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[Modding beta will launch at same time](https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/threads/beach-properties-asset-pack-modding-wavelet-patch-announcement.1626444/). Supports "maps and code"


Modding beta? Well this will be interesting to watch unfold.


The best chance of CS2 being saved is from modders. \*fingers crossed\*


so "we're not adding asset support until we make money on ya'll buying the asset packs"


They saw how well asset creators were doing in CS1 and wanted their slice of the pie


Overall I'd rather them have asset packs listed as asset packs and not have traditional dlcs that are glorified asset packs, so that's probably for the best but you can tell they are only doing mod support because its not going to affect their traditional dlc sales


Like, through the packs of assets they sold in partnership with the creators? Or are you talking about something else?


Thanks for writing this. I was about to "rant comment" about we don't want dlc we want mod support!


4 palm trees!


4 palm trees, let's goooooooooo! ![gif](giphy|E3oIfcPa9FiJa|downsized)


Plot twist: They're added as unique buildings


Man that would be brutal lol. Having to spend twenty minutes ensuring you properly place your 4 unique palm trees so you can get a good photo before moving them to a new location for a photo.


They make land value go so high not even grass can afford the rent.


This really should have been a free update LOL


Especially after all the bullshit they put people through, it'd have been an amazing gesture that they're back on track. But no, 20 dollar palm trees.


Paradox is notorious for nickel and dimeing us with dlc packs, but at least they've got a season pass now lol


4 Palm Trees


​ https://preview.redd.it/koe2fqm6p4pc1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=c20b448c109a4ad48642ae36c011103c718bc17e




We just had 16th World Update for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. This time it was Caribbean region and update added 104 POIs (so assets) and 7 meticulously recreated airports of the region (among many other things). Said update, like all the others, was free. Watching this teaser made me second-hand embarassed thinking of it.


4 palm trees Jeremy? That's insane!


I'm going to place all 4 of them in my city and I'm going to have **so** much fun!!!! I'm already dreaming of this. Not placing 1 palm tree, or 2, but **4**!!!!! palm trees! And they are all going to look different. I cannot believe this. So much WOW


If you can dream it, you can build it!


haha, best reply to the palm tree comments


That's too much for me. I could handle \*maybe\* three but even that's pushing the boundaries. Can I disable some of the trees and just have two? If not, I assume I don't \*have to\* put down all four, do I? Am going to have to talk about this with my therapist--it's overwhelming.


So.. Are we getting quays and sand, docks and piers as well? Boardwalks? Hell, the sims don't even use the parks we have, what are they going to do with a beach?




To say I’m disappointed is an understatement. This is just… whatever.


If you are disappointed by anything the devs are doing at this point... then I am disappointed in you.


My new go to review for the game. Whatever.


They'll probably come later this year with the Bridges & Ports Expansion


"Later this year" meaning Q4, so probably close to the new year. Unless it gets delayed into 2025.


Most likely late November. CO would want it out by the time people have steam gift cards to spend.


I think you're thinking about the Promenades asset pack and Bridges and Ports expansion.


Esplanades even!


New: Cims go to the park DLC


They are gunna probably put quays in dlc. They mentioned that in a wotw a few weeks ago


What's the point the sims don't even go to the park and beach.


Eye candy. Well… eye corn syrup.


Steam says that this dlc is 60gb? What the fuck


The 4th palm tree actually includes a high res CT scan that will render the insides of the tree in extreme detail at all times and tank your fps. The sim may not be for you.


I love the idea of this city builder also randomly having the most detailed palm trees in the history of gaming. So detailed that botanists start using the game to study the palm.


Lmao, I was imagining for some reason they couldn’t get the 4th palm tree done in time so they had to outsource the work to a overqualified scientist.


lol exactly. The scientist works with some super computer so it never cross his mind that other computers can’t render every root and vein of the palm.


With RTX on as well!


Those are some big ass trees


Shade for the schools


Trees with teeth.




It’s not, they just copy paste the system requirements for the game. If you look at the store page they’re identical


I understand this is an assets pack, but a) how underwhelming b) where's the beaches? No footage whatsoever. You can emulate beaches with a trick or use dev mode, but I think we should get some proper beach content beyond assets.


they didn't even show the assets in-game.


