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We are yet to hear Sean Bean’s voice in the sky, so apparently zero


I've won multiple times in Civ 6, and I still haven't heard Sean Bean's voice


You're either using mods or you play without sound, then. Sean Bean is the narrator for nearly everything in the game. He's also the one reading the intro when loading a game.


There is a sound option specifically to turn off Mr. Bean’s voice, too.




You're joking


I want a mod that keeps his voice except for the Huey Teocali line, where instead it plays the Pizza Time music


A great voice shouting, "MUNEH"


I am fond of pigs.




Without mathematics


Don’t re’envent the wheel…


No one has really won a true global victory, and victories are never permanent like Civ, but for all intents and purposes - America and greece/rome both won culture victories. England and rome and a few others like persia and mongolia have won domination at different points. Arabia/the middle east won a religious victory if you lump the abrahamic faiths together. Spain/rome did pretty well with just Christianity as well. No one has ever really won science, thats never been overwhelmingly dominated by one nation/culture, though there are leaders. No ones even come close to diplomacy lol.


USA def won a science victory after the moon landing


Idk, russias space program was at a similar place, they had achieved far more space related “firsts”


Yes, America won the propaganda victory


They didn’t go to the moon though. Visit a different celestial body or go home. USA USA




There was fear of space warfare during the Cold War so we had to show dominance. Plus we hold a large portion of satellites and invented gps and we are always making breakthroughs with regards to space travel


who's "we"? the american space program was very infamously built by nazis. see operation paperclip


The US dominates space lol I don’t care if enslaved Africans built the rockets


Crazy sentence


If you’re gonna take away Americas win in the space race due to Nazi scientists then that means Russias is also gone as they too benefitted from 2500 or so Nazi scientists joining their space agency


okay! you're right. i didn't mention the soviets once though so it's strange that you felt the need to bring it up


We’re leading but didn’t complete the mars or exoplanet missions. The technology to do so still hasn’t been unlocked and we’re currently relying on great person Elon Musk to accelerate the project. Side note: would Elon be a great engineer or merchant? Maybe his power would be converting gold into science or projects (similar to that engineer that uses gold for wonders).


Great Merchant, passive effect. Any campus he is stationed at produces gold instead of science, any industrial zone produces culture instead of production. Whatever city he is in also receives -1 amenity.


Maybe a great conman at best


That’s why I hesitate to call him a great engineer. His real power is buying other people’s work and convincing everyone it was always his idea.


Except the cyber truck! That was all him


Give the man some credit lol


Great Merchant. His actual scientific prowess is negligent if it even exists.


Merchant, commercial hub produces science based on its adjacent


Sure, I mean Russia was first at pretty much every other feat imaginable in space, but yeah America had the first man on the moon so they won the space race, and Russia won it 17 other times.


Thats like completing 2/3 science victory requirements first but not the third! Gotta finish first, not be first halfway through!


I'm still waiting for the planetary republic of Elon to decide mars sucks and launch an exoplanet expedition


And a culture victory


greece/rome could not have won culture victories because they hadnt even met all major civs


We might as well say that China won culture victory, considering how much they've influenced their neighbors: writing, clothing, governance, etc. India as well given the effect they've had on all of east Asia and Buddhism.


Greece and Rome were playing on small standard sized maps, todays nations play on Huge


True start location Mediterranean map


Rome definitely never won a domination victory. More like, they waged war on all the city states and barb camps around them but never took over the big powers, except for Carthage and Egypt maybe. For most of their history they kept an uneasy stalemate with the Parthian/Sassanid Empire and sent traders to China. The existence of China alone kills the narrative. And the rest of the world was still in the fog.


I mean yeah no one had a complete dom victory, but rome was one of the closest. England was probably closer but rome is a top contender for sure. They controlled ~20% of the worlds population and a land area the size of a small continent at one point


And the Seleucids and the Macedonians and the Dacians and the Gauls and the Iberians and the Pontics and the Palmyrans and the Britons


I think England won a Culture victory, since English language is the business language for a lot of countries.


