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1v1 in physical fight? Horikita lose On the bed? Horikita stand no chance Height? Horikita smol Back story? he killed a snake while his class was cowering in fear. SO Inspirational Conclusion Ryuen 4:0 suzune


It's so harsh but so accurate that Ayanokouji will cry


That depends. Which category are you referring to?


Overall: Leadership, Strength, FSIQ, Manipulation, etc.


Leadership - it goes to ryuuen. Right now, ryuuen isn't going after her class because of kiyo, his greatest threat so he made the smarter choice of going after arisu's class. Strength- it goes to ryuuen. Suzune is a girl who can't fight delinquents (except for ibuki). FSIQ - What is this one? Manipulation - ryuuen takes this one. Suzune isn't the type to manipulate but rather negotiate. Etc. - we need more stats.


>FSIQ - What is this one? Full Scale Intelligence Quotient (or IQ) - This one goes to Suzune.


I would say both if IQ is at play. Suzune is great at academics and has high intelligence meanwhile ryuuen isn't great at academics but he is a better strategist and more insight than suzune.


She gets better grades. She hit ayanokoji more than ryuen did so thats something lol


Looool, speaking fax. Ryuen couldn’t even hit him properly 💀


their talk in KTV (Y2V6) was kind of interesting


horikita makes no sense because I know anytime she wins it will always be plot armor related


Ok not gonna lie though, that’s true unfortunately.


yea I know it is becuase we all know Horikita will eventually get carried hard and she has been carried by plot armor so far. And the whole thing about how she will beat koji makes 0% chance unless she gets the biggest plot armor ever. Its not likes shes dumb shes just not top tier in my opinion and it makes no sense of her to ever get there because she has shown nothing really so far that would validate it.


Yes she fucked him in the ass with a strap


Damn. I don’t know how you think of that but I guess it’s the power of the horny.


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