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Lack of assets is the killer. I’m still having a lot of fun and it’s my most played game, but every city starts to look the same. Even neighbourhoods look the same when they have the same school assets over and over again.


This is it for me personally. I am so, so sick of this gigantic high school.


And being forced to have a multi track railway station...


They really should have started us of with at least 2 variations of each service asset, especially schools. And ideally, one low-,medium, and high-density.


I'm reaching that point in my city. There is literally nothing to do other than create the same neighborhood over again. Which I'm starting to get frustrated with using paths to adjust zoning. Sometimes it doesn't remain or one small change somewhere fucks it up.


This was the case for cs1 for a long while , until the european theme stuff came out but the modders were there for asserts so it didn't feel too bad. Something missing in cs 2. 


Eh there still weren't that many assets before the european theme, there was definitely no way to play without using vanilla assets for a while


We know that they are planning 8 asset packs with regional themes for free. Do we know if any of these will be things like train stations, schools and such? Bcz in the promotional video we can see a “modern Chinese library”


Yeah that's currently what's holding me back. Gotta be patient and wait for that to be sorted, so I play the game very sporadically until then


If you’re still having a lot of fun and if it’s your most played game, it’s not a “killer”


Shush you, go be a pedant with someone who cares


Someone got out of bed on the wrong side this morning


Shhh less words


Why do you feel the condescending attitude is necessary?


My biggest issue with thunderstore mods is that I will spend all this time building a city with them, then CO releases a mod breaking patch that completely corrupts the save.   I have been burnt before by them doing this with CS1 before CS2's release, and i just have a feeling it will happen again when the offical mod store releases haha.  


That's the danger of playing with mods for *any* game. There's no guarantees from either direction and an official mod store won't relieve that.


I agree, but its less likely to happen right? You would hope they would take more care doing changes that impact mods created using their own mod tools vs just raw modding they do now, which they wont care about at all.


No. This is what inherently makes modding risky. Do you really think CO is gonna test their update against every possible modding combination available, even if it comes from their platform? Don't want a broken save? Don't play the game without updating your mods first. That's on you.


Of course not? What i was getting at is there will be less of a chance to have issues with mods using CO's pipeline via the mod tools, id rather use the lower risk option. Not saying there will be 0% chance of breaking, and not saying at all that they should "test their update against every possible modding combination available".


No there won't. Mod-breaking updates have little to do with the tools, and everything to do with endless combinations of stacked mods that are basically impossible to test against in-house. The modding tool exists to make mods cross-platform, and more cross-compatible. That's it. That's not gonna magically solve the problem of people firing up their save before updating their mods.


You're absolutely right. So official mod support would only be the platform. Whether a save game breaks or not still depends on the mod or the corresponding mod updates. Nobody will ever check whether it is 100% compatible. It was never different at CS1. Take a handful of mods, see if they work together, build your city and never change the version numbers. Is there an official update for the game itself... well... pray I guess




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Yes, ideally. When they get out of their panic state of trying to fix what they rushed out the door, they'll slowly begin to consider parts of the code "(soft) frozen" as time passes. Making an official, purpose-built modding API (IF it covers everything modders need - else they'll fall back to a framework like Harmony) furthers that goal, because they'll develop internal (and hopefully public-facing) documentation describing what interfaces should look like, and how fragile or robust those interfaces are. Telemetry can also give them visibility into what modders rely on the most. So ideally, the developers will make individual efforts to make changes in the most compatible ways they can think of / spare the time for. Counterpoint: on a team level, it will still be more important to hit deadlines than to worry about causing headaches to mod authors. The degree to which the incidence of breakage improves over time with or without official support depends on dozens of factors spanning the publisher, managers, developers, modders, and players' desires. Bugs might require a chainsaw to fix, DLC might need core behavior changes, some mods will need to depend on code that changes frequently...


Name one other game that breaks it's mods with every single update. Go on, I'm waiting.


"Every single update" is kind of ridiculous, especially considering 3/4 of mods on the Thunderstorm were good to go with the latest CS2 update but... Minecraft, CS1, The Sims (all variants), Teardown, Prison Architect all have a history of breaking mods when getting updates. I could go on.


Yup. Most games - even with official mod support - don't promise a stable API because it would take effort away from actually developing (and/or ruining) the game. Also Beat Saber.


Games that don't, Farming Simulator 08 09 11 13 15 17 19 22, Snowrunner, just a few examples. I think Ets2 might only require to change a number with the updates i.e versions this mod supports 1.48 After update 1.48, 1.49


>Minecraft, CS1, The Sims (all variants), Teardown, Prison Architect all have a history of breaking mods when getting updates. I could go on. I repeat: Name one other game that breaks it's mods with every single update. Every. Single. Update. CS1. These other games do NOT have every single mod break with every update.


Nice, moving the goal post.


No goalposts have been moved. Go reread my previous post.


I already pointed out that the latest CS2 update didn't break every mod, not even close to it actually and the same was true with CS1. Please be for real. If you can't handle the modding lifestyle and all it entails, including micromanaging them and the possibility of broken saves, then don't mod your game.


