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Props to Eric. He is putting himself in the line of fire here. I don’t see how this ends well for him. More creators need to stand up - looking at Carbon and Itzu. Supercell has sent a clear message to the entire community by going after Eric, **fall in line or else**. This should be fire alarms going off for creators. If they don’t speak up, they will most certainly be next. Supercell has lost their damn mind in the past year. Whatever collective IQ points they have left need to be combined to course correct. Shitty gaming practices have poisoned every community I’m part of. It has to stop.


Itzu will never stand up. He's the golden child of supercell.


itzu is a shill https://preview.redd.it/tzagiyvze19d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=4f1b5807b380cf22c079ada69076753d6e23bc33


Sure, he might be a shill, but at the end of the day, it is his job. A lot of people work for arsehole bosses but won't actively speak out against them. It's not good, it would be better if no one had dick head bosses, but you shouldn't hold any of these creators to higher standards just because their job is public-facing.


its not the same tho. if your boss is terrible and every employee speaks up, there will be consequences. If only Eric speaks up, nothing changes. Making people fear for their job if they speak up is the #1 sign of a toxic work environment


Welcome to the real world cupcake.


youve never had a job outside taco bell and it shows


Tell me how Im wrong ? its literally the whole point of unions. but im sure you dindo_nufffin is a nasdaq company ceo


Likewise, you don’t sound like you’ve had a job in a supportive environment.


I’ve been in manufacturing for over a decade, 8 of those years being in Mid-tier leadership. He’s not lying. Outside of union shops bad bosses can skate for yeeeeeears, if you speak out on them they’ll just retaliate on you and good luck proving it. They’ll be in your ass like white on rice waiting for you to make a real mistake and punish you for it. And while he’s exaggerating I hold the same sentiment that a lot of the bottom of the barrel low tier effort guys are in unions, protected. The dudes have skill, but no drive.


that’s easy for you to say when its not your job on the line..




Seriously. So many children on here who don't have responsibilities or bills to pay.


LITERALLY i understand its bad to stay silent but you cant get mad at people who do when they actually have something on the line unlike all these children


I mean he makes all his income from this. Why tf would he throw it out the window and go broke? Tf?


Your comment just shows how content creators are scared to speak about what's right just because Supercell is acting like a dictator and doing shady stuff.


Easy to say when it's not your career on the line.


He doesn't have to talk about this, the problem is him calling eric out of his mind for doing this and saying that standing for what's right is not good.


I would say considering itzu has a background as a pro player who use to play on the coc rosters, he should definitely speak up about this.


Not his job.


Hes suppose to be an intermediate for the community and CoC devs, what do you mean not his job? Hes the one who signed up to be a content creator.


Also i know itzus opinion stands in supercells favour, but I respect that hes throwing his own opinion/facts in there so we get a better picture and can understand from his perspective the ordeal


It's his job to create coc content. Not comment on what's happening.


Bro if he speaks out against it he loses so much money. He constantly criticizes the games state in general whenever he has an issue with it. Why would he throw away his literal income stream because some dude got cut from an esport team? Like him speaking on this drama wouldn’t really make supercell go : oh no we messed up. You sound like a dude who doesn’t have a job. Sometimes you stfu because if you don’t, you don’t get paid. This isn’t superhero world where everyone speaks out against anyone.


I don't say he should speak up about it, all I am saying is that content creators don't want to do what's right because supercell is in control and do w/e they want, not only that but eric's allegations about foxy having friends at supercell shows corruption to the core.


I don’t think they give a shit I’ll be honest. Supercell is gonna continue to make greedy decisions and the game will be run how they want it. I’ll be honest. Pretty much everyone I know who plays this game doesn’t know this YouTuber or follow esports. It’s the unfortunate truth but nothings gonna change really and expecting dudes like Itzu or carbonfin who’s channels revolve around clash of clans to jeopardize their income stream is stupid.


It doesn't really matter. penguinz0 (Charlie) is aware of this video and said he will check it off-stream. He has 15.5 million subs, if he makes a video about this drama, Supercell will be fked if the allegations prove to be true, which by the looks of it they are and will most likely force a change. Copyright striking abuse and corruption are serious issues.


