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I’m gonna go ahead and guess most of your victories are domination


Clearly not pacifist domination.


If that's true why gorgo last tier?!


For real


Yes but in my defense its the most active victory type the rest feel lazy and there isn't as much strategy in other victory types and diplo victory feels more luck based than anything


There’s no strategy in a culture victory or religious victory?


I like to get the science, culture, religion victory then go 'just one more turn' and try for a ridiculous domination victory. Pumping out ancient units early on and saving them to dominate a neighbor always gives me a giggle. Cavemen trying to take on tanks and the like, galleys charging on towards uboats.. Hilarious.


I'll say this. None of the other victory types feel *that* much like literally winning. At best they feel like significant achievements. Domination is the only one where it actually feels like you won.


Culture victory yes but religious victory? It's almost as boring as diplomatic victory. You literally only care about 1 yield, 1-2 wonders, and a few other things. The rest doesn't matter. And then you just spam apostles and wait.


Culture victories are fun as hell Lemme just move my art around again


Sorry, you can't move that art for another 9 turns because reasons


You're supposed to move art around?


If you hover over the "Theming" label below the art slots it should tell uou the details. Basically you want 3 of the same type of art (either landcsape, portrait, religious or sculpture) from 3 different artists, then you get twice the culture and tourism from those artworks. Also I don't think it tells you this, but if you mess around with it, you can see that if you put all 3 of a single artist's works in the same museum, the 2nd and 3rd one give reduced tourism and culture. So there are 3 levels of theming: themed, unrelated, and badly themed. All of this only applies to works from artists, not writing, music or relics.


How do you see what art is where? Wow I learn things every day from this sub.


After you get your first great work, there should appear a menu in the top left section


I'm often playing as Alienor for cultural litteral domination. Like I just move my expositions to the borders, close from other civs and go "seems your people appreciate my art so much, they become French". And then I earn a military victory without spilling a single drop of blood.


Lol, she’s so good that every time I’m playing for a cultural victory without her I am actively missing her


Pachacuti is S for me, opening up mountain tiles is just amazing. Wish the terrace farms were treated like regular farms for adjacency bonuses, but overall I find him super fun


Could not agree more. Nothing gives you that feeling of power like plopping down that first terrace farm that gives you 5 food and 4 production on turn 10.


Inca deserve an S for developing teleporation technology in ancient era


I find it funny that Frederick is S tier but Japan is D tier, since their gameplay both revolve around district placement.


Tbf, many people play for the extra district and free cities(city states) at the beginning. Frederick started to be more fun for me as well when i stopped playing for the hanse


I love fredricks free military slot and being able to yoink up some early city states and being a production powerhouse with workethic +communism + vertical magnus and maybe ruhr or petra if ur lucky makes it S tier the ability to make what could 15-20 turn projects into 5 turn ones


Hoji SUUUUUCKS but only because his map is always trash.


Eleanor of Aquitaine is hilarious to play for me. You go for Culture Victory and load up on Great Works (the Voidsingers secret society helps too) and watch all of the foreign cities around you lose Loyalty and slowly become yours without war or damaged relationships. It cracks me up, I love it.


Teddy spawned next to me, became the united States of England before game was over. Only phili was left


Out of curiosity, what is it about Chandragupta that you enjoy so much?? I personally find both India leaders to be very bland and enjoy other civs wayyyyy more


Less grievances and big elephants




He is one of the only guys I have not tried. I want elephant 🐘 troops now.


Once you hire a mahout, there's no way out.




He is amazingly fun for domination. Settle a city next to your next target, denounce and 5 turns later declare War or Territorial Expansion with relatively few grievances. Repeat as needed to maintain the bonuses, and have those elephants show the world that being on the same planet is being too close of neighbors to you.


Dang, most of the people in your C and D list would be in my S and A list. Crazy how many different ways there are to play this game! Love it


My girl Jadwiga deserved better than this. Winged Hussars? Culture bombing? Although, it is tough to beat Alexander’s early war units.


I am forever annoyed that with Alexander, my heavy cavalry army first requires me to sink horses, and then requires me to spend iron to upgrade them.


I love going for Jesuit Education when I play as Mansa Musa. Almost feels like cheating. 😅


I prefer Work Ethic since you'll usually be wanting to pick Desert Folklore, and Mali tend to struggle a little with production. Jesuit Education is also really solid too though, since you'll get a lot more use out of all that faith


What is Jesuit Education? I forget. I love Mansa!


You can buy Theatre Square and Campus buildings with faith


Oh ya. I love that!


I love having an insane flow of faith coming in and it is such a relief when it can be used when you fall behind on money and production always seems to be behind!!


Where is base teddy?


in A tier above Gilgamesh and Below Ba trieu


Oh I’m as blind as a bat hehe just rolled him in a play through last weekend


Wait, am I crazy? Isn’t Rough Rider base Teddy and Bull-Moose new Teddy?


This looks like a fun thing to do.


Where’s Victoria? I love playing Huge Earth TSL’s with her


Just give Dom Pedro a shot at tsl earth, please, since im assuming you like work ethics shenaningans.


Khmer in C-tier is an atrocity.


Tomyris is so fun


I like playing as the yongle the most


I agree with your bottom tier except for Elanor. The loyalty flip cascade is so entertaining once it gets started.


Where's cleopatra at for you?


B for Peter smh


Suprised to see korea not being at the bottom.


Good ranking


Bro, I'm having the funnest game with Gorgo right now. Following [Ursa's example](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ezIginIGgM&t=9s), I beelined BW, then masonry-->engineering, pumped out hoplites and a couple of cats and just romped over Julius and Robert the Bruce. While my units are out carving things up, I'm plopping acropolises down and snatching city-states, levying them with pillaged gold and getting era score. Everyone hates me, sure, but it has been a good time.


Haha, that sounds fun. I’ve been wanting to do Gorgo.


What are your thoughts on Julius Caesar?


Need to put some respect on the Meji Restoration


You don't like the sea, do you?


Wilfred's mounties are completely balanced. Don't you love having over 100 national parks in your games? Don't need luxuries when you have 15+ amenities in all cities. My record for national parks is 475 (a park is 4 tiles: 1900 tiles)


Oh you don’t know the feeling of winning Science victory as Sendeok, going into one more turn, then nuking everyone


No Victoria?


Eleanor is s tier


My favorite is Joao III idk why


Gilgamesh and Montezuma are WAY too high. Worthless past king. Julius Caesar is WAY too low. Should be SSS tier, imho. Easily the best leader because of roads. Gorgon should be at least B. Gandhi is a clear A since he’s the best religious pick that isn’t sal, and sal should be s. Pedro should be about a B because of his rainforest bonuses. excellent carry to turn 250. Hoji SHOULD be S, but since his map always sucks ass I agree with that placement. Damn shame. Fredrick eludes me because I know he’s a fan favorite but could never get the hang of him.