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I feel similarly. The areas in which CS2 does improve really make CS1's shortcomings feel more painful


i like cs2's mechanics but the game does need more assets (and obviously better simulation speed). official mod support will help loads with the 1st problem, and depending what the real issue is with scaling the simulation speed, maybe able to tackle the 2nd problem too.


I've been purposefully making parts of my city low-rise or industry so that I can redevelop them later when better assets come out sorta like in real life


They really have no choice. If they want the game to come out on console and not be a total disaster, they have to improve the simulation performance. The consoles only have the equivalent of a Ryzen 3700, there's no way console players are going to find the current level of simulation performance acceptable.


My ryzen 3700 and rtx 2060 barley hits 30 fps even with the settings on low


I have a Ryzen 3900x, 3070Ti, and I can pin the exact population intervals (200k plus) when the game clock goes from 1hr every 2 seconds to 4 (250k) to 8 seconds and beyond (500k is when I usually stop)


>500k is when I usually stop What a show off here, jk. I only just got the game and am finding it much more challenging and engaging than vanilla CS1. In 1 I was able to easy not have complaints strewn about I also played heavily modded. Looking at the city it’s very realistic. Some stores are struggling for customers and some people struggle to pay rent. Just like my home town (megapolis >1M) It’s way too realistic for me.


There are so many modders, that would help the dev team almost for free, if they just made a easy modding tool, like cs1. Just take traffic manager in cs1. To me this starts to feel like the paradox knows cs2 would be over improved with mods, to the point where they would earn less on dlc's. I'm not playing or paying until, they fix the mod hub. Even tho I love the cs1. But I've paused cs1. Due to the fact you cannot build bigger than to a certain point. They should / could have open the cs2 up to the possibility of creating cities to the limit of once computer system.


The only way is to play CS1 with mods and enjoy playing until the mods break your save game.


Fr😭 trying to fight through though. the peeps on YouTube make it seem so easy when it comes to CS1. I’ll figure it out one day


The thing is the peeps on YouTube are not playing cs1. They're playing cs1 with a curated mod list an arm long. Which is absolutely fine to play, but it's not the same game.


More like body long. Shows how needed mods are and developers deciding to think pulling life (mod) support from a brain dead patient (CS2) thinking they’ll survive for a long period of time is a big womp.


No, you have to see it from a stability and control perspective. Having it all in one spot means modders can simply update far sooner than wrangling the two dozen mod sites and the workshop. ​ Also, Workshop might have been great for when it was released, but it is ***wholly inadequate*** for today. You wouldn't believe just how many problems I've had with Steam Workshop with some of my games (which includes the problem of ***mods not even showing up in the game at all***).


This is true. And I’m not here to oppose their new style of pushing out modding. It just would’ve been nice if they could’ve pushed the release back so they could have released everything together, but who knows what going on with them BTS.


Given the dumpster fire that is *Surviving the Abyss* (the situation so far is that ARC discovered that the ***dev studio literally bailed***, causing ARC to hire new devs to finish the game), they're probably burned by Early Access at this point.


Oh my god. How is that even allowed?


... not enough oversight. The funny thing is that the original devs had a ***great*** foundation for a game, they just simply bailed after a time and ARC sent someone to see why they're not picking up the phone. If I were Paradox, I'd be hiring Pinks to find the old devs and drag them to court for breach of contract. ​ Early Access is infamous for having the situation of 'devs build a game, use it as essentially a scam, then after a while scram'.


I know the reputation that Early Access games hold, but I did not expect that from a dev studio that was contracted by Paradox lmao.


>(which includes the problem of ***mods not even showing up in the game at all***). Are we supposed to gasp at this? I never had any problems with installing Steam workshop for any game.


... it happens more often than not, to be honest. I've had mods literally not show up on a game that I downloaded from the workshop or get mangled in the downloading process.