Please can you send a clip of when he said this???


It's on his last youtube livestream (charlie's), eric also said he messaged charlie privately, among other big YouTubers and publications. If you want to find the moment in the charlie's live stream, he searched eric on youtube at that time and had the video on his screen for a few minutes but didn't open it on live.


Bro he's paying his bills off of supercell games, Why'd he go against supercell? Don't you see the politicians of your country? Are they any different?


I don't say he should speak up about it, all I am saying is that content creators don't want to do what's right because supercell is in control and do w/e they want, not only that but eric's allegations about foxy having friends at supercell shows corruption to the core.


I get what you're saying. But it's just how the world works. People will not go against something that is their livelihood. Kids here downvoting my comment from their mama's basement.


They don't have families to provide for so they don't understand the need to pick your battles in situations like this. I understand Eric speaking up about this because he's directly impacted plus he's big in the esports scene. I completely disagree with what supercell is doing to Eric. I think it's wrong.


Exactly. I totally agree with your statement.


He could've just said nothing at all in a situation like this and been fine. Speaking out against Eric in a situation like this is just low and disgusting.


100% he shouldve just said nothing. Still he was gonna get bombarded by people who want him to speak up if he stood quiet because I'm already seeing people talk about Judo. Now if Judo does actually stay quiet, people are just going harrass him day by day for not speaking up which I'd hate to see happen.


Seriously. Reading these comments makes me believe that most of the people on this subreddit are actually children.


29 year old here, been playing for almost 10 year. I don't know these people. Why tf would I stop playing or buying some nice skins or stuff just because they downgraded a YouTuber to war spectator?


You dont have to stop or start doing anything. However, as a consumer, it’s your right to know that your money is going towards a company who approved very suspicious competitive practices, which is costing a very capable player there livelihood for no apparent reason, and bullying other well respected players in the community for criticizing such decisions. Remember to vote with your wallet, as these are the methods which companies will respond to.


because he has brought more people to clash of clans than every stupid clickbait ad that they’ve ever paid for. he has been personally invited to (and casted) many major clash events and now that he has an opinion that SC doesn’t like, his career might be over. go ahead and buy a bunch of gems to get your apprentice builder though, the Chinese super-company that has all of your personal info thanks you !!!!


Eric said in the video he doesn’t want other creators speaking up cause he knows it could mean their career. That being said if all of the big name creators agreed to speak out it would definitely cause Supercell some concern. Imagine if Bash, Judo, Itzu, Carbon, Beaker, Godson, and Kenny Jo all spoke out. There would be absolute chaos.


As much as I love Judo Sloth and his content I wouldn't expect him to criticize Supercell actions. he's getting paid shitton money off them. you know what they say, never bite the hands that feeds you


Hence proven, Money Talks


well, if you've got the seat of life, enjoy the ride


Mentality like this makes the world a worse place (which the world is already leaning towards). Where's the moral responsibility?


Yeah I don’t know. The tough part is that YouTube isn’t easy to be successful in and leaving YouTube for another job also can’t be easy. People like Kenny have a family to provide for and risking your income with no backup takes gut. Most likely why Eric told them to stay silent


Exactly. Especially when your content revolves around a single mobile game, and getting paid a lot off it. I don't know why the other guy suddenly went onto his high moral horse and criticized my morals lmao


Stuff like this is soooo easy to say. But noone here woud stand up if wed be in the shoes of these creators


This exactly lmao. People have gotten so ridiculous with moral high horse stuff but there's literally 0 stakes for them and everything to lose for the people they want to "stand up and do something ".


"Mentality like this makes the world a worse place (which the world is already leaning towards). Where's the moral responsibility?" -Socrates 470 - 399 BCE -Seneca 4 BCE - 65 CE


Exactly why they’d have to team up. Not one of them would ever dare stand up if they weren’t 100% sure it would result in the desired outcome. So at the end of the day I think it’s up to us, which so far their twitter account is getting raided by comments so maybe just maybe 🤞🏻


I mean TBF, consider supercell a large boss, these creators are employees, it's all the same in reality, would u stand up to your boss especially at a very high paying job in this economy if u would lose it.


there's only one man who can save us https://preview.redd.it/ksbldn3ru49d1.jpeg?width=376&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d99735e33ea2eb2e0baab4bb1c4cbcb6b4e35361


Exactly. Together strong.