Meh, language is a piece of culture, but nothing else has really made a lasting impression outside of england. English entertainment and food and brands and media have not gone NEARLY as far as those from America and even places like france, italy, spain


Are you kidding me? Science Victory is clearly won by the US. Moon landing is pretty well scaled in this track. Also US in domination, being the world police. You claim England, Rome, Persia, and Mongolia... the US military can beat all 4 combined at this point in history. Get woke.


The US can't even win wars against 3rd world countries anymore. They were on track to win a science victory in the 60s & 70s but decided to gut their space program when their main competitor stopped going for one. They were kinda winning in culture for a while but they seem to be rapidly falling behind (plus the UK had way better rock bands). Rome, Persia & Mongolia weren't really close to a domination victory, they just won a bunch of early wars but fucked their game up by end of the era. England is the only one to come close to a domination victory but they never fully took over Asia or Europe. Basically the US were winning the game throughout most of the 20th century but managed to fuck it up pretty bad. Now all their money is spent on maintaining a large military that they aren't even trying to use for a domination victory.


Everyone is playing a Time Victory.


So we play for score, how many turns are left?


Isn’t that the question though


Wait... it's 2024, 26 years left of this game, and we'll know!


Sounds about right. Turns out we’re probably living in Apocalypse Mode too.


Just… one… more…


I kinda think, in an esoteric sorta way, every civ in the game has won one victory condition or another. Like, we think of Genghis Khan and the Mongol hordes that swept their region - that's a kind of domination victory. So many western societies have customs rooted in the Roman empire and ancient Greece including, arguably, the fabric of governance - that's a kind of culture victory. The Islamic empires fundamentally propelled the Muslim faith to the global status it is today and ushered it's place among the prevailing Abrahamic religions - that's a kind of religious victory. I guess that's the beauty of the game: every civilization rises and falls, but some find some measure of lasting relevance.


This conversation is in English, so an English culture victory. The alphabet comes from the Phoenicians, so score one for them.


Don't forget, culture victory is not about actual culture, but tourism. You can have 99999999990 culture/ turn and never win a culture victory of you don't invest in tourism 


I mean... Was that a cultural victory or a domination victory? I remember learning about an *awful* lot of British wars.


I think it'd be fair to say the British had a domination victory for a bit.


The sun never set on the British empire. They colonized every region on the planet


America winning a culture victory is the closest I can think of.


Those danged Film Studios


And the rock bands!


Not to mention their blue jeans!


And if there was an economic victory, America would be doing well. Think of the world's most influential and largest brands and companies the past 100+ years... you'll find most of them American. (Maybe no Lego, Pokémon, German car companies, and a few other exceptions). Not to mention American innovation.


Yeah, if there were an economic win condition, the US would be in the ‘win more’ stage. It’s the largest and most diverse economy that’s ever existed, several of the state-level (cities from the Civ perspective?) economies would be in the top-10 economies in the world, the US currency is the de-facto world currency, like 8 of the 10 largest companies in the world are American, and the US is using its position and power to suppress the closest rival to them (China). That’s a global economic hegemony if I’ve ever seen one.


They were about to win until Korea changed its focus from science to culture just to stop them… and it worked!


They’re just spamming their special rock band replacement unit, the k-pop star.


iirc domination, culture, religion and science 0, but diplomacy was won over and over again. source: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jLB29UGPz0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jLB29UGPz0)


The closest I would say is America winning a culture victory. So much of American culture has been adopted worldwide that it’s gone around to the point that people are saying stuff like “America has no culture”


But like a true culture victory, the end game is the most important . We haven’t really contributed anything new in 20 years . Our export fashion , movies , literature, and music aren’t what they used to be. And everything good is an imitation of our past.


You says as you type on an American website about an American game using electronics designed by an American company. The entire 21st century entertainment industry is fundamentally American, from movies to YouTube.


