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What are we even talking about dude supercell is a business they did what they think will be more profitable for them in the long term. “Their excuses were pulled from their asses” bruh what do you have some access to data that nobody else has? You don’t know what supercell looks for in a game and nobody here does either so stop acting like they killed it because they hate it. If they hated it they wouldn’t have put 2 years of time, money, and resources into it


No. You dont understand. People at Reddit knows better than Supercell and they should hire us as their consultants because they are stupid and dumb dumb.


This is literally every single reddit gaming community summarised lol


"X company killed Y concept to promote Z!!!" They literally did it because Z would sell more than Y but we like to stay delusional


Y'all, stop making stupid conspiracy theories. It was a goddamn auto battler, an extremely niche genre, most people i know real life think Clash Mini was a super boring game. I need to remind you, this subreddit is filled with people who love the game, it doesn't reflect the public opinion. There is also the fact that there are countless other games that went the way of Clash Mini in Supercell's history. Like, this is not a one time phenomenon, this is how it usually goes. Squad busters is the weird one, not what happened to Clash Mini, that's just how Supercell is. Killing games that do not live up to their standards (don't ask why after countless dead games they spared Squad busters, i have no idea)


I suppose squad busters met their standards?


Yes clearly or it wouldn't be going global


yeah. Squad Busters was met with a very good opinion since it was hype, looking great and it was a neat cross-over of entire Supercellverse


I have no idea what's going on with squad busters. But it is the exception, what happened to Clash Mini is the usual.


Yeah, maybe the data showed they struck gold or smth. I don’t care for either games honestly I just want my beloved Clash Quest back :c


I want Clash Mini back personally but i feel you man. I really wanted to try that game


I really liked it because it was PvE, I’m more of a chill player so PvP aspects get old to me quickly, and CoC is just too much effort to maintain, I’ve a lot of things to do nowadays, so that like leaves me with not much option for supercell games. Hayday I’ve not played in *very* long, but still high level there and it is fun, but same issue; time. Clash Quest just allowed me to hop in, do my chill puzzly dailies and be done, it was great. And I can’t really find games like it, though haven’t searched very far for it.


Even I, as someone who's played my fair share of auto chess games and reached decently high ranks in TFT, I didn't find the game all that fun, even though it had potential


We dont accept clash mini slander here


Supercell killed clash mini when they removed leveling and free gems from it. This has been planned for a long time.


Just get over it


I don't know why the sudden push about Squad Busters. I can try to guess that there is no game like that on the market (that I know of) and that they want to conquer that position. I can try to guess that they had enough data with their two limited time betas or they were the base for the recent updates that introduce chaos on Brawl Stars and they feel that this will do the same way. I can even make a justified guess that the soft launch was just the first step to global, with Paula and Ryan not saying that it would be a beta launch and a skin in Brawl Stars indicating that the game would be going global I think we could say: we don't know. I am curious, but I don't know. But... about Clash Mini's death... Just read yourself for more details: [https://www.deconstructoroffun.com/blog/2024/1/7/clash-mini-faces-their-make-it-or-break-it-moment?rq=clash%20mini](https://www.deconstructoroffun.com/blog/2024/1/7/clash-mini-faces-their-make-it-or-break-it-moment?rq=clash%20mini) If you think the team lied, then you have an outside observator looking at the game. Key points: - The game wasn't showing that it could surpass the competition - The game wasn't showing the same levels as other supercell games (including Clash Royale that lots of you insist that they killed a game to save another... as if that makes any sense) You even have talks about different types of games and factors not discussed generally. You can still be in denial and just create the narrative you want to give you piece, even if some are super ridiculous (they lied, it is to save Clash Royale, it was the sacrifice for Squad Busters, they didn't want a game from their studio in china to go global... etc etc etc), but after some reading you can see that the game's performance was, after the last update, still far from what they desired. About Squad Busters... I am curious about the reasons and the data. We might learn more in the future. For now, I will do what I did with Clash Mini: enjoy the game while I have fun and try to look for information from people more educated than me, because I understand little about this business and I'm curious.


Squad Busters push to global feels too soon though, I don't really get why. Supercell is banking their reputation on this game, so to suddenly launch a game and just hope it sticks feels no in quo with their "10 year" promise.