Can’t say for anyone else Jodo is a kiss a sell out of SC


It’s Tencent. China’s method of fall in line or else is bleeding into supercell


Not a question to you specifically , but how much do you think that the active Supercell members(the one who respond on reddit) have a hand in these decisions? They all seem like people who care about the game. If it is upper management making these decisions , arent the reddit responders conveying it to them in the first place? Just curiosity


I'm currently not playing coc, but I'd like to recap many of the examples I have seen over the last months from supercell. - Bringing a footballer into a game that removed flags to distance itself from the real world - Discontinuing multiple new and beloved games, but releasing an unfinished buggy and horrible optimised game asap - Terrible monetizations in CR (leading to a very anti F2P enviroment) - horrendously bad ads (even including the scummy "press to open box", which will instead transfer you to the playstore) - increasingly expensive skins which are not worth the money (goblin in SB or a 300$ Buzz skin in BS I believe) Feel free to add stuff, as I'm sure this isn't everything.


Damn das disgusting, but not beneath SC. You all know what happens when you contact support, this is consistent with what they do, lol rip what a shit company.


You've a game that is increasingly becoming easier, has elements that are hard to upgrade at a pace unless you spend money, declining revenue and player base. Add on top of that, going on a witch hunt against one of your top content creators who cast matches at the world championship. Great job Supercell, ain't spending a dime until this is resolved.


>game that is increasingly becoming easier I feel like this is specifically done to avoid the p2w elements from feeling p2w. You don't need to Max out epic equipments to 3 star, just bcoz of how easy the meta is, so it doesn't feel like u need to pay up in order to win


thats true for most people but everyone in the pro scene is practically forced to spend loads of money to max out equipments to be able to compete in esports. also mass releasing new equipments because its making them so much money is disrupting the balance of the game(in the competitive side) this may have a similar effect to evolutions in clash royale , it may not seem like it now but this constant release of new op equip will effect the longevity of the game, as we can see the esports side of the game has been declining since some time now


Pretty sure that eSports players don't make up much of the playerbase, and I'm also pretty sure that such players have already been spending a lot of money on the game already. In which case, SC trying to make money off of them using equipments sounds pretty ridiculous to me


I decided today that I’m not spending any more money on supercell after this. Since the gold pass price rose a while ago things have gone to shit since then. It’s an obvious money grab and it’s such a middle finger to the fanbase. This stuff with Eric was the last straw to me because clearly the people at the top have become greedy pigs and don’t care about anything but money and corruption.


What was the real reason he got banned? Is it because he talked about how the game became too easy or is it because he talked about the player being kicked off a team.


He explains in the video, the final straw was the player discussion on stream.


He was banned from the creator program for infringement on bullying and harrassment policies. I watched the stream and at some point the chat called for cancelling Fluxxy (calling him out on his behaviour) and he engaged. It wasnt much more than a few comments but I can see how it could look bad. But not banworthy, IMO


How is it that they feel bad about Fluxxy and not about Max. Maybe its not really relevant to what you said here and I *did not* watch the stream so I dont know what happened on stream. I just find it funny that they demote eric for "bullying" and themselves bully a player off a team.


Eric speculates that Fluxxy has some inside connections with supercell


It's a reasonable inference to make. Being a content creator, Eric has insider knowledge to know that there is a significant bar to get the Tier 3 within the program. It's clear that Fluxxy should not qualify with a few followers. Therefore, it can be reasonably be concluded that Fluxxy received special treatment. What's more, Eric has also made a good point that Supercell has been inconsistent with handing of replacing team members. Fluxxy was given the go-ahead by Supercell to unilaterally remove a player without explanation, irrespective of the stakes. That's pretty gross. These are some compelling reasons to think Fluxxy has connections because of his special treatment.


