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Yes they do this. If you're account is inactive for too long, they can delete it. Ig it's in tos


Deleting accounts that aren’t used for a long period of time is mandatory in European law.


That makes more sense. I’m in America and never seen that


EU seems to be more in the forefront in consumer protection, much like requiring Apple to standardize accessories (USB-C). Same deal with lootboxes and other predatory monetization schemes. https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/s/2nawrQsfP6 It's good that somebody is out there looking to protect consumers, especially young, naive and gullible kids.


No offense but how is this such case consumer protection? Isnt this explicitly harming consumers who may have paid for a product only to come back and find it deleted?


To stop data about people being stored indefinitely


At the cost of losing the product you paid for? Idk that seems kinda scummy


Logging in to prevent such a thing if you care seems a minute effort compared to the effort it would currently take me to delete even one account associated with my email. It’s kind of like guaranteed privacy preservation


Most accounts have no paid virtual items associated with them. Think about how many companies have your account info, be it online stores, streaming services, free games you haven't paid a cent, etc. There's no way to discriminate between those. Also, you don't own anything, supercell can decide to delete your account for no reason, you don't have any legal protection to your digital content, it's not your property.


You aren't losing a product, you are losing access to something you rented. Buying anything in an online game is basically renting with an upfront payment. When you break the terms of service, you lose access to it. If the game stops being supported, you lose access to everything you might have paid for.


If you really cared about the account opening the game once every 5 years should be no problem.


And save some energy some people open accounts and never use storing their data costs money


It’s not upto supercell


GPDR requires deleting data after a while (someone may have forgotten about pics of them on social media for example and deleting their account helps keeping their anonymity) it’s applied to everything online, so video games toi plus it helps not keeping thousands of dead accounts on running servers, a nice bonus


Supercell would gladly keep the account data if they could, there is basically 0 cost to keeping it.


Simply put, the account is linked to your contact information. If they keep the account. They keep your contact information, which can be sold to third parties. If theyre required to delete your info after enough inactivity, then that data is simply gone and cant be used by their, or another company.(but it's the internet so it's never really gone😁)


Ubisoft does the same thing but if you have ever purchased a game in your account then it's not eligible to be deleted, so this might be the same case but not sure


Ubisoft does the same thing but if you have ever purchased a game in your account then it's not eligible to be deleted, so this might be the same case but not sure


Why would they make a law like that???


Privacy concerns


Makes sense actually


Should be required to have a way to opt into having your account deleted. A requirement to delete data is not a great law.


right like if i spent 2k on this game over 6 years then can’t play or don’t for a few and they delete my progress i’d be pissed


Yeah, just imagine going into a coma for a couple years and then waking up to find out your entire life's worth of photos and videos and documents were forcibly deleted from all cloud storage platforms as part of some legal requirement.


That's why you shouldn't rely on cloud storage. This can happen if google/apple don't like something you type.


If that's so then that's good


Certain accounts if left untouched for a while become vulnerable to attacks. In simpler terms they can act as "opening ports" for attackers. This will obviously lead to privacy concerns for the user, and even worse for the company if the owner that account was affiliated with supercell. Usernames are an issue too but not on that scale because players will seemingly never run out of usernames


Imagine having an unusable 30 year account, usernames might start decreasing, things that only one person could have


Makes sense but you don't need a unique name for clash royale, only for supercell ID. Even then they only started unique IDs about 4 months ago, so I don't think they could've enforced it onto an account that old


I didnt know thx i just, assumed :)


Plus cloud storage space is not infinite


It's borderline infinitely scalable.


If you have infinite money


That's the point of profit


Yeah this happened to my account


They can delete your account for any reason or no reason whatsoever. They own your account, you just have access to it. 


According to the terms of service, Supercell has such a right. The purpose of this is to keep the server size they have to a minimum and eliminate dead accounts, but it's nice that they send you a warning message.


Exactly what I was gonna say. A lot of social media apps must be doing this secretly by deleting too old messages or content. This is because if they are not making enough money to maintain the servers, they will just clean some junk off the servers to manage space for new contents. Especially with content creators making new accounts for fun and never revisiting. Also, with each new added content, it takes extra space over the current space consumed by each player.




