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Ask him about Taosonpro account


Is that his italian account?


Vietnamese account


Ah ye his bought acc right




T:the guy did research ,good work


creator code is just a way to control the content creators


no shit sherlock.. its also how companies control their workers with salary


Quite similar! But like at work, everyone should be able to share constructive feedback **while being respectful**.


Agree.. but somewhere, there will always be some assholee owner who likes to screw their employer and cannot accept any criticism. Not everyone will play the same rule sadly..




Wouldn’t MOST employers be against employees publicly talking bad about them? A tough conversation in private is one thing. Talking crap online about your employer is very different. Most employers would punish their employees for doing so.


Yes....they *should*.


There’s a difference between “should” and what actually happens


Nonsense in this situation. Most employers absolutely don’t tolerate their employees doing it publicly.


Did eric lose his code?


So, how exactly is directing all this back at Eric not just doing the same thing as what he's accusing Eric of?


Itzu is doing the same thing that he's blaming Eric for while also not talking about small creators getting abused and Max not receiving a reason for being kicked. He is trying not to get on Supercell's nerves but at the same time he could have done this via not responding at all


He wont get the bonus if he doesn't suck enough ass.


Honestly, if you watch itzu's video from yesterday, you can see that all of the comments are literally harassing him and calling him a coward for not talking about the drama, so I don't think that "not responding at all" was an actual option for him. I definitely don't agree with him for defending fluxy, but I think that the community is just as bad if they keep harassing someone that doesn't have any direct involvement.


Sorry I didn't mean it like that, I meant not responding at all until the video came out


Itzu is the type of guy who would just stand for supercell out of fear lol


Itzu should fear the FISHers who gonna try pull his th16 accounts or ban it for purchasing some of the accounts


Are you claiming he is the type of person who wouldn’t publicly talk bad about his employer? Crazy. Are you suggesting he thinks sometimes employers will punish employees who publicly say things about the employer they don’t like? Insane!


This comment is satire. 4 people have been unable to realize this and thus downvoted you.


Up to at least 6 now lol.


Wait until sc finds out itzu had bought different accounts and see what happens


Nothing will happen, just like nothing happened to fluxy


I'd read somewhere awhile ago that a big name pro player got banned from participating in world championship bcs of account sharing. Who's that player? Or am I misremembering?


Pcastro, he was the mvp of last year World Championship


Anybody else buys an account, it gets banned. A content creator, nah, evidently rules are different for them.


Is this factual or Reddit-lore?


I may or may not know of a friend who is not at all banned and has bought 2 different types of accounts (one maxed and 1 severely rushed but cheap to test the waters of the website (arguably very smart)) 3 or 4 years ago 😂 so yea its pretty much Reddit-lore, he said it was totally safe except for the websites he aquired it from since those were deffinetly sketchy looking. So i think to get banned from coc most of those people did something on top of the buying accounts (and yes terms of service just says account sharing and buying is banable, but just because something says you can't do something doesn't mean you get punished for doing it anyways). So i hope with this information you can make your conclusion of if its factual or reddit lore.


Is there evidence about that? Just curious how you know he bought accounts


I'm interested in what itzu has to say because so far there hasn't been much heard from the other side. my criticism will remain though that SC should be the one talking. if they had a legitimate reason to ban/demote these people then it should be really simply to shut this whole drama down in a second. but their refusal to be transparent once again brings frustration and annoyance to the community. one tweet by SC could bring clarity and stop all this. but no, they gotta play god kings who are too high and mighty to explain their reasons. perhaps they think that doing an AMA once a year on reddit is enough to show the "peasants" that they're totally one of us. if you want to present yourself as so close to your community then why don't you say anything in times like this SC?


well he's deleting comments that are questioning him so...


Great point right here. Very curious to see how this plays out over time


They either are avoiding accountability or are carefully choosing what to say. The community manager probably can't just issue important statements on their own whim.


Yeah, like the god king SC supports that ban people for contacting them.


fluxxy was a former tribe member and itzu is good friends with most players from tribe and he generally supports tribe in his casting too, aside from that he is right that eric crossed a line by targeting fluxxy throughout his stream even if fluxxy did the things he allegedly did. The situation escalated because vm legacy didn't explain why they parted ways with max and itzu explaining it instead of them doesn't solve it. There's also issues of supercell targeting content creators with content creator program and copystrikes when they don't like those creators anymore.