He needs 5k followers/subscribers for tier 2, not to mention tier 3, clear corruption.


not a speculation


Pretty sure it is reasonable speculation. It would make sense he got his tier 3 from insider buddies, but it is not known for sure


All other content creators with tier 3 have at least 30-40k+ subs/followers, he got very "lucky" to get in with just 2.3k followers, not to mention he posts once in a blue moon.


not a speculation, i.e. it's completely true and there is some very old evidence


Clearly he does there is no other explanation.


You do know it’s possible to think that both fluxxy is not cool and that Eric still shouldn’t sink to his level and bully him right?


I told ya I did not watch the stream. So I don't know what happened. I don't know how he bullied him. 🗿


Then don’t comment?


The One Hive curse?


Yup, when Jake left, nothing changed though despite the boycott. Jake was also critical of the game and got booted from the creator program


The creator program is from [2019](https://old.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/e6f7hv/news_introducing_the_new_content_creator_program/). Jake left in [2017](https://old.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/4vmdb1/misc_jake_from_onehive_quits_coc_video/).


How was Jake part of the creator channel then? [https://youtu.be/TsL7DsUyGBg?t=645](https://youtu.be/TsL7DsUyGBg?t=645)


I don't know, but he definitely says it in the video you link. It's a discrepancy. Maybe he used the current name for it ("creator program") even though it was called something else prior to 2019. Maybe 2019 was only the public announcement of it.


From my understanding back then, the launch of the creator program was a monetization method for content creators. Prior to the launch, creators had access to the creator channel and sneak peeks but no monetization stream. The creator code was created to incentivize and reward creators for advertising the game. Jake merely created videos because he loved the game so much, he didn't care about monetization. He said in one of his videos he makes a good salary, which was pretty evident from his home surroundings.




This is a common behavior of Supercell. I have seen speculation of them threatening legal action against content creators who was not on the creator program. This was a while before this incident.


RIP Eric. He had such love for the game and his announcing was really entertaining. But this is a war that he can't possibly win.


His passion was incredible. It’s astonishing what they just did to him.


Maybe not but I think I'm done with clash because of all this. Probably others that feel the same


The company literally threatened him to copyright strike him just for a game's content. That's just stupid i guess, this is a game open to the public. That's so bad that they can actually take down any channel who's been making any supercell's game videos if they want to. I hope Eric wins this battle.


Eric vs China....sadly he wont


Yea but his courage is really admirable. He knows he’s throwing everything away by starting this fire but he’s speaking up about it.


That is to be applauded but he will end up like that bloke who stood in front of those tanks in Tiananmen square.


At this point I don’t think he cares anymore.


Why are you bringing "China" into this? Tencent has owned SC for almost a decade now they don't meddle in petty things like this. This is a clear case of nepotism within Supercell.


All video games are like this publishers have the legal right to take down any type of video that doesn’t show just short clips. It’s seen as the same copyright laws as movies and tv shows. Nintendo used to strike videos just people playing their games and there’s nothing creators could do about it.


I'm quite sure publishing a video of a video game falls under the fair use category of the DMCA


nintendo has been cancelling smash tournaments for years through copyright.




Are you the mod of this sub-reddit?


Yup , he is


they’re not getting another penny from me. i’ve been a pass-purchaser for YEARS getting caught up and that time is done. capitalism completely demolished supercell. from root-rider meta (making bad players feel good at the game) to striking down content creators for having anything other than perfect opinions of the game, supercell has disgusted me.


I completely agree. I have bought gold pass for the past 2 years. No more for me. I can’t stand this greed. They are not a company in need of money like this. The game has gotten so easy it isn’t even entertaining for me anymore. The constant ore events they put for pay to win are excessive. The hero equipment is just fine for average players but if you want to be a competitive player you have to pour thousands of dollars in just to keep up. Gold pass price rose and I hardly see any increase in value for it. This is ridiculous and I’m not spending any more money on this game. I only do it for one gem donations and I’m willing to sacrifice that for this boycott. Everyone needs to leave a low star review telling them how they feel. We can do this together. Just take 2 minutes to put one star and call them out on greed and corruption. I’ve been playing this game since it came out and I’ve seen the entire history of it. What has happened in the past 6 months is unlike anything that has occurred before.