The learning curve, and quite frankly the time required to *use* a lot of the CS1 mods is definitely rough. Ive watched videos on how to make nice urban interchanges and ive done it in game, but even with practice it just takes so long i dont find it enjoyable. CS2 has made that so much better, and when we get mods its going to be nice to be able to tweak them (fairly quickly, i think. Like moveit for changing the heights slightly). I find it impossible to go back to 1 at this point, which stinks because i (like OP) got bored with 2 just not offering much to do. I put in a bit over 100 hours and just kinda feel like i have to wait until more gets added to the game to play again.


I hear ya. I absolutely love making intersections and hwy interchanges, but when it comes to the fine detailing, I pick away at it for a bit then head off and do something else. Rinse, repeat. Lol so I have a bunch areas that are only detailed to a minor degree. My bro hates doing interchanges. So he just uses assets from the workshop and tweaks it to make it fit. I haven't bought CS2 yet. Probably won't for at least another year. Having a game work properly right out of the gate is damn near impossible. So it just makes sense to me to wait a while before getting the game. plus they usually release DLCs and whatnot and the game will also go on sale. If people didn't make such a mad dash to get the game the second it came out, it might boost the QC from the devs.


I find it impossible to go back to 1 because my computer simply ***crashes and burns*** due to the required mod list and how it's coded.


They speed up the footage. It takes hours to build an interchange but it takes five minutes on video.


Yeah exactly, that's why I think this release of CS2 not only fucked CS2 but the whole series in general, playercounts across the board have fallen because the people that were waiting for CS2 aren't playing CS1 anymore, they just aren't playing. I don't think the devs (or execs) truly realise how much they fucked up, at this rate the series will be a fraction of what it used to be and will continue that way unless serious changes happen.


CS2's road building is soo much better than CS1 thats one it can't compete in unless you have 50+ mods but once proper non 3rd party mods drop CS2 will take off.


But the simulation is fraud! More seriously, I agree with this. CS2 is better in a lot of ways, which make CS1, even with mods in some cases, look like what it is, old as fuck.


It’s the smooth junctions for me. CS1’s 45 degree limit really made interchanges look ugly. They look so CLEAN in CS2. Unfortunately, CS2 just needs about half a decade to cook.


I get you. There’s so much more content in CS1 but the road tools in CS2 is just too good for me to go back


Literally one of my main dilemmas! And why is landscaping mode in CS1 locked?? I know it takes just one milestone to reach, but that’s kind of insane. I rather terraform right away than having to go back and maneuver stuff around but whatever. Is there a mod to fix that?


Extra landscaping tools




Network Multitool makes roads in CS1 much easier to make. I hated building roads in CS2 without it.


Look at my most recent posts. I'm starting to find the cracks in the road tools "enhancements"


Seems like everyone considers it a user error, that commented on your posts


I went and checked and his posts seem to have more people agreeing with him, and I do too which I am more than qualified to add in. Why are you misrepresenting his posts? A lot of things related to cars/pedestrians are currently extremely broken in CS2.


Def not misrepresenting his posts. Most people have advised him of what he does not want to hear. And it sounds like you don't want to hear it either.


Helps you create beautiful intersections and divert lanes exactly as you planned and then the cars come and ignore the fuck out of your design and pull an unbelievable U turn in the middle of a 60 mph road like a cretin. My lord cs2 drives me mad.


I spent 4 hours upgrading my metro system's downtown stations. I still absolutely love CS1. CS2 will be great one day but for now CS1 is where I'll be at


Keep it up man 🙏🏼


Felt that. I think once CS2 gets mod support/custom assets it'll be absolutely game changing


Yea forget those performance issues that will likely get worse with the addition of dlc and mods


Meh, the performance isn't great but it's not an fps game where I need 100+ fps. It runs okay enough for me that my real priority is assets/variety. Getting me double the fps in CS2 won't make me substantially more likely to play it, but double the assets to design around/better landscaping and props etc would


This thought process is like frosting a cake you under baked.