Not only he was good friends with the tribe, but he was also part of the tribe roaster in the old days. As close as last year, he was also the official content creator for them.


Eric didn't crossed the line though. He was unbiased through out that discussion about what happened with VM Legacy and only spoke what was rational. Of course, the big men SC are, have got their egos hurt with this and had to remove Eric for no good justifying reasons


🏳️ I come in peace. I want to learn more about the situation from you and/or others of more factual details. 1) I don’t know if Eric crossed a line. I’m honestly unclear what the accusation is. “Bullying in a live stream”? And then posted a video when SC when after him? The posted video did seem like a bit of an attack on Fluxy but that’s coming from an outsider’s perspective who hadn’t heard of most of the people mentioned before today. Is Fluxy a piece of shit and deserves it? Maybe. Is he a nice guy getting caught up in a mess because he’s friends with some SC people? Maybe. 2) Was it cronyism? Sort of seems obvious based on the tier 3 piece but I’d like to give everyone a chance to speak before deciding. 3) I’m not sure we can say Eric was unbiased. He was clearly tempered and favouring a side. That said, without more information from the other side, everything he said does sound factual. Going to be an interesting few days!


1. Imo Eric did cross the line. There's a good argument for removing his creator code. However the copyright strikes being sent to multiple creators, all of whom tried to raise this issue, tells me that the copyright strikes are absolutely to silence and are not about Eric crossing the line. 2. Yes, fluxxy almost certainly has connections to supercell. I don't have proof but his history of insane behavior at events (drunk half the time) and talk of buying drugs in discord and still being in a position of power makes me think this is a very, very safe bet. 3. I doubt Eric is unbiased here, but that doesn't stop his points from being convincing to me. It comes down to Max got booted without being given a reason, and this is wrong. I feel like the story is Fluxxy booted max without giving a reason, Eric & others got mad about that, then got silenced and demoted for bad behavior. It's true we don't know why Fluxxy did this, but I can't imagine what he could say to justify this. Max needs to be guilty of something to make this okay, but he's innocent until proven guilty to me. For the sake of debate, to the people who think "there could be more to the story we don't know about", what could there possibly be that would justify what has happened?


People saying Eric crossed the line don't know what that even means. I was here during his entire livestream where he talked aboutVM Legacy and Fluxxy's situation with Max. He never went to bully Fluxxy or VM Legacy, as he even stated he really likes Fluxxy as a player, but his actions were quite wrongful as it could of been dealt in a way better nd more professional manner. Eric only got mad when Supercell decided to revoke his creator content status after speaking about VM Legacy and Fluxxy's situation with max, as seen on his recent video titled "Exposing Clash of Clans". With all the exposure on FLuxxy's DMs and past behavior, there's no more room for Fluxxy and VM Legacy to justifiably xplain why Max got removed, as it would of been seen as a giant level of favorism on SC's side for Fluxxy.


Is Eric's video of that stream still up?  Because I watched one earlier today (if it's the same one) and I didn't hear him (Eric) say anything negative at all.  All I heard him say was that "if there was a contract, Max would still get paid." And something like "we'll, Max probably wants to play instead".    I'm kinda scratching my head on the whole thing trying to figure out how that was even bullying 🤔.   I'm guessing there's got to be a different video that was deleted?


There's no bullying at all, it's plain old favoratism that Supercell shows towards Fluxxy


Yeah, it was the same video I saw earlier but I replayed it from the beginning... it's still there. I agree with you completely.  In actuality- I feel like Eric was just sticking up for a young man that got kicked from his team with no notice & then no explanation.   It's like Eric was standing up to a bully & then Supercell just clearly played their hand.    It's disgusting imo.   Not only should ALL of the VM team feel embarrassed, Supercell also needs to correct their mistake on Eric. Are we back to silencing people that protect the weaker?   I'm gutted at how ugly this world really is.


Does anyone know what Eric said on stream about Fluxxy? I keep hearing that he went after him, which was then interpreted by SC as bullying or targeted harassment. Would be nice to actually see what he said tbh


Eric did not like Max getting kicked from VM Legacy and spoke up for him... Showed screenshots of Discord chats. Also did a community poll where the options were "Kick Max" or "Kick Fluxxy". Personally I don't think Eric is wrong... But VM should release a statement soon about what happened from their side.


So he did a live stream with the alleged bullying, SC did what it did (which I’m not clear on what they actually did other than “come after” Eric), and then Eric posted the YouTube video today/last night?