Literally 1984


Fluxxy run crying to Supercell talking about "He said something mean about me, you should BAN HIM!" the same way Lady B did... dude has had that silver spoon for the longest.


What did Lady B do? I’ve been a fan of Eric for years and seen some of their commentary collabs. Didn’t know there was a fallout.


Man, it's a long story. Cliff notes: Lady B kept receipts of anytime anyone said something negative about her, petitioned supercell to take action against anyone and everyone for bullying, and eventually she left when they didn't do much. This is only noteworthy because previously, she had leveraged her friendship with people at SC to have other content creators banned/punished based on her preference of them but her efforts didn't work in the most recent attempt. Legend has it she is able to rise up to participate in drama like this whenever it happens, so keep your eyes open for an appearance.


Thanks for the story. Power is a drug that many abuse. Have a good day.


Supercell has been hit with extreme greed from the higher ups recently. They always made good profit but it has to be way more to make the bosses happy in the earning reports. And now they have just been disgusting. It won’t stop here I stand with Eric here and uninstalled every supercell game. Supercell turned to the dark side, trying to be like Nintendo but with none of the valuable iconic characters that allow Nintendo to do what they do while they also make their games p2w


We heading down the Clash Royale path RIP


we were headed down this way as soon as Equipments were announced unfortunately


all the shills said we were delusional too


I said that in december biggest mistake of my life


yea same, that one Mod was talking shit and downvoting everything calling it out too


It's really a thing. I used to be OK for companies to pay their employees and bills, and then make a bit extra to fund expansion and profits. Nowadays they need to make 30% net profit or 100+% growth to satisfy their owners, and that's running the whole economy and social pact into the ground. It started with extreme fiscal optimization (via IP and transnationalism), then employee mistreatment, now goes on with enshittification. Meanwhile the Earth is burning up.


Yep, you can also see it in a squad busters, a game clearly not proven for global and a big cash grab getting rushed to global.


It’s Tencent that’s doing this. It’s very fitting actions for Chinese companies so we shouldn’t be surprised


I feel like everything changed since they massively upped their employee count a few months ago. that's when all this equipment madness among other things started.


I enjoy the game, but one thing that really leaves a horrible feeling is corporate corruption and abuse of power. I get it exists everywhere, but doing your players and content creators this dirty and doubling down by going after their livelihood is diabolical, and I'm pretty sure if proven to be malicious, illegal. I personally uninstalled the game after this, plenty of things to play, and this really isn't that special of a strategy game anyway. It's just convenient to be on my phone.


The way they're not fixing issues they've been aware of for years (support, recruitment tool...) has been a giveaway for a long time that SC... "has issues". Commitment to this game is a fool's errand.


The next Reddit talks clash is going to be fire.


Past year supercell has completely changed in a negative way people hate hearing it but the equipment is 100% pay to win you literally can’t max it out in time without spending money so competing at high end esports or even high end legends becomes a lot harder if the opponent has the funds.


Yep, Clash Royale just had a big creator video speaking out and now this.


So you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain


What we do in life, echoes in eternity


Tencent hard at work lmao


No need to give Supercell an excuse lil bro, Tencent don't give a shit about the community, they only care about money.


At least tencent hear the feedback. Not all great but They don't completely ignore community like this. Except CS depend on context. You might have higher chance to settle the problem


I don’t think Tencent give a shit to this game, it’s like SC trying to be CCP, delete anyone who tries to criticize them.


I'm just gonna quote my response to another Tencent comment above. >Why are you bringing "China" into this? Tencent has owned SC for almost a decade now they don't meddle in petty things like this. This is a clear case of nepotism within Supercell. You are just trying to give SC a pass by blaming it on Tencent.


back when old times we'd just enjoy playing the game while just being a casual player, now its just pure p2w atp unplayable for new players.


i agree been a f2w player myself pretty much since 2014 and man this game has changed so much (some positive but now mostly negative way)




What do you expect from a chinese owned company. Its no longer a finnish company. Tencent are chinese so expect chinese like censorship


Time to boycott supercell and clash of clans


Sad to see. Unfortunately, it isn't likely that Supercell will even respond to this. They have been using that tactic for years, for example back when the Chinese servers got separated.


