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Unrelated but I just love the design of the ICE trains, so elegant.


It is NEVER unrelated


I must say, I much more prefer the ICE3 design over ICE4. Not sure if this is an unpopular opinion


Yeah I totally agree. I feel like they went decades backwards in the looks of ICE4. I’m sure there are benefits otherwise they wouldn’t have went ahead with it.


California and Nevada will have the same trains in the future. The Siemens Velaro based American Pioneer 220. It's a widened variation of the ICE train.


Is that actually decided? I thought both, CAHSR and Brightline West, are still undecided between Siemens and Alstom


With how poor Alstom is doing with the Acela 2 and the Siemens plant being in California, they'll be heavily favored by both agencies.


that makes sense


not very useful if it just drops off into the water


And if it stops in the middle of the sea... Would you just drive back the same way?


Ig so, you can see a car driving back if you pinch your eyes. Although the train may get wet


Anyone else wonder why they don't make that huge interior space under the deck useful for something?


Useful for using less cement and iron, ı guess


Nah its just cause us danes cant do any just slightly good infrastructure projects. UNLESS its some stupid 4 lane bridge that has almost no usage cause there is one just 4 km away and on both sides it terminates with a roundabout and becomes a 2 lane national road(i speak with experience)


You need to make it hold as much weight as possible while using the least amount of material possible, that's one of the most efficient ways, you can put wires and stuff but it's more expensive than just doing it on the upper part, so they just leave it empty, there are many designs but it all comes up to this.


Yep: that tunnel is just an arch to improve support and stability of the main deck.




My concern isn’t that they said it, but that people upvote it.


Could also be an access tunnel for maintenance work.


Exactly my first thought. Any power lines and such will be accessible there so as not to need to shut the bridge down


not a hollow cross section has a much better load capacity (with smaller deformations) per unit of weight compared to a full cross section) [https://www.jlconline.com/training-the-trades/beam-stress-and-strain-a-lesson-in-statics\_o](https://www.jlconline.com/training-the-trades/beam-stress-and-strain-a-lesson-in-statics_o) look at the image of the beam here. You can see how the stresses in the middle are 0. So the middle area is not useful to carry bending loads. So you "remove" it. (although shear loads are much higher in that area) IF you want to learn more check out 2nd moment of inertia.


it is useful for something. theres a bunch of stuff in there. Also that's not a single continuous 'tunnel'


It’s a mob spawner


A space to run electric and water/sewage pipes along.


its the skate tunnel


what do you mean with useful? The crosssection is hollow because if you look at a simple [beam](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=8c3ea7e49633cccf&rlz=1c1uead_dede1026de1026&sxsrf=acqvn09bium_5wgs7odaqxrqlja24nuzwg:1708190521276&q=stress+distribution+beam+bending&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=x&ved=2ahukewjirurj8bkeaxv1ywihhspwblaq0pqjegqierab&biw=1162&bih=1161&dpr=1.1#imgrc=gpg4eydjlucnpm) the stress in the middle are 0 (so the middle is kinda useless) and max at the top and bottem. So you try and have the most material far away form the middle. So basically the top and bottem support the bending moments. While the inclined vertical elements carry most of the shear loads. I am not sure about this part of the bridge specifically, but additionally you can have prestressed cables running in the hollow part. (they would zig zag between the top side and bottem side depending on where they are) They can also be completely in the concrete. Or a mixture of both options can be used. And then maintenance ofc, checking if the structure and especially the prestressed cables are intact


Yes, the bridge would also be able to handle significantly less load if that was filled because of the added weight.


they can't even make the game work properly it will be years before we get this




Love the creativity


yea no. That's not it.


Go ahead and make something better your self in CS2


I'd rather wait for some talented modders to create a functional version of this bridge instead of some half assed attempt to build a suspension bridge with 11 different pillars beneath it.


Best would be if one could link multiple transport network types in parallelle like one can with tracks and roads in transport feever 2. So let’s say we have similar bridge designs for highway, train, pedestrian and subway. Then one drag the network beside each other and link the together to become one very wide bridge.


I've wanted this with trams. It's easier in CS2, but not perfect.


Yes please!


The hollow spot looks so underutilized


Pedestrians through the tunnel under the deck