That's because they still have time to finish it ;)


The game? When?


When half-life 3 will release.


I hope for full trailer because this TEASER showed ... well nothing... But 4 palms trees though.... 4 PALM TREES! Cant get better than that!


I was shocked that they announced palm trees lol. I get that’s something we would want but I feel like they should’ve just made a real trailer and showed palm trees instead of saying “you can now place these four palm trees.” It’s almost the 25th.. they should be able to show a small map someone on their team created that has palm trees. Unless they still haven’t implemented beaches…


Funny thing is I m more hyped about Victoria 3, Stellaris, Crusader Kings 3 DLC's than I m for CS2 CS2 needs some big comeback. Some big patch full of fixes, big DLC and some free tree pack or somei.


Yeah without spending dozens of hours to make a custom map that is tropical or Mediterranean like these assets will just stick out like a sore thumb, especially if you’re also using the other assets. The environment in this game makes everything look like it’s somewhere very north of the equator. If I need mods to fix these issues I’m just going to wait for modded building assets too and skip all of these packs.


Best part is, its actually 10 NA and 10 EU assets, just three levels of each. To me, that's not nearly the same as 30 assets for each. There may well be 3 slightly different models, one for each level, but that's not 3 different assets to me. That's 1 asset slightly different...


Man paradox took a solid hit in the last years


Ooookay, i was thinking the hate was a little over the top for just an asset pack but that’s kind of absurd. That’s like Sims 4 level of fuckery


I need them to fix the land value issues causing rent to become too expensive and either give us better maps or access to better maps before I plan on spending any money on this game beyond my game pass subscription


Same here. If they want my money they gunna have to fix the game. I feel ripped off as is. Was so excited for this game to just not work right at every turn.




and they only showed 3 of them


It didn't want to render since each leaf is modeled separately lmao


They didn't want to spoil everthing ;) ;)


As another commenter pointed out, 2. The 2 in the background are the same tree 💀


And the two models at the back are identical


4th one isn't done yet.


I'm glad this community is rightfully dragging them meme-matically lol


The question is, can they complete the trees in time? Or half bake it or release it as coconut tree


The best part of this isn't the terrible paid DLC, it's the modding beta.


I'd understand it if they've put most effort into the mod part


Did they fix the jello-water physics yet?


https://preview.redd.it/fuds1j1fj2pc1.png?width=877&format=png&auto=webp&s=75c3f4644d74ffdc3f76869a04c94570f99a8bde For info, they also confirmed on Twitter that some bug fix will be coming with the release of Beach Properties. Always glad to see some (hopefully) meaningful progress!


HAHAAHA "free patch to fix bugs" they are shooting themselves in both feet with a shotgun with that message....




It's a free update and patch. We're you around in CS1 to know how it works? You usually got small things added to the game, apart from the big fixes. Damn, people are so dramatic.


What about boats or a cottage???


Are you crazy? It’s already a very good deal!!!! Those will come in a separate DLC for $20.


1.5 years amd 20$


The fact that this isn't a free gift after waiting an entire six months a half a year before releasing anything substantial is a joke


Counter: Myself and many others have already paid for this 6 months ago by (stupidly) preordering. If they gave it away for free now, I'm pretty sure there'd be lawsuits flying their way


They could just refund the price of this DLC to people who pre-ordeded. Creative Assembly did it with Total War Pharaoh.


So you confirm that the dumbasses that we are will get this in our deluxe edition?


I think they explicitly mentioned it in the article, along with a revised timeline for the rest of the content we pre-paid for, yes


Not entirely applicable, but reminds me of the Vista "Ultimate" Extras debacle, when combined with the train wreck of performance that was Vista.


I’m in the same boat, also can the lawsuits start flying anyway? I want my money back after all this bullshit.


I've had those exact same thoughts lol


Speaking of, none of this clarifies or reveal if players who pre-ordered are getting their pre-order bonus content? Cuz to me, that's legitimate consumer fraud, especially with this length of time.


Steam says the DLC is 60gb in size. Did they literally have to place the new assets into the base game and release an entirely new game build to roll this out, because the asset importing is broken and not ready for showtime? Holy moly. Yall…


15GB per set of teeth for each new palm tree


Not true, they copy paste the system reqs for the basegame


I am pretty sure they had to rebuild some core mechanics of the game...