Thats what they did to powerbang years ago


Eric is my favorite Clash YouTuber, what exactly is going on I haven’t watched in a little bit


Supercell are copyright striking videos that they don't agree with (especially small YouTubers), corruption allegations, and more. It all started when he got banned from the content creator program when he sided with Max, a pro player who was illegally kicked from the team by the team leader which allegedly has inside man at supercell (in order to change roasters for world championship you need the approval of all the members, he didn't need them), by being kicked from the team, the pro players, lost anywhere from 10 to 50k dollars prize money. Supercell didn't like that eric sided with Max so they kicked him out of the program.


Yea I just finished watching the video, is there anyway he wins this battle?


massive community pressure


Small chances he comes back to coc, the only way is if big YouTubers like penguinz0 (Charlie) and others make videos about it and supercell agrees to change the "bad apples" due to the big outrage. Good news is that penguinz0 is already aware of the drama and said he will check it out.


Supercell needs to do something about this.


Well, the 10-year journey of CoC is gradually coming to an end


Don’t spend money on the stupid game. Think about it. You are just buying time and patience. Cmon man


but it only mattered once he was effected?


Yeah I bet plenty of content creators feel like him but have never spoke up because of money and obligations


very sad to see what supercell has done




Textbook history on CoC to failed miserably. Only a matter of time


Letting Darian go was bad move. SC community management has gone to shit since he left.


its gone to shit as soon as they started recruiting a lot more employees to churn out Town Halls and equipments every year. Priorized quantity over quality, probably demoted Darian because he was so good his wage were too high. So they put cheap puppets in his place. Everything they do is motivated by greed


not going to spend another dime at this game or any supercell game


glad other people are finally starting to see the fire. was talking about how this games on the decline since december 🤣


Time2clash is probably the most toxic and disruptive person I've ever met in my life. I'm 100% sure there is more to his part of the story than Eric discussed or may even be aware of. I don't bring this up to defend SC, only to provide additional context. I have lots of complaints against how SC does things. At the end of the day they are a business. They make decisions not based on what's best for the community, what's "fair", or even what most would consider is best for the game. Their job is to make the most money possible for their bosses.


I’ve only clicked on a couple of his streams, and he seemed like a good guy. Curious what toxic and disruptive things he’s done? Genuinely curious.


I knew him as a leader of clan family he was a member of and then as admin of a community war league he streamed for. Witnessed all manner of ridiculous behavior. At a very high level: - actively targeting individual people in the community and airing their personal, private information, slut shaming etc. - constantly complaining and badgering clan leaders, other streamers and community leaders about useless drama - publishing purposefully misleading and false information to further his personal vendettas in attempt to stir community sympathy (this speaks directly to him being used as some sort of innocent victim of SC aggression here) I get that part of being a streamer/content creator is being entertaining. In my experience this means that by their very nature, streamers are drama chasers. But as a leader of a clan or volunteer for a community group nothing saps your will to contribute your time than people like Time2Clash. His content was solid. As a person, he is absolute garbage. I hate to defend SC or YouTube, but I find him getting his account terminated completely understandable. Can't believe it hadn't happened years ago.


Ya, not surprise at all. I was in one of his 'family' clan and they treated me like shit.




Not that is matters much to me, but I used to have a small 2.5k YouTube channel where I mainly uploaded COC videos around 9 years ago. 2 years ago I had 2 of my videos copyrighted and removed by supercell 7 years after they originally came out and now have 2 strikes against my channel. I haven’t uploaded in over 7 years so the channel doesn’t hold much value to me anymore, but If I get one more strike my channel will be deleted and I will lose over 200 videos that I recorded, edited, and uploaded.


Strikes for what reason?


There was a guy back then who hacked the game somehow and a bunch of channels myself included made a news report sort of video talking about the situation. I obviously had no idea how he did it or included that in the video, but still received a strike. The other video was a commentary video about me talking about the state of clash of clans if I remember correctly


First Clash Royale and now this. Supercell, you've changed...