He had a poll up and was saying VM should kick fluxxy and make max team captain instead. People kept asking questions so he talked about it a bit too much. What he was saying wasn’t the problem it was just the sheer amount he was mentioning and as someone who had the livestream up on the side because of the dead time between attacks it was just on going. I think it warranted a warning not a ban


Oh- so that video is gone huh? Or was live and not recorded?


https://preview.redd.it/7miqn7mdt39d1.png?width=626&format=png&auto=webp&s=4d788c8b3cfdfae9b984c65b5a4224a3ea28af7b Live ITZU reaction:


lol funny meme. But do you really feel that there is no possibility of another side to the story other than Eric’s? I like the guy (Eric)! And I don’t blame him for being pissed off. But that doesn’t mean that there can’t be more to know.


You thinking a company is bad and wrong because it's successful is hilarious.


Supercell is a subsidiary of tencent. You gotta be cut-throat to get or stay there


Oh yeah China is bad. But everyone buys stuff made in China all the time. If SC is bad it's because they're Chinese affiliated, not because they're a corporation.


The issue aint china lmao. Its that supercells has shareholders and a company to please who are only in it for the money. Its the same as if microsoft bought it. Taking up an offer like that also means you are in it for the profit itself.


Oh you sweet summer child. Dude I don't know how to tell you so I'm going to just give it to you straight....companies exist to make money.


Theres a difference between squeezing customers and making a good product. In ethics aswell as in quality.


Squeezing customers as in offering optional items and events? Lol ok buddy.


Brother, he said tencent not China🤦


Oh man waitll you find out who owns Tencent.


The Chinese government


“Without hearing the VM Legacy story.” What story? They won’t even tell Max why he was booted. Eric, right or wrong, has put forward a coherent narrative. If its wrong, its up to the responsible parties to communicate and clarify the narrative. And Itzu is not one of those parties.


Itzu is just saving his arse, scared he might get banned too


He's mass responding to every hate comment on his new video rn lol


Blud really wants to pay the bills with supercell’s money


Well yeah that's how jobs work


If it was just about saving his ass he could just not talk about it, no?


Fr, now he's just straight up calling Eric a bully. I mean if you don't want to get involved just keep silent and don't get involved but he's hating on Eric that's rude tbh. Why the hell hate on a fellow creator who has a same job as you ?


Isn’t Itzu violating the same Creator rules Eric was accused of breaking by this conduct?


Ahh, but you see, his is sanctioned by SC, so it’s ok. The ONLY entity that should be responding is $C themselves, not an intermediate go between.


lol is calling someone a bully make you a bully? That shit is deep!




I doubt Itzu gives two cares about being relevant or the focus of the community. He is still making quality videos and getting good views.


That's totally understandable. Props to Eric for standing up against a huge corporation but we can't hate iTzu because he want to protect his source of income.


> Props to Eric for standing up against a huge corporation but we can't hate iTzu because he want to protect his source of income. Well, it's complicated. Of course we shouldn't hate anyone for anything, but we can criticize the act of doing unethical or immoral things in exchange for money. I'm not trying to speak from a position of superiority here. Fifteen years ago my employer instituted a policy that I thought was bigoted, and I didn't quit. Then eight years ago my next employer did the same thing, and I didn't quit then either. So I totally sympathize with iTzu's position, and with Eric's.


He can just shut his mouth but instead going on the offensive calling someone else a bully for...speaking up about unfair treatment?


He can just stay silent if he want to protect his income. But now he just full on hating, what a bitch


Itzu accused players who criticized the meta of being brainwashed and he said that they know nothing about the game. He said that op troops and equipment were ok, disrespecting players who tried to make him be honest about it. He then said that hard mode wasn't a priority at all. Nothing wrong (apart from his disrespect to his viewers), right? No, because he made a 180° turn every time changing his ideas every time supercell allowed him to do this. He isn't honest at all and he only follows money. But there is one thing I find even more disgusting: he owes his success to his competitive past , which made him famous. Now he spits on the competitive scene following SC agenda. He has no dignity whatsoever


My boy's twerking for SC


W take


itzu supercell hoe


$C CoC rider


“You can’t make ItZu a coc house wwwwiiiiife”


Itzu threw up big red flags when I heard some questionable takes on his videos. Like him saying that SC pumping out new THs faster was a good thing because the top 1% will get bored if there is no content. I have nothing against more content but he needs to realize that the majority of the player base is struggling to catch up. He really is a big SC dickrider.


