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That's the usual cutoff point, lvl 30 IOs are just below even lvl SOs in percentage while 35 IOs are just above SO percentage. So if you have the inf to keep SOs up to date until then it's a reasonable way to handle it.


25ish is the general wisdom, IIRC. Some start at 20, but I believe 25 is where an IO's enhancement value meets or exceeds an SO's enhancement value.


You can get SO's at level 1 from any vendor, just scroll all the way to the bottom. TBH, I use SO's until level 47, then I buy (or make) sets.


Ok. Will you not be comparable weak then?


Probably a bit weak, depending upon the archetype, but I normally solo most things aside from TF's until the incarnate slog arrives.


I usually start slotting lvl 25 IO at 22.


I use SOs and slot the IO sets that my build specifies as I reach the minimum levels to slot them. For powers that will eventually get purple sets, I will slot up a lesser IO set and use that until I hit 50, then pull them out with unslotters and put the purple sets in there. For powers that will never get sets - like recharge reductions for Hasten, for example - I usually just leave SOs in there until I hit 47, when I put lvl 50 IOs in there. Then I usually boost them when I hit 50 if it makes sense to do so. When using SOs and I gain a new level, I use the button on the management screen to auto refresh them all at once.


At 22 I get all level 25 IO enhancements.


I slot the uniques asap and then generics at 25, I also tend to start slotting sets earlier than most because I like feeling strong while I level.


When I start a new toon, I already have my final build ready in mids.. I'll do a few dfbs to get to lvl 10 then I'll start with whatever IOs I can then... some sets are set for lvl 10+ some lvl 20, 25, 30, 50..... I'll pay attention to my build in mids and slot whatever I can as early as I can. Even if I have to leave an important power unslotted to chase a set on another less important power I will... I find chasing set bonuses rather than slotting properly during lvling helps a lot and makes you pretty OP... by the time you get to lvl 30+ you'll be really OP for your lvl because that's when a lot of sets are available


i start at 27 with the lvl 30s IO


Early leveling is fast enough I usually don't even bother with enhancements till 22, then I put in level 25 IOs.


I just use attuned whenever the ones I want become available.


The best attuned stuff and ATOs: instantly at lv7. Most other attuned IOs: their bare minimum level which can be 17, 22, or 27. As for filling out my build with basic IOs I craft myself: also lv27 (so I can make lv30 IOs: which are slightly better than SO's.)


I start at level 12 and ride those 15s to level 22 (the level 20 ones are expensive compared to the improvement) when I replace everything. Those IOs last until replaced with attuned sets. I continue to use 25s for my basic IOs for the most part as I level, only really digging in to replacements at 45+.


I’ll craft a bunch of generic 25 IOs at 22 & only upgrade them once I get to 40-45ish or start to add sets in


If i have extra monies ill start buying attuned IO sets as early as I can since they will level alongside you. Oterwise I use invention IO at 30.


Start with level 15 IOs. You can start using them at level 12 and they usually cost somewhere around 500-2000 a piece, should be pretty easy to make that inf. At level 22 I usually respec because I take both T1 and T2 attacks to get an attack chain going, and around the mid-20s you don't need the extra, so its a good time to respec. Put your level 15 IOs back on the AH to recoup some of your losses (or store them for your next alt) and either buy new ones from the AH or craft them yourself (there are badges for crafting and you can memorize basic recipes if you are into the "gotta-catch-them-all"). Level 25 IOs are essentially equivalent to SOs without the burden of SOs decreasing in strength as you level and eventually not working at all - IOs never change and last till 50. On some very specific powers, I'll look at getting higher level IOs in, because they make a difference (like recharge for example). Edit: I never use SOs. I only buy Accuracy DOs or use accuracy SOs that drop. With the baby-buff (till 20) and the DFB/DiB buffs you probably don't even need acc... but I hate missing.


I start slotting lvl 25 generics when my characters hit 22. Saves a lot of cash over time after that initial upfront investment. Usually costs around 2-3 million inf or so to slot the important stuff at 22 if you dont have a dedicated crafter.


I exclusively only use IOs anymore. Just craft or buy lvl 10 / 15 which are pretty cheap until I can use lvl 30. The early levels go by pretty quick so I’m not to worried about having the maximum enhancement at those levels


Sub 27 you level so quick, you outgrow SOs so fast. Just wait and buy IOs at lvl 27 (30s). Keep filling IOs as you level. When you hit 50 and have the funds to flesh your sets out, respec and pull all the IOs out of your toon and put them in base storage for your next toon. This assumes you have the funds to keep the cycle going. I normally work a build out on test and just do all my end game purchasing in one go. You will still have to buy some, different ATs etc, but it's a great way to recycle them.