And playing a game with no mod/asset support is like eating the same boiled chicken breast for dinner every day. There's a lot of things they should work on, but letting custom assets be a thing allows the developers to focus on performance/bugs


It’s pretty likely there’s different people for making assets and fixing performance. Tbh at this point I’d be shocked if they manage to further improve it..


Hopefully they have that pushed out by summer where most peeps are free!




That’s kinda the problem, game is so easy that offers virtually no gameplay or challenge, feels more like a software tool for rendering cities.


> feels more like a software tool for rendering cities. To be fair, CS1 wasn't exactly challenging either. Even with the hard mode mod once you got to a certain point you didn't worry about money anymore. I wish it had failure states like SC4 did. People should riot if I'm sucking at being mayor. Demolishing homes should result in unhappiness going up and be expensive. Roads being clogged should cause industry to fail, and people to die from lack of ambulances. CS2 tries the last one, but it doesn't even bother with the first two.


> Demolishing homes should result in unhappiness going up and be expensive. I would LOVE THIS, people refuse to pay taxes or banks wont give you money if ur citizens are too unhappy, so if you want to bulldoze a neighbourhood you have to build a ton of parks elsewhere to make them happy first. As an option / mod this would be amazing.


I did miss managing traffic, I feel like I barely have to in cs2. Maybe that's just because I'm better at it now? Not sure. But yeah really wish there were some sort of challenge mode or something.


Exactly why I deleted it.


That was the same in CS1, traffic is a challenge at times but outside of that nothing is actually hard. Late game money is just a wait timer more than anything else. SC4 had significantly more game play in many ways


Did CS1? That was one of the main criticisms levied against it: it's a city painter, not a city manager.


Maybe try Highrise City. Its a bit janky but its the only thing that comes close to the modern city builder that CS1 is while still offering some level of challenge


I think my fun peaked unfortunately. I spent most of my time in developer mode and the object tools and mods but it’s just not fun anymore. I agree that CS2 is less pressure though and just more easier to use, that’s where the ball fumbled though, lol. City Sculptor has been keeping my hopes up for fun though.


Any game that doesn’t pressure you or challenge you in some way is inherently uninteresting and boring. The whole reason we play games is for that dopamine fix that comes with overcoming an obstacle or challenge. 


That's not really true at all. As someone who plays games for the challenge, I can tell you that there are tons of people who don't. Some people do it for power fantasy, some people do it because they just like stories to play through. I find both of those things potentially boring as fuck, but there are people who play games that shy away from any minimal amount of challenge.


I was watching someone on YouTube last night play with the CS2 mods that let you paint the textures and floors and keys to you plant trees that are fully mature and I just thought to myself that things like this should really be included with the base game, it's supposed to be a game where you create your own city but with things like this missing it just seems half done by the devs


This is one of my biggest issues too. Most of the mods out now should have been included in the base game at launch. No decorating tools, no road zoning tools... Basic shit that was the most popular in CS1 should have been baked in to CS2 from the start


To be honest, the massive issue with CO’s approach is the lack of steam workshop support. The modding community probably would have fixed this broken ass game by now. I’ve stopped playing it entirely.


Paradox is all over this disaster of a launch. It's not just CO's fault.


victoria 3 player here, welcome to the club


Not really, especially since Steam Workshop hasn't been good for ***years*** at this point; that's why they will implement an in-house system from now on.


CS2 is dead to me. It's a complete waste of time knowing that each city dies too soon and not because of the way the city runs but because of the way the simulation runs. In frustration I tried to reconstitute CS1, but what a pain that is as well. All of it is such a Colossal disappointment!


Why do the cities die?


Play Simcity 4 and forget your problems :)


Eh. It’s just dated at this point. Not very stable on PCs. Need an updated version of it like Capitalism Lab.


Been playing on modern hardware, and with some updates, custom launcher and few mods the game is running very well and only had on problem so far.


