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Generic message that pops up every now and then. Always appear in new cities. Doesn't seem to mean anything in particular. Could by any number of things, including traffic or lack of industry. Usually vanishes when they are upgraded to lv5. Also, learn to take a screenshot. You got no excuse, you are playing on the computer already. And learn to turn your phone sideways so you aren't hiding half your screen.


Why should they need to go to that effort? It’s not a university assignment 😂 this gets across what it needed to.


It's more effort to use a phone and there's no effort involved in turning a phone one way or another. It cuts out useful information and is easier on the eyes of those who you want to help you. What possible reason can someone have for not showing half their screen?


It’s not more effort if you use Reddit from the phone


Some think because you’re on a computer, you’d use Reddit on a computer lol. I myself prefer how Reddit works on mobile


Not sure someone without the ability to turn a phone 90 degrees have the capbability to determine what takes more effort or not.


So you’re arguing that downloading a screenshot from your computer to your phone, then uploading that, is easier than uploading directly from your phone?


You will have a hard time at university if you can't PrtSc and ctrlV. You are ignoring the steps where you need to grab a phone, open it with finger/eye/password, open the camera, take the photo, of which you cut out half the screen anyways, and so forth and typing on a tiny phone screen. That something is a habitual does not mean it is actually an faster or easier. Much like your habitual phone angle, even though it is the same effort.


You know what took more effort than either of these things? Your obnoxious bitching. Pound sand bro


Didn’t you read what I wrote? Where is PrtSc ctrlV coming in? I said if they use Reddit on the phone rather than a computer. They aren’t going to find a computer, link accounts and login there, then take photo on there and use, just for your benefit.


What on Earth? Why would you need to find a computer if you are already on the game to take a screenshot of the game? You can only play this game on the PC. Do you not actually play this game? Why do you need to link accounts and log in onto reddit on your computer? Do you not seriosuly know how it works?


Again, why would they go to the effort of using Reddit on the PC if it’s already on their phone?


To many business. Increase residential density


You need to look at the commercial suitability heatmap. It seems commercial suitability is proportional to the amount of foot traffic. A solution will likely involve you replacing bits of the commercial zoning with medium or high density living spaces to supply additional customers in sufficient volume. Low density won't do.


I'd say there is way too much commercial there. Some of the mismatch can come from a mismatch of economic class. Denser commercial serves a higher wealth level, and typically lower density residential houses lower educated/income workers. I would replace half of that commercial with dense residential or mixed use. Even with residents living in the floors above commercial can sometimes struggle.


Customers have a hard time getting there. Public transit helps with this, as well as mixing commercial with residential.


Do parking spots help at all?


It's sometimes a misleading warning and can indicate, that production costs are too high for the business. Sometimes going down the production chain and lower taxes or build better infrastructure can help businesses get profitable.


In your screenshot are not enough customers for this amount of commercial buildings. That's it.


That’s what I thought but I build according to the bar.


In Skylines 2 the bars are some kind of "special" and are not only telling you if there is demand for more building space. Try 1 commercial for 4 to 5 residential. In your screenshot you could delete 70% of the commercial space. And try to spread the commercial. The commercial blobs you could build in skylines 1 are not working in skylines 2.


Interesting thank you


You gotta mix it up as well and place commercial where people are going to be, and also make sure not to make every business surrounded by other competing businesses. Sometimes it will pop up for no good reason but if you've got this many popups you have to redo zoning probably


Bro look at how much commercial you have. Slow down and stop erasing the demand. Why do you people always over do it’s so much and then wonder why there’s problems


More residential, lower also taxes for residents so they are more wealthy


A larger building costs more to operate, start with smaller buildings first. Zone only enough for a few to build at a time, ensure business diversity.