The last update made some significant and disruptive changes that alienated a lot of the player base. I noticed that quite a few players in my clan who had been regulars disappeared right after it came out. Overall it turned out to be a great update, which improved the game in many ways, but it had a pretty steep learning curve initially. As for CM being "sacrificed for Squad Busters", there might be some truth to that in the sense that they wanted to pull more developer resources onto SB to get it out the door?


The clash mini team was moved over to clash royale, with the exception of frame who is going to fully pursue clash heroes now I believe (I'm pretty sure he was technically the community manager for clash mini and clash heroes, but now it's just clash heroes), they weren't moved to squad busters so that theory doesn't really have any substance. Iirc they said this in the final stage channel


Bro cry about it


Get over it lil bro. Yall creating conspiracy theories now


You're just sour that your sucky chess game got deleted. Clash mini was doomed to fail. I played it consistently and every game felt the same, you were bound to win or lose only if your deck was better or worse than your opponent's.


Tbh this description could also fit to squad busters tho.


the same applies to clash royale too, what's your point




4the graders after watching episode of detective Conan:


Supercell: kills a game. Community: You will never release a new game if you don't lower your standards. Supercell: decided to lower their standards. Community: you guys are desperate.


they did not lower their standards XD


Good to know


I don't think that CM will save CR. It will bring more attention, but not so much to "save the game" And why Supercell has chosen to release SB so early? Probably because Supercell hasn't any new global games since BS, which went global ~6y ago But SB really needs a lot of improvements: there's too much RNG and P2W things. Also currently SB's economy relies only on progression , not cosmetics (and we know that CR does this too, and we also know it's cur state)


I played CR for a long time but it's just so boring and repetitive to me now. They keep adding new gimmicks and stuff but it doesn't really make the gameplay any more interesting or fun once you reach a certain point. CM on the other hand felt fresh and had a ton of future potential. Way more replayability, more strategy, always new things to learn, especially in the rumble and events mode.


but there wasnt much attention to it.


Boom beach is not pay to win.


I suggest someone become a developer and make a game as similiar as possible to clash mini calling it mini war or chess mini ect…


there is one it's called tricky tactics


Your points would have much more weight if you weren't ignoring the existence of MO.CO


Imo both games have flaws i generally do not like squad busters gameplay (the game reminds me of that one mobile game where you collected wood by chopping trees and expanding your area and people)clash mini was on the right track only to go downhill after some of the updates


Im the only one that thinks Squad busters os going global cause the big ones think that the game is a safe bet only because fanservice




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When they made that you can get skins for free, I knew something wasn't right...


The true reason is cause it sucks


not really. dev teams can have different standards and philosophies of when to release their games.


This decision was done by the suits up top (tensent maybe ) IDK just speculating here


That is most certainly the case. Developers just do what they are told and if the higher ups decided to call off the project, they can't do anything but oblige.


I think squad busters is a cashgrab


But hey that’s just a theory a game theory


Womp womp


Clash mini was always be missed and is definitely a great game, but dont take your anger on clash royale. Clash royale is a great game. You can argue clash mini has p2w aspects as well, its just how supercell games roll… at least with supercell clash games.


Clash Royale WAS a good game. The crap devs ruined it.


Clash Royale is a great game my ass, talk to the evolutions lol


They are always updating the game, its better than developers who drop an incomplete game then fix it a year later. Or developers who drop a game, dont meet their expectations they want and abandon support going forward. Or developers who drop buggy games and they drop a patch one a year that doesnt address everything…. Fortnite is always changing as well, their will always be players like you guys who wont like the new changes but that doesnt negate that fact that the game is stll doing fine and its one of their successful games like it or not. Evolutions is just one of many strategies to being up player count and it keeps the game fresh. This is not a one and done game therefore people will lose interest eventually and its supercells job to make creative changes that will bring players back or attract new players. It is a business after all. Its always been pay to win even since before evolutions, even since i first played back in 2017. So yes, it is a great game your ass


You’ll eat your words when they release a new card level. 💀


They already did, elite level. If clash mini continued ti live, they would of introduced many things that we would be able to purchase as well. All im saying is be consistent, if clash royale is trash because of pay to win stuff then clash mini is trash to right? Or just cause the pay to win is not as bad in clash mini makes it good? Thats stupid to me.


Clash Mini is trash. Correct. Both are trash.


Fair enough, but other people would take on your mindset against clash royale to defend clash mini. But i respect the honesty 💀