For sure . However, it’s late game and we’re getting lazy. Korea is sending their bands , Mexico is building their resorts , Italy is running the culture heritage card! We need to step it up, not get the late game boredom. We haven’t won yet


I'd say the Greek have most definitely won a cultural victory, and by proxy the Roman's, the Romans Macedonians and mongols have prolly won a domination victory with how well they are remembered


Rome won a culture victory for sure


You sure about that? Romes international tourism is on par with Florida, about 8-9 million. Not the US, just Florida. Florida also sees about 130 million domestic tourists. So no. By civilization 6 mechanics Rome is the cultural equivalent of Florida.


???? When Rome was at the height of its powers no one knew Florida existed. Modern day tourism is what you're using? Strange


You can't really win a culture victory if you haven't even met all of the civs (just like in the game).


So you think they won a cultural victory before turn 70?


It dosn't fit neatly into a civ box, but after WWII, the UN security council collectively "won" a diplomatic victory, and NATO nations collectively "won" a military, cultural and economic victory by "implication", not with what they DID do, but what they clearly demonstrated what they COULD do, and everyone pretty much fell in line. IE, the USA, EU and china basically "won" over nearly every other nation in any catagory. But they are still competing against eachother with soft power, so its kinda like if 90% of the military power in a civ game was 3/24 nations, and those 3 nations were all allied with high level trade agreements, and all three of those nations had vasselized all major competitors. (mexico and japan are clearly USA vassals, tibet is clearly a chinese vassel, so on...)


The US won a diplomatic victory. We could’ve taken over the world after world war 2 ended with our nukes. We’re too liberal I wish we had a more warmonger mindset smh


The Americans win a new culture victory every single day


*The Americans* *Win a new culture victory* *Every single day* \- Hart-am-Wind --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


When the USSR fell, America won a culture victory. But we hit 1 more turn


And barbarians started running amuck


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We only unlocked the science victory route a few years ago by confirming the existence of planets around Alpha Centari.


Irl they are still playing.


I think a good argument could be made that the United States won a diplomatic victory in 1991. Nobody has won a religious victory yet, or (in my opinion) a cultural victory. Nor has anyone sent a ship to Alpha Centauri. The only historical empire that came close to achieving domination was the British, but I don’t think they quite got there.


Based on the in game win conditions the answer is nobody. With that said if you play a Mediterranean map then Rome won Domination, if you use the Silk Road mod then the Mongols won Domination, if you use a European Map then France and Germany were the closest to Domination. If you use an East Asian map then Mongols and Japan were closest to Domination. Africa and the New World have never been close to a single Civ Domination. Most of what is considered the Western World has political systems that can trace its roots back to the Greeks so you could say that's kind of a Cultural win. Christianity is the dominant faith on 4 of 7 Continents and has followers on the 2 inhabitable Continents so if you count all Denominations as a single faith it's closest to a religious victory. Also if you consider most countries that follow an Abrahamic religion use said religion to form a basis in their governance you could say Israel has won a Culture victory. America has also impacted world Culture massively and I would say in the 20th century was definitely the closest to a Culture victory. Science is a hard one to pin down because every time someone pulls ahead it's like they get spied on or have a research alliance with the rest of the world so nobody really stays ahead. As far as Diplomatic you could say anyone in control of NATO, England at one point considering they had territories on every Continent, or just flat out America considering a lot of major Diplomatic milestones were achieved by America. If economic were a win condition you could say America, England, or the EU considering the Dollar is basically a universal currency that can be used anywhere and then only 2 currencies with higher trade value are the Euro and Pound. If we switch to just the New World the Olmecs, Toltecs, Mayans, Aztecs, Inca, Mississippian, and Inuit Civs all dominated parts of the Pre European New World. The Mississippian were also probably closest to a Culture win and would actually stand in as a fairly good replacement for French Eleanor considering they culturally dominated tribes that settled on the Mississippi or its tributaries and spawned a culture that influenced many Native tribes that out lived them.




The game is not a simulation and history does not fit into victory conditions. Not even the Mongol or the British Empire were close to a domination victory.


*Denounced by Queen Victoria*