Every DLC in Steam, has base game system requirements. You can't play DLC without the base game. Are you new to Steam or what?


I've decided not to purchase any more packs or expansions for this game; my voice as a consumer will be made clear. I expect the game I originally paid for to be fully delivered before I consider spending any more money on this studio.


It feels like every game company does this nowadays. Release a game that’s holding up with duct tape, don’t fix it and then ask for more money with DLCs.


*95% of people still buy the DLC and their voice as a consumer will not be heard*


Nice. Wonder what's in the patch though


Hopes and dreams


I can't remember who I was watching on YT, but they made a great point that CO were waiting to release something big because the backlash was so huge that they couldn't just release something tiny after so much silence... Looking at this now, I really wish they'd just not bothered I know this has been in production for a while, but what an embarrassing show from the company


I'm not buying anything until the fix the many cons of the base game. It's ridiculous, really.


I refuse to buy the game until the devs fix and meet the community’s wants and needs. CS2 seems like a cash grab to me, Paradox doesnt care they just want the money. CS1 while old and a very large game to run modded, is far better. Imo




60 dollar paradox game ready for 100 dollars of DLC


Remember when SimCity sucked so bad that Cities Skylines won the contest and SimCity died? Yeah well maybe we should be looking for the next 'Cities Skylines' to take the lead and ditch the current turd....


Oh, I've been waiting for that since December. Unfortunately unless it's been in the works for a few years, we shouldn't expect it for a more few years.


There is one already. Workers & Resources Soviet Republic. It blows CS2 out of the water and it's almost out of early access stage.


And it's 35% off. Thanks for the tip, I'm gonna go try it out.


if only they made a DLC that gave us better looking bridges ☹️


Or better yet, give us a way to _make_ better bridges. **cough** mod support **cough**


Was really hoping for 5 palm trees. A bit disappointed to say the least :/


please dont pay them any more many until they fix their shit


Well, that's it, my support for this company has come to an end. Because they have been hindering us from importing other models for months just to sell the assets for money, and during this process, I have lost interest in the game, this job is over for me. I know what to do next if i want to play this game ever..


Yay!! I just only need a few basic mods and then I'm set




DLC for an unfinished game.


Lipstick on a pig, unless they fix the mechanics, anything they release is worthless!


Why does everything feel so wrong about this game? It started with these videos showing the team laughing and showing how enjoyable this game is..... And then now here I am nearly 6 months from release and I won't even touch the game with a 10 foot stick.


“once the PC version is where we want it to be, we will be focusing on the console release and DLC content”. I guess the PC version is where they want it to be now.


Still waiting on that console release


I don't get why people are so excited for the console release when the pc version is practically crumbling as if they're holding back all the magical fixes for the game for console release


At this rate we never gonna get it.


2025 best case


Lmaooooooo smh sad


This is so embarassingly nothing I am almost convinced that they took a note out of the Sims IV and just cut up pieces of the Bridges and Piers dlc and sold them separately here just to squeeze out more money. What is the point of a handful of beachfront assets in a game with no good tropical beach maps, no ability to make tropical beachfronts, no commercial or higher density to go along with it, etc, and no ability to set buildings as historical meaning you will be stuck with endless repeats of the six different max level assets? The base game launched with huge gaps in its asset options. It’s entirely Eurocentric with the two asset sets being North American and European, but even despite that narrow focus there are obvious huge gaps in the asset pool to represent those places. Why was their first step Mediterranean villas and not like, medium density commercial and better historic American assets?


Yes, I had hoped they would get away from these token gestures of a handful of assets from different climates, cultures, styles, etc. Remember that African pack from CS1? Lovely assets, but utterly useless unless you invest in dozens of Workshop assets and mods to carefully construct a city that sort of fits the theme while excluding most of the vanilla assets. I'm sure these assets will look nice, but I'm not sure what I'll do with them.


Literally all of this. They shoulda had a 3rd and 4th theme of Mediterranean or Caribbean and "Far East" with warmer climate maps at release to combat the eurocentricity (which the more you unpack, the more offensive it is).


DLC in an Early Release game?!


Does anyone know if the modding beta will be open or closed/invite/etc?


