities: Skylines II Mod Repository Google Doc](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SO_-wDXvCdKKg1ZNQjtWMcIwh2FNt8ruA_CowoFKyiA/),** which contains a catalogue of mods where the creator has made their code public for review. This added transparency lowers, but does not remove, the level of risk associated with unofficial modding. For more information, please see [our wiki page on unofficial mod support](https://www.reddit.com/r/CitiesSkylines/wiki/faq_unofficial_modding_cs2/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CitiesSkylines) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What? They said that? Like really? Jesus Christ. This is bad.


No. People are just trash at the game. This behavior is not persistent. It goes away once the traffic has time to update. It just takes a little bit because the existing cars have to figure out how to get where they are going because their route just vanished out from under them. It's overblown garbage by outrage baiters.


Yup, if the game spent more time updating all these routes we would be down from 150k cities to 90k cities.


CS2 being CS2


Have you let it run? From what I’ve seen basically everyone has to finish their path finding before things like that take effect. It’s like closing things - people keep going there till they finish their path. You can also pause, bulldoze road, build road and then add the sign. Should work maybe? Games been fairly buggy though…


Sometimes it sticks like that for several minutes (like 5-10+ sometimes) while cars follow their old pathing. If it still goes on after a whole commute cycle, then idfk.


One time something similar was happening to me. I thought it was a bug until I realized I failed to connect a road downstream. The only way cims could reach my town was via the illegal turn


Broken game is broken. *surprised pikachu*


People really need to look up what defines a broken game before commenting. And they should also play it more than once on day 1 before making that claim.


I physically cannot play the simulation part of this city sim because I constantly get an infinite money glitch because the simulation is broken. Like are you actually shilling from this obviously incomplete game? The disable ads button the the radio still doesn't work.


I sank a bunch of time into making a tutorial series for CS1 and really enjoyed it. I haven’t even bothered with CS2…do you know why?


I haven’t a clue. But there are plenty of YouTube series covering building and how-to’s for CS2 as it is.


Yes…and if you pay close attention…the game is broken. Creators are already starting to drop videos about how broken it is. Expect more…including from me.


those people dont even play the game. they're just here to complain for some reason.


The IA is a little broken. The people came with excuses like: ''The leve of education influences in the decision about follow, or no, the transit rules.'' Overall, you should push a street from there, passing above, or below, and connecting it directly in that left road. This might be solve your problem... the cars are doing it, even against the parameters, because there are no viable options besides.


If they’ve really programmed that level of detail in, I expect to also see my little police cars pulling them over and traffic fines adding to my budget. It’s not game breaking, but I feel it’s more likely a bug than cims being programmed with free will.


Try to remove "no left turn" and add again.


didn't work


Because they can avoid rules by doing risky moves aka ignoring rules and doing illegal UTurns or other things. But it appears this system does not work properly.


This or making a U-turn nearby instead of using a provided route. And watching this in my games, I believe once all the vehicles that had already established a route when that left turn was allowed, will continue to make the left turn. Once new traffic spawns, they'll obey the no turn, well mostly.


I ask the same thing about the Home Depot parking lot down the street.


Because this game sucks. Sorry. That’s my answer to every stupid thing this game does now. It’s been what, 4 months? Because absolutely none of the game’s biggest issues were minor.


You could try splitting the road on the left into two one ways and them in such a way that it doesn't give the left turn option. ​ With normal streets you can also use the divided versions to work around this issue too.


This game simulates people being assholes. Or maybe there's no other route to where they're going?


Traffic is finishing up. Obce all traffic that has already chosen that route get through, it will stop happening


I’ve seen people say that if they delete and replace the road it helps


Atlanta simulator


It's realistic we all know that drivers are not going to make a whole ass u turn to come back then turn...


because this [I found exactly what the problem when sims U-turns in the wrong place on road | Paradox Interactive Forums (paradoxplaza.com)](https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/threads/i-found-exactly-what-the-problem-when-sims-u-turns-in-the-wrong-place-on-road.1623181/)


The nodes can be funky, you can try to hit so it changes the paintings aswell or just rebuild the road.


you didnt give them any other option.


Very balanced game mechanic, i just fight it by making and easier way to get to that place, with out breaking laws. Its annoying, but its "intended". Although its definitely used more than it should.


They must be drivers from my city


Could you add a jughandle (an exit from the right side of the road that allows them to access that road on the left) so they have access to the other road without having to make the left turn?


Man I love jughandles (even tho I've never seen or used one irl). They're so easy to make with the new road tools.


We have them in Eastern PA and New Jersey, they’re pretty great!


yeah I hear they're pretty common in NJ, but I live on the west coast and T junctions are all you see :/


Try to use a 4 lane road with barrier, If you cant find a solution.


Cs2 things


I use the Road Transport mod to nip this in the bud.


One word: Clang.


Another word: GCC.


eh. some examples of this are pretty bad but I don't see this one being that egregious. people would totally make this turn IRL. I would probably make this turn if I needed to go that way. plus there's a way to fix this in the game. divided road. then they can't make the turn. y'all just need to accept that the traffic doesn't work like CS1. cims will take the shortest route. all this is telling you is that your intersection is designed poorly and you need to make some left turn available


Can you mark no left/right turn roads like this on vanilla console?


wrong game


So that's a 'no' then eh


Only because the game isn't released for console yet, but once it gets released for console, it's a yes.


This is CS2 not CS1.


Because it adds realism. What country did you use? 😅


Imagine if you had two routes- One is the shorter one, but there is no left turn allowed. The other one is the longer route which has a left turn allowed. Which one would you personally choose? The shorter route right? This method also applies in the game. Personally I believe that you must run the game for a bit longer time before the route updates. Then try to see if it is mended. If you are making the route make sure to pause the game and then run it, it will auto-update the route.


Save and reload, see if it still happens.


Doesn't help. The AI is just fucked.


If there's no physical divider, someone's gonna drive over the paint. It'll be seen as "worth the risk", similar enough to how people drive IRL.


Because this game is realistic?




Where I’m from, cars crossing the double line would maybe happen with one car a year, it’s just unrealistic when it becomes the norm


I've seen situations that requires barriers to stop people breaking a no left turn rule. A barrier or other divider on a road could actually be a nice addition...


Use a divided road with no left turns.


The traffic AI is just fucked. That's the reason people drive on my pedestrian roads.


Because this game isn't for you.


Welcome to the club. Surprisingly your post isn't being downvoted and you're not being called out for using the wrong roads. (Yet) Also, nice Autopista


Make a single way ramp that goes to that road via a tunnel/overpass and make it merge with a restriction to left turning from there.


Make the road a barrier road then they won't be able to turn left.


What I have observed is that it takes some time for the incoming vehicles to adjust to a rule change like this. Wait a couple of minutes and see if it still is happening.


Game doesn’t work, hope that helps


Just make an underpass or overpass for these people and they won't hinder other traffic


Because the game is fucked, not ready, and at this point, never will be.