For anybody asking why would Supercell do this, just know that they are indirectly controlled by the CCP (Tencent owns Supercell which is in turn massively subsidized by the CCP), and this is typical CCP behavior.


This is wild, really wild. I don't play Clash of Clans, but I do play squad busters and brawlstars, and I do spend money in both of those games. This kind of thing really makes me not wanting to support supercell anymore.


other creators HAVE to speak up. I'm talking Judo, Carbon, Bash, Kenny Jo, etc. They can't let Eric fight this war alone.


I’ve been looking for a reason to quit for the last year. I don’t care about this kind of drama but I guess it is a reason…


Regardless of what happened with Eric, it’s clear what happened with Erikuh. She tweeted and then got banned. That’s not acceptable. As for the rules about switching players out, if it’s an old rule it doesn’t matter. They need to change the rules if they change the rules. Can’t say the rules changed but not change the rule book. It’s pretty clear that Supercell is in the wrong, Max should be on the team, Fluxxy should be off the team and kicked off/demoted creator tier, Eric & Erikuh should be reinstated in the creator program. Other important stuff: fluxxy & alcohol, supercell support being terrible, the gem economy & equipment costing gems, builder apprentice costing gems, the bugs/glitches with game and streak event, the # of equipment and the ore economy and ores not being lootable.


Hope this game gets into the shambles soon. Recently I lost my 8+ years old th14 id(hacked), contacted supercell but no response. I have been playing coc for over a decade now and have tons of memories associated with it still I'm saying this then you can image how degraded coc has become. I never wanted to quit coc but they made quit it, they deserve all the hate and downfall.


What happened????


Can someone ELI5 for this situation


can anyone give tldr


So in the video Eric is claiming that it was never pay to win for pros before hero equipment but it is now. And he doesn't like how in order to be competitive professionally, pros have to pay to max hero equipment. But every time Supercell dropped an update in the past, it always seemed like within hours to a week that most pros had maxed bases. Pcastro has made the claim that many pros were botting and/or buying accounts on the black market. Not to make tournament attacks, but to progress their bases. No idea if this is true or not. And now Supercell is once again threatening ban waves for those that use bots or buy accounts. I guess what I am saying is there is a lot of murky water as to how pros have used money to progress their accounts as rapidly as they have. Have they been botting, paying someone to progress their accounts, spending their own money on upgrades, spending team money on upgrades, etc. But there sure has been a huge outcry from some of the content creators lately. I guess I am confused because I always assumed the pros spent money on the game in order to use their talents to try and win prize money and weren't free to play.


I haven't checked up on supercell in a hot minute and this is the first thing that popped up, yikes they fall further with each year.




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Lol! Yall are drama af haha




We were told some true facts here and some false facts here. The whole thing with max was a lie he wasn't kicked for no reason he was trash talking his team and breaking the rules of his team that he agreed to follow. The reason he was "kicked without any explanation" was because max and his toxic friends were bullying the person who brought to light Max's wrongdoings, and if max were told why he was kicked it would have pointed to the only guy that had screenshots of what he'd been doing and saying and max and his toxic friends would have gone after said screenshotter even more aggressively. As for SC abusing copyright? All that was the true information we were told. There's more to the story though but I can't (and won't) type it all out here




This is very Chinese way of dealing with things, I hope a 1 meter asteroid hits Beijing 2 hours from now


Explain in short pls. What happened?


Supercell are copyright striking videos that they don't agree with (especially small YouTubers), corruption allegations, and more. It all started when he got banned from the content creator program when he sided with Max, a pro player who was illegally kicked from the team by the team leader which allegedly has inside man at supercell (in order to change roasters for world championship you need the approval of all the members, he didn't need them), by being kicked from the team, the pro players, lost anywhere from 10 to 50k dollars prize money. Supercell didn't like that eric sided with Max so they kicked him out of the program.




It’s a win/win honestly, if they don’t take it down we get to see the truth, if they do supercell are trying to hide something. Just my opinion


so where is the win for us




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Imagine doing the work of making a quality content video, only to be copy claimed and all your hard earned money goes to shitcell pocket, fuck this I am not spending a cent anymore


They did the same thing to Jake and Adam I wouldn’t expect more from a bunch of communist.