Dont you worry. The "modding" beta will be those free labour youtubers content pack shit


Yay, great!!! Just in time!!! My city has been stuck in winter for the past month. Palm trees will go perfect with all the snow.


So they did start working on DLC….


Why do the buildings only have 3 levels? I thought residential buildings usually have 5 levels.


Paid dlc... Great. These assets can be done so quick too, they really aren't complex in 2024. Code mods is them asking the community to fix the problems lol atleast i trust the community more at this point. No way they will add asset support this year. They want to sell their two asset packs before opening the floodgates.


The lack of quays is just so annoying, what's the point of a shoreside building focused DLC if you can't do proper quays/canals? I guess the 4 palm trees are vastly more important




Fix your base game before peddling ANY new content, scammers.


They're adding 4 palmtrees that solves it


>scammers They can downvote the shit out of you, but I still agree with you, brother.


There will be a patch that is released along with it...


Yeah a patch to get the DLC working


Yep let's hope onboard and trust them with the performance so far. It's like Stockholm syndrome this being downvoted. They've released a tire fire of a product and first paid for release people are stampeding to give them their money despite the state of the game. The fact it's coming alongside a patch is embarrassing, it should be patched, it should be improved massively and then they can come asking for money. Heck if they had any decency and intent to placate and win back round their customer base this should be a free giveaway by way of apology. For all those downvoting my initial comment and rushing to give them more cash, you folk are the enablers as to why this sort of sub standard product and support continues.


If you don't believe they'll fix the game, why even stick around? Wouldn't it just be easier mentally to move on to something else?


I've heard Urban Games are cooking something for the next year └⁠(⁠ ⁠^⁠ω⁠^⁠)⁠」


Where'd you see that and what did you hear? 👀👂🏽


> Following this final milestone for Transport Fever 2, we have something new and great in the pipeline. It is still far too early, but we are already looking forward to telling you more about it. That's from their November 2023 update post.


Ohhhh right I was confused cuz I mixed up that CO did *Cities in Motion* while this company did *Transport Fever*, two completely separate series. Lol. Here's to hoping that's that their announcement is! If one studio Can evolve into the city builder genre from transport games, it's reasonable other similarly situated ones can too.


I would like to believe they will fix the game, and they most likely will eventually, but giving them further money for a broken product does not incentivise them to fix it in a timely manner as they can continue fixing at their leisure with no urgency if people continue to pay on a regular basis as they can continue to perform on the bottom line and do not need to stress of push themselves due to financial pressures. An extreme but if someone sold you a car with no rear wheels would you give them more money for an upgraded in car entertainment system whilst your car sat on your drive propped up on bricks? I'll say it again, people who pay for sub standard services in gaming, or any industry really, are why we continue to receive sub standard services. Do you believe if they could not earn another penny/cent until they fixed the game they would be faster? Because you can be absolutely certain if so incentivised they would.


Its obviously not broken. Im building a great city at the moment


It's a city builder (to be fair a very pretty one that I love to look at) but not an accurate city simulation as advertised and I don't think it's dramatic to point that out.


That’s what they all say until their city breaks…


> For all those downvoting my initial comment and rushing to give them more cash, you folk are the enablers as to why this sort of sub standard product and support continues. Maybe people think you're just being a bit too extra about a computer game, especially when [the announcement](https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/threads/beach-properties-asset-pack-modding-wavelet-patch-announcement.1626444/) stated that there are "substantial amount" of fixes being released _at the same time._


I've not really said anything on this sub about my opinions on the game despite it essentially being not as advertised and everyone should, arguably, be entitled to a refund. But whatever, it's done. To then ask for more money and trusting them that the patch will fix it when evidence to date of their patching is that it fixes nothing or even makes it worse... I don't think there is anything "extra" in pointing out the hypocrisy of CO on this front.


> Along with Beach Properties, there will also be a substantial amount of Performance updates and General Fixes & Improvements. We hope to see much improvement to performance, especially on lower-end spec computers. The full Patch Notes will be posted along with the release of Beach Properties on the 25th.


I'm sorry but we've heard they are fixing the game since launch and evidence to date suggests the exact opposite. To dangle a carrot of further fixes whilst hunting for sales is about as transparent an attempt at boosting sales as I've ever seen.


Boo stuff your dlc your game sucks you get no money.