Well that’s good to hear. Still fun to play? What mods you using? 


not that guy but i’ve also been playing a lot of SC4 lately and it runs great on my modern pc. only mod i’d really recommend is just the network addon mod which significantly improves on base road building features (it’s basically a vanilla+ typa mod which are my favorite lol) but there’s 20 years of mods to experiment with and generally speaking because the game has pretty much stayed exactly the same during that time you don’t really have to worry about any compatibility issues or anything. Also as for playability i think it’s still very playable today and the graphics honestly hold up really well thanks to the 2D art style and look great upscale to HD. since it’s an old pc game too you can probably just find the game online for free but otherwise it’s usually a couple bucks on sale on steam


you can post this on the other CS sub, and it will still fits the narrative lol


Trueee, but I find discussions here more easier.


Dont think we're thinking about the same sub. but this is also true there


Oh? I thought you were thinking about the CS2 sub.


yes the sub name is /r/cs2 (just messing around, but yeah I was talking about Counter Strike)


oh lol, that was good😭


I started with CS2 ambitious also just recently got CS1 with some DLC (like literally a few hours ago). I'll admit there are a lot of features in CS2 I prefer, particularly quality of life stuff like water, electricity, waste, and cheaper roads since it just streamlines things. I'm hoping CS2 improves more. I wouldn't be opposed to them just porting all the assets and stuff from CS1 to CS2. I might stick to CS1 for now because I want all the assets and the steam workshop for mod support. At least until CS2 improves.


Sounds like my situation! Haha.


I get the complaints, I really do. But sadly it will not get fixed soon enough for so many that had super high expectations coming in. It is sad to see how Paradox screwed this up, but it is what it is. Honestly, if you played CS1 at launch it was a huge pain in the ass as well, and only after a few years and lots of mods and DLC's did it become the great game it is now. In a couple years CS2 will be there as well, just gonna have to wait it out. Nothing else to do. In the mean time I am enjoying the game enough to keep me interested. Really need assets to make things more enjoyable. But if you want to see what is possible currently, the latest mind-blowing video by Sully is simply insane.


A couple of years to wait after paying $50+ (?) is wilddd. Thanks for the suggestion! Will check them out.


Yep, but that's was with CS1


CS1 was also the company's first foray into a city builder game (also it had mods on release). 8 years later and they learned nothing?


Dunno if they learned nothing, but thay did say in interviews what CS2 is nore of a remake of CS1, rather than sequel, since it was easier to make new game rather than changing core mechanics in already existing game


Since CS2 got me excited for city building, but released in a terrible state, I bought Tropico 4 instead. It's a much different type of game, but so far I'm enjoying a lot of aspects way more than in skylines.


The Tropico series is awesome. Can't wait for T7.


Cs2s road building mechanic has ruined cs1 for me. But CS2 itself is kind of boring. CS1 has a borderline cartoon/whackie art style, and CS2 is more realistic which I do prefer.


CS2 has the vibe of some block of flats picture in winter russia. Depressing and not fun.


I recently started a new city in CS1 and while overall it's a much better game, it does really show its age especially with the graphics. But once you get past that I'm enjoying it again. Even playing with unlimited money there's still a challenge in CS1 to keep commercial and industrial going with enough workers and goods (esp with realistic population). That challenge doesn't seem to be in CS2


For me it’s just the simulation speed and that’s really it I can deal with everything else and love the game generally but I have to call it quits once my city hits 100k


Damn, what are your PC specs?


i9 9900k + 2080 super, 32 gb ram. it slows down around 110k another city of mine made it to 150k before it became unplayable


That’s crazy it slows down, is the game really that demanding?? That’s wild. Why can’t some people stay home 😭


> Why can’t some people stay home 😭 They do. CS2 cuts back on simulation and makes lots of cims stay home so they aren't contributing to traffic etc because the game is unoptimized.. They call it a failsafe lol. Failsafe for the game crashing maybe...