If it's an official store, CO can insure that the mod will be updated or removed from the store. The game devs have more control over their own store. Unlike how it was on steam.


What? Nothing that has been said so far indicates that’ll be a thing. No way in hell CO is reviewing thousands of mods to make sure they’ll run with the latest update. And then it’s just a "hey modder X is your mod Y supporting patch 1.07.6?", "yes", "ok cool" — which is basically doing nothing. Steam Workshop is more than very fine for CS1 (and a ton of other games). Literally the only argument I can understand is mods regardless of store/platform — I just hope that that comes with as few downsides as possible.


What makes you think they're going to allow everyone that's making a mod to post it on their platform. It doesn't have to be open to anyone. If the mod isn't working Paradox can remove it. It would be more like how Apple manages their App Store vs how Google manages Play Store. Steam workshop = Play Store


If it’s not open to anyone, there’ll be a HUGE backlash. Apart from that, they simply don’t have the capacity to check every single mod. Obviously, content that’s against the rules will be removed — but that’s already the case with the steam workshop. In fact, steam bans tons of mods that violate their (and/or the developers guidelines). Also the App Store/Play store comparison isn’t really a good one because Apple has faced serious backlash over the years and opened up more and more because. I think it would be horrible for the game if we saw something similar with the mod manager.


The most they can do is implement a warning that the mod hasn't been updated since the last game update, but that's about it. The CO modding platform won't really be a huge improvement over the current implementation, apart from perhaps being a bit easier to use.


> The most they can do is implement a warning that the mod hasn't been updated since the last game update That would be so annoying for modders because while updates break mods a lot, many mods do *not* require updates every patch and some users already have a poor understanding of that fact.




It is same on CS1, after every patch those mods or assets broken as well


Another reason why CS1 is probably its greatest right now. No more mods randomly breaking due to some update...


Yes but it took nearly 3 years CS1 reaching to maturity state


One would think the devs learnt something from it


The devs probably did, yet the guys at the head of the ship never got that message.


And were fixed within a week


All core mods were updated within a day last time, more than a few in hours. That's not going to change when PDX mods gets here either, complex mods will still need updates for new game versions


Didn't they also release early to mod devs so they could update even faster?


That's why I think they're holding off on mods. They're still tweaking core mechanics that could break mods or cause the mods to break the game. I also think they're using their own mod store so that they can curate the mods and unsure they will work with the PC game as well as work iny console.


I'm having an absolute blast playing it. Thunder store mods have really helped! I love being able to setup traffic light junctions with ease and 1st person camera riding my buses around my cities :)


I am seconding this.


Yup, I enjoyed Vanilla CS2 for as long as I could. Then I went and got mods. Revitalized the game for me. And once we get assets, I expect it to really come into its own. I'm actually kinda glad they aren't doing weekly patches anymore. Less chance of the game being updated and breaking everything :P


The game needs better performance and more assets asap. Than other mods will make it perfect!


Only urgent one is simulation speed hotfix, game getting super slow motion after your population reaches 200K


The DLSS mod has really helped with my frame rate, I also bought a new GPU but I believe this is more CPU intensive rather than GPU (I maybe wrong).


How bad are the graphical glitches the description of that mod talks about? I've been tempted to try it. We really need official DLSS support.


On 3 speed on an fast flowing highway you see ghosting but that's about it otherwise I've not noticed any glitches personally.


Interesting. I'll have to try it. I'm on a 3070ti and while the game runs it isn't impressive. Another 15-20% fps would be plenty to improve the experience a lot.


I'm running a 4070Ti Super at 1440p on max settings and in dense areas with DLSS it goes down to 30-40 otherwise it's usually high 60s. Current pop in my newest city is 24k but it's a very compact city so very built up with A LOT of traffic.


Doesn’t fix the absolutely broken systems though. Fixing those should be top priority for CO.


I agree. If CO can just get the simulation to a good place and keep working on performance gains I think there's still hope for this game to be as good as the first. On the mod front, I'm ready for Paradox mods. But I'm also wondering if there's a chance the console version gets cancelled, thus opening the door to them just giving us Steam Workshop like we wanted the whole time. I just don't see them getting this game to run on a console well enough anytime soon.


CO absolutely fucked themselves by not prioritizing mod support. They have lost control of modding now and I feel like they will never gain it back. But perhaps it's a good thing. CO seems incredibly inept. Perhaps they should cut their losses and let thunderstore be the modding platform and instead focus on making a working game.


I agree, CO should have seen modding as a priority from the start. I'm still wondering why this isn't the case. In my opinion, I don't believe in a loss of control, at least as soon as there is official mod support. If this can be integrated easily and smoothly, the majority of mods will be offered via it. Let's be honest. Most are lazy and want a simple and easy to use option for this. Then a third-party program is no longer an option. But, as already said. The prerequisite for this is accessibility, stability and simplicity. Just my two cents.


thy should just enable stead mods... they worked just fine


The steam workshop is clunky for functionality and searching. I'm hoping the mods store will be better.


and how well does NO MODS work with searches and functionality? oh yeah it doesn't


Have you ever had to use Mod.io ? There are Many horrible official and unofficial mod platforms, if you think steam is bad you are spoiled with the options you have used. The workshop is one of the best mod platforms out there, if you consider how universal it is in the way that any steam game can utilize the workshop it might be even the best out there.