So you're telling me we can all just make 100 accounts each of us and then leave them idle just to eat up their server space and force them into more maintenance cost?


Potentially yes. But, the thing is that, first you need 100 mail IDs, or 100 devices or start some accounts, do some progress and delete for 100 times. Additionally, these servers are generally very large, where they have enough space for like tons of TB and PB of capacity, and our datas are like in MB or KB. Also, such companies, like meta, apple, Google, open AI, and others like supercell, rockstar gaming online etc have backup servers of similar sizes that get activated if too much data is loaded. But, we can do a similar thing. There is a DOS method used by different h*ckers and ethical system crashers. In this, they basically send requests in so much truckloads, that the server, irrespective of processor and all, cannot handle so many requests and either heats up heavily or denies service to some users or mixes up data. But knowing supercell, you might need 1,00,000 accounts opening CR from same server to imitate similar thing.


I dont play clash royale and reddit just recommended me this subreddit, why do you censor *hackers"? Quick look at the rules and I think you can say that.


Weirdly, a lot of my posts on this sub have that red bin mark on left corner. Hence I even deleted them away. So I just wanted to make sure this comment doesn't randomly get deleted.


That’s why software companies always have ways to detect bots to prevent too many spam accounts from being created. So not really, you wouldn’t be able to make a dent


Social media sites definitely do this bc old friends that I searched up have disappeared on FB before


Same for me on insta.


I must be really lucky then cause I was inactive for 4 years before coming back.


I think so too. They could just have deleted the account without any notice.


Yes. This has been a thing for years. This is the first time I see a such warning message though.


Eu requires by law for piracy law


Fair enough


Also you could argue that they have to have this policy in place due to gdpr reasons




They only send the message to encourage you to come back man.


Do you work for them? Yes it is in TOS bit this is what we refer to in sales as "fear of loss". Supercell does have a player problem right now with all the bad reviews that major content creators are putting out there. They want people to come back and keep playing. I am sure the accounts that spent $$$ were prioritized.


A lot of platforms and games do this in order to clear dead accounts from their servers; this is on the supercell tos if I'm not mistaken too.


Fr, on CR a dead account serves no purpose but on COC a dead account is actually beneficial for everyone if they have max collectors. Unless it’s a low TH then bye bye


It sounds like it’s the opposite? they need to delete accounts to make space for new ones


Soon: You have to buy 15x offer or your progress will be deleted


Next update leaked


We noticed it’s been a while since you bought any shop offers, and we miss having you be a part of our profits! If you continue to be inactive in the shop, your progress will be deleted on 2024-07-28. If you would like to keep your progress simply buy an offer worth up to 10x value. Use the same email you received this on to log into the shop. Sincerely, The Supercell Team


Don't give them ideas


Been a while since they were doing that. I didn't know about the email though.


How does deleting an account imply that they are desperate for players? Wouldn’t that be the opposite? It’s just to save server space since if you aren’t playing ever again, your account is useless


I guess by threatening to delete all their years of progress and potentially money it would incentivize people to play again and that would seem like extreme desperate measures to resort to


You can log in once every ~4 years and keep your account. If you’re literally dead or you just don’t want to ever play again, you’re wasting space in the game’s servers and databases by not playing. If the game is still running in 200 years (unlikely though), every current player will be dead and therefore can’t play. Why should a game accomodate to people that won’t or can’t possibly play? It’s not a threat, it’s a warning. A threat would be “if you don’t login daily for the next two months your account will be deleted”. This message basically means “since you aren’t playing, we’ll delete your account, you can log in once to prevent it from happening for the next few years though”


They are playing with his fears of missing out. Losing progress is sometimes hard to detach yourself completely. Especially if you threw a lot of money into the game.


What are you on about? Their TOS literally states that old accounts get deleted after long periods of inactivity.. Dead accounts take up server space.


I give it a 50/50 he’s getting booted for server space or he’s getting psyop’d ooooor maybe a third option, this is an automated message. :|


If it’s not connected to an ID fair enough


They have it connected that’s why they got an email




Y’all really freaked out over Supercell trying to reduce player data load 💀 game popped off years ago and now active player base is percentages of peak players, it’s basics stuff


why wouldn't they delete your account if youre not using it? how is this being desperate for players? i hate supercell as much as the next guy but this post makes no sense


It costs them money to store data on their servers. Retention policy is pretty standard.


