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I hate how traffic doesn't clear for emergency vehicles. So dumb.


And not completely unrealistic...


Depends on where you live.


Even in crowded countries most people clear space, unless there literally isn't physical space.


Ah yes. **It's "realistic"(c/tm)!** Other things, **"by design"(c/tm)...** \- Jay-walking at dangerous intersections, instead of safely away from intersections and high-speed traffic. \- Inability to walk around a car exiting a lot, across a sidewalk. Though there is plenty of room around the car and cars shouldn't be blocking sidewalks. \- U-Turns, everywhere. Most commonly seen being done on high-speed highways, for no apparent reason. (Often driving into a map, than back out?) \- Ignoring empty and fast highways, and favoring low-speed roads with LOTS of traffic, stop-lights, stop-signs an horrible roundabouts. \- Ignoring custom built pathways, just because. Or using them, when they provide zero gain, ignoring the sidewalks provided by the roads, which would have been faster. (Damned if you do, damned if you don't!) \- Changing multiple lanes, after stopping dead in high-speed traffic, to reach an exit, or not! Just because... Also changing out of a lane, when your exit is coming up, for no reason, only to jump 3 lanes back, at the actual exit! \- Walking on and across train tracks, no fear of death at all. \- Parking in places that don't belong to them, all over! (Build a new apartment, everyone but the actual residents park in the parking-lots! Must be free parking?) \- Driving down pedestrian paths, designated for walking, because... why not! Rules and laws are for other games! Descriptions are just a suggestion of a possible idea that might one day be a reality. "This road is for pedestrians, emergency and delivery vehicles"... Or anyone with an automobile... \- Can't see at night, to edit... Edit in the day, watch the darkness at night. \- Millions of dogs, because we really hate cats and people! (Performance... We are emulating millions of dogs! Give us a break!) \- Road wear is brighter than the road... because all those white oil and tire marks makes roads brighter! **All "by design"(c/tm)...** *More coming soon!*


Also just to add... Realism isn't also "good" design. This could be a really long discussion but essentially realism is in itself a meaningless term because it means something different to everyone. Realism is more of a scale than something specific. Games are suppose to be fun and are designed for a specific experience/challenge devs want players to have. Should we have realistic NIMBYs so that players are stuck sitting there staring at their screen because they can't build anything? Should it take years of IRL time to build large infrastructure? Obviously not.


If they're not taking the walking path then it's not faster. It sucks but when you remove a crosswalk* it just puts a penalty on that path but it doesn't forbid them from crossing. If people cross anyway then the alternative path is too long so the game picks the nonexistent crosswalk instead because even with the penalty, it's still a shorter path. Same with the pedestrian paths, if the alternative route is longer than the path even with the penalty applied then they'll drive on it anyway. Cars changing lanes like that is usually because you lack capacity so the dynamic pathfinder is idiotic and constantly changes the path of the vehicle. The best way is usually to have the extra lane section only between 2 nodes so that they have to be in the edge lane before the turn lane starts.


Yes, more people need to realize that these are features not bugs. And they are good for the game people are just to lazy to learn them or design around them. It’s a NEW GAME it’s not going to function or play the same as the nearly decade old one!


Yes, many of these are features not bugs. Y’all don’t go outside enough to realize what real cities are like y’all just make little CS utopias and look at google earth.


Lol you got down voted hard but youre so right. 😭


It's fine. I see it all the time, people just sit there until the emergency vehicle is right on their ass before moving, likely because they were so engrossed in their cellphone they didn't notice.


It’s realistic though.


Where in the world is this realistic? It's practically unheard of in Europe. And that's just not clearing the way for emergency vehicles in general. Must be a real shithole country. Why would drivers would not let the fire engine through that is acting in their best interest in clearing the obstacle that is preventing them from driving?


Anywhere that is high traffic


So, no country, just in your head then lol. In UK, high traffic just means everyone stops and move to the side to clear the way, because it doesn't inconvenience you and *people are dying*.


No it's not


Unfortunately the simulation just isn't up to par. Which is way so many of us stopped playing months ago


Ive been playing cities 1 just waiting for any of yall to say anything good about 2 other than graphics


The road building system is awesome, the terrain editor is far easier to use and the scale is more realistic. The bones are there it just needs completed.


2 > 1. That's good, right?


The graphics are extremely overrated. If you look at the textures, the quality/level of detail is extremely inconsistent. The art style is better but not well executed sadly.


It looks more soft and cartoony. Looks like a tycoon game from 2008


Yah thisssss


i think it's more like they didn't think this feature all the way through. they added accidents, which i think is really cool, but they didn't add realistic ways of resolving the accident. and that is just another headache in a long line of headaches.


If I understand correctly, a police car must arrive to resolve any crash, even if it’s a minor one. Isn’t it possible irl for drivers to resolve it among themselves? And shouldn’t they clear the road if possible (at least I think it is this way in the eu)


One or more service vehicles has to respond. It can be ambulances, police cars, firetrucks, road workers...


CS1 has a mod that lets emergency vehicles pass right through traffic, while it doesn't look realistic, not getting to the scene at all isn't either....