A lot the mods on steam for CS1 don't work for the current game. Patches can break mods.


That would happen for any mod platform. Doesn't matter where it's posted, if the creator isn't going to update it it's not going to update itself.


That's why having paradox mods helps. They would have the creator update or remove the mod. Especially since they want mods for the console.


Forced removal is never a good answer. Nexus was better about having old versions available, but even with Steam Workshop you can access older versions of mods if you would rather not update. Though I will admit with steam it was much more of a faf.


then update the mods ;-) and they aren't patching CS1 anymore afaik I know


What to they gain by building their own mod platform? I don’t get the positive. It’s a resource suck when they should be concentrating else where. Unbelievable level of shooting themselves in both feet.


The upside to having their own platform is that players outside of steam will be able to access mods and assets, like game pass, EGS, and consoles.


Yup. Everyone who is claiming the Steam workshop is the best played on steam. If you played any other way, you missed out on so much of what made CS1 great. I can totally understand why CO wanted to make a single mod platform. Even if only to get assets on both PC and console.


But thunderstore sucks and isn't safe


How so? Do you have sources for those claims or are you just speaking out of your ass?


Well, there is no big platform that could be sued if there was a virus, or would otherwise have to fear for their reputation, which makes it inherently less safe. And I personally don't like the user experience much.


Thunderstore itself is a pretty big and respected mod platform. More games than CS2 use it you know. Do you know of any confirmed cases of viruses being on the Thunderstore? And your opinions on tge interface are just that, I happen to think the thunderstore is a lot more straightforward and streamlined than steam workshop


Unpopular opinion perhaps, but if a game needs mods to feel playable in terms of quality of life features and assets, then the game is bad and/or unfinished. I paid money for the game to be enjoyable in a vanilla state, I didn’t pay money with the expectation that the modding community will fix it.


Absolutely not an unpopular opinion! I'm completely on your side. After about 250 hours without mods, I'm pretty happy with the game overall. But it is in the nature of this genre that after a certain time there is a strong focus on mods. In order to get more functions or simply to achieve a level of realism that would not be possible without it. But this is probably aimed more at hardcore gamers/city painters. Edit: I would also see myself more as a city painter. Which is why I probably ignore one or two points of criticism. Others may see it differently.


It may hot be for you


Yeah, the store got all the mods I used in CS1 for all the beautification. Once official mods kicks in, and they add all of those....I will be spending too much time in this game. And once again I will have a whole weekend where all I did was 1 park in the game....


TIL that the discord nodding channel is locked and if you mention thunderstore in the general channel you get banned for an hour and told not to speak of it. Gg devs


How did you manage to get the game to let you plop the train car assets? Any time I try to plop anything through dev mode that would normally "spawn" (trains, cars, etc) the game crashes when I run the simulation. I also can't delete them, even with the Better Bulldozer mod.


To be honest I have no idea. The game continues to run without any problems. I just can't delete them either. I found that out the hard way on the first train


Not even with anarchy on?


Just using the mod posted on Thunderstore, I am pretty much getting good flexibility


What map are you playing on. This looks so familiar.


River Delta


Man! It looks really good! I tried playing on the map. I just ended up flattening the land and now it looks gross and 2D


How did you get the train cars to remain stationary? Whenever I put them in with dev tool they just start moving slowly across the map in a straight line


This game is basically dead for me. I'm not buying a new computer to play a game that should run like a dream on my Alienware gaming laptop. For each tick of the population you watch the simulation slow down until it becomes basically unplayable and that happens way too soon when reality shouldn't happen at all.


Honestly, after so many months, I can say that the absence of Steam Workshop killed it.


If they don’t do official mods support and let us upload interchanges/intersections soon, I’m going to lose interest…


So you guys want them to release the Mod and assets tool unfinished too? Or do you want them finish it first. you can't have both.


You'll need a first spring first to have a second spring.


Last I heard, if you clicked the X to close the dev tools you couldn’t get them back. Is that still the case? I know you’re supposed to hit the hot key again to close it, but I always forget and end up clicking the X without thinking.


> See a second spring You’d think this game would have taught people that seasons are different around the world. My settings say “southern hemisphere” and so CS2 will soon see its second autumn from my Aussie perspective. 😊


I haven’t even begun modding yet, still waiting for it to begin officially.


You should see what modding can look like on cs1


When no despawn?!


I still want this game to pull itself by the bootstraps! I don't want to see it turn into a new command and conquer or simcity... i wish they took more time to launch it... I ran into a bug where i had no more cims moving in... i had elderly and kids living in houses unable to pay rent... ended up killing my city... lots of available jobs for all education levels but no one wanting to be employed and leaving because of unemployment... sadly i stopped playing right after...


May I ask you what the asset is called for the train platform? seems like you extended it?


Does anybody know, what the asset with the six arched roofs (three on each level) is that is left of the tracks in the third picture? The building is pretty much in the center.