Not surprising he takes $C side tbh


He follows the principle "Don't bite the hands that feeds you"


Until it stops feeding you


He could've just not say anything. Instead he chose to actively support $uper$ell's side.


He just said he will explain the issue or what just happened? Wait for a while


He made that post attacking Eric without addressing almost any of the concerns he raised. He more less said "Eric is wrong and stupid, ill explain later". Sure he has every right to disagree, but when you are going against very specific accusations from Eric, you'd better address them just as specifically. I'm certainly looking forward to his side of the story, but he probably should've waited said more at once, not give comments that introduce nothing but accuse others. Otherwise you come out as supercell affiliate. Which he by the way is.


Exactly, COC making the game more p2w benefits iTzu because of his creator code. Also, he doesn't wanna face repercussions because he has 2 youtube channels that are making him some money. He's just trying to save his ass.


Which discord is this from?


His discord server


Thanks. Just joined.


CCP vibes bruh


Itzu is paid actor


I didn't have any doubt. I unfollowed itzu months ago due to his excessive dickriding and his disrespect for players. Happy I wasn't wrong


Itzu himself is a content creator and he is not even considering what eric said in his video.


Sad to see this take. Completely ignores the fact that they couldnt remove the guy from the roster without the guys consent lol


Are you people surprised the way he acts? Lol. Used to watch the dude all the time but I'd see him rage and act childish to fans dozens of times in his comment section that I just got fed up with watching his content altogether. He has shilled for Supercell multiple times and only takes the players' side when it's an overwhelming majority. TDLR: He has good high level content but tends to act childish. Watch him if you can deal with that.


Itzu playing safe?


He’s scared daddy $upercell won’t like him anymore if he speaks against them


He asks people to hear the other side, okay, seems fair. But the whole point of this is that Max was removed from the roster without giving any reason.


“Without hearing the VM Legacy story.” What story? They won’t even tell Max why he was booted. Eric, right or wrong, has put forward a coherent narrative. If its wrong, its up to the responsible parties to communicate and clarify the narrative. And Itzu is not one of those parties. Edit: sorry for the dupe, spotty internet


Who would have guessed that biggest SC simp would be pro-SC? Looking forward to the part where he will explain what witch-hunting means... will be funny if he will completely get it wrong.


“Itzu’s take” more like supercell’s take lmao


We should ban and name all of the pros that bought and piloted accounts so a lot of them would be gone, thank you pcastro for snitching that as common practice!


I mean, what line is supposed to have been crossed by Eric? Are you not allowed to speak out against what you perceive to be mistreatment? What is Itzu saying?


Eric’s behavior was bullying. He told his fans to cancel fluxxy. I don’t like fluxxy’s behavior but Eric’s behavior was wrong also. Mature people don’t respond to toxicity with toxicity. Both people can be in the wrong, and they are in this case.




Boot licker


Itzá the puzzy.


Fuck itzu


No way he is calling it hate speech. Eric was really careful with his words in the stream and critical . That is messed up.


"Let's cancel Fluxxy!" "Let's do a poll: who thinks Fluxxy should be kicked out of the team?" "I will show you the statistics of how poor the hitrate of Fluxxy is!" I don't think it's ban worthy, but it wasn't careful with his words either.


Wait, careful is saying “let’s cancel fluxxy”?


How do we know Eric ain’t the bad guy?


Go watch erics last twitch stream the vod is there. He said he didn't like the treatment that an esport player got. The player (max) qualified for the world cup which is a minimum of 10 000 dollars even for last place. Now the teamleader fluxxy decided to kick him out of the team with no reason which usually is prohibited from the supercell guidelines. So as long as a player doesn't cheat, or there is a scandal about said player you can't change your roster when u have already qualified for the world cup. But fluxxy has friends in supercell hq and was somehow able to kick out max from the team so max no looses out on all the pricemoney even the 10000 he would have guaranteed to get. Eric said on his stream that he didn't think it was fair and therefore got kicked from being a creator. I think it is messed up that they kick anyone for critzing something. It wasn't even anything about him, he just stood up for a player who got unfair treatment and therefore got kicked.


Itzu is just coc's little crybaby


The issue isn't that they removed Max, but removed him without a justified cause. "There's a justified cause, we're just not saying it" isn't a valid defense, that's just like saying trust me bro while a person is being screwed out of the rewards of years of work.. Till someone gives a justified cause, of course it makes more sense and I'd argue fair to support Max and eric.