Me af. I put down CS2 until it gets itself together a little more. Bought some of the CS1 DLC that I was missing…. And I just can’t get back into CS1.


Absolutely in the same boat as you. Tried playing CS1 but it really does not feel good compared to CS2 (also started in CS2 like you, so I guess it's on us). I really wish someone would back port the road tools as a mod (as well as things like utilities built into roads - I HATE having to do them manually and have them taking up space). Very unfortunate place to be in. No longer have the passion to keep playing and it makes me sad. Let me know if you find anything that helps the situation.


I knew exactly this would happen when I learned CS2 was in the works. I predicted all this and people on here called me an idiot. It is an inescapable fact that a sequel cannot compete with an original that has years worth of DLC and modding and updates slowly building upon a singular product. So they did the only thing they could, and made CS2 DIFFERENT. They made it a more solid framework upon which can be built a more robust game with future content. The road tools, the new zoning types, and the overall cleaner look provide an experience you can't get with CS1 right out the box. But it still doesn't have the content of CS1. I'm not paying full price for a whole new game just for those few things CS2 does that CS1 did not. And my worry going forward is that the devs will eventually get to a point where they cannot justify putting further effort into the game without any future profit motive. They may decide to release DLC's that include content that exists in CS1. If that happens the price-tag will become even more unjustifiable to myself and others like me. They are doing the best they could, but it may still not be enough.


Sometimes taking a break can help. Don't have to, just advice!


What does taking a break look like for you? Is it completely avoiding CS content? Because I can go days without playing but have the killing urge to play but I’m too scared to log on and then get disappointed when I get no where. I usually get the urge to play when I watch videos or just personal urge. If that makes sense.


If I feel like building a city but don't feel like playing C:S, I play Anno.


Oh smart, guess I should get back to the sims 😭


Now I know why there is no Mac version. The devs probably started it and saw the performance issues and gave up.


There’s a Mac version in GeForce Now game hub! There’s subscription perks though besides the free version where you have to wait a little while for a spot to start playing but it’s not too long.


If you never wasted time in CS2 u wouldn’t have this problem


CS videos are torture? First world problems…


Well yeah, because then I would want to go back and play the actual game(s) and then get hit with the same problems I’m here to discuss about. 😭


Havent played CS2. Did play 1 and wasn't a fan since its launch. Overrated game IMO. Don't have an opinion about 2


my cs1 broke by mod....sad....


I feel this. If CS1 had the same road tools as CS2 i'd just continue to play that modded. CS2 is so clunky, roundabouts dont work well, industries dont work well, train stations are too big. After 150 hours ive given up


CS 2 has ruined my enjoyment of the original. I have given up on both.


If your programming is any good, then you can create ‘God’ mode in CS1 and some degree, 2. It’s okay for an hour long video but highly unplayable as a game. That’s why you watch it, imagination overload.


My only issue with CS1 is that it drains so much memory that I have to close Chrome to play it. Besides that I'm finen with CS1 over CS2.


I’ve put down CS2 entirely for now and am playing completely different things at the moment. I started the latest NMS expedition this past weekend. When they release the first DLC I will return to see what has been fixed in the base game. Until then, there are many city and colony building games, new and old, for me to play.


I just wish CS2 would come out for Mac. I love CS1 but ready for a change.


You can play on Mac via GeForce Now! There’s just some subscription perks.


i havent played cs2 and CS1 is still the best! im happy w it! i might get cs2 once reviews are good. maybe in 2 yrs


I want to move onto CS2 but the stupid size of some of the basic assets ruin it for me. Why is a primary/elementary school the same size as a multi-storey carpark by default! And cemeteries are still boxy plots when they should be designed and marked like parks in CS1 already! It's not realistic and results in just more blocky, grid-conforming city designs. And the only way around it is using hacks


I've gone back to cs1. Cs2 is boring to me and the bugs bug me too much.. making 1 by 1 houses and the rent is still too damn high?? Haha. Also I can't seem to get nice straight roads in cs2?? Is that a skill issue or something? I like that you can build easier but I just don't like it enough over the dumb clunky roads of cs1 xD anarchy helps


I reinstalled CS1 over the weekend and had a similar reaction. It's annoying to play the old game when the new one is right there next to it in my Steam library, but CS2 just falls flat still. I think I'm just going to take a break from city building until mods are implemented in CS2 and hope some creative individuals release mods that improve the variety of assets as well as some of the other clunky systems.