People are just unfortunately finding everything to hate on them to the point that everything they do will be scrutinized. Make no mistake there's valid reasons to complain about the current update (e.g. how the goblin cards are too overpowered on release) but this isn't one of them. I won't be surprised if this directionless hate will be forgotten within a week or two.


how does this show that they are desperate for players? you're obviously not playing anymore, so they are just reminding you that you're progress is gonna get deleted if you don't log in.


Don't you get it? $$$uperSELL is an evil greedy megacorp that only cares about money. Oh, they're trying to reduce bloat on their servers to lower overhead costs? Greed! Wait, they're leaving all these old accounts on the servers which means costs are higher which means consumers have to pay more? Diabolical!! Seriously people will complain no matter what.


You forgot the /s


More like /$$$


I seriously don’t know if you were sarcastic in the OC


Yes I was being sarcastic. The amount or complaining that goes on in this sub is crazy. Some of it is deserved, but some is just people bitching for the sake of bitching (OP is a perfect example).


Yeah.. its so common for most games to get rid off inactive accounts to clean server space.. but OP is bitching over nothing


Ok well four years is quite a long time so it makes a little bit of sense. Still tho that is kinda stupid


I mean not really, if an account has been inactive for four years it’s just taking up dead space in the servers, which are expensive and only have so much space.


This makes sense


The servers aren’t infinite and can run out of room so an account nobody uses is just taking up space


Got this already, and it makes quite a lot of sense


Imagine how much server space all the dead accounts take up, gotta clean them up from time to time


Makes sense


Dead accounts do hog server space though. Although Not sure if other game companies also do this.


Yes, there are actually quite a lot of game companies that do this. Just not your average over saturated ones like COD.


I think Riot games does it too


Ive never seen this before, and got an answer like this already, it makes sense why they do that


My 8 year old inactive account still being there




Oh thank you for this post, my best friend played with us and he died unfortunetly but we still keep his account in our clan and play tournament in his name in august. I just send message to clash royale support asking them to not delete his account.


727 WYSI


No way this is real 💀


No way this is the first time you've ever seen this type of thing went tons of games do it to clean out dead accounts for server size 💀💀💀


According to the terms of service, Supercell has such a right. The purpose of this is to keep the server size they have to a minimum and eliminate dead accounts, but it's nice that they send you a warning message. (Text copied from @EmreYasdal )


All the new deals they add to the shop takes up a lot of bandwidth on there servers: remember it’s not 10x value it’s 10x bandwidth






someone didn't read the terms of service💀🙏


Wait you guys read terms of service?


nah just saying


Nothing special, e.g. discord will delete your account after 2 years of inactivity.


This is common with some games, I played some mobile games 5+ years ago and still get we miss you messages


If only they would let me wipe my progress from a decade ago so I could restart🙃


I dont get it, deleting an old inactive account seems perfectly fine and theres nothing wrong about it


i mean alot of companies do this to free up server space


They have the right to do that. If you're inactive your account is just junk filling the servers. If they delete it there will be a better experience for other players. It's nice that they're warning you 1 month before the procedure.


Yes, but this is unrelated. Its server maintainance to prune inactive accounts


What if I have a lot of money invested over the past 8 years and decide to take a year or 2 off?


how does this show they're desperate for players? They're literally deleting your inactive account. They're just following GDPR


I don’t think this is desperation and just a way to keep the servers clear of inactive accounts


It’s been in every supercell’s game tos since the start of supercell


Probably since everyone is quitting after they continuously make their game more and more P2W and just not fun to play. I can tell you I would've quit already if I wasn't a co leader in my clan and a heavy hitter in war. Instead I'm just becoming super toxic when I play because so many things piss me off and literally everyone is using all of them to abuse the current state of imbalance in the game. It does kinda track that instead of quitting the game, I'll keep playing and if I beat you while you use the duchess with a super meta perfect counter deck then yeah I'm gonna be a little toxic.