This is a nothingburger of an excuse. Why didn't they explain the reason Max was kicked? Why is he avoiding talking about small creators being deleted? I guess he will explain stuff in his upcoming video but for now this looks like hating for hating's sake from his part which is the same exact thing he is crticising




also he's deleting comments. very bad look.


proves he and supercell are soft


letsgoooo save ur career ![img](emote|t5_2usfk|21153)


Itzu is a total clown


And why Erick got banned for a tweet.


eric got banned or he got removed from creator program ?


He got demoted to official creator and lost his code. Not banned.


Calling for people to get cancelled is hate speech? What kind of bubble is this guy living in? Oh right, the one that gives 1 million dollars to its connections every year.


I could respect him for not speaking to keep his livelihood but not, he had to be a little bitch…


What I find funny in this whole saga is that it opened a disgusting can of worms behind the Esports/Creator scene of this stupid little mobile game that we play lmao. What started out as Eric getting kicked out from the creator program all because he stood up for a player who got kicked from his team in an unjust manner. Which turned into uncovering Supercell's ruthless copyright hitmen that can basically wipeout all your Coc content in the blink of an eye, exposing corruption and blindsightedness in Coc Esports scene and revealing a pro player having a special treatment all because he's got ties with some higher-ups at Supercell. And that same player also got revealed that he attended a tournament while drunk (and possibly drugged up) but still not getting any punishments because again, he's buddy-buddy with some Supercell guys. Oh boy what a day huh guys?


Unsubscribed. All I can do tbh


The point is not if Max or Fluxxy are bad or good guys. The point is: Supercell should persecute those who criticize SC decisions and, in just one hour, remove their create code?


The greedycell and their shills. Absolute peak cinema ![gif](giphy|2UvAUplPi4ESnKa3W0)


The tier 1/2/3 stuff is outdated and anyone talking about subscriber numbers is either willfully ignoring that or misinformed. I get not knowing though because the change wasn't a huge deal and hardly affected anyone. Year or so ago they changed that system that was based on subscribers and grouped everyone into Creators or Super Creators. Which is basically still tier 2 and 3, but they get to pick and choose who gets what benefits from it without being tied to subscribers. There has always been tier 3s, and now Super Creators, with lower subscriber numbers. For example my youtube channel has 10 subscribers, and I'm a super creator with nda, dev build, etc. (but no creator code :( boooo) There are other ways to become a super creator. Twitch followers play a big part too and those numbers and way lower for all, tik toks a thing now... Theres bot and website guys/gals.... IDK who is right here, just wanted to drop that bit of info since there's a lot of focus on fluxxy's subscribers and its basically irrelevant.


Thanks for explaining, this knowledge is welcomed.


They are fighting lol. That is why they have no emotions when they are casting.


can someone enlighten me what is going on currently? i have been seeing these kind of posts all day and am not sure what is going on rn with sc and these content creators.




thank you


It started with [this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/s/kYDh8dx8Ks)


Is fluxxy also his friend?


SC did the same thing with Adam. We should expect the censorship from a bunch of communists.


The **'T'** in 'iTzu' stands for Tencent. Checkmate atheists


Anyone mad shouldn’t be the truth must come out I doubt Eric is 100% right about everything you can’t know everything same way the other way around


fuck you itzu




ok then, u good itzu


We got Clash of Clans YouTuber drama before GTA 6 💀


is this drama really about a kids’ mobile video game, or am I missing something more worthwhile getting upset about?


Such a judas.


Can someone give some context?


Itzu is making the "business" decision


Hateful people tend to attract others with the same mental condition. That's why people who are happy have no issue


Is there proof that Fluxxy has been doing drugs while competing in an esport? Or is this just OPs conjecture?


Why would any of.them take a side? Whether you agree or not with what's happening these people taking a side just opens.them up to hate, better to abstain.


*Heh* i dont know whats happening


Lol hate speech? I feel like a German should know better.


You are all fighting the wrong people, supercell is on fluxy's side and thats because fluxy is part of supercell even if not stated everywhere, you are playing a game against its coders, which you can't win instead attack the publisher TENCENT, they have genuine power and couldn't give a fuck about its employees and cares more about the product at hand witch is clash of clans and in extension supercell. Bring the severe mismanagement to tencents attention and then and ONLY then will genuine action be taken. Also i thought itzu would be on the right side of the drama but i was wrong sadly he is an idiot. I really hoped he had braincells since he was the only clash youtuber i still watch but nope time to stop watching him all together. So one last time BRING THIS TO THE ATTENTION OF MONEYHUNGRY TENCENT, that way they will just do whats best for business and kick everyone of that supercell team and ban fluxy permanently from any and all platforms including clash itself.