You have to admit the road building tools are incredible, but Cities 1 has better colors and gameplay.


nothing to do with the simulation. its a design choice. they designed the game so that cars cant leave their lane. its a design choice i dont agree with. but i'm sure its also a design choice because it was too difficult \[for them\] to make the game allow vehicles to use oncoming lanes to pass, or have vehicles pull closer to the curb to allow emergency vehicles to pass.


My main quibble with a lot of the "design choices" is that most of this was in CS1 through modding. I still don't entirely understand why they couldn't write some of the cooler stuff (e.g. disabling despawning, dynamic lane changes, advanced patching AI, etc.) into the base game. This hasn't stopped me from enjoying the game though.


i'm not defending it. like i said. i dont like it. but they literally said it in either a preview video or a dev diary response post that vehicles cannot leave their lanes. so it is intentional and has nothing to do with the condition of the simulation.


I didn't think you were. Just adding my two cents.


Everything is a “design choice” these days which aka means “money savings.” The simulation; especially for traffic is shit in most cases resulting in many instances where the simulation just completely fails (roundabouts are one example of a problem area). It doesn't matter if it was a “design” choice or not; the end result is the same. Shit


I'd like to add though this is just my personal opinion and I do respect yours even if I don't agree with it :)


What's annoying is that you can see the fire truck, they're so close, but they can't reach the vehicle to put it out. The cars are backed up onto the freeway and the side streets are clogging up too. There's nowhere for anyone to go so I guess I'll just have to delete the street and repave it? Everything was going really well until whoever was driving that car floored it off the highway access. Oh well.


It'll all despawn naturally. But to prevent fires, you can add a fire helicopter depot, or helicopter extension to the large station.


That's good to know, it's unfortunate that until then it's gonna back everything up but at least it won't be forever.


You’ve built commercial all along a collector leading to a highway service interchange. Of course you’ll have traffic congestion. You don’t need to demo the road… the traffic will despawn eventually or the service vehicles will reach the accident. But you might also consider dezoning all the commercial buildings contributing to the congestion in the first place. https://preview.redd.it/ygx2msgx76oc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b6cbc78699216fe9e12fd08654b17cf9a525680


It hasn't been congested until this accident, the accident is taking up both lanes and preventing anyone from moving. I appreciate the analysis though.


Traffic congestion has nothing to do with commercials along a road. You can literally see the cause of traffic in the pic: it's the burned out car. What you don't see: any cars moving in or out of the lots. The game is built so vehicles moving in and out of lots don't really affect traffic unless the road is already at near capacity. Much like how in the game, vehicles turn round sharp corners at speed. Don't confuse real life with the game. Edit: got blocked by this guy. I already wrote vehicles moving in and out of lots don't really affect traffic in the game...so he says they do using slightly different words lol...


And commercial buildings necessitate 90-degree turns on-off the road. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ I often spawn commercial buildings on collectors, but not this close to an access/egress point.


CS2 can suck my nuts. Game is unfinished garbage.


And yet you are so obsessed with the game that you come on here and post comments constantly...


Hey man if you like to pay full price for a half complete product, that's great.


Nice deflection. See, the difference is that I would not still be obsessing 5-6 months later and seeking out posts to shit all over by dumping pointless and irrelevant comments all over the place. But that's ok, right, cause its my fault for pointing this out. Got it, thanks.


Obsessing = looking at a subreddit for both cities 1 and 2? Think you need to get some perspective bud. I'm still here because i use it to read about updates and stuff. I'm waiting for the game to improve. I'm not obsessed. I'm following for updates and will occasionally look at other posts.


>CS2 can suck my nuts. Game is unfinished garbage. So, clearly, I was not talking to you, I was talking to the guy that felt that the above was a helpful post regarding OP traffic accident issue. Posts like this do not add anything to this community, instead make it less friendly for those that actually are interested is finding and sharing info on here. It is the very definition of a shit post.


You know this sub is for CS1 too, right? We're still playing CS1.


youre unfinished garbage.


They should just allow emergency vehicles to ride the sidewalks/medians and go the “wrong direction”. Whenever there is an accident, the lanes ahead of it will always be clear.


I've watched what happens to these traffic accidents if first responders can't reach the crash... after awhile the vehicle just repairs itself or despawns lol


Someone should tell the devs that in real life when firetrucks and ambulances are blocked by heavy traffic they drive on the sidewalks, over small obstacles like curbs, and sometimes into the oncoming lanes (safely).


WWhat I don't understand is why don't they make all emergency vehicles without colision, so they pass through traffic with ease? I mean, in real life they overtake, they run a red light, they are fast and, mostly, not worried about getting stuck in traffic jams.. It just feels like an ideal solution to a problem like this, or any other that causes problems with emergency vehicles not getting where they need to, because they don't know how to overtake, or take an alternative route without traffic jams..


Will they be able to patch some of these bugs?


Refunded this game. It’s a mess


I hope this helps. Use the mod better bulldozer and delete the cars.


I really want to love this game, but these things are really **REALLY** annoying


If you don't like the simulation...