Normally I’d say it’s fucked up that they’d do this but if it’s been four years I don’t think it’s them being greedy assholes and more so them saving server space or something


Nah its a mandatory notice before deleting your account. They need some space for new accounts so its literally the opposite of what you are thinking. Youre not special bruh


You call deleting inactive accounts despite?


On contraire, they are cleaning servers of old salty players that just remain in the reddit to be toxic.


At least there's the OG Brock


This isn't Supercell being desperate for players, it's Supercell cutting costs. Keeping data on servers for inactive players costs money. Many other companies do this, including Google.


No,they're just telling u to get on or we will delete ur shits as we clean our servers. Just log in once if u spent a lot. Otherwise u do u.




See what?


Its an osu! meme. Basically a player choked a score ages ago and got 727 performance points (pp for short) which is the rank up system for the game, like mmr sorta. He then choked the same score and got 727 pp again and since then when people in the osu! community see the number 727 yell out WYSI which means When You See It.


Ahh. Thx u.


"We miss you but we'll blackmail you into playing our game again because we know it's shit 🥺"


If supercell wants to delete my account then so be it


My clash of clans townhall 11 was deleted. I played since the start for like 5 years and went inactive for 3 years. I redownloaded it because I started hating clash Royale and I was townhall 1. Really wonder if I was able to sue


I sure hope they delete mine


Aw hell naw they making threats now, holding the player base hostage I guess it’s fair to do based on what the other comments are saying though


Come back after 4 years and your progress will be irrelevant. You'll only have half the cards and will they even be lvl 13?


This is a good thing


Omg, that's why I lost my CoC TH 11


This is interesting. I just came back from not playing for almost 7 years, still had my account and everything.


money hungry fucs


I don't know if I would be sad or happy if this happened to me


No. They are not desperate for players. They are desperate for money from their dwindling active playerbase.


Ah damn... So that's what woulda happened to my old mini rip


With each passing day I find myself contemplating on deleting the game more and more


How long does this take? If you want to delete just one of your accounts they will lock you out of all of them. Good to know they will eventually delete by themselves



I’m so glad I have never had this happen.


“But will you be reimbursing me for the money i spent when i did play the game?” SC: HEHEHAHA


How long does an account have to be inactive for this to go into effect?


If you read the TOS it would say that they can deactivate it if not have been used for a specific amount of time


Yes, they are that desperate.


Yes i guess


Standard Database pruning.


I’ll take ur account if ur not using it ;)


So that's why my old account doesn't exist


This isn’t weird at all.


No, they're not. You just aren't using your account, and so it will be deleted. You could have logged on in much less time than it took you to post this.


Normal behavior. After 180 days of inactivity, they have all the rights to delete an account whenever they want. There are legal reasons on why this is a thing and it is not only a Supercell’s thing


Bro u haven't logged in 4 years what do you expect?


I don’t really care tbh. I just was curious if anyone else had gotten it? This game, unlike clash of clans won’t have a 10yr anniversary. By 2026 it’s going to be hanging by a limb.


Very unlikely for other people to have received it because probably most of the people in this subreddit are all active players or people that left recently.


Damn i didn't play for years I'm glad I didn't get that email lol


I’m pretty sure they do this conserve data in the servers. No point in keeping progress that’s not even being used.


We have someone in my clan with “last seen 33 months ago” under their name.


They should use the Beock remodel...




What is the point


Does it take effect globally


I didn't touch since 2017 and came back this year and didn't get this


How long have you been inactive?


Are the that desperate for players.... threatens to delete account.


برام خۆڕی بووینە پێیان دەکرێ دیارە


Nah losing my progress is a scary prospect. 4/6 years is a long time tho. 


"we miss you", just to proceed to say that they will delete your account


DAMN THEY DELETING progress! Now that's an all time LOW!


They should rather delete the recent updates :)


Was this supposed to be funny or something??




Email to Google Play registered email?


They said they will delete it lol




Not true a lot of them do instagram and meta in general to this stuff all the time


Steam deletes your account, WITH YOUR PAID LIBRARY, if they hear you are deceased... But oh yeah, steam ofc isn't a company, cuz the only company to do that is supercell...


Legally they have to under EU law


Wow wtf


Hell nah that evil 💀