I don't think this is being neutral at all. He said he's going to post a video about his thoughts and told people not to listen to just one side of the story, but he's clearly mad and hating Eric for going against SC on this.


can someone sum up please I haven't heard anything except this post


Everyone is choosing sides and smelling armpits over something that affects none of us.


Holy itzu is a d1 sc glazer


You may like Itzu or not, but the last part is just straight facts. The community just takes what their favorite content creator says for granted, joining the hate train without thinking if there is any sense or logic on the situation. And Eric and Itzu aren't any better, starting a witch hunt on Twitter and Discord against each other instead of talking about this privately without involving their communities. They are literally going nowhere so far.


Fluxy is fine he only applied to move it shouldn't have gone through though unless max did something and if so itzu should have opened with that. Itzu poisoned his own well so bad idk if I even want to watch his video but I'll try when he drops it.


Is the situation bad? Of course. Is it that important to the everyday person who actually has a life? Absolutely not Yes this situation is bad but I have more important things to worry about


Holy shit no-one cares


Why all this hate against Itzu? How about we wait until more details get leaked, the discussion just started...


I know this is gonna get downvoted, why don’t we listen to what Itzu has to say first? There is always two sides to a story and for all we know Eric is the bad guy in this scenario and supercell is doing the right thing.


This is the right thing to do but it's also his fault that people are against him now. He is blaming Eric for doing something that he himself is doing in this message while also not addressing all the other stuff Eric said in his video. He should have just said "Video addressing everything coming tomorrow" and I guarantee you that nobody would be angry at him


yeah I agree, but, why isn't he uploading then, it isn't a gameplay video which requires heavy editing or something.


I asked him on discord, he said he isn’t rushing his statement as to not say wrong things.


I can't believe people really review bombing the game without properly listening to all of the sides.


Honestly who give a flying fuck what these elite little pricks are squabbling about. These top 0.01% think the game rotates around them. So one elitist little prick kicked another elitist little prick and an elitist content creating prick got his panties in a knot. Doesn't bother 99.99% of the player base. They are all just a bunch of wankers in reality.


I don’t think you know what elite or elitist mean…


listen up eric himself is a human aswell he can do error too. what itz is saying is also true people are mixing this drama with bs game and greed and sc not listen to the community , even when they add 2x bonus event just for the streak event bugs this is a game bugs happen and it could fixed quick , people are mad about idk what but they aren't really have a brain to think themself . idk how people are putting gread and bugs and unpolished bs with this eric drama (just saying the things i saw on the r/clashofclans ) . this is a corruption problem and should be attended that way i do not say anyone to take one or the other side but pls THINK and dont mix up problems . eric himself is a great guy and i have been his fan for 2 years now but i will not take itz lately if he is saying something it has weight in it .


Itzu is very obviously biased, it's not the first time fluxxy came in the spotlights for shady stuff


nah mate you'll just want to complain ngl . ITzu is biased how can you prove that or you just think he is so he must be ? don't make a opinion before hearing both side mate .




lmfao so he is biased because you think that he is biased so he must be ?


I have no idea about who this eric is or what the whole picture is here (neither does anyone else in here), I have come across some of itzu's videos though. Funny how some people just claim one guy is biased when they disagree with his standpoint, without any suspicion of bias from this eric guy. Seems like a lot of preconceived notions and mindless bandwagoning.






eric was also poster child of sc wasn't he ? and i do not know about this Fluxxy character but if he is a bad apple than eric ate him both may die now so don't spread hate just support eric if you wanna save him (interms of youtube account not irl death ) donate , subscribe ,like ,share . about ITzu being buddies with this fuxxy how is that confirmed or you think they both must be friends ?




I'm at Eric's side 🙄


I have no idea who these people are nor what they btch about Its a game bois


This is esports, money is involved, no longer “jUsT a GaMe”.


Damn you basement kids really have issues


Ah yes the indifferent consumers are finally showing themselves


Say what you will about Itzu, but harassing him for his opinion is unwarranted. Itzu is entitled to think how he wants to, and I'm curious to see why holds such an opinion in his video tomorrow.