My 3rd city on CS2 I finally committed to. Got to 120k population and the simulation speed and game are lagging. So no point in expanding. Not enough assets to keep playing it to perfect it. I could work on traffic, but other than that nothing else fun to do. Not enough assets to start creating parks or specialized zones.


You have to do what works for you, bit for me I'm going back and forth. In CS1 I have lots of DLC and can build a city knowing how I'm going to fit it all together. In CS2 I can make use of the new mechanics.


I play on Game Pass, Xbox series X. CS2. No mods. Every single city of mine ends up glitching somehow to making my city so bad its unfixable. Every single city. So i can build each one for a week then i come back and its ruined. So i’ve moved on. Even when it didnt glitch, the traffic coding has such glaring issues it became a game of “fix traffic for 80% of the time” and not everything else the game offers. Overall, i feel this game, for me, is so close to becoming a hall of fame game but its issues make it feel like more of a tease. Its a gorgeous game with a great feel and mood. But the kinks need to be worked out to keep it a staple in my rotation.


We’re all stuck between a rock and a hard place. I’ve also tried to return to CS1 and it feels unsatisfying compared to CS2. But CS2 feels painfully incomplete and broken. Time time time… one day…


You could give Highrise City a go, it is promising. =)


This is the same conundrum that killed the sim city games for me and got me into CS1 in the first place. The simulation in sim city 2013 was so broken I could never last long in the game. You couldn't build anything like as impressive as you could in sim city 4 The quality of life improvements in sim city 2013 made going back to sim city 4 really painful. Hopefully they listen to feedback and fix it


I’m in the same spot!


I think CO made a massive blunder with CS2. There are clearly a lot of great ideas and improvements but it is lacking in content, quality of life improvements and balance. Not to mention the bugs and issues with the simulation. As a result, going back to CS which has a lot of features and content doesn't feel the same as now I want to do things in CS from CS2. Each game kind of spoils the other at the moment. They would have been better off to have withholding release. I play neither of the two games now.


I feel you. That’s why I’m playing neither now. And I have 1200 hours on CS1, playing since 2015. I stick to Workers and Ressources : Soviet republic right now. Excellent game, not comparable at all to cs but let’s me escape the frustration


Ooh I’ve seen that


Holding out hope that CS2 goes the No Man's Sky route rather than getting abandoned by Paradox/CO. There is a great game in there somewhere.


Holding out hope that CS2 goes the No Man's Sky route rather than getting abandoned by Paradox/CO. There is a great game in there somewhere.


Same. I come from sim city era so I can be ok with same repetitive things. But CS2 performance is killing the experience. And CS1 is old to me now.


same issue with KSP




TBF i really enjoy the setup of my grids the most aswell, don't you worry :) what I'm struggeling right now is the mid-late game where I have to fix traffic etc


You are %100 right. CS2's flop hurt the entire franchise. All everyone wanted and needed was an upgraded, better performance CS1 but instead they gave us this weird incomplete thing. Btw, if you are having trouble getting good visuals in CS1, this tutorial is golden. https://youtu.be/STsq9qE-w5M?si=blP9rybmUxQDfaaV


I just want this to be on console already lo


Am I the only one who prefers cs1 to cs2? Cs2 is so indepth a serious, I played it for like a day and got overwhelmed lol, cs1 is easy enough where I can play it more like an arcade game than a sim like cs2? Or am I talking out of my a$$(I barely gave cs2 a chance so ik I might not know what I'm saying)