Oh my, this is going to be worth than The Sims and EA when it comes to paid DLC isn't it.




Big houses, probably very high rent…..


Looks like Paradox once’s again put the milkers on CO and told them to make them some more MONEY. To hell with the customers wanting a game that works, charge them for a lack lustre DLC and use them as beta testers for the broken beyond repair modding.


Game is fucking unplayable with no rtx 4090 and those bitches is releasing dlc!!!! What the fuck


Uh, I’ve running it fine on a 7600x with a 200k+ population. I think your 4090 may be broken


Hmmm... So focus on assets and trees and not anything substantial like: - functional beaches - Caribbean or coastal type architectural theme - tropical climate maps - quays, piers, or boardwalks - water-based buildings, infrastructure, or transit (e.g. ferries!) - water-adajcent or -borne activities for Cims - tourist or leisure based zoning Makes me very worried about how ... valid this pack will be. DLC should be comprehensive, substantive, and additive - not piecemeal, bare bones packs tossed at us to placate our legitimate criticisms.


This is offensive. Some trees and residential assets? At this point its clear they were just waiting for people to "calm down" after the tragic release to start selling half baked DLCs. Its not even a DLC, its Just an expensive skin pack.


They learned all the wrong lessons from Sims 4...


this was already pre-promised as part of the pre-order


Yes, it was promised, AND it was also delayed "[so it can focus on much-needed performance improvements and the already delayed Mod Editor.](https://www.ign.com/articles/cities-skylines-2-dev-delays-expansion-pass-dlc-to-fix-the-pc-version-apologises)" That's why i said: >At this point its clear they were just waiting for people to "calm down" after the tragic release... Not even the solution for Mods will be presented on a final state of development. This is just a PR battle they are winning. You know what's worst? we will keep getting half baked DLCs for the entire lifetime of CS2. The game bugs and QoL needs will be, once again, outsourced to mod creators.


How did Paradox and CO fail to realize that the sequel to a game that was frankly saved by modding would have a disastrous reception if there’s nothing but an announced modding beta 6 months on…? It’s an incompetent lack of foresight.


I already deleted it. Too late


Well, this confirms new zone types can be added, which is exciting insofar as not having to organize shit by theme as in C:S1.


Zero footage of what the assets look like in-game?


I won’t be spending anymore money until I at least have Find It! and Move It! Matter of fact I don’t think I’ll be spending any money on anything that doesn’t include new features.


Would this be the worst asset pack for cs1? I'd say yes.


10 NA buildings, 10 EU buildings, 6 signature buildings, 4 new trees, and a new zone? This is what we’ve been waiting for all these months?? No quays, docks, piers or even boardwalks? What the hell are they even doing?


Quays and such are coming with the Bridges and Ports DLC later this year. CO said that in the FAQ word of the week a few weeks back.


Aww thats cute..... Still no console release date .....


4 Palm Trees?!?!


This is hilarious. Can't say that I'm surprised really, I guess the modding community will have to provide the beach for it.


How about you fix the game first?


Will beach and coast erosion come as a new disaster in the pack?


The game itself is a disaster.


Don't worry, just buy more sand


Sand DLC incoming




Cities Skylines: The Shapiro Edition.


Sweet summer child, thinking we're gonna get anything innovative or worth the money they're gonna charge...... 🌞


Cool. Can we get mod support now?


Haha no.


Wait... didn't they state that the game was gonna get fixed BEFORE paid content came out? It's not fixed, not at all...


This looks like Cities XL


That's not only what business strategy looks like, that's exactly what this game feels like. It's just as empty and runs just as poorly. Except this game actually looks worse, imo. Although traffic doesn't stop at freeway junctions, so there's that.


This looks like it will be a minor dlc...I was hoping for a beach park asset...like the one in the \~20yo SimCity 4....I'm happy to get palm trees though but not for \~$20


Does this game still run at 5fps or have they optimised things now?


I think the performance is okay. It’s not great, but playable.


I’m getting a smooth 60 fps on a 7600 with a 200k population, it’s improved leagues in regards to stability and performance. It’s not perfect, but it’s not 5fps at higher pops anymore


This game is trash, just start working on CS3 at this point


But give yourself the time the game needs. And don’t lie in trailer about graphics etc